The Price of a New Life (closed for heartofcourage)


Really Experienced
May 19, 2012
Michael has had a life full of disappointments. His first wife was his highschool sweetheart and she died during a miscarriage. His second wife turned out to be a gold digging whore who was planning on taking everything he owned before he even met her. He was fed up with life and attempted to kill himself, but failed at even that. Mike was sent away to a psychiatric ward for 3 years, until he was deemed ready to be reintegrated back into society.

When he came out, he was 35 and everything took on a new perspective. It was a race against time to do what he wanted. He began to hit the gym, save money, and go back to school. He was surprised to find the way college girls dressed nowadays and how loose their morals and their legs were. Everywhere he went, there seemed to be another girl ready to open her legs for him. The moral decay of today's youth sickened him, and a darker side of him wished he could teach them all a lesson that they would not soon forget.

After graduation, he shut everything out and worked hard to become the lead stock analyst in his international firm. He now had a seven figure income, an office with a commanding view of the shoreline, a nice apartment in the heart of the city and a house in the suburbs.

He was called to a business meeting in Moscow and he decided to stay a few days for vacation. One night, he walked into a seedy bar and ordered a Jägerbomb. He closed his eyes and listened to the man playing the piano across the room as his drink came. He opened his eyes and saw his first wife. Mike had a double take and shakily accepted his drink from this waitress who looked strikingly like Mary. For the rest of the night, he could not take his eyes off the girl, and much to his disappointment, this waitress did not act like the Mary he knew. She flirted openly with the men at the counter, and wore tight, revealing clothing like she was selling her body instead of beer. She even let some men grope her for tips and seemed to enjoy it. Seeing this doppelgänger defile Mary's image with her indecency sent Michael over the edge as all his thoughts of disciplining those loose college girls flooded back into his head.

The waitress' shift ended and Michael followed her at a discreet distance until she got home. As she fumbled with her keys to get it out of the rusty lock after opening the door, he rushed forward and shoved her into her small apartment and slammed the door behind her. He gagged her and punished her for destroying Mary's pure and innocent image with her indecency. Scared at what he had done and he has become, Michael fled the country and took the first plane back that morning before anything could happen to him.
It had been a long year since her nightmare had started. Xenia Tolya was having trouble trying to forget the hole that her life had spiraled into since that fateful night. Her husband had left her, accusing her of making up the story of her rape to cover and affair she was surely having. She never reported the man for what he’d done. No one probably would have believed her.

She had worked as a waitress at a seedy bar in the center of Moscow. She had played to the clientele with short skirts and tight tops even though it wasn’t really her personal style. The men seemed to enjoy it, slipping her extra money when they were allowed to grope her ass from time to time. Then had come that man and everything changed.

She no longer wore those clothes, no longer worked at that place. She had shut herself away from the world and wanted to forget. Her friends were telling her that it was time for a change and she should broaden her horizons. She had thought about perhaps traveling to America, maybe answer one of those lonely heart’s ads that were appearing in the paper with more and more frequency.

She was still pretty at 29. Her hair was a golden blonde, her eyes large and crystal blue. She worked hard to maintain her figure with it’s sleek curves and ample bust. Still, when she looked at herself in the mirror and saw her delicate features, she could only see what the man had done to her. She could remember the feel of the gag between her teeth, his hands on her body, the shocking acts he had done with her.

With a sigh, she flopped down on her sofa and picked up the paper, glancing absently at the snow that was gently falling on the city of Moscow. Maybe today would be the day that she changed her fortune.
A year has passed since the incident in Moscow and by now the name Michael Mosbert is practically a household name on Wall Street. He had almost forgotten about the Mary look-alike when it came back to bite him in the ass.

His loser friend from back in high school emailed him out of the blue one Tuesday afternoon when he was sitting down for lunch with a cute young accountant named Nadia. He had just recently gotten over his scumbag ex that took everything, and Nadia was just what he wanted. Smart, successful and absolutely gorgeous. They were really clicking when Larry's email ruined everything.

Larry was one of the biggest jocks in school back in the day, and like Michael, he also liked Mary. Fortunately for him, Mary wasn't into muscleheads like Larry, and Mike won her over instead. The little rivalry between them actually forged their friendship, though he hasn't seen Larry in years. After high school, he got a sports scholarship to Notre Dame to play football, but word was he had an injury and could never run again. Some say he's been living off welfare ever since. Mike was wondering what an old friend like Larry could possibly have to say to him as he opened the email.

It seemed innocent enough at first. Just laying down the pleasantries. Michael skipped right through that. Then Larry dropped the bomb on him, "I found a woman whom looks exactly Mary, and get this - she's a mail order bride! Haha Mike, you might have gotten her in high school, but this one's all mine baby." Amused, Michael opened the link that Larry attached to see what he was talking about. His jaw dropped in horror as the ad loaded slowly from the sketchy Russian servers and the picture of the waitress materialized on his phone's screen.

He excused himself from the table and took a cab home. He loaded up the page on the his computer and came face to face with Mary - Xenia Tolya rather - again. According to the site, the 'matchmaking service' had already paired up Xenia with an American 'businessman' and she would be moving to meet him soon. Obviously that welfare collecting parasite had lied to Xenia when he approached her. He decided there was only one thing to do at this point, outbid Larry.

Michael created his own profile without any pictures on the site and decided to pretend to not notice that Xenia was already 'sold.' For now he would try to gain her trust and win her over from Larry before the she finally makes the move.

Mike typed up a brief message the test the waters, "Hello Ms. Tolya, I glanced at my profile and saw that our personalities were a 95% match! Imagine my surprise when I found out that you are a beautiful woman too! What kind of activities do you like to do for fun? Personally, I'm more of an outdoor kind of guy, though I do enjoy a good video game once in a while! It's running late so I'm going to keep my message short, but it has been a great pleasure meeting you."
Xenia had been pleasantly pleased by the results of the matchmaking place she’d found in the newspaper. They had set up her profile and had already gained the attention of a rich American named Larry who seemed to have a genuine interest in her. She could have cared less if he were wealthy, she saw him as a way to leave her sad little world behind and start to live again. He was talking about bringing her to America, meeting in real life, starting a family. It was all fast for Xenia to take in, but she took it in stride, thinking of it as the boasting of a man who was all too eager.

The snow outside was coming down harder as she made her way to the internet café at the end of her street. It had been a while since she’d been on there and wanted to check and see if she had anything from Larry. The last she heard he was planning on her visit the following month and was booking a flight from Moscow some time soon.

Xenia was surprised when she logged on to the sight and saw a correspondence from a man named Michael. It was strange that in all the time she’d been on the site the only person who had ever contacted her was Larry and suddenly there was another man in the mix mere weeks before she was suppose to travel to the US.

Her English had always been very good even though she spoke with a clipped accented tone and she read through his short message quickly, smiling as he complimented her beauty. It had been a long time since any man had told her she was beautiful, not even Larry. She read over his profile and wondered what he looked like as he’d provided no photographs.

“Hello.” She wrote back, thinking carefully over her words before she continued. “I enjoy the outdoors as well. I like hiking and photography although this time of year in Moscow it’s much too cold to do either. I must agree that we’re a very good match, but I’m already in a relationship with another man on here.” She thought it best to be honest with him about Larry. “It’s a shame we did not meet earlier.”
Michael was not about to let this woman slip through his fingers. What if she moved in with Larry and she began to talk. What if Larry showed her a picture of himself. No, he would not give up just yet.

"Photography! That's a fine hobby, I enjoy taking pictures with my phone, but I'm sure you have much to teach me in that regard. Hiking is another matter though," he wrote cheekily, "I've been hiking ever since I could walk, so perhaps I might be able to teach you some tricks to make the experience easier. For example, did you know for overnight trips, straws are actually very useful? To carry tiny amounts of jells or pastes like toothpaste, vasaline, etc. use a large diameter straw. Cut 3/4" off both ends. Jam the center section into the jell or paste until it is within an inch of filling. Close the ends by folding the last 1/2" back on itself, then fold this again lengthwise, and insert into the 3/4" pieces that you previously cut, and voila! You got yourself a miniature toothpaste tube. Way better than to carry a lot of extra weight that you're never going to use on the trip! Maybe some day we can go hiking together, and you can teach me how to take some nice wildlife photographs, no?

Sweet Regards,

He checked Xenia's profile again, and learned that she would be meeting with Larry in less than a month and decided to accelerate his efforts. Over the next few messages, he flirted more and more openly with the woman and began dropping hints that he would be interested in taking her to America himself. He also started to subtly suggest that Larry was not what he claimed he was, and that the lifestyle he offered was just an illusion to trick her into a more sinister plot. Over the messages, Mike was all charm and charisma, but behind the computer, all he wanted was to make sure Xenia would never have the opportunity to rat him out again, especially not in America.

He began to formulate a plan that would place the woman under his complete control. Being the man that he is, Mike had many powerful connections in the government and law enforcement, and there just happened to be a guy that owed him a favor. An idea formed in his head - once he Xenia reaches the states, his friend who works for the Transportation Security Administration can wipe all records of Xenia's travel from Russia to the United States. From Russia, it would say that Xenia Tolya had immigrated to a foreign country. However, the United States' records will show that she had never entered the country. Officially, she should not exist.
Over the next few days, Xenia had begun to enjoy the conversation between herself and Michael. Larry was a distant memory as she felt herself falling for the funny and charming American. It was perhaps a week later when she finally worked up the courage to tell him how she felt.

“Michael, I must tell you that I have enjoyed our conversations the past week. I have reconsidered the offer Larry has given me and I’m hoping that perhaps very soon someone else might make me a new one.”

She hoped the hint wasn’t too much, but she desperately wanted to hear Michael as her to come to her rescue and bring her to America as his bride. She could imagine a nice little life with him, a good home, hiking, sharing their likes and dislikes and perhaps a child or two in the future. The very thought made her smile, feeling that her life was finally turning around.
When Michael read the message that Xenia sent her, he was overjoyed. His heart pounded in his chest, threatening to burst from behind the ribcage. Blood rushed to his brain as he could feel himself blushing like the first time he and Mary kissed. His content did not last long, he quickly regained control of himself and frowned. Why was he so happy that Xenia had reconsidered Larry's offer? Could he have somehow fallen for the wench over their conversations over the past weeks? They did have a lot in common, perhaps even more than he and Mary did...

He took a shot of tequila to steady his nerves. No, he couldn't have possibly fallen for that woman who makes of mockery of his love's existence. The feeling he felt earlier was just the joy of seeing a plan come to fruition, the rush of victory, nothing more. He began laying down the plan to make her disappear from this world. A short call to Jackson from the TSA to remind him of his little poker debt was enough to persuade him to wipe the travel data of one Xenia Tolya. Obviously, she could not live with him as it would raise unnecessary questions, especially if Larry decided to visit. For the next few days he started looking for a suitable place to keep the woman hidden. At first he found a shoddy basement for rent in a crummy part of town, but a pang of guilt struck him as he was about to negotiate with the owner. Again his heart beat faster as he thought of Xenia, and he felt the stirrings in between his legs. Gnashing his teeth in frustration, Mike took another shot of tequila and bought a modest apartment for Xenia near his house in the suburbs.

Finally he was ready to message her back, "Xenia... you have no idea how much your last message meant to me. I wanted to message you back right away, but I couldn't think of the right way to ask... Would you like to come to live with me in the States instead? I promise that you will not want for anything and I will love you for as long as I live. I have taken the liberty of attaching a plane ticket that will fly you out of Moscow to New York City as soon as you wish. I don't mean to rush you, but if you're still not decided, feel free to come and visit me in New York to get to know me better in person. I can send you back to Moscow should any problems arise, though I certainly hope there won't be! I hope to see you soon my dear,

With Love,
Xenia felt her mouth go dry when she read Michael’s newest note, an excited squeal leaving her lips as she saw that he wanted her with him. She took the care to print the plane ticket, looking at it in her hands for a long moment before she carefully formulated her reply.


You’ve certainly made me the happiest woman today! I would love to come to New York to be with you. Perhaps it would be best to set up separate houses for now though until we decide that our relationship is going well. I can have my things shipped to the states right away and I’ll be on that flight to New York. I absolutely can’t wait!

Love, Xenia”

When she sent the message she felt a giddy feeling spread through her, the wide smile on her face not disappearing for many hours. This was the answer to her prayers. She would start a new life with a wonderful man, one that would never have to know about the dark things that had happened to her.

She had immediately begun packing her apartment, shipping things to the address that Michael had sent to her. Then came the day of her flight and as she checked in at the airport, she took a look around at the country that had been her home since birth and knew she wouldn’t miss it very much.

She had dressed carefully to meet Michael for the first time in a yellow dress, one that was modest and also showed off her curves to their best advantage. She had learned to dress in a way since the rape that wouldn’t attract unwanted attention but would still make a man notice. She sincerely hoped that Michael liked what he saw. Her nerves were high as she boarded the plane and sat back for her long journey to her new home.
Michael found himself going through his basement, looking for the vintage camera that his father left behind when he died. Xenia would love this he thought, not a lot of photographers these days get to work with something as old as that. He couldn't take her off his mind lately, he had even broken off his relationship with Nadia in anticipation of Xenia's arrival. Still, he struggled with himself. How could he love a woman like her? No, she belonged to him now. As soon as she stepped off that airplane on JFK, their relationship would be that of a master and his slave. He only cared about her because a owner should take care of expensive possessions, he rationalized, like giving his Porsche a fresh coat of wax.

Her luggage arrived before she did, and Michael moved them into her apartment. He took the liberty of unpacking her things and situating them around the room. The first box he opened contained her clothes and he began to hang them in the closet. He folded her pants and skirts and placed them in the drawers he had bought for her. He finally reached the the bottom of the box, and found her lingerie. Thoughts from that night in Moscow came flooding back, as he recalled what she was wearing. Xenia had a pink lace bra that squeezed her breasts together to make them appear even larger than they were, and a small white thong underneath. He searched for them, but apparently she did not send them over. He picked up a pair of blue satin panties and gave it a sniff. He had forgotten the smell of her sex, but the whiff brought back the memories... her gagged mouth sending out muffled screams of terror as he slowly dragged his finger along her wet slit. He could remember her body betraying her, as her eyes and mouth begged for him to stop, but her wet cunt practically invited him in. He couldn't help but feel his member waking up at the thoughts, pressing hard against the confines of his dress pants. Why not, he thought, she belonged to him now, as he undid his fly and started to masturbate through the thin, soft fabric of Xenia's panties. His thoughts wandered back to that fateful night as he violated every inch of her body, forcing her to do things to him that he would have never imagined anyone doing. Finally Michael exploded all over panties and he lied down on the ground, panting as his post-orgasm haze left him. Chuckling to himself, he folded the soiled panties and placed it back into the drawers, wondering to himself if Xenia would notice when she put it on.

Everything went according to plan. Xenia was to arrive in JFK at 10:52PM tonight, and Jackson says he will delete her file as soon as she passes the baggage check. He arrived at JFK at 10:30PM but did not go into the airport. It would be too much trouble if she started a commotion in there. Instead, he told her that it was hard to find parking space and he would just wait in his car for her outside her terminal. The next hour seemed to last for decades. Would she scream and run as soon as she saw him? Would Xenia even recognize him after a year? Finally he saw her approaching from the rearview mirror. This was the moment of truth.
Xenia’s flight had been uneventful, landing in New York ahead of schedule. She made it through customs easily and claimed her baggage at the luggage carousel. Stopping in at the restroom, she checked her appearance in the mirror and freshened up her makeup, smoothing out the wrinkles of her yellow sundress and smoothing out her blonde hair. She desperately wanted Michael to like her, to think she was beautiful. She was nervous, her palms sweating as she picked up her bags and made her way outside, looking for the car that Michael had described.

When she saw the Porsche, she sighed in relief. She could have cared less how much money Michael had. She was just happy to finally be there and getting ready to meet him. She made her way to the car, her bag rolling behind her. The trunk popped open before she got there and she took time to place her bag inside before she made her way to the passenger door.

Opening it, she glanced inside, a smile on her face as she saw the man sitting there. “Michael?” She asked him, her accent thick as she tried to make out his features in the shadowed interior of the car.
Michael opened the passenger side door and motioned for her to get in the car. As she moved around the front to get to the other side, he inspected her as a person would inspect a painting they just bought, but he felt more attracted to her than he should. The dress she wore was simple but sexy, accentuating her voluptuous body while maintaining a modest look. The yellow color gave her an innocent aura and her make up was just enough to make bring out her natural beauty. A woman of taste. Perhaps she did learn something from the 'lesson' he administrated a year back.

He shifted uncomfortably as she got into the car and drove off as soon as she closed the door behind her. He heard her crack a nervous pun about how he was moving too fast with her, and give a chuckle in reply. As he stopped at a a long line in front of a toll booth, he faced Xenia and drank in her beauty with his eyes again. He could hear her breathing quicken. Did she finally realize who she's in the car with, or is she just excited? Michael took a chance and leaned forward slowly to give her a kiss...
Xenia could barely see him in the dark interior of the car, but there was something oddly familiar about him. She found herself staring at his profile, trying to work out where she’d seen him before. Then, as they pulled up to the toll booth, she found him leaning towards her, his lips pressing to hers for a wonderful first kiss.

Her breathing picked up, a sigh escaping her lips as she took in the taste of his lips. He tasted of coffee and peppermint, a wonderful combination. She let her eyes drift close as she felt his tongue swipe across her lips and she parted them for him, allowing him entrance into the warm cavern of her mouth.

She let one of her hands drift up, cupping the side of his face as warmth spread through her body. It had been a long time since a man had kissed her like that and she was enjoying the moment. As the kiss broke, she found herself giving him a shy smile, that strange feeling of trying to remember someone from your past bursting across her brain.

“You look so familiar, Michael.” She said, her eyes narrowing in concentration.
Michael smothered her question with another kiss and thrust his tongue into the warm, wet hole that his cock had been in only a year ago. His tongue flicked around, exploring her mouth as she entered him with hers. She smelled of a faint jasmine perfume, as her tongue locked with his, writhing against each other like a pair of snakes. He would delay try and delay her suspicious until he had her safely inside of the apartment that he bought. As Michael pressed his body closer to hers, he knocked his coffee, sending some of it on her chest. She giggled like a school girl as he tried to wipe some of the coffee off her dress with his handkerchief. He reached inside her dress with with his left hand to push out the dress as he wiped down the dress from the front. His hand was pressed against Xenia's ample chest as he tried to get the coffee out, and he could feel her heartbeat grow faster and her nipples grow hard.

Michael would have loved to keep going, but a honk from behind reminded him that the line for the toll booth had moved far ahead and he began to drive once more, leaving Xenia with the handkerchief to deal with the problem herself. After that, it was relatively smooth driving to the apartment, and they got off the car. He could tell that she was watching him closely, and if she hadn't figured it out yet, she certainly would soon. He popped the trunk and helped her carry bag to her new apartment. When they got inside, he was quick to close the door behind them. She wandered around the room, exploring her new home as Michael took off his jacket to reveal that he was wearing the same clothings that he did on the night that he met Xenia.
Xenia walked around the apartment, checking out the rooms with wide eyes that showed appreciation. She was in awe that this man had gone through so much trouble for her. The apartment was two bedroom with a spacious master bath and a large living room with a kitchen attached. He’d gone through the trouble of putting her things away before she arrived, making her smile as she thought about how he was already taking care of her.

“Oh, Michael, this so nice!” She called out from the master bedroom, her voice laced with excitement. “You certainly did too much.” She said as she came back into the other room, stopping in her tracks as she saw him standing there in very familiar clothing.

She felt her mouth go dry as she finally got a good look at his face, the features seared in her mind from that fateful night over a year ago. No, it couldn’t be the same man that had assaulted her. The smile on her face faltered, replaced by confusion and fear.

“Michael?” She asked, tears already gathering in her eyes. “No…you can’t be.” She said in a soft voice, willing this to be a nightmare and she would wake up at home in Moscow. “You can’t be the same man! Why?”
Michael felt another pang of regret and shame, how could he make Xenia cry like that? But no, right now, he must be strong, and get through this predicament. Everything will be better after, or at least he hoped.

"Xenia...", he started, "I'm afraid I owe you an apology." He was calm and collected now, looking directly at her with a cool stare. "I had lost control of myself when I first saw you in Moscow. Everything would have been fine until you decided to sell yourself to scum like Larry. I couldn't have you talking, I couldn't have you doing anything unless I allowed it... so I bought you instead. Let me be perfectly honest with you, so you understand your present situation - I own you now. As soon as you got off that plane, you were deleted off the American flight database, so officially, you do not exist any more. If you run, you will only die on the streets, or worse. That fine body of yours has many uses for some people, and trust me, give them half the chance, and they will exploit you. An illegal alien like yourself will not be able to get a legitimate job. If you stay a good little girl, and do as I say, everything I told you on the website will come to pass. You will not want for anything. And I, your owner, your master, will love you until the end of my days."

She was still crying and he approached her slowly. As he placed his hand on her cheek, she flinched away, like he was about to slap her, all of that passion on the car gone from her eyes. He brushed the tears off her cheek with his thumb and murmured in her ear, "Don't cry, Xenia. You're beautiful when you smile. Smile for me, my pet, my lover, my slave."
Xenia was trembling as she stood there in what had been her perfectly little apartment, listening to the man that had destroyed her life tell her what would happen now. She had never been more scared in her life, tears tracking down her cheeks as he told her that she effectively didn’t exist anymore. He wanted to take care of her? That sounded so strange coming from this man before her.

She shrank back as he placed his hand on her cheek, her eyes lowering as she whimpered in fear. She tried to stand still, his hand pressing to her cheek as he dried her tears and murmured against her ear in his deep voice. She shook her head at his words, feel so utterly betrayed and alone now.

“I want to go home!” She cried, looking at him with those sad blue eyes. “I didn’t tell anyone about you before and I won’t now. Just please let me go home.” She cried harder as she felt his other hand caress her other cheek and she shook her head. “You can’t make me your slave! You ruined my life!” Her hands balled into fists and beat against his chest as she let out all her anger and sadness.
Michael let her have her little fit, and watched calmly as she cried in hysteria. As she finally collapsed on the couch tired and panting, Michael towered over her and calmly stated the truth. "I can make you my slave, and I already did. The sooner you accept that, the better it will be for you Xenia." The tears were drying up on her cheeks and he went to get her a wet towel. He knew she would not run. Where would she go? Russia was no longer her home, no more than America was. The only place she had left was by his side.

He sat down beside Xenia and gently wiped away the tear stains from her face, smudging her make up a little. She snatched the towel from his hand and used it herself, still sobbing slightly. Even though Xenia was crying, she was still a sight to behold. Her face seemed to be even brighter without the make up and her bust heaved up and down as she struggled to catch her breath after all the crying. Michael ran his fingers through her luscious hair as he saw her tight ass accentuated by the curves of her waist. He lusted for the touch she gave him on the car, he lusted for her little pants of pleasure as they kissed, he lusted for her body. And he would take it.

Michael placed his hand on Xenia's thigh, slowly rubbing it with his thumb as he pulled the dress up slowly. Her whole body was shaking, but from revulsion or anticipation, he did not know. When the dress was pulled above the knee, Mike slipped his hand underneath and began to rub her inner thigh, inching closer and closer to his prize.
Xenia sat on the sofa as her tears continued, her face covering her hands from the shame of him towering over her. She shivered as he called her a slave, telling her that the sooner she accepted the better it would be. She shook her head, her tears drying on her cheeks as he was suddenly gone and back with a wet towel before he began to wipe her tearstained face.

She took the towel from him, finishing the task as she sniffled and hiccupped at her predicament. It was then that she felt his hand on her thigh, rubbing it with his thumb in a soothing motion. He certainly wasn’t as angry and demanding as he’d been a year ago but it was still a horrific reminder of what had happened.

She snapped her thighs shut as his hand caressed her leg, pushing her dress up until she whimpered in both fear and arousal. Turning her face towards him, she shook her head, silently pleading for him to not do this.

“Please don’t hurt me again.” She said, her voice watery and soft. “Please don’t make me do this!” Her voice was growing frantic as she felt his hand inching closer to her silk panties, his hand not taking no for an answer. The fabric was still damp from his kiss in the car, her thighs trembling at the feel of his warm fingers trailing along them.
Michael's fingertips slid up her thigh, slowly working around to reach the inside as he approached her crotch, stroking first one leg, then the other, petting her as if she were a frightened animal. His body was very close to hers now, almost touching her. He could see her breasts rising and falling in the dim light. "No Xenia," he whispered as she shut her thighs to him, "there are rules here. And the first one is, you do as I say. Now open up." Her breathing heavy, she put her hands on his shoulders as he slowly coaxed her thighs to spread for him.

He brought his hand up and stroked her pussy through the smooth silk of her panties and she shuddered. He felt her legs quiver. Her cunt was warm and soft and humid and he could feel her anatomy perfectly through the thin fabric—her swollen labia, the bump of her clit.. "It's good to be touched, isn't it Xenia?" he asked her. "It feels good to have someone else touch you, someone who knows what he's doing. She likes me. She likes being touched. I can tell because she's getting wet. She's getting wet and she's opening like a little flower."

He pushed his finger against her and felt the fabric give over her hole. It was warm in there and hot, and a thick, sticky oil began to moisten the thin fabric. Xenia leaned against the couch for support, staying perfectly still, breathing fast and shallow, as though she could just ignore what was happening while exposing her pussy to his depredations. She had beautiful hands and elegant nails, but now they were squeezing his shoulders so hard they were almost shaking. It was so quiet he could almost hear her clothes move as she breathed.
Xenia gasped as she felt his fingers stroking her pussy, a gush of wetness coming forth to soak the silk as he traced over her slit and rubbed gently on her clit. Her hands reached up and found his shoulders, gripping his dress shirt tightly as she shook and shivered. Tears were still gathered in her eyes but she held them back, a moan breaking free from her throat as he whispered words against her ear.

She opened her thighs more for him, her skirt bunching up around her hips as she felt the hot breath caress her ear in such a delightful way. She leaned back against the cushions of the sofa, her eyes closing at the sensations of his finger tracing back and forth over her most intimate area. This was so unlike what had happened a year ago. He was so much more gentle, no more anger in his voice or motions.

“Michael…please…” She whimpered, unsure what she was asking for. She wanted him to stop but she knew if he did she would surely go insane. Her arousal was warring with her fear, her fingers squeezing his shoulders so hard her hands were shaking. She let her thighs fall open a bit more, her breath escaping in shuddering gasps.

“Please don’t…” She finally managed, her blue eyes opening to find his staring down at her. She bit her lower lip, her thighs shaking around his teasing fingers.
"Who's giving the orders here Xenia? If I recall correctly, you're mine now, and you will do as I say." Michael slid his fingers up and down her slit, forcing the fabric against her cunt. He found the bud of her clit and bore down on it, then eased up and let his fingertip flicker against it like a little flame. Xenia moaned and then took a deep, shuddering gasp. "Once again, your body betrays you, my little slut. While your mouth may mutter no, your body craves the touch of a man, and I intend to give it all the attention it needs."

"This is between me and your pussy, Xenia," he said. "You're just along for the ride, because you're attached. But me and her, we have an understanding. She likes what I'm doing and she knows I'm going to make her cum, and she wants to cum very much. She wants to cum right in my hand as I play with her, and that's what we're going to do, right here, right on this couch. I'm going to play with that little whore pussy and make her cum, Xenia, and make you cum too, understand?"

He could feel Xenia's desperate need to cum. They way her panties were moistening up around my fingers was just lewd, since he hadn't even directly touched her cunt yet. He pulled the crotch band aside and began to draw his finger up and down her slit before slipping his index and middle finger into her horny fuckhole. She was already so wet that it slipped in with ease. "Look at yourself," Michael whispered, "Look at how wet you are from just my fingers." Xenia had a look of absolute shame on her face as she forced herself to watch Michael playing with her pussy. Her pussy clenched as she was about to orgasm, and she leaned back on the couch closing her eyes and panting heavily when Michael stopped.

He held out his fingers in front of her, glistening from with a layer of Xenia's honey as he motioned for her to lick it clean. "You weren't allowed to look away , my pet. Did you forget your position again? Don't worry, you'll remember after a few punishments... For your first offence, I will be generous, you are simply not allowed to cum until I say so, understand Xenia?" He took one of her hands off his shoulders and gently pushed it against his groin to show her how hard his member had become. He lied down on the couch as he whispered seductively to her, "My turn."
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Xenia blushed hotly at his bold words, her hips squirming as his fingers stroked and flicked against her clit. She gasped and moaned, her fingers wrapping so tightly in the fabric of his shirt that she feared she’d rip it. Perhaps he hadn’t changed after all. He was still forceful, dominating, and he was going to get what he wanted.

“I…I understand.” She said in a quivering voice as she parted her thighs more, her panties now exposed to his gaze. They were blue, a dark wet spot apparent where he had been stroking her. She let out a shuddering sigh as he cupped her heated pussy in his palm. Never before had a man treated her like he did and she found herself inexplicably aroused at the treatment.

She let out a cry as she felt her panties pushed to the side and his fingers entered her drenched hole. Her hips bucked up towards him as she bit her lip, her eyes watching his face as he whispered to her, her eyes falling towards her pussy as he worked his fingers in and out of her tight entrance. The way he stroked her, curling his fingers inside of her made her clench around him as she could feel the familiar tension building in her stomach. She was about to cum!

She leaned back, her eyes closing as she struggled to breathe, her orgasm to close. She whimpered in disappointment as he pulled away from her, his fingers appearing before her face as she opened her eyes. Her juice was all over his fingers as he brought them to her lips and she hesitantly licked them clean, the sweet, tangy flavor bursting across her tongue.

She whimpered again in frustration as he motioned that she would be punished, all sorts of wicked ideas racing through her mind. She was so close! And he wasn’t going to let her cum! Her face flushed red in embarrassment that was quickly heightened when he took her hand from his shoulder and pressed it against his groin, his hard cock evident against her hand as he lay back and whispered for her to give him his turn.

She shivered as she got onto her knees, kneeling over his body as she undid the belt and then his pants, her hand reaching inside to take out the hard cock that had been the object of her nightmare for so many nights. It was the same as she remembered as she stroked him in her hand, hard as steel with an angry red tip and veins tracing over the length.
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Michael nodded in approval as Xenia got on her knees before him. He was glad that she had finally submitted to her situation and realized that the only way to get anything out of this mess was to listen to him. He could feel the strain in his pants as Xenia undid his pants and gave a thin smile as it bounded out and nearly smacked her in between the eyes. He was staring at her intently now, urging her on. He ached for her touch and when she finally took his hard, throbbing member in his hand, Michael couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

It was different from a year ago, last time he had forced himself on her against her wishes, now she came to him wet and willing. One her first stroke, a pool of sticky, wet pre-cum pooled at the tip of Michael's cock and it only grew bigger with every pump of Xenia's hand. Eventually, it overflowed and dripped over the sides as Xenia rubbed it into his cock with every stroke of her hand. He didn't mind, she would have to clean his penis soon enough. Michael shifted his body closer to her, and Xenia pulled is erection closer to her chest and started to jerk him off with both her hands. The touch of her soft, busty chest through the fabric of her dress drove Michael wild, and he could feel his cock hardening, preparing his muscles for the orgasm that was soon to peak. Xenia could feel it too, as she started to pump faster and faster, her lips slightly parted as she stared into her master's eyes, waiting for that burst of euphoria.

Suddenly, Michael put his palm up and motioned for Xenia to stop. Confused, she ceased to stroke his raging boner, but still clutched onto it with both hands like it was her prize. He pushed her off his body as he straightened himself up on the couch. He had just realized that for long after the purchase, he still had not fully inspected what he bought. "Stand up Xenia, and slowly take off that dress of yours and anything you may have underneath. The keyword being slowly, woman, unless you want to be punished again. After you've shown your body to me, you may return to finish your job here with your master... with your mouth this time."
Xenia stared up at Michael as she stroked his cock, his back arching to push more of the length into her hands. She watched the tip of his hardness as pre-cum beaded on the tip, pooling in a sticky bead before it dripped down the side and added slickness to her hands as she continued to jerk him.

When he shifted closer, her hands pulled his cock towards her, the head touching the fabric of the dress that was stretched over her breasts. She could feel his body tensing, his belly and thighs drawing tight as she knew he was going to explode soon. She kept pumping, her hands working in tandem to bring him pleasure. Maybe then he would leave her alone. She flicked her eyes up towards him, watching his face intently for the moment that he would cum.

Then, his hand was in front of her, halting her progress. She clutched his cock in both hands, a look of surprise and slight fear on her face that she had done something wrong. She shivered slightly as he told her to stand up and take off her clothing. Gently she released him and stood up, stepping away from the couch as she reached for the zipper of her dress, resigned to her fate.

She pulled the zipper down slowly, slipping out of the dress slowly. She let it pool at her feet, standing there in her blue panties and bra. She shivered again at the look he was giving her body as she reached behind her and unsnapped the bra, peeling it off her ample chest and letting it fall to the ground as well. Then, she was slipping out of her panties, the silk fabric sliding down her legs until she stood there in only her shoes. She toed them off before she went to go kneel in front of Michael again, looking up at him for a moment before she took his cock back in her hand and brought the tip of it to her lips.
Michael's breath quickened as he watched her stand up slowly, stretching out her long, slender legs from beneath her. He tried to appear cool and calm but his eyes were afire with lust as Xenia slowly pulled the zipper of her dress down. The dress clung to her breasts for a moment until she pulled it down, showing her ripe, round rack hanging from her body. The dress dropped slowly as it revealed the smooth plane of her belly, and her snug panties that was still damp from earlier. As she stripped down to nothing, Michael's cock twitched in between his legs and pointed directly at the woman it wanted to pleasure it.

The look Xenia gave him before she took his cock to her lips was full of emotion. He wanted to love her, but he could not just let her do as she wished. She must be controlled, for the good of both of us. Once deleted, her records could not be recovered, and he was not her only hope of survival in America. He was actually doing her a favor, he rationalized as she took his rod into mouth. The sudden blast of pleasure almost made Michael cum immediately, but he grabbed onto her beautiful golden hair and regained control of his body. When he let go of her head, Xenia understood what that meant and slowly started to bob her head up and down his hard, thick shaft.

Michael moaned out in pleasure as Xenia raised her head and sucked out the pre cum from his cock and give the tip a little kiss. Every stroke she did was magic, from the way she killed the bottom side of his shaft, to the way she cupped his balls as she worked. Mike couldn't take it any more, he knew he was going to finish soon. He grabbed the back of Xenia's head and held it in place while he began to thrust faster and faster into her soft, wet mouth. He heard her gagging as he pushed his entire manhood into her and bumped her throat, but he didn't care. She placed he hands on his thighs to steady herself as he used her mouth like a man would use a cunt until finally he erupted inside of her. Every thrust of his thighs sent another stream of semen thundering out his cock and into her mouth, until finally Xenia was filled and Michael pulled up and sent the last few spurts all over her face. He looked at her expectantly to clean the last traces of his ejaculate off his penis that was now starting to go flaccid.