The place to be. ✌



You read right.. this is the place to be 😊

My place, to be specific.

I guess I'll be posting whatever I want here (within reason)

If you want to see a Dick pic.. You will most likely see it on my profile, though it's probably not the Dick you want to see.. or is it? 😎

I encourage all of my friends to post whatever they want here as well.

You can tell who my enemies (or people I don't care for are) because I won't respond to them. Why? Because fuck 'em! That's why 😝

Anyways.. pop in and say hello!! Most are welcome here!

Btw.. if you have beef with the Kennedy family or the New England Patriots, either keep it to yourself or I'll tell you to fuck off. Just sayin' ✌

The unspoken rule of this thread is for everything to be civil, no heated arguments or bad vibes.
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I got suckered in with the dick pic. :eek:

*cartwheels around the room to distract I said that out loud*
You know except for football we get along right? lol

Glad you're starting your own place.

I know 😎

I also plan on having NFL discussions in here once the pre-season starts up.

All in good nature though.

I appreciate that!

I've had a few threads before but they were all about one thing and I felt that it excluded some of my friends from posting so this will be sort of a neutral ground so everyone can join in.
I feel like this image deserves to be somewhere on this thread.. 😎🍸

The late, great Frank Sinatra.
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The epitome of cool. Effortlessly so.

I agree 100%

That is one of my all time favorite images.

I frequently use it as a background on my phone 😊
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Another photo of Sinatra.. with another awesome person 😊✌
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A photo of Led Zeppelin.. because why not? 😎
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I'm in a photo posting mood :)

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. shooting some pool 😊
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Popping in to say hello!!!
Classy place ya got here!!

I was wondering when you'd find yourself here!! 😊

*gives you a big hug*

Thank you! I figured with a name like "the place to be" that it should be classy πŸ˜‚
Yep, its like... if you arent here, where the fuck are you??


That was basically the thought when I made it (in so many words lol)

I just felt I should have a place here that'd help every one of my friends feel welcome 😊