The Only Male Cheerleader


Literotica Guru
Jan 15, 2008
Jack wanted to be a professional wrestler. Not everyone knew what they wanted to do, but Jack was sure. He'd studied jujitsu and gymnastics since he was small. He originally planned on being a high flyer, because his dad was short, but the genes from his mother's side had kicked in and at 18 he stood 6'4" and was still growing. Now he figured he could be a bruiser, or with enough training, an all-around great like the Undertaker.

At least, that was the plan. Then Dad got downsized and Jack was no longer going to the private school, or the judo dojo or the gymnastics lessons. Then Dad got a new job making a third as much at a start-up company in Flyover, USA. So one long car ride later and it was bye-bye NYC, hello Bumfuck! There wasn't a judo dojo or gymnastics school in the entire county, let alone at his new high school.

But there was a cheer squad. Not that Jack was excited about it, but they practiced the skills he needed. Flips, flexibility and shouting in front of an audience.

So that's how Jack found himself standing in front of the audition commitee for cheerleader tryouts, the only guy in the auditorium. He'd just done a series of forward flips off a springboard into a double tuck twist and stuck the landing, not something most guys could do, and particularly amazing for a giant of a man.

Jack smiled at the three senior girls behind the table staring at him with their mouths gaping open.

"So, am I in?"



Looking for a female writer to play one or multiple cheerleaders. The idea is that Jack is about to experience a school year of banging the hottest girls in school. The first should be an aggressive girl sneaking into the boys lockerroom after tryouts and atching him in the shower. I can't wait for the first cheerleaders sleepover type party.

I'm not into anal, scat or BDSM. Light bondage is fun, oral, cumplay & tittyfucking a must.

Please PM me with your 1st post.

The three girls sat behind the large fold up chair, watching as the man jumped and twisted, flying through the air like... Like a guy his size shouldn't be able to. Jack was a big boy. Not in a fat way, but in a, he works out a looot way! So that added to his try out moves, it was pretty amazing to watch!

"This is a joke. This has to be a joke." Kimmi whispered to Milla, leaning closer to her as she did, interrupting her staring. "There is no a guy like that, is actually trying out for this squad."

"A guy like that shouldn't be able to move like that at all," She whispered back. "But don't judge it. He's the best we've seem all day long. Not to mention the only guy and you know as much as I do, that we need a guy." Milla told her. Sure, a bunch of girls in tiny little skirt, all dancing around was pretty hot, but they needed a guy in the mix. Just to give them that extra something. That, and se was sure Jack would be able to toss the girls pretty high and if he caught them, she was sure the girl wouldn't argue.

When he finished and was standig in front of them, they two stoped talking and just looked at him. Without him moving around everywhere, it was easier for them to size him up. He looked even bigger when he stood still.

After a moment, they all looked at each other, a questionable look on their faces. He was perfect for the squad, but they weren't really sure about his additude. Sure, they had some bitchy girls in the squad already, but they were use to that. A guys behavior, no. He could be able pervert! Or a boss jackass! They didn't know. "What do you guys think?" Milla asked them. She was already pretty sure on her answer, and as captain she had final vote, but she wanted their opinions.

"I say yes!" Jenna whispered, her eyes more on Jack then on them. "He's hot. He's talented. He's strong. He's perfect!" She said before she sat up straight.

"I agree," Kimmi said with a nod. "He seems to be on the nice side, more then the jerky type as well. I say give him a try."

The both sat up at the same time and Milla put on a bright, cheerful smile. "Me and my two co captains have come to a agreement and we decided the you have what it takes to join the team." here he could say anything, she added. "But, if you except us you'll need to stay after school for a hour and a half every day besides Tuesday and Thursday. That's when we usually take a break to like study or whatever. Then on Friday we stay a extra hour, just to make up for the weekend." Milla crossed her arms.

"You think you can handle that? Are you able to commit?"
Jack didn't stand still as the girls talked. He paced a few feet back and forth, swung his arms in front of him, crossing them as far as they could go then swinging them backwards as far as they would go. He worked his head around in a circle too, stretching his neck. When the head cheerleader stood up he turned and faced her. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You think you can handle that? Are you able to commit?"

Jack chuckled at the double entendre. He smiled at the lead cheerleader and said, "Yeah. I can definitely handle that. Monday and Wednesday and an extra hour Friday."

Jack stretched his arms again. "Well, if that's it I'm gonna go hit the showers and I'll see you girls tomorrow for Friday practice."

Jack waited for their response then walked over to his bag, bending at the waist to pick it up off the ground and unintentionally giving the girls an incredible view of his ass in his spandex shorts. He was heading to the showers to get a nice long shower.
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Milla tilted her head to the right as he turned away and went to his bag, bending over. After a hesitant moment, her eyes laying on his... very well shaped ass, she raised her hand and waved at him. "We'll see you tomorrow, Jack." She called after him, before she reached down and grabbed the clipboard and paers n front of her. "He seemsmore like the jock type them the cheer type." She said, more to herself. "I wonder why he's trying out."

Sure, he could be doing it bcause he liked jumping and twisting- "You think he's gay?" Both Milla and Kimmi turned their eyes to Jenna. The bubbly blonde had her hands on her hips, her eyes on the door Jack just went through. "I mean, if he is, more power to him, I don't mind. But would the world really be that cruel, that they would make a guy look that yummy and want to cheer. Hen like the same sex as us?"

"I don't think so." Kimmi said, smiling. "I'm pretty sure I saw him looking at my tits before he started." She added, running her hands over her 34D breasts.

"Really you two? Get your mind off his body and onto his skill. gay or straight, doesn't matter. We finally have a guy on the team." Milla said as she grabbed her purse and plced the papers inside. Then she moved away from the table and started to walk to walk to the door.

"Hey, me and Kimmi are going to the mall, wanna come along?"

"Can't!" She called to Jen. "I need to order the uniform for the team now that I have everyones size." She stopped at the door. Everyones besides Jacks. "Look, I'll call you guys later tonight." She said as she opened the gym door, stepping out and in to the empty hall. Instead of going to the office though, Milla headed towards the locker rooms. She really did need his size and she couldn't just guess. Not with him.

She stopped outside of the boys locker room and looked around for a moment making sure no one was around. The last thing she needed was someone seeing her and follow her. She didn't have the urge to get trapped in a locker room with a guy who didn't take no for a answer. She didn't really blame them though. She was known as one of the hottest girls at school. She had long, dirty blonde hair, dark and shinining blue eyes. Her 5'7' hourglass frame was slim, do to all her time working out. Well, except for her doubleD breasts.

When she was sure no one was looking, she pushed the door open and walked inside, hearing the shower running.
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Milla was greated by the sound of the shower but as the door closed she couldn't help but hear a rumbling bass sing out,"Something has changed within me. Something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game."

Jack hit the high note at rules, rising into a rich baritone. He was lathering up, the spray of water from the showerhead pounding on his back, his hands moving over his arms and chest, a thick layer of soap coating him. His cock was uncut and standing at half mast. The only soap o. His lower body was what had dripped down from his chest. It was obvious he hadn't been in the shower long.

"Too late for second guessing, too late to go back to sleep, it's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap."

Jack turned, facing the spray, letting it pour over his face, washing the sweat away.
The sound of someone singing caught her attention almost instantly. It wasn't bad either. Great song too! Now she just needed to know who tht voice belonged too! It culdn't be Jack. No way. He already had so much going for him. He couldn't have a voice too. As she walked to the showers, she pulled her bag off her shoulder and placed it by the wall.

The locker room was empty, besides a few bags and some towels on the floor. Which was surprising. She was really thinking he's be out here. When she reached the showers, she stopped, and her eyes widened. "Oh. My. Goodness." Milla leaned against the wall, staring at the newest member to their squad.

Jack was standing there, his eyes closed, running his hands over his body, coverig himself in soap. He was... Wow. A large frame, amazing muscles, and a cock that would put most of the football team to shame. On top of all that, he was in fact the one singing When he turned around, Milla waited until he had most of he soap off him before she spoke.

"So, not only can you do a back flip and land perfectly, but your also a singer?" A grin was on her face and she held up a hand, counting off her fingers, "So, buff, handsome, amazing at gymnastic, hot voice, and," her eyes went down to his cock for a moment before she looked at his face. "Obviously quite well hung."

"Now that just leaves me wondering," She stood up straight. "Why cheerleadng?"
"So not only can you do a backflip..."

Startled by the sound of her voice, Jack jumped, losing his balance and with his face covered in water, he groped out, grabbing onto the shower head. He flailed for a half-second then ffound his balance. Keeping himself facing the wall he moved the shower head so it wasn't blasting him in the face anymore. He half turned at the waist to face whoever was talking to him, and preserve a bit of modesty, though it was probably too late.

Yeah, when she mentioned him being obviously well hung it was apparent that modesty was a lost cause.

"Why cheerleading?"

Jack took a deep breath and turned around, forcing himself to keep his hands away from his cock and faced Milla. He was sure his face was red, but he was determined to act casual. Jack took a deep breath and answered her.

"I'm going to be a pro-wrestler. I've done gymnastics and judo since I was knee high to a knee. I did a little community theatre, all skills needed for sports entertainment. Then Dad lost his old job and got a new one out here in East Bumfuck, Nowhere."

Jack shrugged. "It was either cheering or theater and there aren't many parts for a 6'4" behometh. And cheering gives me a physical workout too."

Jack's eyes narrowed as he looked at Milla. "But you could have asked me that back at my interview. I assume there was something else you wanted."
She bit her lower lip as he turned around to face her, allowing her to see his whole body. He some how seemed even hotter. She guessed it was because he was actually allowing her to see his body, instead of her peeking at him. Or... maybe it as his reddening face. It made him that much cuter.

She bit her lower lip and shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry we're not a million dollar school, but we're not to bad. We're certainly not nowhere either." She told him as he said what he wanted to do. The muscles and how agile he was made allot of scene now.

"But you could have asked me that back at my interview. I assume there was something else you wanted."

She grinned a bit and covered her mouth for a minute, holding back a laugh. "Your right. I could have asked you that but then I would have missed seeing all of this," she motioned to his body. "That would have been just horribly upsetting. I mean I would have been up all night just imagining, but... Now I get to imagine the real thing!" She said in a very cheerful voice. "But, I didn't come here to ask you that. Not at all."

"I came in here to ask for your size for the uniform. I would guess, but I'm sure I would be wrong. I mean,... your a behometh, like you said. I didn't want to screw up the order." She gave him a apologetic look, "If it helps any, I tried to get in here for before you got in the shower. Guess I wasn't in here fast enough."

"May I borrow your body?" She asked sweetly.
"Your right. I could have asked you that but then I would have missed seeing all of this," she motioned to his body. "That would have been just horribly upsetting. I mean I would have been up all night just imagining, but... Now I get to imagine the real thing!"

Jack blinked. Did Milla just say...? No, she must be teasing. This must be some kind of hazing. Yeah, that was it. Hazing. Because if she was serious that meant Jack was going to get a chance to fuck her, and that sort of thing didn't happen outside of penthouse forums.

She said in a very cheerful voice. "But, I didn't come here to ask you that. Not at all. I came in here to ask for your size for the uniform. I would guess, but I'm sure I would be wrong. I mean,... your a behometh, like you said. I didn't want to screw up the order." She gave him a apologetic look, "If it helps any, I tried to get in here for before you got in the shower. Guess I wasn't in here fast enough."

From the way she was staring at his cock, that statement was a little hard to believe. Jack twinged his pulman muscle, making his cock jump just to see if she would follow it.

"May I borrow your body?" She asked sweetly.

Jack nodded. He was trying to think of something not stupid to say.

"Of course you can. You'll have to wait until I'm done in the shower though. That could take awhile, I just started." He paused, weighing his words and forcing himself to sound casual.

"It would probably go faster if you helped. But I don't want you to get your clothes all wet."
Milla couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from his cock. Of course, she made sure to look at his face time from time, not wanting to seem like a complete pervert, but even that was a hard thing to do. Even more so when it bounced a bit. The only reason she didn't moan at that sight was because he bit her bottom lip, holding it in.

When he agreed on letting her borrow his body, which of course she could have done a number of things, she thought he was going to come out of the shower, but he shot that down real quick, telling her it would be a while. Which surprised her. She just asked a man for his body. She thought he would run out of that shower.

When he said his next comment though, it all made scence.

"It would probably go faster if you helped. But I don't want you to get your clothes all wet."

Smooth. Very smooth. "Well, I do need to head home pretty son and these do need to be sent in, so I guess I should help." Milla said after a brief pause, acting as if it wasn't this big thing. She moved her hands from her hips and grabbed the top of her dark blue tank top. She pulled it over her head, showing not only the black sports bra she wore underneath, but th dangling piercing on her belly button. After tossing the shirt away, she grabbed the bra and did the same, showing him her large, perky tits ,before moving her hands to her pink, shorts. After hooking her thumbs on either side, she pulled them, along with her panties down her long legs, bending over slightly as she did. When she stood up straight, her whole body was on display, besides her feet.

"Guess I don't have to worry about getting my clothes all wet now." She told him, with a grin as she kicked off her shoes. Before walking into the showers, she pulled the band that held her hair out, out, allowing her hair to fall down her back and around her face in wavy curls. "There! Now, I'd be more then happy to help you. Now that your apart of the squad, all you need to do is ask and I'll be happy to wash your back."

With a smile, she walked into the showers ad straight over to him. "So, I know you already got your chest all cleaned," she raised a hand and ran her finger over his wet chest." So what do you want me to clean next?"
"Well, I do need to head home pretty son and these do need to be sent in, so I guess I should help."*

Jack watched the head cheerleader strip in front of him. He let out a wolf whistle when her top came off. Her tits looked big inside the shirt but with it off they were obviously even bigger then he thought. Then the bra disappeared and the two titanic tits began to bou ce independently from each other. "Damn," Jack said, just loud enough for Milla to hear over the water. He could feel his cock getting harder. He glanced down and saw a tiny bit of his purple head poking out from under his foreskin. When she stripped off her shorts and panties he nearly lost his composure and crossed the room to fuck her then and there.

Jack took a few more breaths and let them out slow. He was in control. More or less. He wasn't going to lose it right away.

Milla's tits bounced as she kicked off her shoes and when she pulled the band out of her hair Jack let out a groan. "You're beautiful." It came out as a growl.

She offered to help him in the shower whenever he asked. Jack replied as she walked into the shower. "I don't bring a back brush with me, so if you're serious then I'm going to use you a lot."

Milla ran her finger over his chest while Jack stared at her chest. He just wanted to shove his cock between her tits and bang them until he came all over her face. He was too busy imagining that to hear everything she said precisely. It took him a second to realize she wanted to know where to start rubbing her hands all over his body.

Fucking A! Jack had an idea. Heh.

"Well Milly, I really only need help with two areas. Like you said, I could use hell with my back, so if you want to get started there that would be great. The other thing is I want to try this new conditioner for my pubic hair. It's called 'Extract de Pussy'" Jack used a bad french accent when he said that. "Basically I need to get it all over my pubic area." Jack took Milla's hand in his and rubbed bhai er hand all over the hairy base of his cock. "My very hairy balls," he ran her hand down, letting her cup his balls, giving out a groan as she did. "Oh, and of course the shaft of my cock," he moved her hand there and left it resting on the shaft.

"So either one is fine. My back, or my pubic area. Or both. Whatever you'd like to start with."
"Your beatiful."

"Glad you like." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Cheering kept me very fit and well," she moved her hands to her tits, cupping them. "God gave me these amazing things!" She giggled as she went over to him. When she stopped him front of him, she let her eyes run over him again.

She thought, This year is going to be amazing! All she could thing about in that moment was him fucking her... Everywhere! In every position! Getting load and loads of sweet cum all over her body. The thought alone made her pussy drip.

When he said what he wanted cleaned, she looked up at him, watching him as he took his hand in hers. She held her breath, holding back a moan as he moved her and over his coc and then his balls. "Oh god," she looked up at him before saying, "Alright, so I have to decide between your cock or your back" she pulled her hand away form his.
"That's a tough one." she tease, a grin forming on her face.

"If I were to pick your cock, how would like me to... get this conditioner?" She moved her hand out and ran a finger over his dick slowly.
"If I were to pick your cock, how would like me to... get this conditioner?" She moved her hand out and ran a finger over his dick slowly.

Jack let out a long, slow moan as Milla teased his cock. It was all he could do to resist taking her right then and there.

Jack took a deep breath and let it out slowly. His eyes gazed down to her tits and he felt his cock throb. She knew she had amazing tits, but that didn't make them any less amazing. He couldn't wait until they were wrapped around his cock.

Finally feeling calm enough to speak Jack replied, "Well, you can't buy 'Extract de Pussy'" he used the horrible French accent, "in the store. If you don't get it fresh it's no good. So either you're going to have to masturbate and slowly wipe it off of your slit and up and down my cock, or you're going to have to impale yourself on the little behemoth here." Jack pulled his pulman muscle making his cock jump when he said 'little behemoth.

Before she answered Jack snapped his fingers. "That is unless you squirt when you cum. If you squirt when you cum you could just squirt all over my pubic area. Of course, if I'm balls deep inside you when you squirt it would probably be even better, what with you being so close to your target area."

He rubbed his chin, pretending to think about it. "What do you think?"
Milla bit her bottom lip, stopping herself from laughing as he used that horrid accent. "Oh I see. That makes a lot of sence actually though. I mean, everythings better when it's fresh." she agreeded, continuing to circle the tip of his cock as he explained what she had to do to get the conditioner on him

When he snapped his fingers, she tilted her head to the side, looking at him curiously. "You know, by the way you looked when you said squirt, my guess is that that is one of your turn ons, isn't it?" She asked him, a smile on her face. "Lucky for you, I happen to have that skill!"

As he rubbed his chin, she titled her head to the side and moved her finger away from his cock, bring it up to her mouth. "Hmm, now this is tough," She placed her finger in her mouth and sucked on it, as she pretended to think about what she wanted to do. "Well," she popped her finger out of her mouth. "The only choices I have right now, really are to masturbate for you and spray my juices on you and hope I get enough on the conditioner on you or... I can fuck you and get my juices direcly."

With a smile, she moved her hands to his chest. "I think should have your cock inside me. I think that would be the best way to get the conditioner on you, but... Will you be able to hold yourself back though? I mean, I don't want you to ruin the conditioner because my pussy felt to good."
"I think should have your cock inside me. I think that would be the best way to get the conditioner on you, but... Will you be able to hold yourself back though? I mean, I don't want you to ruin the conditioner because my pussy felt to good."

Ruin the conditioner? What the hell was she talking about, 'ruin the conditioner?' Jack took a moment to think about it, stepping forward and cupping Milla's tits in his hands. His thumbs moved over her nipples rubbing back and forth, getting them nice and hard. He smiled at her and said, "You're right. Squirting girls are a huge turn on. I love having a gooey, messy good time. Do you love a nice gooey time too?"

As he was talking it finally occured to him what she meant by ruining the conditioner. Hmmm, how to phrase this...

"You're right, we wouldn't want to dilute the formula. In fact, you should probably take a close look at my cockhead right now and make sure there isn't any of my pre-cum on there to start with. If there is you'd better find a way to clean it off."

Jack gave Milla's nipples a nice hard pinch and then let her breasts go. "After that I guess we're ready to start. Do you want me to lie down so you can take your time with the old behemoth, or do you want to do it standing up and just take the monster for a ride. I figure either one will get the maximum amount of extract on the target area. I'll just have to be sure to make you cum before I do, and then find something to do with my cum."

He rubbed his chin again, pretending to think about it. "Do you have a suggestion?"
"Mmm," Her back arched slightly, pushing her tits out to him when he cupped them. Milla closed her eyes for a moment, her breathing picking up as he rubbed her nipples, making them harden almost instantly. When he asked about messes, she opened her eyes and giggled. "I love a gooey mess. Do you plan on giving me one?" Lowing her hand, she let it run over his length. "I'm very good at cleaning them up too."

When he seemed to get what she was talking about when she said 'ruin' it, she had to bite her lip and try to hold back a laugh. "I guess it couldn't hurt to check and make sure there's nothing there." She said playfully, only to gasp as he pinched her nipple. "Oh god,"

"I... I..." She tried to think. It should be easier now that he wasn't playing ith her tits, but it only seemed to make things more complecated. Probably because all she could think about now was having his hands run over her body. "How about this, this time, I'll take... your behemoth for a ride and next time I'll take my time." She squeezed his dick. "And I can promise, there will be a next time."

As he rubbed his chin, she slowly moved down. "I have a idea where you can cum," she let her tits rub over his dick before she got to her knees. She looked at his dick, seeing a small pearl drop on the tip of his dick. Leaning forward, she stuck her tongue out and flick the tip of the mushroom shaped head, catching the small amount of precum.

"Mmm, he even tastes good." She thought to herself before she stood up. "All clean... for now." Her arms moved up, wrapping around his neck before she pressed her body against his.

"So, you want that conditioner now?"
"I love a gooey mess. Do you plan on giving me one?" Before Jack could answer Milla was stroki g his cock and Jack couldn't help but let out a long low moan. As he finished she said, "I'm very good at cleaning them up too."

The image of Milla's face covered in his white, sticky goo, with strings of it in her hair and dripping onto her massive tits consumed Jack's mind. He considered grabbing her head and fucking her mouth. It would feel so good and he wanted to see her marked as his.

Jack took a deep breath and let it out slow. No, he'd worked too long on the 'extract de pussy' line, plus he did want to fuck her. Besides, he just made the team. There were bound to be other opportunities. She gasped when he pinched her nipple and then she read his mind, saying that she wanted to ride the monster that grew out of his groin this time but next time, and that was the mind reading part, 'next time.'

Next time he would cover her in cum.

Next time she would take it slow.

Next time he would fill her mouth with his man-meat.

Next time...

Milla licked the tip and then wrapped her arms around Jack's neck. He took a few steps toward the wall, adjusted the shower so the hot water was spraying them, slipped his hands unde her ass and then lifted her like she was a child, one hand under each ass-cheek with no visible strain. He got her breasts at mouth level and leaned in, sucking and nibbling on one pink tip and then the other, the weight of his chest pressing against her belly and the tip of his engorged cock standing straight up and teasing her pussy lips.

He kept her like that for an eternity of minutes wondering if he could make her cum from just her nipples. Soon Jack stopped and took his cock, aimed it up and slowly lowered Milla down until the tip of the head was poking into her pussy lips.

From the position they were in Jack had to look up slightly to smile at her.

"Lower yourself when you're ready."
She giggled as his hands moved down her body before he got a good grip on her then she was lifted up into the air. Her hands moved to his shoulders, holding them tight, at the same time, her legs moved up, wrapping around his waist. Now this is exactly why she came in here! To feel his body press up against her own... and his cock.

With each small shift she made,his cock would rub against wet pussy, making small moans escape her mouth. Which only grew louder when he moved his head down and caught her headened nipple in his mouth.

"Oooh," Her head fell back, as he sucked and nipped at her, sending pleasure rushing through her body. "God yes, She rocked her hips, pushing herself against his cock, subconciously trying to get him inside her. Her head was spinning like crazy with each suck he took.

When he pulled away, she turned her head down to look at him, panting as she did. He shifted a bit before pushing his cock up, pushing inside her cunt a bit. "Mmm,"

"Lower yourself when your ready."

"When I'm ready?" Milla moved one of her hands around his neck, "Okay." She loosened her grip on his waist, making herself slid down his body, impaling herself on half his cock before she stopped herself. "Oh fuck!" She cried, her other hand moving up, grabbing a handful of his hair. She knew he was... well huge, but she didn't think he would feel this good!

His cock was strenching her wide, wider then any guy was able to before. And he was already so deep... andshe didn't even have his whole length. Milla looked at him, pleasure filling her body. "Yo-you've fucked a girl with your whole cock before, right?"
Milla was moaning the whole time, but she was going wild when he started sucking and licking her nipples. That just made Jack want to suckle them more. Hmmm, he'd have to incorporate more nipple sucking later. Oooh, maybe a titty-fuck! Milla certainly had the tits for it.

"When I'm ready?" Milla moved one of her hands around his neck, "Okay." She loosened her grip on his waist, making herself slid down his body, impaling herself on half his cock before she stopped herself. "Oh fuck!" She cried, her other hand moving up, grabbing a handful of his hair.

Jack gasped. It felt amazing to have Milla enveloped around half his cock. He'd tried to warn her to go slow, but damn if fast didn't feel good. He really wanted to fuck her hard now, but he didn't want to hurt her.

His cock was strenching her wide, wider then any guy was able to before. And he was already so deep... andshe didn't even have his whole length. Milla looked at him, pleasure filling her body. "Yo-you've fucked a girl with your whole cock before, right?"

"Of course not," Jack said, leaning forward, pushing Milla against the wall and squashing her breasts against his large chest. "You might be the first." He pulled his hips back, his cock slipping almost entirely out of her, making a slurping sound. He shifted his feet, so his left foot was forward and his right foot was back for better thrusting power and then he slammed forward toward the wall, driving his cock deeper into Milla.

He held his cock partially inside her, and her back against the wall. Jack took a deep breath and let it out slow.

"Last chance," Jack got out through gritted teeth, "If you want to go slow now is the time to tell me. Otherwise I'm going to fuck you raw, and I'm not going to be able to stop."
Milla gave him a look, that read, "why would you tell the truth". It would have been a lot easier for her not to frea out if he had just lied and told her that yes, he had managed to fuck a girl before. Her other hand moved up, grabbing another handful of hair. "Might be the first." She whispered. "I kind of wished you would have told me you fucked a lot of girls."

When he pulled out, she opened her mouth to tell him to wait, worried that he might try to pull out. Then he slammed his hips forward, driving a little more then half bac inside her. "FUCK!" She leaned her head back against the wall as she cried out. After taking a few deep breathes, she looked back at him.

"Last chance. If you want me to go slow now is your chance to tell me. Otherwise, I'm going to fuck you raw, and I'm not going to be able to stop."

"Slow? Are you serious?" She pressed her body more against his, instead of the wall. "There is no way I'm passing up the chance to get fucked with a cock like yours. Come on, you know you want to screw me hard." She told him, rocking her hips slightly.
Milla gave him a funny look when he said he hadn't been able to fit the behemoth between his legs inside any other girl before. When he said she might get to be the first she whispered:

"I kind of wished you would have told me you fucked a lot of girls."

Jack shrugged. What else could he do? He wasn't going to lie and really, if she turned out to be able to actually take the whole damn thing and like it, well, he'd have one hell of a reason to want to keep slipping her the extra-large salami. And from what he'd seen of Milla, she liked sex. Talk about win-win!

"FUCK!" Jack grinned at Milla's response. Was it a good fuck, or a bad fuck?

"Last chance. If you want me to go slow now is your chance to tell me. Otherwise, I'm going to fuck you raw, and I'm not going to be able to stop."

"Slow? Are you serious?" She pressed her body more against his, instead of the wall. "There is no way I'm passing up the chance to get fucked with a cock like yours. Come on, you know you want to screw me hard." She told him, rocking her hips slightly.

Jack grinned and pushed her back a few inches so her hips were still close to his, but her shoulders were pressed up against the wall. Looking her in the eyes he removed one hand from her side and slipped it between them. He found her clitoris and started to rub it with his thumb, up and down, up and down, almost flicking it.

"You should probably cum a few times. Don't hold back." He said it casually and then released his other hand from her, Milla only being supported by her grip on his hips, his cock and her shoulders against the wall. His other hand cupped one of her breasts, lifting it up as he bent his head. Jack's mouth enveloped her nipples and started to suck and lick it, all while rubbing her clit.

"After all, I do need your extract de pussy." He looked up and grinned at her. Then his hands moved off of her and pressed against the wall. Suddenly he was thrusting forward and the fucking had begun.

Each thrust of his hips slammed her ass up against the wall. Then he would take a half step back, pulling all but the head of his monster cock out of her and then slamming forward again. Damn she was tight. It felt good. Every trust drove him a little deeper inside her, but Jack wasn't looking at his cock. He was looking at Milla's face, waiting for her to cum.
Milla smiled at him as she was pushed back up against the wall. She watched him cosely as he smiled at her and moved one of his off her body. His hand occasionally touched her tummy as he moved it down, until he- Her back arched and she cried out in pleasure, feeling his finger run over her sensitive clit, making her hips buck slightly.

"Mmm... god." She closed her eyes, feeling his hand come down and grab her breast. More pleasure was added when he caught her hard nipple etween his lips. "Uhhh," Her legs tightened around his body, holding him tighter. At the same time, she pulled him closer, pushing more of his dick into her tight pussy.

"That feels... so good!" She moaned, trying desperatly not to start rocking her hips, but it was hard. "After all, I do need your extract de pussy."

She opened her eyes and looked at him as he moved his hands to the wall. "I promise, if you start fucking me, I'll give you ask much as you want." She panted as he pulled back. Then he slammed forward. He didn't push everything inside her, but it was still enough to make her cry out in pleasure.

"God yes! Jack, yes!" Milla dug her nails into his shoulder. "Your cock feels so fucking good! Keep going!" She cried out, as her eyes closed up. Her pussy soon tightened around him, the pleasure of having such a large cock inside her getting to be to much.

She moved her hands down, placing them against the wall, balling them into tight fists. "Oohhh shit!" As her body started to tense, she tugged him even closer, before she exploded.

Her juices gushed out of her pussy, onto his cock, running down his length as she squirmed and gasped.
"After all, I do need your extract de pussy."

"I promise, if you start fucking me, I'll give you as much as you want."

Jack grinned and started pounding Milla hard and fast. She came in the middle and as her screams filled the locker room Jack slowed down, plunging a little deeper inside her and holding himself there as Milla squirmed and gasped on his monster cock. Jack slipped a hand down between them and started rubbing her clit again.

She felt amazing on his cock. It wouldn't be long before he came himself, exploding his gooey cum all over the head cheerleader.

"Mmmmm, I think that's a fine amount of conditioner." Jack rocked his hips forward, pushing his cock up into her deeper.

"DO you want to rub it in for me?" Thrust.

"Or are you good to keep going?"
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Milla slowly came down from her high, but with Jack's cock still burried deep inside her, if not deeper, her pussy still pulsed around him, squeezing his member tighter. "Ahh," Her back arched, feeling his finger start to rub at her sensitive clit, making her hips buck slightly. "What the hell did I just get myself into?" She thought to herself, before she opened her eyes, looking at his grinning face.

"Mmmmm, I think that's a fine amount of conditioner."

When he started to thrust his hips again, she pushed herself away from the wall, closer to him. "Oh fuck," As she tried to fight back the urge to buck her hips, she thought about what to do. She could let him lower her to the floor, so she could... rub in the extract de pussy. Which would really be her just running her hands over his dick until he came. Or... she could have him fuck her again!

With a grin, she leaned forward and nipped at his bottom lip. "Keep going. Please, Jack fuck me. Fuck me hard." As much as she would like to get a mouthful of cum, or even give him a blowjob, she wanted to be the first girl to take his whole member.

" I want it. I want every inch of your huge, thick dick slam deep inside my cunt."
With a grin, she leaned forward and nipped at his bottom lip. "Keep going. Please, Jack fuck me. Fuck me hard. I want it. I want every inch of your huge, thick dick slam deep inside my cunt."

No girl had ever said THAT before! Jack felt his hips rock forward involuntarily, shoving his cock against her pussy walls again. His hands swept up around her back, holding her to him as he turned pulling them both away from the wall and the spray of the communal shower. Standing in the center of the room he thrust again, shoving his cock up a bit further inside her, making her body shake and MIlla's not inconsiderable tits bounce near his face. His hips pulled back at the height of her bounce, keeping just the head of his cock inside her and then rammed up into her as gravity brought Milla down on his cock.

Jack was establishing a rhythm, getting in a good strong fuck, stronger than he ever had before. Of course, no girl had ever wanted him to keep fucking after she came.

"You like to fuck don't you 'Captain?' You love to have my big, thick cock deep inside you, don't you? I bet you want me to fuck you after every practice, don't you?"