Literotica Guru
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Richard "Rick" Adams was only thirty five, very young for having already had two different novels on the NY Times best seller list. The problem being, the last was six years ago. He was described as "an exhilarating cross section of John Grisham and E. L James!" He was offended by both comparables. His crimes, his villains and heroines were one helluva lot more interesting, deviant and thrilling than Grisham. James! Fuck that, if 50 shades made you hard or wet, you were either a spinster or a virgin!
He did write thrillers, and there wasn't just erotica sprinkled in, there was red hot, blow your mind, or your load, sex! Doubleday had been patient, twice advancing on his advance, but all he had to show for it was thirty different outlines, none fleshed into a story, most filed in the circular file. He was shocked when Pamona called. The west coast school looked its nose down on Stanford for Christ's sake. He had applied to Pamona coming out of high school, he was rejected. Of course they weren't alone, he went 0 for the Ivy's, 0 for NESCAC, O for most everything other than Florida St, where he gladly accepted, and was introduced to much of the debauchery that had made its way into his first two novels.
Yet somehow, the well had run dry, and given the opportunity, he had fled to California, taken the professorship at the snooty university. He developed his English Lit and Creative Writing curricula for the two different senior level seminars he would teach. He knew he needed a muse, something to replenish the creative juices, and he looked to this new place, his students to rejuvenate his genius. This was the first day of class, Creative Writing for Authors, 402. It was available for every year of student who had the appropriate prerequisites, but it was primarily upper class students, as well as graduate students. Prior to starting he had emailed them an assignment, these were some of the brightest students in the world, the assignment, 3000 words, "Make Me Feel!"
The class had 75 students in it, later that day, basically the same message would be sent to his second class. Rick entered from the back and walked down the center aisle of the mini amphitheater setting. He held their papers high in his hand. "Welcome to Creative writing for Authors, I had intended to grade these papers, and I did, a few, but I read them all! I am sure, many of you are quite brilliant in your own way, others don't give a shit! The sad thing is, reading these, I could not tell who was who? You write to be free, to go to a place, to feel things you might not feel any other way. If you write sex, you better be hard or wet, if you write suspense, your spine better tingle and your heart should be beating out of your chest! Jesus Christ people, imagine it, feel it, express it!"
He separated the stack into several small piles, and began tearing them up, putting them into a metal waste basket, which he then set on fire. "This is my one gift to you, a fresh start, I will have extended office hours all week, come to me, talk with me, I am confident you all have a brain, a pulse a soul, now we just have to find them?" It was only then he noticed the class was 80% women, and he smiled, this should be interesting!
He did write thrillers, and there wasn't just erotica sprinkled in, there was red hot, blow your mind, or your load, sex! Doubleday had been patient, twice advancing on his advance, but all he had to show for it was thirty different outlines, none fleshed into a story, most filed in the circular file. He was shocked when Pamona called. The west coast school looked its nose down on Stanford for Christ's sake. He had applied to Pamona coming out of high school, he was rejected. Of course they weren't alone, he went 0 for the Ivy's, 0 for NESCAC, O for most everything other than Florida St, where he gladly accepted, and was introduced to much of the debauchery that had made its way into his first two novels.
Yet somehow, the well had run dry, and given the opportunity, he had fled to California, taken the professorship at the snooty university. He developed his English Lit and Creative Writing curricula for the two different senior level seminars he would teach. He knew he needed a muse, something to replenish the creative juices, and he looked to this new place, his students to rejuvenate his genius. This was the first day of class, Creative Writing for Authors, 402. It was available for every year of student who had the appropriate prerequisites, but it was primarily upper class students, as well as graduate students. Prior to starting he had emailed them an assignment, these were some of the brightest students in the world, the assignment, 3000 words, "Make Me Feel!"
The class had 75 students in it, later that day, basically the same message would be sent to his second class. Rick entered from the back and walked down the center aisle of the mini amphitheater setting. He held their papers high in his hand. "Welcome to Creative writing for Authors, I had intended to grade these papers, and I did, a few, but I read them all! I am sure, many of you are quite brilliant in your own way, others don't give a shit! The sad thing is, reading these, I could not tell who was who? You write to be free, to go to a place, to feel things you might not feel any other way. If you write sex, you better be hard or wet, if you write suspense, your spine better tingle and your heart should be beating out of your chest! Jesus Christ people, imagine it, feel it, express it!"
He separated the stack into several small piles, and began tearing them up, putting them into a metal waste basket, which he then set on fire. "This is my one gift to you, a fresh start, I will have extended office hours all week, come to me, talk with me, I am confident you all have a brain, a pulse a soul, now we just have to find them?" It was only then he noticed the class was 80% women, and he smiled, this should be interesting!