The New Woman of the Office (Closed)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
This thread is reserved for xTerrax

Darryl Ryder
Age 23
Height 6’0”
Light brown hair an inch long and hazel eyes
Smooth face, tone body from weight lifting

Being inside of a small office building with the same old people day after day can really wear you down. There were sixteen people, each one with their own cubicle and mine was on the far side of the only entrance to this room and every day I would sit down and tap out on the keyboard for data entry. Being rather a slacker or desk jockey in this business I had to take up weight lifting to burn off fat and keep myself in shape and avoid being a fat ass but here there was no real women to appeal to as most were men and the few women in this department were married and thus were off limits.

After coming in on a cold Monday, dropping off my coat and going to the small kitchen adjacent to our room there was Piper my next door neighbor. He was carrying a smug smile on his thin lips that he knew something and was not going to say what.

Walking to the coffee pot and pouring myself a cup Piper finally admitted. “Hey, we’re getting a new person today.”

It was usual to say the least because Piper was rarely this excited. He was more “get the job done and get out of here’ as this job had very few perks. There had to be a special meaning to this. There had to be a special person as to make Piper so excited and smug but no amount of encouraging would make him admit to anything else. Giving up and retiring back to my cubicle I sat down at the old computer and began the laborious process of entering data for the business that would eventually be sent to finance.
I hated this job. The only reason I took it was because of the shitty economy. There was no one that wanted to take my degree in financing and I had to devolve myself into this menial position of typing on a keyboard. It paid the bills but when or if I ever get a chance for a better job I would jump at it and flip this place off going out the door.

I had no girlfriend or wife those that did in this place were vivamently bitter about it, making dark jokes about their spouses that made me want to avoid them thus I spet most of my time here alone.

Bethany West
Age 21
Height 5’7”
Cup Size 32G​

I found myself pretty lost after college; or at least, overwhelmed by the world. I was the kind of gal that spent her entire days at the library, studying and reading well in advance to the rest of the class. Having completed my Bachelors in Business Administration within three years, having taken extra summer courses, I was 21 and ready to experience the world. Of course, the world seemed nothing like I imagined that it would. Still, I was happy to having found a job - something that many students were unable to procure.

I was a little nervous on this Monday morning, making my way to the office for my first day. I was uneasy of taking public transportation, as I didn't exactly live in a fine neighborhood, and whatever clothing that I did wear didn't seem to hide my large breasts from the prying eyes of strangers. I did manage to get to work in one piece, and made my way to the offices.

"Oh, there you are." Piper said, as I walked into the area. "Everyone, this is Bethany, and she'll be working with us from now on."

"Nice to meet you all." I said shyly.
When Piper announced that Bethany was working for us there was no large gathering, instead everyone that was interested lifted themselves up from their seats and their eyes and crowns were just visible above the lips of their cubicles. A few dropped back down after giving a 'Meh, nice to meet you' reply and me being so far in the back was difficult to make out this new arrival but it could not be of much and sitting back down and going back to work Piper turned to Bethany and ushered her to her cubicle that was near mine.
The people seemed relatively nice - if not just a bit tired. Oh well, I figured that everyone wouldn't be jumping for joy and before I knew it, I was directed to my cubicle. It wasn't roomy, in any sense of the word, but hey - it was mine, at the very least? I began to set my things and get into the groove of working. I knew right off the bat that I would love things here.

At least, that's what I thought.
Piper lingered around her cubicle and said "You can decorate this any which way you like" putting up a smile. In real life he had work to do but he wanted to stay and look at this new woman and drool somewhat. She had an upbeat attitude a stark contrast to what was around her. Everyone was fagged and wanting for the weekend already that was four full days away. I could hear them from my place but tuned them out and continued typing up my reports as fast as possible so I go ducking what was suppose to happen next.
"You can decorate this any which way you like"

I looked to see one of my new co-workers looking over. "Really?" I said, looking over to the bland walls. "Well, that's a relief. The walls here seem a bit empty and bland. I'll be sure to fix that up." I then added with a smile. "I'm sorry, what was your name again? I figure that I should know this, given that we're neighbors."
My name is Piper. I'm the manager He liked to give himself that unofficial title. I nreal life he was just the people the finance people talked to because he frequented their offices more than anyone else. He did not give a pay or anything and as they talked I turned in my chair to find one of my pens and found the little sucker had fallen onto the floor and rolled over my Piper's feet and I rose from my chair and picked it up and stood erect to look at Piper and then saw the new arrival.
"Nice to meet you Piper." I said, before we both kind of got back to work. It was nice to know the manager already, from the look of things, we were going to get along real well. Then, it seemed that another stranger appeared and again, the instinct to having to introduce myself emerged. "Oh hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Bethany." I said, extending my hand.
Hi, i'm Darryl shaking her hand and giving a courtesy smile. She seemed pleasent enough but once my prescence was seen Piper looked at me with a heavy scowl. He did not like me much. Don't know why. We did not have much interaction and I never did anything to embarass him or the like. Perhaps he just saw me, a man his age, to be some sort of a threat and when there was a beautiful woman now in the mix, perhaps he was trying to mark his territory. It was silly as I did not want a fight but instead of just going back to my seat and doing my work I hung around and asked Bethany where she was from.
There seemed to be some tension around the air, but I quickly dismissed it - or at least, tried to downplay whatever on Earth it was. So, when Daryl had asked me where I was from, I wasn't going to neglect to answer: "I'm from New York city actually." I said, lying out the papers that I needed on my desk. "Studied in California of all places. What about you?"
Studied and live around here all my life speaking rather kindly to Bethany but when looking over at Piper I could tell immediately that he wanted to say something to one up me. I did not know where he studied or even if he had a degree of some sort. I did not care. Right now my focus was on the new arrival and seeing as that Piper was drooling over her perhaps, for her sake, it was best for me to step in and protect her; at least her sanity.
"Really? That's cool." I said, genuinely intrigued. "I wish that I had done the same. Not that I don't enjoy traveling, because I do, but being new to this city is a bit tough. Oh, and I wish that somebody had told me how expensive apartments are." I then added with a slight laugh, given my situation. But of course, no one here knew about it.
Yeah, they should have Turth of the matter my apartment was expensive and i was barely able to make ends meet, but it was in a good neighborhood because of it.

Looking over at Piper he said that, My parents gave me a three bed room house. I DO have one room that is free, if you're looking for a better place.
"My parents gave me a three bed room house. I DO have one room that is free, if you're looking for a better place."

At that moment, I became incredibly attentive. "Really? Are you serious?" I said in incredibly disbelief. Once I had gotten my answer, I continued "That would be so perfect! Thank you!"
Piper looked over me with a smile on his lips that said, 'I won' even though there was no competition but waving that away looked at Bethany and asked her, What are you doing when you get off of work today? and Piper's face turned into a 'oh, no you didnt' shocked expression.
"What are you doing when you get off of work today?"

"Hm, I haven't thought about it much." I said, turning to Daryl. "Nothing, I guess. Probably go home and watch a movie. Why?" I then asked, with a warm smile.
A couple of they guys are going out for drinks. Why don't you come along and I'll show you around Deep down I was hoping she says 'yes' as I knew that Piper would bow out thus leaving her to me. Still I wasn't in this for the sex, it was about protecting her from Piper, he was a type of man that loved control.
"A couple of they guys are going out for drinks. Why don't you come along and I'll show you around"

"Well..." I said a bit hesitantly, as I wasn't all that much of a social butterfly, to be perfectly honest. However, I did end up caving in and saying "Okay, sure. I'm not busy or anything. Where did you have in mind exactly?"
There's a local bar down the block. We know the manager, its clean and quiet and he's Irish so he takes pride in his work flicking my eyes over at Piper his scowl had turned into a face with nothing but contempt. He would not be coming with us. All the better. I rarely drank and never to excess and despite the fact it was Monday it would be better to get to know Bethany now before Piper corrupted her.
"There's a local bar down the block. We know the manager, its clean and quiet and he's Irish so he takes pride in his work"

"Okay, can't argue with that. I'll see you guys after work."
I said warmly, before noticing the scowl of Piper's face. Uh oh. "Well, I think that I should get to work. It was nice chatting with you." I added, before jumping the books. I knew that it was going to be just a tad mind numbing, but nothing that I couldn't handle.
Smiling in delight I gave Piper one last look, turned, and sat down at my computer to go back work. Piper lingered for a second, perhaps to get one last look at Bethany and quietly sulked away. I di not know much about the guy but again, we were always at odds over something but this one seemed to be a victory for me. After an hour I left my cubicle and went over to my other cubicle mate, Ethan, a short Puerto Rican man age 22 and asked if he wanted o go out for drinks. He said yes when I references Bethany.
I guess some people would find it sad that I didn't actually hate my day of work. I felt somehow comfortable in the cubicle as I carefully went through pages and pages of lengthy reports. Before I even knew it, several hours went on by. My shift was nearing it's end, when I saw Darryl and a friend of his approach my workplace.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot."
I said with a small chuckle before rearranging my things.
You ready to go? asking with a bright smile. When Ethan saw Bethany again he too couldn't help but smile. It was going to be a short walk, insisting on that so icould stretch my sore legs. Seated in my cubicle for so long when I got up I felt like a 1 year old walking for the first time.
"You ready to go?"

Grabbing my purse, I nodded. "Sure, let's get going" I said, before moving with them out of the room. I looked back at our 'manager', who seemed to have given us a stare, though I didn't really know what for. "So, how does it feel working here for a while?" I asked, trying to create some conversation to divert my mind from it as we walked.
I had to wait until we were out of earshot of Piper before uttering a word. All in all this place is rather dull. We are just data entries so our pay is not the best, but the real pain is Piper Ethan picked it up from there. He had been around longer and knew Piper better than any of us.

He's a control freak. He loves to use asingle thread of authority; real or imaginary. My advice; stay away from him. I know he offered you a room. Sorry I couldn't help but hear. Don't take it.