The Pack (open looking for a rp partner)

Alter looked up from his computer he said "yeah just finishing up. He submitted his work and grabbed his coat. Heading out to the car. He said "where to first hun."
"Well.....where would we get a tree? Things to decorate it?"she asked. Confused as the store had most of what they needed.
Axel nodded and said "sorry hun I wasn't sure if you wanted to go anywhere special." He pulled up to the large department store in town where they would be able to find just about anything. He retrieved a leeshe so Eron would be able to walk inside with them. Letting him relieve himself outside before they headed in.
Nikki placed Luna and Eron in the cart before smiling. Well I'm not sure what we need? And they sell real trees here?"she said. Following Axel towards the Christmas stuff. She was in awe as it wasn't what she had expected. Luna was giggling as Eron snuggled up to her. Nikki picked out some multicolored lights and put them in the cart.
Axel looked around grabbing things he thought they would need to celebrate Christmas at the house. Including getting some things for food and drinks for the guests since Nikki mentioned a Christmas party. He looked at the trees that where available and said "what do you think Nikki. Should we get one of these or find a place that sells real trees."
Nikki Nikki thought about it as she picked out ornaments. "Well this would be better since Luna is growing fast. Pick one you like."she said. Luna began to fuss before Nikki picked her up. Comforting her before placing her in the wrap. Soon Luna fell asleep. "While we are here...can we pick up a few things for the kids?"she asked.
Axel nodded as he placed a tree in the cart. He said "yeah love lets do that." They shopped for a few things for Eron and Luna. While they did he was keeping his eyes peeled for anything he thought that nikki would like. Planning to come back tomorrow on his own to get them.
Nikki smiled as they got a few things. Toys and clothes, though Nikki grabbed some more diapers. "Hun.....can you push the cart?"she asked. Stopping to shift Luna so she was more comfortable. Making sure they had everything but realized they forgot the wrapping paper. "What is that fancy paper use to wrap the gifts?"she asked.
Axel pushed the cart allowing Nikki to hold Luna comfortably. Eron sitting quietly in the cart as he took in all the sights and smells of the store. He said "wrapping paper we can swing back by the Christmas stuff on our way out."
Nikki nodded her head as they headed that way. Wondering what to get Axel for Christmas. She was going to ask her dad when they got home. They grabbed some wrappingpaper before they headed to check out. Luna was still asleep as they loaded up the car. "Love what should we have for the party?"she asked.
Axel sat the things in the car. Climbing in with Nikki. As they drove home he said "how about ham. I remember mom always use to make a nice juicy ham as the main course for any christmas dinner." Smiling at the fond memory one of the few he remembers having.
"That would be good. Hun what else do we need?"she said. After a bit they were home and unloaded the car. Though someone was watching from the treeline. Nikki took Luna up to her room and placed her in her crib. Then headed down to help Axel with the bags.
Axel sat Eron down so he could walk in on his own. Grabbing some of the things from the car. He said "well guests won't be hard to find since everyone knows each other on the reservation. I guess just side dishes to serve something for desert maybe and drinks. Other than decorating the house the only thing we really need to worry about now is our families first christmas."
Nikki listened carefully as they finished unloading the car. "Perfect though I can help decorate as Luna is napping."She said Beginning with the tree as listened to instructions from Axel. After a bit the tree was up and decorated. Just in time as Luna work up, Nikki went to go get her. Coming back down and setting down Luna to play with Eron.
Axel smiled at the tree. A memory coming back to him from his youth. Of wanting this with his family. Him his mother and his father. Now his father is back in his life while his mother is gone. He went over to Luna kneeling down to kiss her forehead before gently petting Eron. His family unlike him would grow up having both there parents. He smiled at Nikki before he began to work on the decorations again.
Soon Luna began to cry as she reached out for Axel. Nikki turned around and smiled as Eron snuggled up to Luna. Wanting to comfort his sister before his father picked her up. "She is teething hun."she said. Nikki went and got Luna a toy from the freezer. Luna soon began to settle down. Though Nikki paused, "You sense that?" The unwanted guest soon took off into the trees.
Axel picked Luna up as Nikki prepared her toy from the freezer. Holding her as she chewed on it. He said "yes I do take her." Handing Luna to Nikki as he went outside. He said "it doesn't smell like anyone from the northern tribe plus our and our sister packs attack should of wiped them all out."
Nikki immediately took Luna as she was worried. Waiting until Axel walked back in. "This isn't good.....means we have a new enemy."she said. Concerned though called her father who wasted no time getting to their house. Axel's father soon walked up onto their porch.
Axel greeted his and Nikki's father and said "thanks for coming." He led them inside where Luna reached out for Axel's father to take her. He said "Nikki and I sensed someone on the res boarder watching the house. He ran off his scent wasn't like anyone we smelled before. Maybe he was just a rogue who got to close to our territory?"
Nikki hand Luna over as she snuggled up to her other grandpa. "I know the scent...belongs to my old mate."he said. Nikki was worried a she took Luna back. "She touches my kids....I'll end her."she said. Turning as she headed upstairs to change Luna. "I will handle this but keep Luna in your sights at all times. She will take her."he said.
Axel said "I don't get it though. Why target us if her problem is with you? Or rather why Luna especially. Me at the very least I understand if she feels you left her for mom but Luna has nothing to do with this. This isn't like with the northern tribe where they just didn't think she belonged."
His dad sighed as he sat his son down. "Yes, but she knows your world is that little girl. She watched us take on the Northern tribe. She is known for taking from someone who has made her mad. I will stay around and help guard Luna. Ami never forgave for being with your mother."he said. Nikki soon came back down with Luna hearing what his father had to say. "I've heard of this jealousy is not uncommon but can hurt a tribe." she said. Handing Luna to Axel as she reached out for her daddy.
Axel took Luna holding her in his lap as they pondered there next move. He was tired of his family being in danger over him or his heritage. Last time they lost Orion he wasn't going to let anyone else hurt his family. He smiled down at Luna as he held her.
Luna smiled at Axel as Eron hopped up by them. "Well basically just breath and keep an eye on Luna. We have a party to hold. I don't want her to see us panic."she said. Smiing as she took Luna as it was feeding time. "Axel if you need to work go ahead...I can handle the kids."she said.
Axel nodded and said "alright love I won't be long. Were almost done with our current contract and the next project won't start till the new year." He kissed Nikki before he kissed Luna's head and petting eron. Heading to his office as he sat down to begin working still keeping his senses on his property.