the newbie stress test


supremely white
Apr 4, 2002
hi everyone~i've noticed some new members popping up and all i can say is welcome to lit. theres no need to feel shy or ashamed about anything here. just dive on in and soon you'll find yourselves in some pretty good company.

i had fun taking a few questionairres designed by other members when i first got here...sort of a "get to know you" kind of deal~good way to get to know people so i thought id start this thread and anyone who wants to participate can chime in and answer a they wish.

1)why did you pick your screename?

2)male or female?

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.

4)gucci or gaultier?

5)what was the last good movie you saw?

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

9)what is your position on anal sex?

10)on blow jobs?

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

12)name your vice.

someone here once told me this is the kind of place where you get what you put into into it. hope its good.

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No fair. Nobody ever says, "Hey! All you tweenies! Answer some questions!" *sigh*

Ok, I really just popped in to pounce on Glam and give him great big smoogly huggie-wuggies just cuz he's so wonderful and I never see him anymore and I'm so tired that saying "smoogly" doesn't seem weird!
*hee hee*

"anyone who wants to participate can chime in and answer a they wish"
YAYYYYY! I get to answer! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!

1)why did you pick your screename?

It reminded me of a happy night.

2)male or female?

I'm a chickadee!

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.

Bite me.

4)gucci or gaultier?

Which of those do they sell at Target? :confused:

5)what was the last good movie you saw?

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (which I only saw for the first time last week)

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

Why you, Glam! It's the only way in hell I'll ever get a decent wardrobe AND a shot at turning you! ;)

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

Embarrassingly enough, Rhythm Divine by Enrique Iglesias

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

Well, I have a really good looking single brother who you're more than welcome to take a shot at. :D

9)what is your position on anal sex?

Bent over the arm of the sofa, please.

10)on blow jobs?

On my knees. I'm a traditionalist that way.

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

Grown up.

12)name your vice.

Pick a vice, any vice. :D
1)why did you pick your screename?

It was the name of a band I had a long time ago. You may notice in my profile that I play guitar :)

2)male or female?


3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.

I like pickle and strawberry jam sandwiches. LOL I never heard anyone else say that LOL

4)gucci or gaultier?

I don't even know what "gaultier" is

5)what was the last good movie you saw?

A Walk To Remember

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

Famous: Slash
Not famous: my girlfriend

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

Said I Loved You, But I Lied by Michael Bolton
Just in case you're wondering, it doesn't mean what it sounds like. You've just got to hear it.

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

No gay brothers lol, sorry

9)what is your position on anal sex?

Yuck, just my opinion

10)on blow jobs?

My favorite part of sex. Now don't think I'm such a pig. I know, typical guy response. I like giving oral pleasure to my girlfriend just as much as I like getting it.

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

I wanted to be a scientist and have a lab experiment go bad and end up with a superhero power.

12)name your vice.

1)why did you pick your screename?

It started out as Muffin in IRC. I mistakenly thought that adding the (deserved) "Killer" to the front, I'd stop the "Wanna cyber?" private messages. Nope. People are weird. I kept it though, it seems to suit.

2)male or female?

I prefer males, sexually speaking, though a female or two has made me wanna bat for the home team. If ya catch my meaning.

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.

"Well slap my ass and call me kinky." Inappropriately spoken, of course.

4)gucci or gaultier?


5)what was the last good movie you saw?

The Cutting Edge and Murder in the First. Saw them both in the last 6 hours.

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

My computer. His name is Sony.

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

"More Human Than Human" by White Zombie. Always gets me in the mood for love.

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

My brother is an asshole. You'd hate him even if he was gay.

9)what is your position on anal sex?

Just bidin' my time until you quit batting for the home team.

10)on blow jobs?

At least three a week. I use my teeth. It used to be more often, but I've been grumpy.

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

Taller. And a Nuclear engineer. I didn't get taller, so I went into Computer Science.

12)name your vice.

I'm a know-it-all. My vice is sharing it with others whether they want to hear it or not. Don't listen to cym when she discuss my Mountain Dew habit. It's all complete fabrication. Really. No, it is.

someone here once told me this is the kind of place where you get what you put into into it. hope its good.

So far so good!

1)why did you pick your screename?

Cos I love Ladybirds (Ladybugs to my American friends)

2)male or female?

101% all girl.

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.

My drink toast... "Up yours"

4)gucci or gaultier?

Definately Gucci

5)what was the last good movie you saw?


6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

Sean Connery. I keep hoping to find his slippers under my bed, but they're never there..

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

"The way you are tonight" Eric Clapton

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

No brothers at all sweetheart.. sorry.

9)what is your position on anal sex?

Yes please

10)on blow jobs?

Have you seen my thread on the How To Board? I just love them..

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

Your sister.

12)name your vice.

Ice cream, and all of the places it can be eaten off..

1)why did you pick your screename?

***** It's the brand I smoke.

2)male or female?

****** Depends on who your talking to. My best friend (male) & my husband accuse me of being a man trapped in a Goddess' body. :D My mother, however, just accuses me of everything. ;)

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.

*****What's your point?

4)gucci or gaultier?

*****Wal-Mart. I am a cheap bitch.

5)what was the last good movie you saw?

*****Spy Games (Pitt/Redford)

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

*****Brendan Frasier. Deeeee-licious. (I know I am supposed to say my husband, lol, but that's kind of a long story.) Someone from the board though...hmmm...Definitely Mr PB Walker. :p

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

*****Open Arms (got my cherry popped to that

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

*****No but I have a slightly neurotic sister I am willing to rent.

9)what is your position on anal sex?

*****On my knees.

10)on blow jobs?


11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

*****Still trying to figure that one out.

12)name your vice.

*****1) Krispy Kreme Donuts 2) Wild Turkey 3) My cloves (smokes) 4)Anything and everything sexual, potentially sexual, misconstrued as sexual, possibly sexual, habitually sexual, comically sexual, indecently sexual, pornographically sexual, ...I think you get my drift.

By the way, I've been a lurker for a long time now (Spring '02) & just enjoyed observing...first time I have ever posted. I think this may be the start of some wickedly funny friendships.


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1)why did you pick your screename? -----My car's name is Ellie. Or was Ellie, I should say. She's on her last tires. "Talbot" just had a nice ring along with it.

2)male or female? (curtsy) ----Female.

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you. ----"Oh, crumbs."

4)gucci or gaultier? ----I wouldn't know the difference.

5)what was the last good movie you saw? ----One I hadn't seen before or a good one I re-watched? Saw "The Sum of All Fears" tonight. I liked it, despite Ben Affleck playing Jack Ryan.

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island. ----My big brother. Terrific survival skills.

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of? ----Oh, there are so many. I'll just go with the one I'm currently obsessed with: "La Valse d'Amelie."

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single? ----Sorry :( Both my brothers are straight.

9)what is your position on anal sex? ----OUCH! No, thank you.

10)on blow jobs? ----Yummy!

11)what did you want to be when you grow up? ----An astronaut. Or an actress. Or a park ranger. Or a teacher. Or a doctor. Or just definite about anything.

12)name your vice. ----Herbal refreshments :D

someone here once told me this is the kind of place where you get what you put into into it. hope its good. ----So far, it's rather pleasant. :)

:) [/B][/QUOTE]
1)why did you pick your screename?---I smile and make stupid jokes a lot, so it has been a nickname of mine in real life for a long time.

2)male or female? Smooth, confident man. LOL :rolleyes:

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.-- "It was like a cartoon splashed upon the real world."

4)gucci or gaultier? Um....I could not tell you the difference, but I am willing to learn.

5)what was the last good movie you saw? Signs

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.... Her. *sigh*

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of? of the top of my head.... "Come Away With Me"-Nora Jones on vocals.

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single? 1 younger, and you are welcome to try for him....though I can't say how much luck you will have. :)

9)what is your position on anal sex? I would have to try it to know for sure.

10)on blow jobs? Yes please....oh god yes....aahhhh.

11)what did you want to be when you grow up? I'm still growing up. Give me a chance to think would ya!

12)name your vice. Really good food with really great people.
1)why did you pick your screename?

I always was a sucker for Camelot.

2)male or female?


3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.


4)gucci or gaultier?


5)what was the last good movie you saw?

Formula 51

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

Kurt Russell of course

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?

I'll Be - Edwin McCain. Too many to mention.

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

No brothers or sisters, but if I did, I'd give you their number

9)what is your position on anal sex?

Do not enter

10)on blow jobs?


11)what did you want to be when you grow up?

I don't know yet.

12)name your vice.

Which one?
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glamorilla said:

1)why did you pick your screename?.............Favorite color, blue. Favorite flower, daisy.

2)male or female?...........I'm a gal.

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.........."such is life" and "life sucks then ya die...if you're lucky"

4)gucci or gaultier?........I'd only wear designer clothes if they paid me.

5)what was the last good movie you saw?.........Shanghai Knights

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island........there are islands in the desert?

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?........too sleepy to think right now. Have to get back to you on that one.

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?, but I've got a sister-in-law who is a lesbian; I can see if she has a gay friend for you.

9)what is your position on anal sex?......depends on my mood.

10)on blow jobs?........oh yeah!

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?.........a geologist or librarian.

12)name your vice...........refined carbohydrates, and the internet

someone here once told me this is the kind of place where you get what you put into into it. hope its far so good

why did you pick your screename?
First thing that came into my mind when I had to register.

male or female?

quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.
I'm fucktastic.

gucci or gaultier?

what was the last good movie you saw?
The Two Towers

pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island
He shall remain nameless.

whats the most romantic song you can think of?
Everything I Own by Bread

got any gay brothers and if so are they single?
I do have one brother. He's single and 35. There is a great debate within my family as to his sexual orientation although he assures us he is straight. I do have two uncles who are gay, but they are both happily partnered.

what is your position on anal sex?
On all fours or up against a wall.

on blow jobs?
On my knees.

what did you want to be when you grow up?
It was a toss up between a truck driver and a secretary.

name your vice.
Chocolate and flowers. I'm easily bought.
Re: Re: the newbie stress test

why did you pick your screename?
It had a nice ring to it, and I figured 69 would suit better than #9.

male or female?

quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.
I'm bored...
I'm hungry..
Entertain me...

gucci or gaultier?

what was the last good movie you saw?
The Hours (in the theatre) and I'm going through the whole Hornblower DVD series now.

pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island
Ioan Gruffud, Welsh actor

whats the most romantic song you can think of?
If you don't know me by now.

got any gay brothers and if so are they single?
Sorry, I'm the only kid.

what is your position on anal sex?
Tried and tested, not sure what my stand is yet.

on blow jobs?
Anyway you like it...

what did you want to be when you grow up?
Journalist, doctor, work within advertising or run my own hotel chain.

name your vice.
Internet, chocolate and I get too easily bored.
Re: Re: the newbie stress test

why did you pick your screename?
My car at the time was Raven in colour, that name was taken, so I added the Oz!

male or female?

quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.
Fuck off out of my lane arsehole (prick, fuckwit etc etc all insertable at end, frequently heard in traffic).

gucci or gaultier?

what was the last good movie you saw?
Bend It Like Beckham

pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island
My fiancee.

whats the most romantic song you can think of?
Shameless - but the Garth Brooks version

got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

what is your position on anal sex?
I'm a giver not a taker

on blow jobs?
Big fan

what did you want to be when you grow up?

name your vice.
Cigarettes and coffee.
1)why did you pick your screename?
I picked kidthor because Norse Mythology is a hobby of mine. I picked St. Valentine because I was feeling amourous that day.
2)male or female?
3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.
[ Insert Wit Here ]
4)gucci or gaultier?
Could you please repeat the question?
5)what was the last good movie you saw?
The Rules Of Attraction
6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.
7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?
Love Song by The Cure
8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?
No brothers gay or otherwise.
9)what is your position on anal sex?
Yes, please.
10)on blow jobs?
See # 9
11)what did you want to be when you grow up?
John Lennon
12)name your vice.
1)why did you pick your screename?
Well, I like kitties and I am quite naughty.

2)male or female?
guess :D

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.
Always give the benefit of the doubt and never pass up a good thing. you never know if you will get another chance.

4)gucci or gaultier?

5)what was the last good movie you saw?
John Q, but it made me angry and made me cry. I hate to cry. Good movie though.

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?
I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing ~ Aerosmith tied with Faith Hill & Tim McGraw ~ Just To Hear You Say That You Love Me

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?
Nope, but a few exboyfriends I wonder about.

9)what is your position on anal sex?[/b[
Analphob here. I might try it with someone I really trusted, but I won't guarantee if I like it. Makes me cringe... the ickiness aspect.

10)on blow jobs?
*sigh* I love to lick and tease but not to finish the blow job. The taste of semen literally makes me sick. I was forced to do this too often hence my firm stance now. I think it is wasting it, I would rather have him cum inside me so I can have a lil fun too.

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?
A stripper by night/ residential architect or Sex Therapist by day

12)name your vice.Dr. Pepper/ Mr. Pibb, Lit, Carmel Delites GS Cookies, sex, and the glam files.
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Re: Re: Re: the newbie stress test

why did you pick your screename?

Rubyfruit Jungle, a novel by Rita Mae Brown.

male or female?

All woman.

quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.


gucci or gaultier?

Gucci, of course.

what was the last good movie you saw?

Harry Potter, but I had to leave half way through because one of my girls stuck a jellybean up her nose.

pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island

_______ ____

whats the most romantic song you can think of?

Love of my Life, Matthews/Santana

got any gay brothers and if so are they single?

One married brother, but he might be happier with you, Glam.

what is your position on anal sex?

Any position he wants me in.

on blow jobs?

Can't get enough.

what did you want to be when you grow up?

A competative figure skater or a makeup artist.

name your vice.

why did you pick your screename?
it described me when I registered. I was very willing to do pretty much anything, but extremely unsure of myself and everything at the same time.

male or female?

quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.
dont yawn or the mongooses will get ya.

gucci or gaultier?

what was the last good movie you saw?
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island
I dont know. I'll decide that when I get the choice. it would be a man though, that's all I know for sure.

whats the most romantic song you can think of?
Lady in Red

got any gay brothers and if so are they single?
no brothers.

what is your position on anal sex?
gotta talk me into it first.

on blow jobs?
in front of you, on my knees, where I can get to every part of your body

what did you want to be when you grow up?
for awhile I wanted to be a teacher, then I wanted to be a race car driver, and then a psychologist, and then an engineer

name your vice.
a back rub and a movie wiht a friend
not a newbie, but I liked the quiz

1)why did you pick your screename?I wanted something that could be turned into "perquita"

2)male or female?female

3)quote yourself...not a quote by someone else but something you say that is uniquely you.I'm always nervous about meeting new people, but then I remember who they're meeting and think I should send out warning cards

4)gucci or gaultier?gaultier

5)what was the last good movie you saw?Chicago

6)pick one person you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island.hanns, he could kill stuff, hopefully not me

7)whats the most romantic song you can think of?that John Mayer song, "Your Body is a Wonderland"

8)got any gay brothers and if so are they single?no, although I suspected, but no

9)what is your position on anal sex?mostly bottom, sometimes top

10)on blow jobs?always the giver with swallowing, unless I'm playing cumslut

11)what did you want to be when you grow up?owner of a sex club

12)name your vice.ohhh, I'd have to go with trashy novels