The Orangutang Sexually Submitted Eradication Robbin Singers


Really Experienced
Jun 8, 2010
For the most part, it's just too much effort and a complete waste of time 'connecting' with people online. In the gran scale of things you come to the realization that the actual people you have spoken and continue to speak too, compared to the vast amounts of time wasters/lack of chesmistry/ pure incompatibilty/etc ... well, the scale definitely tips over to one side - in a blatant fashion.

So what's my point, you may be asking - if you lazy buggers even bothered to read this far!

Well, they say that you find when you stop looking. But I don't think I am capable of walking down the street and not imagining what her ass looks like after being released from them tight jeans, or unclasping that bra and letting them puppies fight gravity - so yeah! I'm probably fucked if that saying is true. So instead I come here (sporadically) and blurt out my late night non-important thoughts. Why? because no one cares - and I like that! :D

Have a nice day (for the most part) unknown people to myself. :cool:

oh, and regardless whether you get, or not the title - still aplicable ;)
Had a good laugh over the title. Best thread title on here. Cheers!