The New Girl Next Door


Really Really Experienced
Apr 15, 2006
Jerry Todd was a successful salesman whose travels took him around the country. He tended to do a lot of working in distant locations at a time, and then he might have a week or two in a row off.

He had just gotten back the night before, rather late, and then slept in this morning, a rare pleasure for a busy man. He went down to collect his mail that morning and noticed a pretty girl heading up the steps that led to his condo as well as the one on the opposite side of the landing. He hoped for a moment that she might be planning to knock on his door for a moment, but instead she pulled out a key and went into the other condo, which had been for rent.

Intrigued, Jerry went upstairs and back into his own place. Leaving the mail on his desk, he stepped into his bathroom and ran a brush through his hair. He hadn't shaven yet that morning, but he had had a shower, and he changed into a tight-fitting pullover instead of the old sweatshirt he had been in, and put a belt through the loops on his jeans, leaving himself barefoot.

So it wasn't long before he was knocking at the door across the landing.
Laura Taylor was a 23 year old recent college graduate. She had recently been hired as a secretary at a law firm which wasn't her ideal job but the money was good. With the new job came a new city and a new place to live.

She had long dark brown hair and hazel eyes and was wearing a dark pair of jeans and a simple white top.

She had just gotten back from an early morning trip to the grocery store and was neatly putting things away when she heard the knock on the door. Sweeping a few loose strands of hair out of her face she walked over and opened the door.
"Hello," he began, smiling. It was a simple, friendly smile.

"I'm Jerry, I'm your neighbor across the way here," he began. "Have you taken the rental here? If so, welcome to the complex. Let me know if you need anything, it's nice to be on good terms with a neighbor."

While purely true, Jerry was more eager to be friendly to neighbors who looked like this one did. Jerry probably looked like many of the attorneys in the firm for which Laura worked, tall and good looking, with medium brown hair and green eyes. He was cleanshaven, though he hadn't yet shaven this morning, and he smelled faintly of soap.
"Hi. Yeah I just moved in a few days ago." She said smiling back at him "my names Laura by the way. I was kind of busy putting things away but your welcome to come in to talk." Laura quickly looked him over noticing that he was a pretty attractive guy "I just don't want my groceries to spoil." She said stepping aside giving him enough room to walk inside.
"Oh, sure, yes. Thank you," Jerry returned, stepping inside. He was getting the sort of welcome he wanted, to be sure, and somewhere in his mind he began to think that it could be even better than he had been thinking.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you; maybe I should have waited another five minutes. But I will be glad to follow you around, too."

He would have offered her his hand if she hadn't gestured for him to enter, turning a bit away from him in the process. No matter, they had seemed to get off onto the right foot.

"Are you from around here? If not, I can suggest local stores and things to you. If not, we can complain to one another about our sports teams and the city schools. You can't beat this town for the weather, though."
"It's alright. I'm not from around here, just moved for work." Laura said as she walked back into her kitchen "the weather isn't bad but it has been a little cold at night." She said as she went back to putting things away "it wouldn't be so bad if there was someone to cuddle up to..."

Glancing at him she put the last few things away "would you like something to drink?" She asked leaning against the counter.
"Sure," he replied. "Whatever you might want to have to drink for yourself, from orange juice to scotch." He would be interested to see what she chose, though it was early for drinking. On the other hand, that reference to cuddling was encouraging.

"Mind if I take a seat?" he asked, gesturing toward the couch. "Provided you don't mind if I stay a little while. You're right, though, it can get cool, and the best way to warm up is definitely with a cuddle partner. Have you had a chance to meet very many people yet?"
"You can have a seat." She said as she got to glasses out of a cabinet "I really haven't met anyone. The only people I have met are the ones that I work with. I've just been kind of busy." She said filling the glasses before walking over to the couch and handing him one before sitting down herself.
Jerry had been sitting in the middle of the sofa, so that if she joined him there she would be fairly close to him. He accepted the drink from her, and scooted a little closer in the process.

"Well. I'm glad that you met me. It's nice to have a friendly neighbor." He lifted his glass in salute, giving her a chance to return the toast.

"But while it can get cool at night, as you can tell, it can get warm during the day. People around here often go about in very little, especially around the pool. Lots of all-over tans."

He had one himself. "And when it is cool, the hot tub is very nice, too. But then you have to hurry back to your place when you get out, and that can be really chilly in comparison."

If she didn't react badly to his moving closer to her the once, he would move yet closer again, to the point where their bodies would be touching. He watched her eyes and her hands, her body language for any clue that she was as receptive as he was beginning to think she was.
She touched her glass to his before taking a sip and sitting it down. "I was the even aware we had a pool but I will definitely have to check out that hot tub tonight." She said smiling. "I would probably burn if I tried to tan." She said having very pale skin. Being careful to not be too obvious she moved closer to him her leg now almost touching his.
"You have just moved here, but maybe your skin will see more sun now, and you might get a better tan than you might think," he replied, noticing how she had responded.

He leaned to one side to place his half-empty glass on the table, and then leaned back into his former position, arranging his head to be closer to hers this time. Accordingly, when he resumed talking, it was in a softer, and, he hoped, more intimate tone of voice.

"It would be a good day for swimming right now," he remarked. "And it would be interesting to see you in a bikini, if you don't mind me saying so. On the other hand, just at the moment, I like it better right where I am."

He let the outside of his knuckles brush against her leg, just fora moment.
She smiled tucking some of her hair behind her ear "thanks, but I'd really like to see your apartment." She said getting up "maybe after we could go down to the pool if your not too busy." Laura took a deep breath starting to walk towards the door "I would really like to compare bedrooms. Mine seems a little small, I'd like to know how you managed to arrange your furniture..."
"Sure," Jerry replied, always agreeable. Now, he was pretty sure that they weren't just on the same page, but ready to turn to the next one.

He let Laura, not that he knew her name yet, open her door for him, and he unlocked his own door for her, holding it open. "The layout is all reversed, but it's essentially the same, I think."

Once she had come inside, he closed the door and locked it behind her, and then led her down the short hallway to his bedroom. "I put the head of the bed against the far wall, because the cable connection is on the south wall, and it was just easier to arrange that way," he said. He was glad that he was neat and tidy by nature and that his bed was made and covered with nice, crisp sheets and a light bedspread.

Matter-of-factly, he took a seat on the foot of his own bed and patted the spot next to him, for her to take if she would. That would be the final signal he needed. "Sure, I'd be up for a swim later," he said, looking up at her. "But I have another idea just now."
"What would that be?" She asked sitting down next to him "your apartments pretty nice... Nice furniture, really comfortable bed..." Laura said looking around "you did a pretty good job with the space."
"I was thinking of a different form of exercise first," Jerry told her. "I'm sure that we'd both enjoy it. Here, let me demonstrate, if you would." He brought the flat of his hand to the top of her leg, just above the knee, and then brought it slowly upward along that part of her leg.

"I can show you how comfortable this bed is, too," he murmured, as he brought his lips to the side of her face, whispering into her ear. "And keep you as hot as you want at night, as well."
Laura smiled "took you long enough..." She said as she quickly removed her shirt before wrapping her arms around him "don't make me wait too much longer..." She said softly kissing his cheek before letting go and laying down starting to undo her jeans and sliding them down her legs.
"No time at all," he replied, pulling his own shirt up and over his head and throwing it somewhere, he really didn't care where it went just now. Then he stood up and pulled his jeans off and his boxers right along with them, and they were both naked.

"That's better, don't you think?" His sportsman's body had little hair, but what there was was mostly around the cock that jutted out toward his new neighbor. "This is the way that most people go swimming around here, too, Laura. I think that you'll fit right in into this complex."

Then he put one knee down on the edge of the bed, next to hers, and began to lean down, stretching his own body over hers while trying to kiss her for the first time.
"I'm not so sure about that. It's one thing to be naked while in bed its another to be exposed in front of the whole building. But maybe in time ill get used to it." She said running her hands along his chest and wrapping her arms around him.
"I'll be more than happy if you're naked in my bed like this," Jerry said, meaning every word. One of his arms went around her, too, as they embraced, his chest against the softness of her bosom. His other hand was there to bear their weight as, in this position, Jerry tried to bear Laura down onto her back.

And then, he kissed her. There was nothing tentative about it, either. He fucked her mouth with his tongue, and welcomed everything she might try to do with hers.
She pushed her body against him her hips grinding against him as she kissed him back with just as much excitement. Her hands wrapped tighter around his body, helping to pull her even closer to him.
They fit together naturally, of course. His cock pressed against her sex and he grinded right back against her as she did the same to him. His free hand ran along her side, from under her arm all the way down to her hip.

His lips left her mouth so that he could kiss the side of her face, and then down along her neck. All this time, he continued the fucking motion, up and down against her crotch. He hoped that she was enjoying this, because he certainly was.
"I want to feel you inside me." She said before moaning out "your body feels amazing against mine. I can't take this teasing much longer." She let go of him letting her body relax onto the bed "please..."
Jerry's hand was moving before Laura had completed her sentence. He used it to guide his cock right up to her entrance, and, once he was sure that he had the right angle, he drove smoothly on in. When he had reached the hilt, he stopped for just long enough to truly savor the experience, and then he began ramming into her quickly and easily, not nearly at his maximum speed or level of force.

He looked down into her eyes, delighted by the warmth of her cunt, the slickness of it right from the get-go. As eager as he was to go on fucking her right now, he could imagine watching other men.
Laura moaned as he pushed into her back arching up to meet his again. She kissed him holding onto him tightly enjoying the way he felt inside her. "What are you thinking about?" She asked when she noticed that he had stopped moving "is everything alright?"
By the time that Laura had gotten that question out of her mouth, Jerry would have been moving again, but he would surely still smile in reaction. "Everything is more than fine," he replied. "I was just kind of.." (and here he paused, as he strove down into her again) "..imagining what it would be like to watch us together, or to watch you with someone else. You're just so damned beautiful, is all."