The next Republican CinC Must Reform The Military


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

The Next Republican President Must Fix the Military First​

Kurt  Schlichter
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jul 21, 2022 12:01 AM

"Today, I fired all of the joint chiefs for failing to perform adequately. Their replacements have already been identified and will assume their positions as acting chairmen pending confirmation by the Senate. I told you I would fix our military, and bringing in new blood is the first step to doing that."

The commander-in-chief must command. Flash forward to the first Monday of his administration, at 0900 hours in the Oval Office as the new joint chiefs sit with notebooks ready…

"Gentlemen, this is an orders briefing, not a decision briefing, meaning I am not asking for your input. I am telling you my intent, so be sure you understand it before you walk out of this room because Friday at 0900 we meet here for you to tell me – your Commander-in-Chief – how you have fulfilled my intent. If your answer is anything but an honest, 'Yes, sir, I have fulfilled your orders,' I will relieve you. Effective now, we are out of the diversity, inclusion, and equity business. It's over. Finished. Done. Every DIE program is terminated. Every Norwegian History Month or the like is ended. There are no more DIE classes, training, or any of this woke garbage. There are no drag queens on base and no men wearing women's uniforms. It all ends. Make sure the curricula at the academies and wear colleges are scrubbed of this poison. Make sure no officer reading lists includes racists like Ibram X. Kendi. The nonsense is terminated starting now. Oh, and you will strike any reference to 'white nationalism' and 'climate change' from any documents that presumes to list the strategic threats the United States military is facing. Do each of you understand my intent? Be here at 0900 Friday to confirm you have executed my orders. Dismissed."

Now, some four-star will come back with something other than "It's done, sir." There's always one knucklehead in every orders group. He gets relieved and is directed not to retire pending an examination of whether he adequately performed at his final rank. If not – and insubordination indicates the negative – he will be retired at a lesser rank than O-10. If you want to focus the brass's collective attention marvelously, fiddle with their rank and pensions. The president need only do this a couple of times before he establishes his dominance.

The media will cry. The blue checks will howl. We will see stories of soldiers beside themselves because wokeness has been vanquished. Oh well. The proper use of power is the use of power. The president must use his power to demonstrate the new direction. And the majority of the troops will be thrilled. They did not sign up to work in a camouflaged UC Berkeley.

More here:

It will be a great day in the history of the country to once again have a real CinC. These woke losers we have now have to go.
The Commander in Chief must command. It's required by his oath and the law.
There is some threat in climate change. The most immediate threat with military response is more frequent and more severe hurricanes pounding coastal cities and military bases.
There is some threat in climate change. The most immediate threat with military response is more frequent and more severe hurricanes pounding coastal cities and military bases.
Bad weather isn't climate change. We can't have power-hungry Democrat Presidents trying to declare emergencies in order to assume more power than contemplated by the "law of the land" every time it gets hot, cold, wet, or windy.

The Next Republican President Must Fix the Military First​

Kurt  Schlichter
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jul 21, 2022 12:01 AM

"Today, I fired all of the joint chiefs for failing to perform adequately. Their replacements have already been identified and will assume their positions as acting chairmen pending confirmation by the Senate. I told you I would fix our military, and bringing in new blood is the first step to doing that."

The commander-in-chief must command. Flash forward to the first Monday of his administration, at 0900 hours in the Oval Office as the new joint chiefs sit with notebooks ready…

"Gentlemen, this is an orders briefing, not a decision briefing, meaning I am not asking for your input. I am telling you my intent, so be sure you understand it before you walk out of this room because Friday at 0900 we meet here for you to tell me – your Commander-in-Chief – how you have fulfilled my intent. If your answer is anything but an honest, 'Yes, sir, I have fulfilled your orders,' I will relieve you. Effective now, we are out of the diversity, inclusion, and equity business. It's over. Finished. Done. Every DIE program is terminated. Every Norwegian History Month or the like is ended. There are no more DIE classes, training, or any of this woke garbage. There are no drag queens on base and no men wearing women's uniforms. It all ends. Make sure the curricula at the academies and wear colleges are scrubbed of this poison. Make sure no officer reading lists includes racists like Ibram X. Kendi. The nonsense is terminated starting now. Oh, and you will strike any reference to 'white nationalism' and 'climate change' from any documents that presumes to list the strategic threats the United States military is facing. Do each of you understand my intent? Be here at 0900 Friday to confirm you have executed my orders. Dismissed."

Now, some four-star will come back with something other than "It's done, sir." There's always one knucklehead in every orders group. He gets relieved and is directed not to retire pending an examination of whether he adequately performed at his final rank. If not – and insubordination indicates the negative – he will be retired at a lesser rank than O-10. If you want to focus the brass's collective attention marvelously, fiddle with their rank and pensions. The president need only do this a couple of times before he establishes his dominance.

The media will cry. The blue checks will howl. We will see stories of soldiers beside themselves because wokeness has been vanquished. Oh well. The proper use of power is the use of power. The president must use his power to demonstrate the new direction. And the majority of the troops will be thrilled. They did not sign up to work in a camouflaged UC Berkeley.

More here:

It will be a great day in the history of the country to once again have a real CinC. These woke losers we have now have to go.
All of this sounds good to me. No more critical race theory. No more classes on the books of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ibram X. Kendi, and Robin DiAngelo.
Kurt Schlichter the writer of the article quoted by right guide is a former stand up comedian and army colonel. It is not entirely clear from the article which role he is trying to reprise.
What is a military? It is an organized military body, an hierarchical structure of command answerable to the next highest and eventually to the political leader, a legal status to bear arms and to have a separate disciplinary code, centralised funding for the purchase of weapons. Together, they ensure a military force works properly and legally. It does not reflect society but is a parallel society. It draws its members from society, and exists in order to serve it, but nevertheless in order to preserve its identity, it functions with its own codes in parallel to society. To function it does not need to be 50% female, 15% black, 10% queer etc.

Out of necessity the miltary does not reflect society as it has its own legal system, its own work and ethics codes, a far higher proportion of young men, there is no democracy in appointment of leaders, and decisons once made are non negotiable. Strikes, bargaining councils and negoiated settlements are not possible. You can't just quit on 30 day notice if you don't like the work conditions. To be able to function it cannot mirror society. Values that are admirable in civilian society such as sensitivity, individuality, compassion, and tolerance for the less capable are the opposite of what is required in the military. They need conformity, obedience, discipline, unity.

It does not need women, queers, race quotas etc, which deflect from the primary purpose. Putting in people with different identies contradicts the principle of unity. It needs people suited to the primary purpose, which is why all sorts of selection courses and apptitude tests exist to weed out the unsuitable. None of these are democratic and 'open to everyone equally'. All this woke interfering with the military destroys it core values,rots it from within, undermines morale and makes it just another bunch of civil servants reflecting society rather than fit for purpose. That purpose is killing people and destroying things. The purpose is not to create equality and change society.

The sooner the top strategic leadership of the military that deal with their higher up political leadership take a stand as described by Schlichter the better. The move will not come from the political leadership that americans seem to elect.
The only area where I disagree is that women can serve in support functions, but they should not be in combat. Most women cannot fight. If they are captured by the enemy, most get raped. Also, their male comrades become more interested in protecting them than in fighting the enemy.

Fighting is a male activity. Have you ever seen two female dogs fight? Neither did I. Cows do not fight. Hens do not fight.
Kurt Schlichter the writer of the article quoted by right guide is a former stand up comedian and army colonel. It is not entirely clear from the article which role he is trying to reprise.
Why be dishonest about it by not posting the rest of his bona fides? Kurt "is a name partner at a growing Los Angeles trial law firm, a retired Army Infantry colonel with a masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College, and a former stand-up comic." I might add, he's also a best selling author. He's probably forgotten more about the subject of national defense and the military than you'll ever know.
Women can be effective troops. Ask the Israelis.

Or ask one of my staff who had been an AA gun aimer during WW2. She held the record for her mixed unit of the most aircraft killed.
Reduce "defense" spending by 80% in the first four years. The savings should be returned to the people in the form of tax cuts.
Women can be effective troops. Ask the Israelis.

Or ask one of my staff who had been an AA gun aimer during WW2. She held the record for her mixed unit of the most aircraft killed.
They have their place, but it isn't physically one on one with a man on the battlefield. This is why there are men's and women's sports, physically they cannot compete with men. Even second-rate men can claim to be women and dominate their best athletes in competition. Israel used women because they are a small country and had to in order to fill out their ranks.
Trump, who avoided Vietnam, said yesterday that he wanted to award himself the Congressional Medal of Honor, but got talked out of it.

That's the only kind of "reform" he'd be interested in.
They have their place, but it isn't physically one on one with a man on the battlefield. This is why there are men's and women's sports, physically they cannot compete with men. Even second-rate men can claim to be women and dominate their best athletes in competition. Israel used women because they are a small country and had to in order to fill out their ranks.
But they used women very effectively as did the UK in WW2. The WAAFs were plotting incoming Nazi bombers, operating the radar sets, and directing fighters.

The Wrens were on shore because of prejudice about having women on ships, but they provided very useful roles.
Seeing what east london looks like now, and the chavs that come out of there, then the British would have been better served if it was razed to the ground :ROFLMAO:
It had been. Almost every house in the East End was either destroyed or damaged too much to live in.

Some of my relations were bombed out of their home in 1940; my father's family by a Zeppelin bomb in 1915.