The Recluse (closed)


Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2011
John Wentworth heard the alarm from his state of the art security system. The notion detector picked up someone neat the front gate. He walkwd down the corridor to the room where he could observe the many camera feeds that surrounded his house. Well, compound really.

He didn't like visitors, he didn't get many anymore. The local people from the nearest small town respected his privacy and protected him. It didn't hurt that he threw large amounts of cash their way, silence and respect could be bought.

Ten years ago he was one of the most famous men in the world. A three time academy award winning director and producer. His movies were loved by critics and fans alike. We was called "the voice of a generation.... The greatest filmmaker since Orson Wells.....the man who reinvinted american movie making.". He was an eccentric genius, difficult to work with, arrogant, controlling, and as a famous actress once said "the biggest asshole on the planet but i want to be in every one of his movies, he makes careers."

He slept with every actress he worked with, he drank constantly and did every drug imaginable. He was married twice, and divorced twice, with two stints in rehab. All before the age of 30.

He made a movie called "flight of the raven". It bombed terribly. His magic touch was questioned for the first time. He suddenly didn't have as many friends in Hollywood. During this rough period he met a nice girl, Karen. She wasn't in the industry, she called him on his bullshit and sttod up to his dramatics and his arrogance. He fell deeply in love. They married and had a child.

Then one warm June day, he was in Canada filming his comeback film. A stalker, a crazed fan who sent him insane rambling love letters broke into his home in Los Angeles, she killed his wife and daughter before killing herself.

After that terrible day, no one ever saw him again. He never made another movie, never did another interview, he disappeared.

The media buzzed about it for months. Some said he committed suicide, some said he ran away to a third world country.

What he did was buy an old house on a mountain top in the deep woods of Maine. Five miles from the nearest small town, thee miles from the nearest road. No one bothered him. He was unrecognizable, in his Hollywood days he was known for his long hair, his beard, and his indulgent lifestyle made him a bit overweight. He was now shaved bald, and his muscular build that he got from strenuous workouts and extensive work he did on his house.

It had been ten years now after all.

His only visitors were the women. Women who he met online or through certain contacts.
They were women who enjoyed men with his tastes and fetishes. Women who enjoyed being trained.. Dominated.....punished.
He always had these tastes...but now they consumed him.
They were all free to leave at any time, some stayed one night, some stayed weeks, or months. He compensated them all for their time, quite generously.....

He had two secret rooms in his house. One was filled with guns, knives, bomb making equipment. He would not have his home invaded again.
The other room was for them, his women, where he could play with them and make them his. Teach them how to submit to a superior being....

He didn't like unexpected visitors.......
Sophie Hodges
23 years old

"Sophie, Mr Wenston needs to see you in his office", the station receptionist, Marla called as Sophie walked into work.

Her mind began to wander. Had she done something wrong? She was relatively new to the journalism field. She had yet to even do an on air interview or story. Right now she was stuck chasing down stupid stories and getting the boring facts. She had to earn the right for a big story.

Making a 90 degree turn, she headed to her right towards her boss's office. She stopped outside of his door and smoothed her bob-cut honey blonde hair, and her purple silk blouse/black skirt combo.

She knocked on the door.

"Mr Wenston?" She asked as she was beckoned inside. "Marla said you needed to see me?"

"Ah, Sophie. Yes. I've been reviewing all of your previous stories. You are an excellent journalist, and you are a hard worker. I believe you're ready for a potentially big story. Do you remember the director John Wentworth?"

Sophie nodded, even though she was young she knew the name and some of his work.

"He disappeared ten years ago after his wife and child were murdered. Tragic story. If you aren't familiar with it, read up on it. Anyway... We think we've found him. Since you've never been on tv yet, I'm going you the opportunity to break this story wide open. But you'll have to go in undercover for a few days, maybe weeks? Ate you interested?"

Sophie's heart raced as she nodded.


She glanced at the fake business card in her hand again as she approached the huge compound dressed in jeans and a clean, cotton t-shirt.

"Sophie Dadds. Professional cleaning service. No job too big or too small".

Taking a deep breath, she reached up and rang the bell to the gate with a shaking hand. She prayed to god quickly that he could pull this off.
A voice startled her, it came from the gate. "What!? What do you want?? I Don't want or need anything you are selling, and I don't give to charities."

She recited her practiced line about the cleaning service.

"I clean my own house! Do you think I live out here because I want town people knocking on my door?" Replied the voice, sounding downright irritated now.

Right, like some girl from a cleaning service decided to hike two miles through the woods to make a cold sales call....gotta do better than that whoever you are.

"Miss, you take one step in my property and there will be consequences, I'm heavily armed.


Sophie glared at the talking gate before her. She knew who the voice truly was but it irritated her that he wouldn't let her in. If she were anything in life she were stubborn a persistent. Her finger- much steadier now that she was annoyed - touched the buzzer again.

A growl was what she received.

"I don't believe you understand what services im offering, sir. I offer the best cleaning around. Nobody cleans as well as I do".

What a load of shit. She hated cleaning and had argued with her boss tooth and nail over this ruse.

"If you would let me up I would be able to show you the... Services that I offer" she smiled pleasantly at the gate camera and made sure to let it get a good glimpse down the low cut v-neck style t-shirt she was wearing.

"I really think you would be quite pleased" she pushed.
This girl was persistent, he admired that, wouldn't be so persistent after being tied up naked in his dungeon after a few hours.

This was his biggest fear, even though he had not used his real name since he moved here, he always feared that one if the locals put 2and 2 together, mentioned it at the diner, someone else heard the speculation, told a cousin who told Gus down at the filling station, who told his niece who worked at TMZ or the NY times.

He didn't want to have to relocate.

"I told you already" he said with a sigh "i am not interested in WHATEVER you are selling"

Are you going to make me and my dogs and my gun escort you out? I won't be happy"
"I love dogs!" Sophie chimed. "I don't think they're necessary to come down to meet me though... However if you would like to come down and discuss what I'm offering that would be fabulous. Come on sir, what do you have to lose? A few minutes of your time? I'm not that bad of a person" she flashed him another beautiful smile.

"Please come down or let me up. I really think if you do you'd be impressed".

She heard a growl and nothing more. She hit the buzzer a few more times an no answer. She felt defeated... Until she saw the gate swinging open. A smile lit up her face and she hurried through the gate only to come face to face with a tall, muscular man wielding a gun with two huge dogs behind him, not growling but staring intently. The smile melted away.

"Oh... Uh... Hi! I'm Sophie" she said tryin to be bright and cheerful. "Thanks for coming down..."
"You need to leave right now, Sophie, or whatever your name really is, whoever you really are. The cleaning girl trick didn't work, the cleavage in the camera didn't work, and I can guarantee you my dogs will NOT like you."

He was beginning to worry, she must have done her research, Sophie was his daughter's name. What was this girl up to?

"Come on, let's go!!!!". He grabbed her by the upper arm and dragged her towards the entrance.

"Owwwwwww!!!!" She screamed and fell down. "My ankle!" She cried.

He looked down in disgust. "And the academy award for best actress goes to Sophie, or whatever her name is, Jennifer or Stacey or Melissa."

"Get out"
There was no acting being done. When the man had pulled her away from his home, Sophie had wrenched her ankle in a way no ankle was made to bend. He continued to pull on her which merely made it worse. Snatching her arm from his grasp she screamed at him.

"Get off of me you fucking bastard! I can't stand!" Tears welled in her eyes as she rubbed the ankle which was already beginning to turn colors. "I'm not faking. And my name is really Sophie!"

She remembered her job.

"And I really am running a cleaning service!" She added quickly. "What is your deal?? Do you treat all your visitors like this?!"

As she sat on the ground rubbing her throbbing ankle. It WAS him ... He just looked way different than any pictures he had seen. Before he had been an average looking man but now... Well now he was hot.

She narrowed her eyes at him as he looked down upon her.
He. Set the gun aside and squatted down next to her. "Pull up your pant leg" she flared at him "please" he said in a frustrated sigh. She did and he touched the ankle gently, she screamed and pulled the foot away.

"I'm sorry I caused you to hurt yourself. I'm sorry I accused you of faking." He said but with no emotion.

"Put your arm around my shoulders.". She did what he said. He stood up and they walked to the house. He supported her bad leg with his body. He asked if she could put any week ght on that ankle and she cried out when she tried.

He brought her into the house, against every instinct he had, his nerves were on edge.
He had her sit on the first chair they came to, and he got a stool to put her ankle on. He sat downnext to her and examined the ankle.

"Well, I don't think it is broken. But it looks bad. I'll bandage it up, be right back.
When he came back he wrapped her ankle up and said "you should really have a doctor look at it,Miss....."
"DDad's, Sophie dadds" she replied

He fought to control his rage. Sophie Dadds. Sophie's dad.....she knew exactly who he was. He felt the walls closing in, he would have to pay her off and relocate.

She knew who he was.
He knew that she knew who he was.
But she didn't know that he knew that she knew who he was.
It was a slight advantage.
If he just played as a nice odd man who lived out in the woods, maybe she would have pityvon him.

He decided to play along with the cleaning girl game.

"I'm sorry we got off on the wrong, um, foot. I'm Martin Hitchcock. I twas the alias he used in town. A private joke, the first and last names of his favorite directors. He was surprised no one picked up on it no big film buffs in rural Maine he guessed

"Hi Martin" she shook has hand.

"I assume you left your car by the fence along the dirt road?". She shook her head yes.
" OK, I dont want you to try to drive. I can take you either to the nearest hospital or to a family or friends place in town.". She told him she wanted to go to the hospital, of course...she wasn't fromtown, he thought.

He went and got her some pain relievers and told her to stand up on her good leg. She did and he put one arm on the back of her thighs and one on her back and picked her up. Carried her to his car. She was light, small, and it was easier than supporting her when she tried to walk.

He didn't make eye contact the whole time, she was cute, he didn't want to let his guard down.
Martin Hitchcock. Sophie made the connection immediately but of course disk say a word. He was actually being civil and she don't want to ruin that. He offered to take her to the hospital which she gratefully accepted. Her ankle really did hurt but she thought it probably only a minor sprain. She was betting by tomorrow with a little ibuprofen she could walk like normal.

Being an athlete in school she had had many minor injuries like this one and and knew she was a fast healer. He didn't need to know that though. She could play off his sympathies. These medical bills would cost "a fortune" for a lowly housekeeper.

Once "Martin" had wrapped her ankle he surprised her by lifting her up into his strong arms- they were nicely muscled she noticed- and carrying her to a rather luxurious, but unpretentious car.

He seated her firmly in the passenger seat and left her to do her own seat belt. She sat quietly as he started the car and backed out of the garage.

"I'm sorry I was so pushy..." She said quietly in the awkward atmosphere. "I'm just really needing to establish some clientele and a big place likes yours would be awesome on my résumé, so to speak".

She tried to sound a tiny desperate, to try and convince him to allow her back in his home.

"You must see why I did it..."
He waited for her at the hospital, it was a quick trip, they gave her some prescription pain killers and re-wrapped the ankle. When she hobbled back into the waiting room, he looked her over from head to toe. He asked her if she had a place to stay. She said she didn't. On the off chance that she WAS telling the truth, he couldn't leave her on her own, he didn't have it in him.

When they got in his car and headed toward his home, she asked again about cleaning his house. She was persistent, but he knew she wasn't telling the truth.
He could drop her off in town, she could stay at the Motel 6. If she was really who she said she was, she wouldn't be back. If he saw her again, it would further verify that she had an agenda, and he wasn't sure what he would do then.

Most of he, he needed to come up with a plan of how to deal with her. He needed to think -alone.

Who knew has life might come apart at the hands of a young beautiful girl.
She was thankful for the higher dosage pain killers. He asked if she had anywhere to stay and she lied. She had a hotel room but she was hoping to make her story more believable by saying she was looking for a job that included room and board.

"I guess you could say I'm looking for more permanent jobs. The ideal situation would be for me to find a live in position. I can cook and clean and do whatever else needed to be done... I was really hoping you would have need for something like that."

She flashed him a smile but it looked a little forced since she was in pain still. She prayed the painkillers kicked in soon.

"I really appreciate your helping me out, Mr Hitchcock" she said softly as he remained silent. "You could have just left me there on my own but you didn't. Thank you."
The awkward silence continued the whole drive back to his house. He didn't mind, he was used to silence, he hoped the tension would make her talk, make her say something that would give her away. But it didn't.

He watched her as he drove, The pain meds were talking effect, she actually looked like she was about to nod off, or at least pretended to be.

She really was a beautiful girl, actually woman. She had a young innocent look, blonde, blue eyes, sweet. She also had a persistence, stubbornness, and audacity that belied her looks. She was so attractive that he began to think about bringing her home and hiring her just so he could have such a beautiful woman in his house, maybe have a "regular"sexual relationship. He had not had that in ten years. But no, he was so angry about the name she chose, and the fact that she held his future in her young hands, he began to seethe again. Not just her, but whoever sent her, she surely was not smart enough to take him down alone. Who did she work for? A newspaper? The government? An old enemy? No, she needed to be punished, to be humbled, to submit, to be trained.

He decided then and there he had to have her.

He would give her a "job interview" in which he would let her know just what he needed in a "live-in housekeeper" if she stuck around, she would be his plaything, if she left, she would not have enough proof that he was who she thought he was. It would be just speculation, and no paper would print it, plus he would take a few pictures, pictures that would embarass her away from doing anything.

It wasn't much of a plan, but it was a plan, and it was coming together.
The pain killers were beginning to kick in. The throbbing in her ankle had faded to a full ache, and her eyelids were growing heavier and heavier by the second. She was having serious issues holding her eyes open as he drove up the lonely mountain road. She wondered briefly if he ever got lonely...

It was her job to find that out.

That was her last conscious thought before the mess fully kicked in and her eyes drifted closed completely. She wasn't aware of it as they pulled into his garage yet again. She wasn't aware of it as he opened her car door, got out and walked around, and opened her door.

The next thing she was aware of was him gently, but firmly, shaking her awake.

Her eyes cracked open and she looked sleepily up at him.

She looked beautiful and angelic like that, all tired and innocent in his car. "Do infer the job?" She murmured with a smirk as she stood up. If nothing else, she was an upbeat, perky woman. Nothing like being an optimist.
He shook her awake and helped her from car to the house. He had he sit in a comfy chair while we went to fix up the guest room. It had been a while since anyone stayed there.

When he came out, she was sleeping. He took the opportunity to sit at the kitchen table, make some coffee and write some things down. He liked to have a plan. He would have her sleep in the guest room tonight. He'd allow her 48 hours to "interview" for the position. She would clean, cook, try to win him over, but in fact, it wouldn't matter. She would get the job. Then the training would begin.

When he went back to check on her she was waking up.

"Miss Dadds, you are welcome to stay in the guest room tonight. I guess you have shown that you deserve a trial "job interview" we will go over the details in the morning. Let me show you where you will be sleeping. As you can see, you have your own bathroom, and the guest room is well furnished. I like to get up and start the day early, so your interview will start at say, 7am?
Sophie stirred and looked around blinking. She suddenly realized where she was and sat upright. He was sitting there watching her and what he said made her heart race.

"You... You're gonna let me try and earn the job? oh gosh thank you so much! This is awesome. You won't be disappointed. I dont mind being up early. Is there anything ok for you before I go to the room to rest? I can do whatever you. You will see" she practically beamed at him.

She stood slowly, bracing her weight on the crutch her doctor had given her. He towered over her when they stood. He was standing close by then and she felt a tingle of awareness running through her body.

"Anything at all?" She questioned once again.
"Anything at all?" She questioned again.
He smiled, "I like that attitude, hold it, it will come in handy tomorrow. If you get hungry, feel free to help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I'll see you in the morning."

He showed her to the room, and they said goodnight.

He sat up for a hours, thinking about the situation and his options, he needed to be smart. If this played out the way he hoped, he wouldn't have to worry about his secrets coming out. He finally did fall asleep.

When he woke up, shortly after sunrise, he could have sworn he smelled coffee, and he thought he could hear someone humming happily in the kitchen.
Sophie lay in her room that night, her mind abuzz with a ton of thoughts. She had scored an "interview" with him. She needed to succeed in this interview so she could get her story. She quickly emailed her boss from her smart phone, informing him of the situation and then set an alarm an forced herself to sleep.

At 5am the alarm went off. She hurriedly showered in the bathroom he had shown her, dressed, and went down stairs. He hasn't asked her but she assumed breakfast would be a good way to get ahead.

So she started coffee, and then began frying eggs, and bacon along with cooking some toast. She sliced up a grapefruit and was just putting it all out on the table when he walked in the kitchen. The food was piping hot and cooked to perfection.

"Good morning!" She chimed. "I hope you don't mind that I cooked breakfast! How do you like your coffee?"

He looked extremely handsome, she noted as he walked in. She smiled at him trying to be friendly, and upbeat, praying he would appreciate everything she had done for him already that morning.
He walked in to the kitchen to see she had already prepared breakfast. It appeared that she was comfortable cooking and she obviously could take initiative. It smelled great, as soon as he sat down she put a cup of coffee in front of him.

He gave her a small smile and said "Good Morning, Miss Dadds." They sat and ate in silence, the tension filling the air.

"So I'm giving you a 48 hour trial period. Then we will decide if you are going to stay on in a more permanent basis. We are both free to walk away within the next 48 hours, no questions ask. This 48 hour trial is as much for you to decide as it is for me. I realize that I have my quirks and eccentricities, and that I can be a big pain in the ass. Plus, we are in the woods of Maine. November to March, there is a good chance you are stuck here, you realize that, right?"

She nodded, and kept listening. "I do have a few rules" He continued "First and foremost I am a private man, I cherish my privacy, obviously, I've lived out here by myself for years. So rule # 1 is that if I find you taking pictures, recording anything, or writing down accounts of anything that goes on here, your employment is terminated. Rule #2 no questions about my past life before I moved here. Rule #3 there are two locked rooms downstairs - no are not to enter them without my permission, ever. If I want you to go in there, I will let you know."

"there will be other rules, but that is all you need to know for now."

She listened, and then got up to clear the dishes.

"you like to please people, don't you? you wouldn't be in this line of work if you didn't. I like that, I can respect that. It means a lot to you to get praise and recognition for a job well done. that is a great attitude. If I hire you, you will be generously compensated. You won't complain about salary, I can guarantee it."

"miss you have a problem with me telling you that you are quite beautiful?"
Sophie listened intently as he outlined his rules, barely speaking a word except for the occasional "yes sir" or "I understand". Little did he know she already knew all about his past. And she might not record anything but her sharp mind and acute memory would serve her well in this situation.

"I do like to make people happy, and when I find someone who I enjoy pleasing, I do my best to always make them want me around. It's in my nature and always has been. Sometimes im loyal to a fault and end up jeopardizing my own well being in order to make others happy".

She continued cleaning up the breakfast dishes and then turned to face him at his next question. Her expression was contemplative.

"Thank you" she finally said. "I don't mind".

She finished cleaning up the dishes and then sat down at the table again. "So what else would you like me to do today? Clean? What time donut usually have lunch, and do you have any special requests? I can do a lot more than just cook and clean. Whatever you may need."

She stared at the handsomest before her. He often looked at her skeptically and she wondered if he knew she had an ulterior motive. Surely not though. She hasn't done anything to make him think so. She awaited his answer patiently.
He looked at her with a mix of curiousity and suspicion. "well, the weather is nice today, so I need to go collect wood, you'd be amazed how much wood I go through in a winter. I'll probably be out in the woods chopping trees all day. If you want to pack me a sandwich or something I can take with me. I'll take it and leave it in the truck."

"As far as other things that you can do, I'm sure I can find tasks for you. I'm a pretty clean person, not like you are going to spend all day cooking and cleaning. What other talents do you have? I'm sure you will find soon enough that I have particular tastes and likes. Perhaps we can talk about other areas of needs that I have. Are you willing to take on some extra job training, maybe we can find some other ways for to take care of each other."

He didn't want to come out and proposition her, but he wanted to know just how far he could go, then again if she left now, nothing ventured, nothing gained, he wouldn't have to worry about any security leaks. What the hell is he worried about?

"How willing are you to serve me and make me happy?"
Sophie was mildly curious as to how else she could serve him but she knew one thing for sure. She had to do whatever it took to stay there and get the story. When he asked what she was willing to do she smiled at him.

"I will do anything you need me to, sir. If you couldn't already guess, I need this job".

She saw the contemplative look on his face and hoped he would agree. "I will go ahead and get a lunch for you to take with you. Anything specific you would like? Since your a clean person if you would tell me something to do to keep myself busy today I will gladly do it, whatever it is".

She was standing next to him, as he was seated at the table. Her chest was about the level for him, definitely more than a palm full and yet not huge. She was wearing a clingy silk blouse and a pair of tight fitting shorts that showed off her tones legs and impressive chest, in hopes of helping him make a decision in her favor.
"Yes, I think we need to get you some uniforms, even though what you are wearing is perfectly nice, and, um, shows your lovely body quite nicely.....I think you need to look more, appropriate shall we say?"

He grabbed a pen and paper and started to write something down. "while you make my lunch, I need to make some arrangements. Just see what is an the refrigerator, make something up, impress me with your creativity."

She went to work on lunch while he went in the other room to make a phone call. she heard him talking to someone in a hushed tone, but could not make out what he was saying.

He came into the kitchen as she was finishing up. "I'll be out in the woods for most of the day. While I'm gone, I would like you to take my car and go into town." He handed her a sheet of paper with an address and phone number on it. "Go to this address and ask for Miss Annie. She has instructions to make you some, lets say, uniforms. Some other things too. She will take your measurements and make tailored clothes for you. They will be ready in a few days, after you trial period. Like I said, I have particular tastes and requirements."

"When I get back I'll get cleaned up and we can have dinner, get to know each other a little better."

He gave her an envelope that he said had instructions and a down payment for Miss Annie.

He thanked her for lunch and said he had to leave. He took her hand in between both of his, gave her a smile, and said "I hope you are ok with everything so far. I hope I'm not freaking you out, I like you, Sophie, I want this to be the start of a great working relationship that can be beneficial for both of us."
"Uniforms. Ok, sure. I can do that". She wondered briefly what kind of uniforms were of his taste. Then she set about making a lunch for him. She tried to make it fairly healthy, choosing to make a turkey wrap, some fresh fruit, and some vegetables.

She packed it all up in a thermal container she found, along with some water bottles. She had just finished when he handed her the envelope and his car keys instructing her on what to do. She smiled at him and his words.

"I'm perfectly fine with what you have said. I told you that I am extremely willing to please... Are you sure you're ok with me taking your car?"

His car seemed expensive so she was hesitant on driving it on these unfamiliar mountain roads but if he trusted her and wished for her to, then she would. A few minutes later she was off, driving into town and finding the building.

From the front it looked like an average seamstress shop... She didn't see many uniforms though.
Annie was straightening up her shop to make it extra impressive for her expected visitor. Another woman coming in on request of the odd man who lived out in the woods. He called himself Martin, but she knew that wasn't his name.

She had worked with him several times, met him twice when he would come in to gave a payment. She had a pretty good idea of what was going on up there, she was curious about his exploits, but knew better than to ask too many questions. The only thing she had to ask when before they started their arrangement was that nothing illegal was going on. He assured her that everything was legal, and all participants were willing and no one was being asked to do anything against their will. Of course he could be lying, but something in his polite manner and calm demeanor told her the he was telling the truth.

She had made customer fitted outfits for several women. He had a wide ranging taste, everything from soft formal dresses, athletic wear, and some leather corsets, and, well, what she could onlt term as bondage wear. Things that could be used to restrain someone.

She would see the women when they came in the shop and when they came back to pick up the clothes. They never seemed scared or nervous, always quiet but self assured, like they knew what they were doing and wanted nothing more than to please him by wearing what he wanted. They were usually young, in good shape, and he seemed to like every race, build, shape, size, ethnic group. He didn't discriminate. She would see them for a few months, then they were gone and a new one would come in.

When she met him, he was always polite, yet firm, controlled. She got the idea that he looked vaugely familiar, like she had seen him before, but couldn't place it. He was very attractive, no matter who he was. She wondered why he brought in these women, when there were women in town who would love to spend time in his company, like herself for instance, sure she was a little older than his girls, and had a few more pounds than most of them, but she was voluptuous, experienced, and willing to be adventurous.

His newest girl came in, she said her name was Sophie. She was young, blonde, and petite. (of course she was) She handed Annie an envelope with his instructions. This one said she was his "maid" ok, whatever you want to call it, Annie thought to herself.

"ok my dear, you can head to the back room, take off your clothes, I'll be back in a minute to take your measurements."

the girl seemed a little unsure, but then seemed to reassure herself and took a deep breath and went to the room she was told.

What did they do up there in that old house????