The Nora

Purrde Flower

I see you!
Jul 18, 2002
I must have at least been a day or two since I have made a The Nora thread. I have noticed that some have starting adressing The Nora properly now as The Nora. I am so happy! IT gives me great and unbinding joy to see that The Nora is getting the respect she deserves.

Love The Nora!
You got that right Purdy ...Nora is one of the real classy ladies here... as you are too..:)
I would never have found some of the better places to eat in Austin if it wasn't for Nora.
You show disrespect! *gasp* I can hear the thunder rolling over the skies of Central Texas! The Nora!
And like i said, Purrde. I know this cloying, egomaniacal jerkwad who styles his "alter ego" (his over-inflated ego) with the "The" before his name, so I'm really more than happy when people drop it.

But thanks.

And thank you, SSK!

And you let me know next time y'all are down here, Bob, and we'll go out!

Debbie, that's adorable! And of course I'm always right. :D