The Professor and his Muses (closed for siobhan


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2018
Richard "Rick" Adams was only thirty five, very young for having already had two different novels on the NY Times best seller list. The problem being, the last was six years ago. He was described as "an exhilarating cross section of John Grisham and E. L James!" He was offended by both comparables. His crimes, his villains and heroines were one helluva lot more interesting, deviant and thrilling than Grisham. James! Fuck that, if 50 shades made you hard or wet, you were either a spinster or a virgin!

He did write thrillers, and there wasn't just erotica sprinkled in, there was red hot, blow your mind, or your load, sex! Doubleday had been patient, twice advancing on his advance, but all he had to show for it was thirty different outlines, none fleshed into a story, most filed in the circular file. He was shocked when Pamona called. The west coast school looked its nose down on Stanford for Christ's sake. He had applied to Pamona coming out of high school, he was rejected. Of course they weren't alone, he went 0 for the Ivy's, 0 for NESCAC, O for most everything other than Florida St, where he gladly accepted, and was introduced to much of the debauchery that had made its way into his first two novels.

Yet somehow, the well had run dry, and given the opportunity, he had fled to California, taken the professorship at the snooty university. He developed his English Lit and Creative Writing curricula for the two different senior level seminars he would teach. He knew he needed a muse, something to replenish the creative juices, and he looked to this new place, his students to rejuvenate his genius. This was the first day of class, Creative Writing for Authors, 402. It was available for every year of student who had the appropriate prerequisites, but it was primarily upper class students, as well as graduate students. Prior to starting he had emailed them an assignment, these were some of the brightest students in the world, the assignment, 3000 words, "Make Me Feel!"

The class had 75 students in it, later that day, basically the same message would be sent to his second class. Rick entered from the back and walked down the center aisle of the mini amphitheater setting. He held their papers high in his hand. "Welcome to Creative writing for Authors, I had intended to grade these papers, and I did, a few, but I read them all! I am sure, many of you are quite brilliant in your own way, others don't give a shit! The sad thing is, reading these, I could not tell who was who? You write to be free, to go to a place, to feel things you might not feel any other way. If you write sex, you better be hard or wet, if you write suspense, your spine better tingle and your heart should be beating out of your chest! Jesus Christ people, imagine it, feel it, express it!"

He separated the stack into several small piles, and began tearing them up, putting them into a metal waste basket, which he then set on fire. "This is my one gift to you, a fresh start, I will have extended office hours all week, come to me, talk with me, I am confident you all have a brain, a pulse a soul, now we just have to find them?" It was only then he noticed the class was 80% women, and he smiled, this should be interesting!
The reaction was mixed. Some were exultant at the break-free message, some terrified that their grades were in the hands of some lunatic. The rest of the class was somewhat fraught, with some eagerly participating, and more than a few on their phones clearly changing their class schedule.

That afternoon, office hours were initially dead. At the end of the hour though, there was a tentative knock. A girl poked her head in. She was a small shy girl who had sat in the back of the class. A quick look at the seating chart and relying on his memory of where she sat revealed her to be Jenny Talbot.

She was petite, maybe 5'2. Chin length natural blond hair and big blue eyes. She was dressed for the heat, in a yellow spaghetti strap top and very short dark blue jean shorts. Her bag was as big as she was and she set it down on the seat next to her as she nervously made her way in "Professor Adams?"

She looked around. The office was not exactly spacious. In the movies, offices for professors were like the CEO of a major corporation. The reality was somewhat disappointing. Instead of shelf after shelf of books and a big mahogany desk, there were a few IKEA shelves of books and a bog-standard metal desk. Plus she was basically just a few feet away from a published author and the man responsible for her grade.

"I'm uh.... Jenny. Uh. Jenny Talbot? I'm a freshman in your class. Uh. I guess you uh, already know that. Um. you know since you had read my stuff and you're um. you know. Sitting here. Anyway" she was clearly a little out of sorts "Anyway I really want to be a writer and well. I'd just... I don't know maybe you could help me by telling me what you were looking for because I guess its pretty clear that none of us did it." She drew a knee up under her chin and wrapped her arms around her leg, body language a little defensive, but her expression hopeful.
Jenny Talbot was not the only one unimpressed with Professor Adams office, Professor Adams himself was downright depressed. The closeness of the confines and dreariness was joyless and claustrophobic! He had delusions of what to expect, he loved the movie "A Beautiful Mind" and had envisioned something similar to Hollywood's version of a Princeton Professor's office. Hollywood lied or Pomona was kidding themselves if they thought they were a peer of Princeton!

He had made his bold speech, twice in fact, the first at 10 AM, the second at 1 PM, and then sat in his office, hoping to be inundated by challenged, brilliant students eager to prove him wrong. He had sat there since 2 PM, three hours, and young, he tried to remember her, ah yes, 11 AM, the back row, he had an eidetic memory, and the image that popped up in his brain was just as delicious as the young woman tentatively entering his office now. He had only gotten into town, one day previously, and had taken a room at the Doubletree, the nicest hotel in Claremont, CA, but had spent the afternoon, securing his own place, a Victorian for rent, where he could set up his own office on the first floor, two blocks adjacent to the campus. It also had plenty of space,

"Welcome Jenny, I remember you, and your story. Please take a seat." He made no real effort to hide how his eyes slowly raked up and down her body, remembering every delicious morsel and curve. He was not doing it as a predator, although some might think otherwise, but as an author, an observer of people and their behaviors, where the real texture was imbedded within the details.

She was nervous, and he couldn't help but be a bit charmed at the innocence. "Yes, I am here, and I did read...." He paused a moment, "Yours was not awful, there was a moment or two that actually made me smile ... so in fairness ... smiling is feeling something ... it just isn't enough." He let his words sink in.

"Writing is either about pulling your darkest desires, greatest fears, most heated passions, or most heartfelt emotions..." He took a deep breath, stated the obvious, "You're young ... and some of what I just described is enabled through life's experiences, but I was young too, I was your age when I began "Machiavelli In A Small Rural Town" and other than a brief BDSM affair I was in with one of my mother's friends, I had to immerse myself into the mind of my character to feel all he felt."

He wasn't trying to toot his own horn, but, "What I'm saying, is it is possible, to be the writer you want to be, but to do so, you may need to explore some uncomfortable topics and force your mind and body to situations and places, you never dreamed you might go."

He had watched her body folding up, protecting herself as if he might suddenly fire out tentacles and invade her, and suddenly he wondered, and let his impossibly dark brown eyes, look into her gorgeous blue ones, "Jenny, are you a virgin?" It was not a question any professor should ask, but he didn't know the rules, and was as far from #metoo as any 35 year old could be...
Jenny made a face that made it clear that she too viewed the question as inappropriate, and a "no" leapt to her lips, accompanied by indignation. He could, however, immediately discern a few things. One, an accent she'd probably been trying for a long time to bury had leapt to the surface. West Virginia Coal Country. The kind of place where a lot of the girls felt a good date was meeting your beau's family for Sunday mass and a little barbecue after. Your own parents in tow of course. Still, she was here in the UC system. Going out of state would be beyond her parents means, which meant a scholarship. So she was smart and ambitious. Maybe the kind of girl that didn't want to have to answer that question yes, so some time shortly after her 18th birthday (which, from the look of her had to be recently) she probably took care of that particular problem. She was probably an actress or a cheerleader. Gotta have those extracurriculars to get a scholarship. So some fumbling summer roll in the hay with her closeted gay theater boyfriend or some big dicked jock that had no idea what he was doing. In all practical terms, quite virginal if not technically one. At least that was a supposition that could be drawn. The scarlet in her cheeks quickly making its way to her ears added to the impression.

She hugged her knee a little tighter and looked over at him, face a mask of warring embarrassment and indignation "I cain't rightly see what that has to do with nothin. I aint never rode in a dang rocketship neither but I can write science fiction right?" She cleared her throat, realizing that her twang came out. She inhaled, then exhaled. Got ahold of herself. "I mean, you know what I mean." Forcing herself into that blandly American midwestern accent that broadcast news people used. "Besides plenty of people feel things that aren't sex things. I mean I was sad when my gran died. I'm plenty mad right now." She picked at a toe "I mean. I'm not mad you just. I wasn't expecting the question. I know you're just trying to be helpful, professor. I'm sorry I lost my temper."
The response was so strong, he leaned forward in his chair, forcing himself not to arc his brow, and immediately question, but he couldn't help the smile. Not at the answer so much, but the intensity! Passion, good, he'd take it. Silence often is the great enabler of conversation, it was a key weapon in interrogation, if that's what this was? It wasn't! It wasn't what he wanted to learn from her, it was what he wanted her to learn about herself, and then, how to express that knowledge.
But it was babysteps, so anger, YES! Anything beat passivism. But he got so much more, Jenny was shape shifting before his very eyes, as Midwest white bread, was soaked in West Virginia moonshine! She was pissed, embarrassed, and he still wasn't sure if she had told him the truth or not. But instead he explained the process?

"I didn't mean to be invasive, I wasn't judging you, I don't care if you've been fucked or not, I was just trying to understand your inventory, what you could draw on for inspiration?" He bit his lip and looked at her, "But nice to meet the real you? You do a good job of hiding it, I'm just not sure why you feel you need to do it?"

"And why sex? Because Sex usually makes people emote. If you are a virgin, are you looking forward to it with eagerness, anticipation or dread, and why? If you're not, how was it? Did it live up to expectations, good, bad or indifferent, did you cum? Have you ever? What was the difference, what makes you really cum now?" He laughs.
"Yep, authors think about that shit? But that is just an example. So, your Gran died? Work with that too, what was your concept of death before she died, did it change once it did, when you put her to rest? What do you think she might have been thinking, feeling her last ten seconds?"

"I get it, I know a certain type, gets into this school, but for me, it is way more interesting to talk to the girl that aint got the corncob up your ass accent, I want to know about the other one. I figured you were just another rich, trust fund, Daddy's girl, but you're not rich are you? You actually earned your way into this school. Maybe its just me, but don't be embarrased about that, be proud. I want to give you an exercise?"

He went to the file cabinet behind him and handed her a small notebook. "I want you to do something outrageous tonight, flash some old man, try to buy a drink in a bar without a fake ID, steal something and then go and hand it back ..." He wrote a note she would have in her pocket in case she got caught, his number that the storekeep or cop could call him. "The key is something that would shock your mama if she knew, describe how you think she would feel, and how it made you feel knowing that? See you tomorrow?" He was saying he wanted to see her in office hours tomorrow, if not, it would be class on Wednesday, but he liked her!
A small smirk appeared "Gosh Mister, it must be so nice to be a tall good looking cis-het white dude that doesn't have to worry about whether his accent is going to make people think he's a moron. For the rest of us in society, there's a protective camouflage that lets us get by. That means hoping people don't find out that I think Pittsburgh is a big city. Truth be told while people who talk like I grew up talking aren't necessarily stupid, they also aren't educated, and being not-stupid is only half the equation."

She unfolded, sitting properly now. She leaned forward a little, but there wasn't any real flash of cleavage or anything. She was small to start with and just wasn't leaning forward that far. "I guess I can try that. Not sure what would constitute shocking that isn't fucking some guy. I mean, my grandpappy was a moonshiner and my daddy grows weed to help fundraise for Trump's revolution." There was a little mischief in her voice, like she was fucking with him a bit. "But I'll try to think of something."

She got up and wrestled with her bag. She had a tight little butt under those tiny shorts, but that was to be expected of a girl her size. No visible tattoos anywhere. A blank canvas, like a college Freshman should be. As she headed out, a few latecomers straggled in. One or two of the boys from the class who had been told by their AP English teachers that they were the next Kerouac, and weren't smart enough to understand that it meant that they said the same damn thing three times in one piece of work and it wasn't worth saying in the first place.

Jenny Talbot didn't materialize the next day, but after arriving late to class Wednesday, she was waiting for him outside his office for office hours. "sorry I wasn't here yesterday but I was having a hard time deciding on something properly rebellious that wasn't going to get me in the family way." In a generation where everything was OK it was hard to rebel, even a religious girl like her probably had fewer taboos than if she'd been Rick's age. She wrestled her giant bag into the office and fished out a box "I bought this. You can have it because I have no intention of using it. But I did go into that seedy little place on the way into Irvine proper and I bought it."

When he opened the box, there was a cock ring. When he looked up she was scarlet "I panicked when he asked how big I wanted it and said I didn't know it was for my dad. Then I had to say it was a gag gift and that my dad was 2000 miles away and I was only buying it so it didn't show up on his boyfriend's credit card, when I meant to say mom. and then I ran out of the store with it and had to go back in to sign the receipt."
He sees the little sparkle in those blue eyes, "Gosh Mister, it must be so nice to be a tall good looking cis-het white dude that doesn't have to worry about whether his accent is going to make people think he's a moron...." Rick threw his had back in laughter, "Touche! And it is West Virginia, right? The land where your cousin, might be your momma, if she aint your daughter?" He pauses, gives her a wink, "Just teasing, my kid sister is a smart ass like you, and I used ot think it was cute and kinda sexy on her too!"

He lets out a sigh, "I understand stereotypes, and yes, I am in that priveliged class, but... I don't judge a person on their accent, I try not to judge at all. But, I like smart, funny, and yes some sarcasm, just as long as you can take as good as you give?"

She then responds to his question, "Wait let me take notes, Grandpa moonshiner, nice way of saying alcoholic, Daddy, drug dealer, and a, what was it, oh yeah, white supremacist, just keeping track for my file? You know, I am feeling better about you all the time, Jenny! Just tell me under those cute little shorts, is an ass craving to be spanked before it is bent over a desk, and you have a real chance of being my favorite student?"

Laughing, "Remember, take as good as you give? Now get out of here, who knows, there actually may be another student or two that actually wants to learn to write?" She got up, and he had to ask? "You do have a dorm room somewhere, don't ya, or do you just carry around all your earthly possessions in that bag? Or maybe you have the campus slut for a roommate, always a sock on the door, until she cums for the fifth time? And you may just need something since you actually attend class?"

He liked saying shocking things, and watching reactions. He had debated whether or not to try to change, not sure if he could or not. This was who he was, a bit crazy, a huge flirt, and candidly, he loved pussy, all types, and little Jenny here was a prime example of one he might enjoy. Oh, he knew he shouldn't, and maybe he even wouldn't, but, if given the opening, pun intended, he would probably take it. As long as they were 18, they were legal, and if he got fired, so what? It would only build on his reputation as a sexually rogue thriller author.

His assumption about others being serious about being authors was about to be tested, a few showed up, nine total over the next two days, maybe three he felt a flicker of promise. He really wanted to read some of these kids apps, had mommy paid for ghostwriters, or was Pomona screening not what he assumed it might be. Fuck his essay, probably went right over their head? However as he headed to his office on day two, he was excited to see his first "appointment". "Okay, let's see what you got?"

She made her apology, before revealing what she had done, "They do have contraception in West Virginia don't they, something more than the pull-out method? Condoms? Wait forget that, you Mountaniers like it bare back right? Can't blame ya, so do I. What about a diaphragm, the pill? Frankly I'd recommend the latter, as I have had close calls with the former!

He watched, as she reached into her bag, reciting the narrative, only to hand it to him, telling him it was also a gift, sort of! There it was, a cock ring! "Ha, you didn't!" He looked up, and saw her beet red face. "Oh no, don't tell me the saucy little wench is embarrassed, West Virginia's finest?" He looked again and handed it back to her, "Well, I appreciate the gesture, but ... it's a bit small. I understand that is the purpose but I don't want to completely strangle something I am so damn partial to!" He made a note to drop the West Virginia jokes, they were likely getting old but it was such fertile ground.

Make no mistake, here he was, a professor at one of the true elites of academia, discussing attributes and the fondness he felt for his cock. "I must say, good job! But the doing is just the first part, now, the second, become your Mama, write what you think she would have felt if she had seen you, I mean other than, I hope my daughter doesn't see me in this sex store?"

He was smiling, clearly happy with her so far, "And then the other part, all the sensations you were feeling, your mind, your heart, your eyes, your skin, as you snuck into that store, I am assuming you didn't enter proudly? When you picked it out, took it to the register and paid? 2,00o words minimum Jenny ... I know you can do it. Feel free to write it here, or go back and bring it back tomorrow." He heard voices around the corner in the hallway, maybe today would yield some real student's, be still his beating heart!
She rolled her eyes at his jokes "I'm so shocked your earlier work as a satirist wasn't well received, professor Try-hard." She shook her head and laughed softly "you know that the University has already determined you're an authority figure with my grade in your hands, society has already decided you're an expert in this field by showering you with acclaim, and God has revealed you're his own most beloved special boy by making you a white gentile, which means you get to eat pork. She deflected his #metoo comment about her ass by professionally ignoring it, and got down to business. When he gave her the next assignment, she made a face but it was in part a face that said she understood that was the whole point. That she had more than her own feelings about it. That characters in the scene would have their own perspective. Her mother would be shocked. The salesman titillated. That was a word she hated, being a proud member of the itty-bitty-titty-committee. The association between boobs and sexual attraction was omnipresent.

"Oh and the bag? It's because If'n I shoot any possums on the way home I kin carry it back without havin to skin it right there" she rolled her eyes at the man again, then grinned and headed out. "Dork" she called over her shoulder.

Before the next woman came in, the professor in the next office over arrived. Amy Vitathong. She put the butch in butch. Slightly overweight and powerfully built, with a boy's haircut and a face full of piercings. A Black Flag t-shirt and a chain wallet. She was captain of the English Department Softball team and a friend of years as an author herself. "That little blonde girl is cute as a button. She'd look good on the back of my motorcycle. Shame you can't do anything about that... you know. What with being her actual professor and all." Amy loved to give him shit, ever since they'd met years ago at a conference. "I promise you I'll make her call me daddy though when I bury a strapon in her. You know. just for you." She had an uncanny eye for which girls would catch his interest. She was also full of shit as she loved her wife and wasn't about to jeopardize that over some coed ass. They chatted a moment, and then she got up to let the next girl in. This was Amy's type. Mid-thirties, in nurse's scrubs. Curvy without being fat, no makeup but still fresh-faced. Long brown hair in a sloppy pony-tail. Her writing was... clinical. Clinical to a fault. She'd described the horror of a car accident without any of the horror. Well, perhaps a medical professional would have been horrified but her work had been so full of jargon, and shorthand that no outsider could have penetrated it.

Before he could speak, she sighed "I am graduating this semester. I already have an LPN, I'm here for my RN. I don't mean any disrespect but this class is very much "C is for cookie, and that's good enough for me" as far as my transcript goes. I hate to be bad at anything, and worse I am insane about my grades, so I will do anything to not get lower than a B, but I can at the end of the day graduate with a C. I assume, right now, I have an F."

She sat back, brushing errant brunette locks out of her face. She looked up with big brown eyes, dark and deep and as soulful as the tired expression on her face. "I know it sucked. My ex didn't pick up my kid and I had to write it while juggling dinner that was initially going to be me eating ice cream out of the freezer while I stood there not really tasting it."
Jenny was at best amused, and most certainly did not seem attracted. She was cute, a spinner, the kind he enjoyed on top, from in front or behind, but most of all bound and available, moaning in anticipation of the delightful wickedness that resided in his soul. Yet he had dropped more thank a single line, a couple in fact, and the bobber had never moved in the water, okay a giggle maybe, backhanded flattery, those eyes never panned, not like his had! That was fine, he liked her, she was funny, cute, and she had come so far out of that shell in only two days. Who knows, maybe later, maybe never, but there was a certain playfulness as she walked away, a friendly "Dork" got his reply, "Good luck with the possums, it's good to have a plan B, West Virginia?" He called after laughing, just as Amy, "The Dyke" Vitathong walked in.

He saw the look, "That was not flirting! Just to go on record, I haven't lost it that bad! Or I don't think I have?" He laughed at himself, they laughed at each other, he would only call someone The Dyke, he truly loved! She made a very unprofessional, completely Amy comment about Jenny, and he laughed. "That's where you lesbians don't get it, the best of strap ons will never compete with a great cock! I keep trying to tell Noel ..." He raised his brow, bringing up Amy's wife, the consummate s to her D, and one of the sweetest and loveliest women he had ever known. He had been in their wedding, the only man in the wedding party, but when every other woman is a lesbian, it is still hard to get lucky, yet somehow he had! A different story for a different day.

"As far as being the actual professor, so far I think I've counted about 18 that might be worth getting fired for, 19 if you count the little southern twang with the smart mouth who just walked out of here." He knew the look he'd get, "Amy, I'm kidding, sort of. I do appreciate your help in getting me this job, but Jesus I've got to get laid!" He knew she'd laugh, what he didn't know was another student was walking in, and he was pretty sure she'd heard him.
The difference was, this wasn't some 18 to 22 year old coed, this was a woman, and the more he looked, the more he saw and liked. "Sorry, I didn't mean for you to hear that ..."

He was the one a bit back on his heels, an unusual position for best selling author, and media darling, the handsome author with the perfect one liner. She was professional, an adult, his memory kicked in, he knew who this was, and he remembered her work, "The Clinician" he had named her, as he got tired of paper cuts, going through his copy of Dorland's Medical Dictionary looking up the acronyms. She told him a lot in very few words. Divorced, exhausted, a kid, but ambitious, smart, self aware, and .... sexy!

"Well, if you want a cookie, you heard me, we could have sex right now, call it a midterm, and the final back in my playroom at the end of the term, I won't grade on a curve...." He delivered the line as flat and monotone as he could, emotionless, and then burst out laughing, "Too soon?" He winked. "I'm sorry, but you seem beat to shit, I thought you might need a laugh, and ... who knows?" He winked again.

"Okay Rick stop waisting her time, we have a busy lady here..." And like that, he flipped the switch, moving from playboy author to the man he could be when he wanted to be. He leaned forward and looked at her with genuine respect, looking in her eyes. "The truth is, there aren't any easy A's in my classes, but it isn't a function of the hours, it is the intensity. You have a huge advantage on almost any kid, and yes they are kids, in this class. You have lived through the joy of falling in love, marriage, and the pain of divorce, you have a child, you have actually lived some of the extremes of pain, and joy! You don't have to imagine, you just have to pull it up, transfer it, and tell that story."

"I appreciate your honesty, yes your story sucked because you recited what you knew, and never what you felt, anyone can do the research on content, I'm sure you're very good, and incredibly smart, but I am way more interested in what's inside of you, from all those life experiences. I can help you if you want, but I'm not sure you need it, you tell me?"

He knew she was tired, "So, I won't be here long, so I get to make my own rules. They can't fire someone who is going to quit anyway. I know you have a lot on your plate, but this isn't about volume, just give me two things, over the course of the entire semester that makes me say WOW, I feel you, and you've got your A, one, and you have your B, fair? I actually don't want to be a burden, I want you to find how writing can be an escape, an amazing, wonderful escape!"
The woman, Sarah he recalled her name was, frowned. She looked around his office "I dunno. Like... you write thrillers. You write about stuff nobody does so it is an escape for the reader. Everything I've done. I mean. Everyone does it. Everyone's fallen in love. Everyone I know is divorced. Everyone fucked things up with their ex. Everyone's ex is kind of an asshole. Plus. I don't know. It feels like complaining" she crossed her arms, uncomfortable, body posture reading defensive but... not defensive at him. "It just seems boring. Ok..not boring. It sounds like whining. So yeah I guess boring." She sat forward a little bit. "I got divorced while I was pregnant. I had been working as a receptionist. My husband was a doctor. I had nowhere to live. I had no real skills. I had to get a job, raise my kid, get more training so I could make a better life. But... That's the story of literally a million women. What was complaining about it going to do for me? For my kid? Why would anyone want to listen to it?" She sat back and looked out the window of his office "I don't.... I don't feel comfortable writing about it because when I write about my triumphs it feels like bragging, and when I write about my tribulations it feels like whining."

As she talked, her posture became more relaxed and less defensive. More open. She looked over to Rick "I guess. Rick. That I just don't know how to read anything personal that I wrote and not think that it is terrible. Which is not to say that it is terrible. Maybe its great. But in part just to get by I had to at least a little bit put aside my emotional connection to some of these events. Like, you just put your fucking head down and get through it you know? and the crises of life don't ever stop. They just transform. They alter in intensity but they are always there. So. It just feels so navel gazing and narcissistic to draw on my experiences as some sort of fodder. And again. I'm not saying it is. It just feels that way."

She sat back, looking him in the eye. She seemed more relaxed yet, and seemed to be making some effort to make a real connection both with him and what he had to say "I guess... I guess my question is how do I get over these feelings of being self-conscious about it? How did you? How did you read the first paragraph you wrote where you didn't immediately think... everything I just wrote sucks and is terrible and nobody would ever want to read it for fun?"

She laughed softly, slightly self deprecating but also just shaking off some of her tension and gloom "Clinical writing, people want to read because its chock full of information. I get that. I can write the shit out of a case study."
He smiled, "So, I write thrillers, and some of the darker sides of sex. So you are thinking I what? Plan serial killings, perpetrate clandestine violence, regularly detain women for nonconsensual sex?" He stopped and looked at her, wondering if she just might offend him by answering in the affirmitive to any of those questions.

He had listened to her story, and fuck, she was a real woman, first he'd met in a while. He didn't have any friends yet in town, no good friends. Well, other than his lesbian, quasi mentor, but she had a life. He could use a friend, several actually, but Sarah was the type he gravitated to, enjoyed sitting around, she talked real!

"Just for the record, NO, I have not done any of those things. I may be wrong, and there may be exceptions, psychopathic DNA, but I think killers are socialized, not destined. I had a teacher in college, and yes, we became lovers, but she taught me how to crawl in someone else's head, but pull the relevance of my experiences with me. I try to take times, circumstances that had me at my lowest, my most isolated, how did that feel? Now what if several of those things had happened back to back, when does the straw, break the camel's back?"

"She also liked to have rough sex, I had no idea. But being tied up, being confined, giving up choice made her more wet than 1,000 candlelit dinners, or dozens of roses. She was a control and detail freak, she was tired of having so much responsibility, and wanted to just give it up, be a sexual plaything, and who was I to refuse? We had a safe word, she never used it, but we had it. How does it feel to have that control, even if if is conditional and based entirely on trust?"

He had noticed her change in body language, they were getting more comfortable with each other, maybe she kinda liked him to?

He hoped he hadn't shocked her, "Power switches are a turn on, at least for most, so is giving up control or being given total control? I don't judge what people need to do to make sex hot, I just hope they find their kink, CONSENSUALLY, and someone to enjoy it with. It doesn't have to be meaningful or forever, or even tomorrow?"

It was getting later, and he was hungry. "You are right, no one wants to relive your divorce, including you!" His stomach growled loud enough to be heard. "I am happy to continue this, I would love to actually, but I am starving and would really love an ice cold beer. Can I buy you a burger or something, what's close and serves alcohol? That is, unless you can't, and I can see you tomorrow, and you can simply head me in a direction to satisfy this need?"
She looked at him a moment "I'm super not sure how we got onto your sex life." She laughed though, brushing it off "A burger would be fine. No hot dogs though." She stood up "then I have to run off for a shift."

She gathered up her things and waited for him in the hall, then they headed down to a nearby bar at the edge of campus "I can't drink. work" She had a water, and ordered a burger and some fries. Sitting back, she arched and settled "So what made you want to write thrillers? Was it that you just love thrillers or did you just have this story inside you bursting to get out or what?" She settled in to the seat, looking him over as they tucked into the reasonably quiet bar for a bit of conversation while waiting on their food. "do you write other stuff? Like... sappy romance novels under the name Ricky?" She laughed and sipped her water. "Rita maybe? you know. Bodice rippers with like, a Channing Tatum lookalike on the cover, holding a girl in torn Victorian garb. that sort of thing? I just ask because your mind went to sex like. Immediately. And I'm totally flattered" her grin said maybe she wasn't totally flattered but she did find it amusing and found him amusing at least. Plus he knew he was easy on the eyes, which let him get away with a lot. "Did you ever want to do anything else? or was it like... little rick with his toy typewriter, banging away at making the great American Novel instead of pretending to be a fireman?"
He was more disappointed in her throw away statement, "I'm super not sure how we got onto your sex life." Than the fact she couldn't drink and had a shift she had to run to. "Then maybe you weren't listening. You asked why I wrote that I wrote, and I described not only my process, but the influences that I brought to frame my story."

He was also sensing a familiar refrain, which maybe shouldn't have disappointed him, but did. First Jenny, and now Sarah, he had been attracted, even flirted, different for each woman, but flirted none the less. NOTHING! He loved that feeling of a bit of electricity, mutual curiosity and appeal, even if unacted upon.

It was what made the heart beat a bit faster, that tingle in his cock he loved. He would go to dinner. He would take a friend, even if it turned out, she wasn't actually into men?

"Why thrillers? Because they keep me interested, when I start writing I have no idea where it is going to end. Not until a crawl into my characters and feel what they feel, respond and take actions accordingly. I like to write my novels and let chaos theory play out."

She asked about romance novels, "You know, for most of them the biggest sellers, humans don't write them, computers do. There is a formula, it hooks lonely women, women craving validation, and it spits out an outline, fills in the blansk. Even the names, specific body features, all tested in surveys and focus groups. I actually think it is one of the most depressing things ever, that so many peoples emotions can be so calculated. I guess it gives hope to the sex bot industry!"

He answered the other question, "I wanted to bee President of the United States!" He had a boyish grin, "I swear to God, I did, my 4th grade teacher told me she thought I would. It wasn't until later I came to understand the political process, and how candidates were made. I actually stared out as a poly sci major, until I switched to English Lit."

Now iot was his turn, "What you said keeps ringing through my head, you got divorded while pregnant? What kind of asshole divorces his pregnant wife?" Then he thought, "Unless... was it his?"
Sarah seemed to relax when the full court press was off, and he caught her more than a few times checking him out, and why not? He was a handsome guy with a good job. She did listen as he talked "So you just sort of, let the voices in your head write them. Got it." She was teasing though, her tone was warm and she was fixed on his face as he talked. She began to lean in a little, caught up as he talked about the writing process. She sipped at her water, then when the food came noshed a fry. "President huh? I wanted to be a nun." She nods "like full on. I'm not even Catholic I'm Jewish. It just seemed ... you know... so exotic. After that I wanted to be a race car driver. Then I wanted to be an equestrian, till my parents told me that it costs like 50 grand a year to be one and the prizes are like... nothing."

She sat back a bit "As for my divorce well, I don't know how much you know about anatomy but when women get pregnant they lose that tight shape they had. For only a few months but apparently that was long enough for my husband to start screwing one of his nurses. Which... is fair... because I was his second wife and I should have known. He didn't cheat on his first wife with me but he had cheated on her. He was a doctor, older, a good fuck, had money. I became a kept woman and then I ceased being interesting or challenging." She shrugged "I bored him, and I wasn't hot. So he found someone new and exciting. She was 19. He's on his fourth wife now. She was three." She took a bite of her burger "since then dating has been spotty. Hard when you're a single mom. I'm a hit with single dads though. And best selling authors."
He knew she was meaning to tease as she said it, "So you just sort of, let the voices in your head write them. Got it." Except, she was right. "YES!" He said, enthusiastically. "That is actually right. Not voices in my head so much, as characters, I am thinking about, crawling in my head and somehow trying to let them speak to me, and then let me speak through them!" He felt his pulse quicken, that was the process, but those voices had been silent for way too long. It was in that moment though, for the first time in a long time, he thought he might be feeling those voices starting to murmur.

"A nun? That would have been a shame.." He laughed, "Well unless you were a naughty nun, or had a naughty priest and a naughty congregation.." He was having fun with her, and he could conclude her recent sexual experiences, might not have been positive, even including the consummation of her child, but this was a woman who should enjoy sex, and it was a god damn crime if for some reason, that couldn't happen. Then he really laughed when she said she was Jewish! "Okay, this is good! Although I think a Jewish girl becoming a nun is more probable than me becoming President, all those skeletons you know!"

It was incredible how matter of factly she described her divorce. "No, can't say I know the specifics, but popping a baby out, is incredible... And, I think for you, I could ... no, I know, I could have waited." He decided to tell the truth. "My Mom died of cancer, breast, it matasticed, to her brain and liver. It was almost a year, and I am pretty sure my parents had a pretty active sex life. My Dad never waivered, and I guess, that is what I think a man should be." He shrugged an ordered another beer. He hadn't meant to get so serious.

He looked at her, "A kept woman, I've always sort of envied that, wondered if I could be a kept man? But if you're in the market, I do have a price." He shook his head, "You don't seem boring to me, not at all." He laughed at her ex husband's story, "Jesus a 19 year old, and then dropped her for a younger woman? Does he have a volume deal with his divorce attorney, that kind of hobby is expensive!"

He liked her joke, "Single Dad's, nah...but best selling authors, I have heard very good things. Creative, insatiable, very giving to their lovers! Can't say I've slept with one, but that is their reputation...." He paused, "A shame you have to work tonight, not just every man gets turned on by the sound of a baby crying in the background, or the scent of burp rags in the hamper."

He sighed, and got as serious as he got, "Listen, I know this is totally unprofessional, you might be able to get me fired for even saying this, but I like you, and full disclosure, this won't help or hurt your grade, but if you'd like another dinner, one where you don't have to run to work after, I'd love to take you or bring it in and eat at home? ..." And then he said the surprising thing, but he meant it, "... even if it is totally platonic."
Sarah smiled "Well. Lets see. This has been nice." She dug into her burger "and I feel like if you were a serial killer or something someone would have put it together. So... If I can find a sitter. Lets talk about next week." The rest of dinner was amiable, if quick and he made his way home.

The next day, without any class he just had office hours. Again, right about the end of the hour someone knocked on the door. A head peeked through, fiery curls framed a pale freckled face. The body leaning over as the girl looked through the door was curvy, and her blouse was unbuttoned enough to expose a large expanse of creamy freckled cleavage.

A wide grin burst on the ginger's face as she stepped in, closing the door and locking it behind her. "I noticed your office mates are done for the day." She flounced into a chair and he got a good look at her. She'd made quite an effort to adopt the schoolgirl look. Short plaid skirt with the flash of white cotton panties as she sat. White blouse, unbuttoned, silver chain with a cross hanging between ample breasts. She leaned forward "Margaret O'Leary" She rested her face on her hands as she stared at him "I'm afraid my writing is absolutely hopeless, you know... I think its that I'm such a good catholic girl at home I just have nothing to write about." Though he could tell this was a line she'd used a hundred times before. She was looking at him like a piece of meat "Maybe you can help me with that."
Sarah was receptive, he even thought he saw a little smile. "Nope, not a serial killer, you know what they say, if you can't do it, write about it...." Then he thought, about all the great sex he had also written, "... ahem, other than the sex, that I can do, but you will just have to trust me until next week." When dinner was done he walked her out, and to where she caught her transportation to work. It was tempting to kiss her, but didn't. Too soon! But next week! He smiled as he walked back and headed over to the house he had rented. Tomorrow he would move in, he had things showing up and being delivered all morning. He had even ordered a few things for his "playroom" and those were delivered the next day as well.

The next day, he didn't have any classes so he did not show up until his office hours began at 3. As of 5 PM, he had only had two students come by, quick questions on the syllabus, and had just packed up his things when Maggie, or the cute, sexy dressed red head, as he originally thought of her, popped her head in. To be honest, he saw the breasts before he saw anything else, and he indulgently allowed his eyes to linger there and enjoy the offering before panning up. "Please come in!"

She needed little encouragement, as as she came in, displaying the full garb, quite attractively and whorishly displayed, even flashing the most delightful white cotton panties, he looked around. This wasn't real, couldn't be real, who was pranking him and just how far did they intend to push this. But what the fuck, he liked jokes too, and this one seemed like fun! And so, their little dance began, her tarrying and his thrusting back!

"Yes, it appears we are alone, but... you never know, perhaps you should close the door?"

"Hello Maggie, so how can I be of help to such a ... healthy Christian girl, Catholic I take it?"

She described her issue, but for the life of him he couldn't remember her piece, and that almost never happened, had she written at all? It was time to play homage to Billy Joel.

"Well Maggie, I am glad you dropped by, I have seen this before ... I can still help you... Many say, Catholic girls start much too late, as for me, I'd rather, lie with the sinners than die with the Saints, for it has been proven, only the good die young, and I guarantee, they never get published."

He finished his warped tribute to "Only The Good Die Young" and moved on. He was curious in the reaction, a laugh? A smirk? A roll of the eyes? Perhaps a most indecent proposal? He got up, and went to his file drawer. When he took the job, a friend had sent him jokingly, the teacher's survival kit. It contained a ruler, an apple, a box of red pens, and gross of magnum condoms. He took out the ruler.

He turned back and began slapping one end of the ruler into his open palm. He was completely ad libbing, wondering when this what, stripper? actress? Might call his bluff? "So you want to be bad, right Maggie? Really bad? Build an inventory of wickedness you can draw upon?"

He walked behind her, and pushed the tip of the ruler down inside her blouse, searching to tease her nipple. "Just how bad are you prepared to get?"
"well gosh, I'd just like to write something as memorable as that scene in 'Death in Prague' that you wrote. You know I just feel like... I couldn't write something like that without really knowing the touch of an older man." She grinned, clearly a fan of his work since "Death In Prague" hadn't been well received, and was released under an alias. Her nipple perked, straining against her blouse "I just wouldn't even know where to begin. Maybe... something simple. Like sucking some professor's cock under his desk. Maybe while he was on the phone or .. talking to another student. Hard to do that though because desks don't go all the way to the ground. Still.... I bet a smart guy like you .. an experienced author... would be able to come up with something really good. Something that might inspire a little bit of writing."

She batted big green eyes at him "I know, I'm terrible. I'm violating like 15 university policies right now. Maybe I should go." Her mocking grin said she wanted to stay, and the challenge in her eyes and her voice seemed to agree with the grin. Still she pulled back "Should I go professor? I don't want you to think less of me"
"Death in Prague" How the words rattled in his brain. It had been his baby, his dirty little secret, and now he understood a bit of the set-up, for the primary character had been a serial killer who was a nun by day, a whore by night! It had been some of the most intense and definitely most erotic, explicit and taboo sex he had ever written, hence the alias.

He let her talk and say everything before responding, simply toying with the ruler, first with one nipple, then the other, before, as she finished, taking the ruler out and giving the outside of her blouse, just about the location of her nipple, a nice firm SLAP.

He moved around to stand in front of her, he leaned down, "Oh Maggie, I can't imagine anything that would make me think less of you, can you?"

He ran the back of his hand down her cheek, fuck if this was an actress she was good, how far would she go? "Never been touched? Not at all?.." He kept his hand going down until he was cupping her ample breast, gently massaging her full tit, and searching and finding her nipple to tease it through her blouse.

He stood back up, his cock was hard, she was good. His hands went to his belt buckle, "Never been touched nor tasted an older man? Cocks don't age like fine wines, but there is a prime, somewhere late 20's to mid 30's, my age in fact."

My God he was tempted, but here, this was career suicide, however, after just unbuckling he held his hand over the button on his pants. "Well if you really want to be inspired Prague style, perhaps it is better if I do a bit of homeschooling, would you like to see my playroom? My place is just around the corner?"

He had undone his pants, started to lower his zipper, only to bring it back up. "I think that might be better don't you, or are you in a hurry?" He started to lower it back down, just a very wee bit...
Maggie's eyes sparkled with mischief "not never, but... hardly ever" she bit her full pink lip and pressed her braless breast against his strong hand through her thin top. He could make out the swell of her bullet hard nipple against the cotton, could feel it poking into his palm. She gave a soft pleasured sound, looking down demurely as if the sound had been stolen from her lips. "I don't think a good girl should be going back to some strange man's house. I think office hours are the way to go." she looked down at the fly and the hard cock straining at his khakis "besides professor, I dont think you want to be explaining that..." she gestured "while walking around with some 21 year old girl around campus. People might talk"

She slid down onto her knees "so maybe we should just have a quick consult here in your office" her soft hand roamed along the panel of his pants, then gently massaged his cock through his pants. She winked "gosh I've never seen something so... impressive. I don't know that I can handle it" her tone was pure cheek, but she did seem genuinely interested. He also did recall her being in class so... just a student who probably wanted to fuck him out of his celebrity. Or just his general attractiveness. Some girls went in for an older man after all, and having a degree of fame sure didn't hurt. "So you gonna give me something big and dirty to write about for my next essay... or what?"
He had to laugh, "not never, but... hardly ever". “Ah, I see, that makes more sense.” If he were to guess, those tits had enjoyed more hands and mouths, than the food served at a NY deli, but he admired how the woman stayed in character, but he also began to remember, was she possibly legit?

Again he laughed, “So it is locale that separates good from bad, my office good, my home, my bedroom or my playroom, bad? Hmmm, hopefully I might be able to teach you, all are quite good, for learning to be bad!”

He had started off teasing, but her looks and the heavy innuendo of this banter had him also questioning leaving, at least for the moment. She had gone to her knees, “Is there anything more appealing than A Catholic girl who goes to her knees to worship?” He reached down to cradle her face in his hand, his throbbing prick protected only by his clothing, only a scarce few inches from her face, and lips!

He felt her hand caress his manhood. She feigned concern, tinged in a compliment. “Oh don’t doubt yourself Maggie, I believe you have talents you are only beginning to discover, I bet you are a natural!

”They were at the point of no return. He reached up, and began to pull down his zipper, and then his hand went to his belt. “Well it is big, but quite clean, I think what you do with it, how dirty you can get, will determine just what you might be able to write about?” And he undid his pants…
She grinned "i think sucking my older professor's cock in his office where anyone can come in is plenty to write about don't you?"

She reached into his trousers, tugging him free. Her soft hand stroked him to full hardness, loosely wrapped around his shaft. She kept her grip soft, stroking all the way from the base to the head, tugging him to full hardness. She brushed her plump soft lips over the head of hs cock "I mean, at least I think so" she then flicked her tongue out to brush along it, before wrapping her scarlet lips just around the head. She tugged softly, teasing him with the feel of her warm soft mouth. Her hand kept up its stroking, tugging him and jerking him into her mouth. She tugged his pants down a bit with her other hand, then released his cock to suck on his balls. She swirled her tongue around each, then blew softly across the skin, grinning as his balls retracted. She giggled, then sucked them into her warm mouth again, one at a time while she slowly jerked him off. She sat back, taking off her top, revealing ivory tits covered in freckles. She sat up, rubbing her chest along his crotch, letting his fat cock nestle between them. She rocked up and down, stroking her soft skin against him, then leaned down again and swallowed him, taking him into her throat, dragging back up so just the head was in her mouth. Her eyes looked up at his, then she resumed stroking with her one hand, fondling his balls gently with the other.
Jesus he shouldn't be doing this, and it likely never would have gotten this far, if he had thought she was legit. However, as he started responding, flirting, playing the game, he had been drawn in. She was young, sexy, and MY God he loved a wicked woman who was confident in her sexuality.

So there he was, standing before her, and undoing his pants. If anyone walked in, his career was probably over, well at least his teaching career. Of course, Dead Poet's Society was the movie he had thought of when professorship was initially offered, he loved the Robin Williams character although that man had acted with far greater integrity than he was about to.

Yet, as he undid his pants and Maggie reached out, and fished out his large, needy and wanting prick, he licked his lips. And as she stroked him to full hardness, and opened her mouth to lick and suck on his mushroom tip, he loved the look of his erection sliding into an attractive woman's mouth. In his mind, no woman looked more beautiful than she did willingly and enthusiastically sucking his cock! But the thought, as he entered and felt her warmth, the softness of her tongue, her gentle suckling, "Carpe Diem, Mother Fuckers, Carpe Diem!"

Reaching out, he ran his fingers through her hair, not holding, or even guiding, more supporting, "Mmmm, yes, don't stop and I can give you plenty to write about?" Fuck he loved a great blow job, perhaps better than fucking, the indulgence of it, the woman working solely to please her man, and the Catholic Schoolgirl was good!

She undid her top without asking, her tits were full and ripe and yep..."Oh God, titty fucking too! Oooh baby, you are the naughtiest little good girl, aren't you?" Stroking his cock sucking his balls, she knew every trick and he lavished her with praise. "Okay baby write about this, all that shit about men wanting a lady in the streets, but a whore in the sheets, if they had to choose one, they'd choose the whore, and take this as a compliment, but I think you have the makings of one fine, fucking whore!"
She kept working and working him, she must have done this a lot, or she was a cocksucking prodigy. He did not care! "You need to cum in often...and, sneak in a night, but you'd love my playroom?" He barely got the last out, when he felt his balls pull up even tighter, the canon loaded and ready to fire, he was still cradling her face. "OH FUCK BABY, so good...Oh fuck I'm gonna cum....tits or mouth Sexy, where does this good girl want my load?"
"mouth unless you want to explain a student leaving your office covered in spunk" she rolled her eyes at him playfully, rubbing her tits against his cock, then leaned down and engulfed it, taking every inch into her mouth and throat. she swallowed over and over, then drew back up, wrapping her fist around the shaft and pumping it in time with her plump lips. She mouth fucked him, sliding along his rock hard fat cock, taking it deep with every pass. She looked up, coppery curls framing her face, emerald eyes locked to his as she swirled her tongue around the mushroom head of his thick manhood. "Though I mean, good tale to tell." She laughed and sucked just the head, pulling with her soft lips, letting it slip from her mouth over and over just to recapture it. Her left hand supported his balls, cupping them gently as she started to jerk him into her mouth again, her lips sealing around the shaft and sliding up and down along it, striving to get him to dump his load in her soft coed mouth.
He laughed, "Well I was thinking I would paint your gorgeous, big tits, and then we could cover you back up in that blouse, but I prefer a woman who swallows anyway!" And that he did. She was not innocent, and he did not care. She took him as deep as any woman ever had, as he felt his tip slip down her throat, only to be released and swallowed again. "Fuck you are good! If the guys knew you would be the most popular girl in school, or maybe you are?" He teased crocking his brow, while simultaneously thrusting harder and harder, unable to hold back from the need to fuck the young coed's throat.

The fact this was so wrong, so taboo, helped make it even hotter! He laughed again, "So are you learning, just remember when you write, to change the names and protect the not so innocent!" Her mouth was talented, but it was when she fondled his balls, raking her nails over the taught, aroused skin, that he began to lose it. "Oh God Baby, I hope you like cum, because it has been a while, and FUCK I NEED THIS!"

He would have gripped her head, taken control and fed her his hot sweet cream, but he wanted not even a glimmer that even a second of this had been non consensual. He hadn't been sucked like this since his high school girlfriend, a cock sucking nymphomaniac. He had fucked many, but a great, great, and eager blow job, it was as rare as a best seller.
As she sealed her lips, he began to fire, arching his back, and letting his canon rocket volley after volley of his thick spunk in rope after rope into her mouth.

His body had been completely tense and he fired until he emptied the tanks. It was only then, he did again run his fingers through her hair. "Can I return the favor? Eat you good girl pussy, as you lay across my desk?"