The Principle


Literotica Guru
Nov 18, 2012
Opening the folder I could see at a glance why she had been sent to us .Caught shoplifting ,she had been given another chance at her parents urging .The judge who no doubt belonged to the same country club had agreed even though the state attorney had wanted her jailed ,it had been her third offence .
Reading further ,she had been through the scared straight program ,taken to a jail left there for a day ,it had been enough to "scare her straight" at least for a while .Parents ,filthy rich but no time for their child had left her upbringing to others ,which obviously hadn't worked .
Now she was waiting outside my door .I had called her mother explaining how Mona had been caught in a serious infraction ,at least serious for our school .I didn't want to lose her ,the money per student was just to much .The mother had pretty much washed her hands of her daughter .Do what you want with the defiant bitch ,I certainly cant handle her and were just going way for an extended vacation for 3 months so she's all yours ,keep her or send her back to the courts ,it doesn't matter to me ,their will be another check forthcoming if you decide to look after her .I thought an 18 year old teenager shouldn't need looking after but I knew what she meant .
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Jean ,my secretary came in through private door Mona is waiting ,she reminded me ,placing her hand on my shoulder ,giving it a quick squeeze ,sliding down the front toward my breast .I was in no mood for playing ,not with a young lady who seemed to want to defy every one and every thing .I pushed her hand away ,behave I snarled .She drew back with that pout ,you don't seem to have any time for me anymore .I was now pissed ,you stupid bitch I have to discipline that slut out there and you think its a good time to fuck around .Send her in .
Mona seemed anything but the rebel she had been portrayed to be ,her eyes downcast not looking when I addressed her .Well young lady what do you have to say for yourself .You where caught smoking ,and on searching your room a quantity of grass was found .Is it your wish to sent back to appear in front of the judge ,you will spend time in jail ,I think you understand that .
She blubbered it isn't mine honest I don't know how it got there and it wasn't me that was smoking ,it was another girl who dropped in for a visit ,she left just before the house mother stopped to check .I had heard it all before .Ok tell me who the other girl is .She shook her head ,I cant .I knew full well there was nothing worse than a squealer ,she would be ignored by the whole student body if she did .Very well you have a choice to make ,accept punishment or be sent home and oh by the way I want you listen to this recording of myself and your mother ,She broke down completely when the conversation ended. Well what's it to be .I'll accept the punishment .I licked my lips in anticipation ,it had been a while since I had a student under my control and except for Jean I hadn't had the opportunity to use the crop or the rod on a lovely bare ass .
The tears flowed ,I almost felt sorry for her until I remembered reading in her file what a good actress she could be .Please don't send me home ,I'll end up in jail my parents vowed to let the judge sentence me to long time .Maybe the tears are real ,well time to find out .
You have breached the no smoking rule and found with illegal drugs ,Im sure the courts would have a dim view on the grass found in your room,that alone will get you a long time behind bars young lady .I used my sternest voice ,It wasn't mine I dint smoke I keep telling you ,she was now yelling,sobbing
When she had settled down I explained her options .I will give you reprieve ,but and there's always a but on consultation with other staff members it has been decided that in order for you to remain here at the college you will submit to corporal punishment on a schedule that I deem appropriate ,is that clear ?
By her puzzled look it certainly wasn't clear .What do you mean ,corporal punishment she stammered . It means that I will punish as I see fit whenever I feel that you have over stepped
the rules .By corporal Im sure you understand what it means ,but since you seem puzzled ,I will explain .I will use a whip or rod on your bare behind ,for this most serious infraction I will administer 20 lashes from the whip followed by 20 with the rod .You will strip naked ,there may be other staff members to witness the actual punishment .I will repeat the procedure as often as I see fit ,but it wont be more then twice a week unless you do something very outrages and there fore I will increase the punishment .Now I need your answer ,stay or be sent home and ultimately end up in jail .
I have to strip naked in front of you and others ? It took me by surprise ,not a question about the actual whipping but about being naked ,but then I suppose your lady's are very self conscious about how they look ,even though she must have known she was drop dead gorgeous but then maybe not .
Yes you will be naked ,every time I punish you now what have you decided, I could hardly contain myself at the thought of having this beauty naked bent over naked .It was a risk of course ,if it ever came out that I abused my authority in this manner it would be career ending and even might bring charges but with her parents permission to do whatever I decided needing doing I was fairly safe
I don't want to be sent home she replied softly ,I will submit to the punishment .
I wanted to grin and shout YES but contained myself .The whipping will commence immediately .I pushed the intercom ,Jean will you come in please ,I knew she had been listening to the conversation ,probably playing with her self , the slut .You will witness the procedure ,please bring me the whip and rod .Mona ,take your clothes off .
I shivered when she told me to strip. I began to unbutton my blouse. I pulled it off and put it on the chair. I then unclasped my bra and pulled it off. The air conditioner blew past my bare breasts. The 36c globes began to swell and the nipples grew hard. I then pushed my mini past my hips. It fell to the floor. I bent over and picked it up. I could feel Ms. Laura's eyes staring at my body. I then hesitated when i put my fingers on the waist band of my panties.

"Couldn't i leave my panties on?" I asked.
The whip or the rod ,decisions ,decisions the whip wouldn't hurt as much so do I start with it to get her used being lashed or start with more painful rod and end with a semblance of mercy .I dearly wanted to raise welts on that lovely white ass and the rod was the best for it .She broke into my reverie .
Pardon I barked ,what did you say .Sobbing ,please Miss may I leave my panties on please .She had made my mind up for me .
Certainly not , get them off and be quick about it .Jean was positively salivating as the filmy fabric dropped to her ankles .
Bend over and pick them up .put them on the chair with your other clothes Now ,standing naked ,her trimmed public hair ,her naked breasts the nipples engorged from the air conditioning ,my knees grew weak looking at her .I licked my lips picking up the rod .Come here ,bend over the desk ,I struck the inside of her thigh ,get those legs spread .The touch of the rod even though it had been a very lite touch made her jump She was shaking with fear .I raised the rod high over my shoulder ,planted my feet solidly and brought the instrument of torture hard against the back of her thighs She screeched in anguish ,grabbing her legs .Jean will you hold her please .She took her wrists slung a strap around them tightened and pulled her across the desk ,her breasts flattened ,wailing begging to be spared further pain .I brought the rod back again ,feeling myself grow wet between my legs
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I pulled my panties down across my behind. I bent over to pick them up and put them with the other clothes. Then I bent over her desk. My breasts pressed against the varnished wood. I felt a sharp sting on my legs.

"ouch!!" I cried. I spread my legs further, my pussy and ass exposed.

Then i felt my wrists taken by Ms. Jean. She wrapped them with a strap and pulled me forward. My breasts pressed against the wood and I on tiptoes, I waited for the next step. Then I felt the felt the rod strike me across my thighs.

"oooooooowwwwww!!" I screamed. "Stop, stop please!!" But the rod struck me again and again.
The rod did its work ,well I did it of course with the help of the rod .The ten strikes where ugly red welts turning purple . I stroked her ass ,lightly trailing my fingers over raised marks .Her sobbing grew quieter .
You know why your being punished . To my surprise instead of denying she had done what she had been accused of ,she nodded her head ,a tutored yes escaped her lips .
And you know this is only a quarter of the punishment ,you are to be given another 10 lashes of the rod and 20 from the whip .I will administer the remainder of the first 20 and Miss Jean will continue with the whip .Jean made noise sounding like a stifled giggle .Yes Miss Laura .Mona was all of a sudden most submissive, her spread thighs opened further on her own account ,her glistening pussy between .I slid my finger over the swollen lips ,my word she was soaking wet .Well, well was our little trouble maker a closet pain slut? I picked up the rod .Time to find out
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I moaned with pain as she stopped. I could feel the welts pulsating across my ass. It hurt so much. I heard her ask me if i knew why I was being punished. I told her yes, I knew. I admit it. I stole the makeup. I smoked the weed in my dorm. I would do anything to avoid any more pain.

Then she told me that it wasn't over!! That there would be more. "God, please Ms. Laura. Give me the rest tomorrow! I couldn't stand any more!" My behind was quivering.
Ah but you see that isn't the way it works ,you don't get to choose when you get punished .Make up? what make up .This was some thing new .I stood facing her ,lifting her head so she could see my face .Now what make up and from whom did you steal it.SPEAK UP GIRL . She started to blubber ,I'm sorry I didn't, eerr I thought it was mine
You conniving little bitch .Jean did you know about missing make up ?
There was some mention about some lip gloss missing and some fairly expensive perfume .Nothing more was done about it as the rules forbid any make up or scents to be worn .We thought it was a friendly gesture ,some one had realized that it could get a girl in trouble and got rid of it .Now apparently things have changed .
Have her room searched I ordered ,if anything is found it throws a whole different light on this matter of punishment .It only took a few minutes for one of the instructors to bring in a small bag containing the stolen make up and perfume .
So now I don't what to make of this young lady I think you need to be put on the first bus home.The weeping and wailing started in earnest .please MS Laura don't send me home I'll be a good girl I promise please give me another chance .
What think you Jean should we give her another chance ? She had a hard time hiding the smile ,her hand over her mouth .I think she deserves the most severe punishment Laura ,then we can put her probation ,but she will have to submit to being punished at least every other day in order for her to remain .
I knew what she had in mind by the most severe punishment ,it would be fun .Well you heard Ms Jean ,are you willing to comply with whatever we decide with regards to your penance ?
Yes ,yes I'll do any thing please don't send me back
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Every other day? I thought about the pain I would have to endure to stay here, but decided it would be better than going to jail. I cried, my head bowed and begged to stay. The welts on my behind stung. I didn't want anymore. But I knew I was going to get more.
This was an opportunity that hadn't happened in quit some time ,oh yes there had always been Jean and a couple of other students but they were all willing participants in what I had come to realize was chink in my other wise perfect demeanor.The thought of whipping an unwilling girl added to my excitement immensely .Jean stood by ,my ever faithful Jean watching ,waiting for her turn .I had turned her so to speak while she was still a student ,she was now a pain humiliation slut second to none but also loved to inflict pain which rarely happened ,as I was the dominant one in our relationship .I had tried being a sub on more than one occasion but always with a Dome that I had paid to be with never letting my submissive show other than in the company of a professional ,being afraid if I gave in to my sub desires I would always remain that way .
The girl was bent over again ,Jean holding her hands ,I reached back bringing the rod down across her her buttocks with such velocity that it left an indentation in her ass .The result was immediate ,her howling and cries of anguish where such I hesitated before applying the next blow ,wondering if she could be heard out side of the office .Don't worry about the noise ,Jean assured me everybody else is out on the soccer pitch .it was all I needed to hear to lay on the remaining lashes using the cane .I finished ,very hot ,I would need my secretary to relieve my pent up sexual frustration, which would be more than happy to do .But why not make Mona use her tongue ,it would add to the humiliation .I nodded at Jean to finish ,using the single tail whip ,she applied it with great relish adding to the poor girls anguish .I had to remind her to stop as she no doubt would have continued until she had stripped the skin from her ass .
", please stop!!" I felt Ms. Jean pulling me over the desk and making sure my behind was in the air. It was a target too big to miss.

Then I felt the first stroke of the cane.

"ooooooooooooowwwwwwww!!" I screamed as the cane hurt me so.

Again and again, the cane lashed across my already red and welted ass. A drop of blood dripped down on my behind.

"god, it hurts so much. please!!"

Then Ms. Laura gave the single tailed whip to Ms. Jean. She lifted it up in the air and SWISH!! It wrapped around my behind, making a nasty welt.

"nnnnnnnnooooooooooo!!" I cried out.

But she lashed me again and again, until Ms. Laura held her back. I cried and cried, my tears running down my cheeks, my ass trembling.
I pulled to sobbing girl to me ,handing her a tissue .Stroking her hair ,drooping my hand to her back and lightly caressing her bruised bum .She clung to me like a person drowning .I did my best to settle her ,Jean was grinning ,it was the hurt then heal trick ,after whipping a person in order to get them closer one needs to remind the punished that its all her fault and that the beating is for her own good .
Now I cooed ,have you learned anything ,she clung to me ,offering her mouth to my kisses .Yes yes please don't whip me again she pleaded.I'll be a good girl .I promise .I kissed her deeply ,she I suppose had never had any show of affection from her parents or anyone else seem to relish the attention .I moved my hand to her breast ,softly stroking ,running my thumb over her nipple ,she sighed wrapping her arms around me ,the pain seemingly forgotten .
If your a good girl ,and behave the punishment sessions may not be a severe as this one but you still need to be reminded that you broke the rules so it will remain every other day for the time being ,do you understand that I must punish you .
She hesitated ,yes Miss I understand I need to be reminded I thought it best not to push to hard in receiving satisfaction from this beautiful young girl even thought I was practically shaking with desire ,after all there was always Jean to do my bidding ,but I wanted her to see what I would expect from her in the future .Sit on the sofa I instructed ,seating my self on the love seat .Jean come here ,she was more than happy to comply .I caressed her thighs as she stood next to me .Lets get rid of those clothes .In a flash she naked on her knees pushing my skirt up .I raised my hips to let her remove my panties ,spreading my legs to give her access to my sopping wet pussy ,she dove in like a woman processed .her tongue lapping my lips ,the tip pushing in ,then finding my little man in the boat .
Mona looked on with fascination,her fingers where stroking her herself ,the flush on her face showed her excitement .Would you like to do what jean is doing I asked .Jean made protest ,trying to hold on to me .
Ms. Laura held me in her arms, kissing my lips. They felt good and wet. "Please don't whip me anymore." I begged her. She told me if I was a good girl, then the punishment sessions would not be so severe.

Then Ms. Laura called Ms. Jean over. She took off her clothes and got on her knees in front of Ms. laura. I watched as Ms. Jean's head disappeared under Ms. Laura's skirt. I could hear Ms. Laura's moans as Ms. Jean's head was bobbing. My own fingers went between my legs, stroking my pussylips.

"Would you like to do what Jean is doing?" Ms. Laura asked. Ms. Jean protested saying "No, don't let her try. She can't do what I can."
You will do as your told I snapped at Jean pushing her away .She was pissed and it showed .Keep this up missy and it will be you bent over the over the desk ,she loved to be whipped so it wasn't much of a threat but she had her limits and knew from past experience that I would far exceed those limits .The last time I had to straighten her out she couldn't sit for a week and to add to her discomfort I keep her seated at her desk for 8 hours a day on a hard wooden chair .She went to one side pouting still naked her pussy glistening .
I stood ,beckoned Mona to come to me .I took her in my arms stroking her ,feeling her breath coming faster .She was so beautiful .I knew I would have a hard time beating her again ,but my lust for inflicting pain would over ride my feeling of mercy .Would you like to try what Miss Jean was doing to me .
I heard the question "Would you like to try what Miss Jean was doing to me?" I thought for a moment. My tongue touching her private parts? I began to get wet.

"Yes, Miss. I would like to." I got on my knees and began to lick the insides of her thighs. She spread her legs wider. My tongue moved up her thighs and then began to lick her hairy pussy. My tongue could taste her juices. I could hear Ms. Laura moan. I then thrust my tongue deep into her cunt.
Oh my if this is the first time for her ,she catches on fast .Her togue was working wonders ,maybe because she was so young and new to me .My skirt around my waist ,my panties on the floor ,Jean now streched out in the chair working at her pussy ,still pissed but to horny not to be doing herself ,I would have to keep my eye on her as she would be trying to take her revenge on Mona .
My thighs held her head ,she was moaning almost as loud as me .I lay back on the desk and urged her to push her tongue into me
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I felt her hands on my head, pulling me closer. My nose rubbed against her clit, my tongue inserted in her pussy. Her juices were dripping down. I could taste her. My tongue pulled out, then thrust in again, pumping in and out.

I lifted her legs from under her knees, pulling her pussy closer to me. My tongue licked the sides of her pussy lips, then thrust in again and again.

Jean was playing with herself, moaning as her fingers played with her pussy.
It was a regular orgy in my office ,the young wench used her tongue so expertly ,she had me bouncing on my desk .I went over the top clutching her hair moaning .Lieing back ,catching my breath I slowly got to my feet wanting only to take Mona to bed but she was here to be punished not coddled .Jean had straitened her self looking respectable once more .I could see by her expression ,she wanted to punish Mona for taking her place .
She had enough ,her pert young breasts showing the welts from the cane ,her lovely behind with the red strokes ,her thighs and backs of her legs ,well I thought no she had suffered enough for one day ,I didn't want to push her to fast to far ,if I was to rough on her she might well think jail would be preferable to remaining here .
Well young lady have you learned your lesson for today ,you will report here the day after tomorrow for another round of punishment .Understand?
"Yes, ma'am, I understand."

I lay in my bed, my welts throbbing on my behind. I could not sleep. My tongue still tasted her juices. I sat in class. I could barely hear my teachers. I sat there in a trance. My sore ass was a constant reminder of my punishment and of what was to come next.

I sat on the bench outside of Ms. Laura's office, waiting to be ushered in. I wondered if it would hurt more than the last time. Why was I looking forward to this punishment?
Once more I sat at my desk with Mona's open file in front of me .I had questioned her instructors ,the report was not good .She isn't paying attention,she seems to be in an other world ,at this rate she will fail the semester ,it was all in the report .
The only time she isn't in some dream world is when I talk to her one on one ,this from a particular attractive female teacher ,and it appears to me that she seems to have an attraction for me that is not healthy .I wondered ,had I awoken some latent lesbianism in her with my punishment and having her satisfy my lust .I smiled to myself ,I would have to convince her that she belonged to me ,and not to chase after any other female .A very severe beating and a reward .I grew moist just thinking about her lovely young body and what I could do to her.I opened my door ,beckoning her to enter .She was shaking like a leaf .Good I wanted her to fear me .
I looked at my principal, she was smiling at me. I wondered what that smile would entail. Would she beat me again. Would she put my behind on fire? She had my folder with her. What had my teachers told her about me? She took my hand and led me to the chair. I sat down.
Sit I commanded .I turned her file so she could see the red circles I had made around the paragraph that described her seeming attraction to her female teacher .I suppressed a chuckle ,her face turned bright red .Now what am I to make of this ,your not concentrating on what's being taught ,you seem to be infatuated with Miss Goodbody ,there have been reports of you ogling other girls in the shower .
This part I had added .We where still an old fashioned school where the students showered together after sports or gym .It had the effect I wanted as she turned brighter red if that was possible .I can see the punishment that you received on Wednesday wasn't enough to make you mend your ways .
This round will be more severe or you can opt to leave the choice is yours ,but be fully aware if you leave I will be contacting the authorities .If you decide to stay and accept your punishment I want you to stand and strip .It always sent a thrill through me ordering a girl to strip,it was so humiliating .She began to stammer ,the tears starting ,blubbering that the accusations weren't true .Enough I barked ,chose your option .
I slowly stood up, scared to refuse her instructions. I began to unbutton my blouse. I pulled it off and placed it on the chair. I unfastened my bra. It too went on the chair. I could feel the air brushing past my breasts, making them swell.

I then pushed my skirt down to my ankles. I pulled my panties down over my hips. It dropped to the floor too. I stood before my principal, helpless.
I sucked in my breath as her perfect body was revealed ,the perfect breasts ,the just right hips flared. The triangle of public hair ,I made a mental note to give her a lesson on how to trim it ,I do love the trimmed hair ,it looks so much better than being shaved as so many young women seemed to like .
Her hand dropped to cover herself her arm covering her breasts. Put your hands at your sides ,it shocked her to be spoken to in my stern voice but she obeyed .Move your legs apart ,she hesitated ,I half rose her thighs parted .Ah it felt so good to be in command .There's a rod lying on the table bring it to me .Please Miss she blubbered ,my behind is still so sore .You little slut it will be a lot sorer when I'm done with you ,now move .
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