The penultimate "What's wrong with America" thread.


Apr 10, 2001

We have none. No one is to blame for their actions. It is always laid at the doorstep of something or someone else. It's his fault, not mine.

CEOs and Boards have fleeced hundreds of millions of dollars from their companies and have destroyed billions in shareholder value. I took strong public outrage to get the goverment to file criminal charges. Undoubtedly, they will end up in a white collar penn for a few years and walk out with a net worth in the millions still.

Athletes get away with rape, assault, gun-possesion that would have sent the everyday man to jail for a long time. Look at Allan Iverson. He got away with everything. "Go play basketball, Alan," said the police. "Win a championship for us." Randy Moss was told that the rules don't apply to him. And Sprewell is pissed because all of a sudden they are.

Priests take advantage of kids, and the Church hides it. Foreign aid goes to the most needy, only to end up on the black market while others starve. The US government will shell out $5 billion over the next 10 years to rebuild beaches in the most affluent beach neighborhoods in the country while at the same time cutting back educational funds. WTF??? If you can afford a multi-million dollar house, why can't you afford to pay for fixing the beach erosion? Why do my taxes have to fund your private beach?

Falwell opens his sorry mouth and people in India die. Granted, they are dumbasses for listening to him. But to say that muslims need to be eridicated? That's criminal. He has a pulpit from which from which to speak. His words are more damaging. He commands a national audience. Does he not understand what power his words command?

When I was in grammar school, I was punished if I didn't do my homework. Not physically, mind you, but having to write something on the blackboard a few hundred times was harsh punishment. And it stuck with me. My next door neighbor takes TV privileges away from his 9 y/o if she doesn't do her chores.

Is that wrong? Is that considered harsh for today's society?

Are we a generation bent on shirking responsibility? Are we coddlers? Have we raised a generation of children do avoid responsibility, given these examples?

I think this is what is wrong with America. Discuss.
I think what's wrong with America is we don't have a good five cent cigar.
It's illegal for a woman to fuck a guy for money,

Unless somebody is filming it.

I've got more...
you are right...we live in a society where someone has to be blamed...we cant just fix the problem...we have to blame someone first.

usually this involves the courts where morons win lawsuits and are rewarded for there own stupidity!

the tax issue...well you are right again...if you live on the beach in a nice multi million dollar home...fix your own fucking beach!

jerry falwell...."GOOF, BIGOT, MORON"

and well shit that is all i have to say for now! whew!
People generally become more conservative as they get older, sound like an old Brit!

There's nothing wrong with America...good standard of living, reasonably safe, recently judged by the UN as the 28th best country in the world to live.

Things could be worse.
So, if accountability is the penultimate, what's the ultimate? General apathy?
I want my Quarter Pounder, Super-size fries, and 64 ounce Diet Coke NOW.

Where the fuck is my cell phone?
Purple Haze said:
I want my Quarter Pounder, Super-size fries, and 64 ounce Diet Coke NOW.

the diet coke justifies the meal...negates all the fat grams~
Drive-thru worker says

Purple Haze said:
I want my Quarter Pounder, Super-size fries, and 64 ounce Diet Coke NOW.

Where the fuck is my cell phone?

Did you want cheese on that Quarter Pounder, sir?
I agree with lack of accountability as penultimate. Lack of personal responsibility would be the ultimate. I think general apathy is a part of both of those.
KillerMuffin said:
I agree with lack of accountability as penultimate. Lack of personal responsibility would be the ultimate. I think general apathy is a part of both of those.

What planet did you come from?

Nobody says "sir" anymore,

You're suppose to spit on my burger...
We had the penultimate in the late fifties. I believe it was called the McCarthy era if I am not mistaken. Everytime in history so called accountablility has been strong so has censorship, prohibitions, and other more stringent rules of how to live.

It would be nice to see public figures take blame for their fuckups when necessary. It would be nice to see people take a strong stand for the right way to be. The problem is, by the time something has to give the government steps in and tries to legislate it in order to control the 'problem'.

What has to occur is individuals step up to the plate and demand that respect be accorded them. Respect and fair treatment need to top the list in order for any other change to happen. Without respect for ones self and others none of the above can happen.

It is not right that sports stars get away with murder and other crimes. It is not fair that CEO's get away with theft of corporate assests and other crimes. It is not right nor moral that Presidents can lie, cheat and steal, then go on being the President.

HIstory is full of these examples and history seems to repeat itself quite regularly too. If we are not learning from our own mistakes, then how can we expect others to change too.

I have probably confused you all now so I will quit. I think I may have confused myself here too. ;)
What is wrong with our country? Well, in general I think we are overly controlled by our major business firms, and that we are too scared of socialism too be able to give any public program much support, even education. We have way too many laws in place to protect people from themselves. We are also getting fewer and fewer choices in elections.
curious2c said:

It would be nice to see public figures take blame for their fuckups when necessary. It would be nice to see people take a strong stand for the right way to be. The problem is, by the time something has to give the government steps in and tries to legislate it in order to control the 'problem'.

That's just it, you see. Its not a matter of the government legistating the problem away. Government intervention would be simply to transfer the responsibility to its shoulders from ours.

And again, we shirk our responsibilities.
Lancecastor said:
People generally become more conservative as they get older, sound like an old Brit!

There's nothing wrong with America...good standard of living, reasonably safe, recently judged by the UN as the 28th best country in the world to live.

Things could be worse.

28th? Shit. I had no idea we were doing that good. Who's 27th?
I'd say there's some other problems:

Knee-jerk reactionism,
People who are more interested in finding a fall-guy than a solution,
Racial tension,
Asphalt & faceless capitalism, subsidized through the tax system,
Irrational response to perceived risks, combined with apathy toward real ones,
Conservatives who wrap themselves in the flag to save face in any argument,
Neglect and abuse of animals,
etc., etc.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for personal responsibility, though.