The new Vin Diesle Flick (some spoilers, but not many)


Mar 12, 2002
First off, Stephen Dorff: After seeing what he can do in the role of Deacon Frost in Blade, this movie was a serious disappointment. He was cast in a role that did not live up to his talent, though he did play it well. It was just a disappointment knowing how he can act and then seeing him cast into such an... un-demanding role.

Vin Diesle: should never try to play a serious, tear-using role. He's hot, and that didn't change, and there were some scenes of panty-wetting yumminess, but the man shouldn't try to cry.

The plot: It was your typical action plot. After two of the typical action plot things happened, me and my friend predicted the rest of the movie (though, I have to admit, there were some twists when it came to badguys).

Gore factor: This was the goriest Vin flick I've ever seen. XXX was cool.. lots of explosions, lots of fun stunts. Not much gore. At all. Different genre of flick, granted. This movie... there was blood EVERYWHERE, and the kinds of deaths people had in the movie... oh good lord... it was brutal. Though I never covered my eyes, the friend I went with spent half the movie that way. It seemed almost over-bloody for itself.

That's just my opinion, though. The last scene (well, about 5 seconds of it) makes it all worth it to the Vin lovers out there, and there are a couple other hotties in the mix, but I'm glad I won the free tickets, and didn't spend money on it.