The new Chippendale's calendar men.

Either their standards have fallen, or you've picked up a copy of the Bizzaro world Chippendale calendar.

Nevertheless, geeks and nerds need love too. Just ask Hanns. :D
Freya2 said:
Hot in July.

someone tell him that a bear died on his chest.

why the fuck am I looking at these pics anyway? I need to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppp.................
To ensure you never get invited home for another Thanksgiving, bring Mr November along.
And for those cold, snowy nights in December - what a gift this one is.
Oh man, I think I laughed myself into sleepiness with these pics.
Prince Romeo said:
Hey, I was born in September! I think I've got that guy beat!

Is that you in your AV? If so, can I have all 12 months filled by you? :)
Geez, 441 posts later and you just noticed me. Yes, it's me and I have about 36 other shots. Maybe I can get 3 years.
Prince Romeo said:
Geez, 441 posts later and you just noticed me. Yes, it's me and I have about 36 other shots. Maybe I can get 3 years.

I noticed you, we've just never spoken before.

I like those 36 month calendars - saves having to get new ones every year.
Re: January

Prince Romeo said:

Ok. :p

I've seen that before - you had it as your Av didn't you? I know you must hear this constantly, but you have a terrific physique.