The Pharoh's Wife and other Stories


Jul 13, 2009
Got this idea while reading a book.
The premise is basically a Warlock's journey in Africa and how he saves the Egyptian kingdom from annihilation blah blah.
NOw one of the characters is the Queen Neferet who is this strong willed, beautiful,sure of herself, loyal partner of the Pharaoh. She is a great mother and is steadfast in her beliefs and loves her king and the kingdom dearly.
Now moving on to my idea:
Egypt is struck with famine,drought and all possible problems that a kingdom can face . The Pharoh is desperate and almost given up hope.
Enter Eos the Warlock/kings aide/high priest. He knows that in order ot Save Egypt the gods must be pacified. So here comes the smut :

Idea 1 chapter 1 >> eos consults the queen and teels her that she has to perform some rituals which are to be extremely secretive and only her maidens and eos are to be aware of it. initially skeptical eos convinces her that this is the only way. takes her to hideout shows her how performs the first ritual - eos fucks one of her maidens while queen is watching behind a screen- not before offering some elaborate prayers and other cult like belifs and customs.
Queen is seduced>>next step banging the queen<<through out the story the queen must feel remorse and hesitate to commit adultery>>

Chapter 2 >> the maidens take part in the ritauls - orgy - eos ,queen and her maidens.

Chapter 3>> the queen must bed her only son to save egypt - son yong and betrothed to another princess - queen must seduce him

Chapter 4>> queen must sleep with a male servant - colored preferably

Thats all from demented mind folks, Hope some1 can make a story of it.It'll be epic
Another one :
Mother works for some covert agency trying to bust a prostitution racket funded by a govt agency trying to get spy on foreign expats. could be based in us/europe.
Husband unaware of wifes secret job and relatively passive and bored. Son ,18year old ,devoted and unaware of temptaions of the flesh. unwittingly follows his friends to the brothel in question and there the undercover mother is forced to service the 'new ' client