The oppresed are now your attackers

09:56 AM EST | 5:56 PM Iraq | Iraq: "4,000 volunteers for suicide attacks"
Lt. Gen. Hazem al-Rawi, a senior Iraqi defense official says that more than 4,000 volunteers have come from numerous Arab countries to participate in suicide attacks on the invaders. ( NY Daily News ).
busybody said:
Only option?

Is mine!

Kill all Muslims/Arabs!

It would be easier to kill all the americans, they make up a smaller portion of the worlds population.
Well, the Rabs/Muslims do say....DEATH TO AMERICA, and they are trying.

Its US or THEM.......which do YOU want?:confused:
busybody said:
Well, the Rabs/Muslims do say....DEATH TO AMERICA, and they are trying.

Its US or THEM.......which do YOU want?:confused:

I'm fucked either way.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Too right, a fucking tard

A dribbling one at that.

Shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself and everyone else with your ridiculous diatribe

You have been ebarrassing your self the second you registered and started posting.

Main Entry: di·a·tribe
Pronunciation: 'dI-&-"trIb
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin diatriba, from Greek diatribE pastime, discourse, from diatribein to spend (time), wear away, from dia- + tribein to rub -- more at THROW
Date: 1581
1 : a bitter and abusive speech or writing

You are accusing me of a bitter and abusive speech?
Here is the ENTIRE definition.......and he is correct

Main Entry: di·a·tribe
Pronunciation: 'dI-&-"trIb
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin diatriba, from Greek diatribE pastime, discourse, from diatribein to spend (time), wear away, from dia- + tribein to rub -- more at THROW
Date: 1581
1 archaic : a prolonged discourse
2 : a bitter and abusive speech or writing
3 : ironical or satirical criticism
busybody said:
Only option?

Is mine!

Kill all Muslims/Arabs!

I think you should go see a doctor for your illness. Might I suggest Dr. Kervorkian? I think his solution is the right one for you.
The Arabs/Muslims have shown time after time that they are INHUMANE sub human vile murdering creatures......Why let them LIVE??????

Read the following ASSHOLE!......And tell me this is normal behavior?
And what we should do with these beasts?

Sowing the Seeds of Hate

The New York Daily News carried out a special investigation of the textbooks used in New York’s Islamic schools—and discovered a snakepit of blatant anti-Semitism, Muslim supremacy, and hatred of Christians and infidels: Sowing the seeds of hatred. This is a very scary article; it demonstrates beyond any doubt that even with extra scrutiny after 9/11, Islamic schools in the United States continue to indoctrinate Muslim children in the ideology of hatred and jihad. Is it any wonder that sites like the vile Clear Guidance exist?

The Islamic texts teach that "the Jews" killed their own prophets and betrayed the Prophet Muhammed through their inherent deceitfulness.

The books, obtained during a three-month Daily News investigation that included visits to private Muslim schools, are rife with inaccuracies, sweeping condemnations of Jews and Christians, and triumphalist declarations of Islam's supremacy. In Long Island City, Queens, for example, fifth- and sixth-graders at the Ideal Islamic School on 12th St. learn that Allah has revealed that "the Jews killed their own prophets and disobeyed Allah."

At the Muslim Center Elementary School on Geranium Ave. in Flushing, Queens, a textbook for grades 6 through 8 teaches that Jews "subscribe to a belief in racial superiority. ... Their religion even teaches them to call down curses upon the worship places of non-Jews whenever they pass by them! They arrogantly refer to anyone who is not Jewish as 'gentiles,' equating them with sin."

The book "What Islam Is All About" states that, "The Christians also worship statues."

"Many" Jews and Christians, the book says, "lead such decadent and immoral lives that lying, alcohol, nudity, pornography, racism, foul language, premarital sex, homosexuality and everything else are accepted in their society, churches and synagogues."

Yet a third book, in use at the Ideal school, describes the hostile relations between Jews and the Prophet Muhammed in Medina in the 7th century.

"The reasons for Jewish hostility lies in their general characteristics," the book says. Numerous Koranic citations follow with negative references to Jews — for example, "You will ever find them deceitful, except for a few of them."

The textbooks in question are widely cited by Islamic educators as among the most popular in use. They come from two publishing companies specializing in Islamic studies textbooks that, together, appear to dominate this niche market in New York and elsewhere across the U.S.
Read the whole thing; it’s incredibly detailed and very disturbing indeed.

UPDATE: A section of this article is about Yahiya Emerick, the author of many of the hate manuals:

Yahiya Emerick, who heads the Islamic Foundation of North America, a Queens-based nonprofit curriculum development project, stood by the language in his books, which are printed and distributed by International Books and Tapes Supply, or IBTS.

"Islam, like any belief system, believes its program is better than others. I don't feel embarrassed to say that," he said. His books, Emerick stressed, "are directed to kids in a Muslim educational environment. They must learn and appreciate there are differences between what they have and what other religions teach. It's telling kids that we have our own tradition." He denied the books were inflammatory.
LGF reader Susan points out an article by Emerick that is widely available on the internet at Muslim dawa sites; the title speaks for itself: How to Make America an Islamic Nation.

I was born and raised here. This is my land. I'll raise my children here, insha-Allah and probably be buried here as well. I knew that by accepting Islam I was declaring that America needed to do so too. America, my home, would naturally become an Islamic country one day. There is no other way to think if you are a truly conscientious believer in Allah.

In past columns I have raised complaints or alarm bells at the state of some segment of the Muslim community. Now I'm going to offer three suggestions for how we can turn the situation around and become the dominant social and cultural force in a country that needs Islam more than another pop-star, beer-brand or psychic network.
For all of the oil revenue that has flowed into the wealthier Arab countries, consider the overall state of the Arab world:

* It does not produce a single manufactured product of sufficient quality to sell on world markets.

* Arab productivity is the lowest in the world.

* It contains not a single world-class university.

* The once-great tradition of Arab science has degenerated into a few research programs in the fields of chemical and biological warfare.

* No Arab state is a true democracy.

* No Arab state genuinely respects human rights.

* No Arab state hosts a responsible media.

* No Arab society fully respects the rights of women or minorities.

* No Arab government has ever accepted public responsibility for its own shortcomings.

This is a self-help world. We can't force Arab states to better themselves. If Arabs prefer to dream of imaginary triumphs while engaging in fits of very real savagery, they're their own ultimate victims.

Is there any hope?
Iraq and suicide bombers This brief piece from StrategyPage

March 29, 2003: Iraq admitted that the suicide bombing in southern Iraq was deliberate. Iraq has long paid large cash awards to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers and in the past week, Palestinian terrorist organizations have urged Saddam to use suicide bombings against the invaders. During the 1980s war with Iran, Saddam spent billions of dollars in payments to the families of men killed in the war, This was done to maintain the good will of the population in a very unpopular war (Saddam had invaded Iran in the first place.) In Arab terms, it's not a bad deal for a son with poor prospects (unemployed or inept) to "do something for the family" by getting killed in return for a large sum of cash. This sort of thing has become very fashionable among young Moslems.

busybody said:
Only option?

Is mine!

Kill all Muslims/Arabs!
But you already stated here on Lit that there are some Muslims you don't want killed - in fact, you explicitly said you wished there were more of them around.

Didn't your mentor Osama teach you anything?

The first lesson in being a fundamentalist, terrorist, savage: pick your extremist "all X must die" dogma, and then stick to it ya twit! :D

I assume beyond calling ME names......

You have no comments on the above?

Save the name calling.......I dont give a shit!

It is ASSHOLES like you.......that cant see the menace in front of YOUR FUCKING FACE!
busybody said:
Well, the Rabs/Muslims do say....DEATH TO AMERICA, and they are trying.

Its US or THEM.......which do YOU want?:confused:

The sooner YOU are gone, the better the world will be.
Even if I were gone

The MooSLAMS would still wanna kill you......

They are so adorable when they start their Hitler-istic rants..

*rolling eyes*