The Neighbour (Closed for Hotpup)


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2018
It is going to be a fresh start for Helen and her two children Janet and Mike now aged 21 and 19 and still in study. She has worked hard but now in her late 40s she has chosen to look to slow down a little and move into respectability. She has managed to sell out her share of the adult entertainment business which ran in some rather faraway city and settle down in a nice leafy suburb with more peace and tranquillity and less cut and thrust.

It has all been an upheaval but Helen had to get out for her own wellbeing and the price she got enabled her to take up a position in a local general store business with a number of outlets throughout town. It will give her the opportunity to get around and get to know the new town and its people. A new life she relishes.

Helen can be tough, well she is tough, one had to be making a success in Adult Entertainment but she tries to hide it and has told herself she is going to be a different person now she has moved out. She will do things like support the local community, the local good causes, go to church and become the local helpful neighbour.

Both Janet and Mike have doubts about their mum, ‘you’ll never do it’, ‘you really enjoyed it too much!’ They didn't though appreciate the stress and the sacrifices that Helen had to make to get ahead in adult entertainment. It cost her, her marriage and whilst a large bosom and full round bottom attracted men it was difficult to form lasting relationships. Maybe a change of scenery and business would bring better luck. Helen would welcome decent male company although that is not to say she was looking for it. She had rather had her fill of being used.

It was their first day in their new home and Helen, Janet and Mike were all in it together. They liked the place of course. It was in a nice area and with decent garden and hopefully nice neighbours. They had found knives and forks and plates and cup. Mike had just brought in a takeaway and they were tired but happy. All was going well.
Sam and Mary had moved into the neighborhood over 20 years ago and had raised two kids there who were now both away at school. Sam was a very successful businessman. His company was successful enough that he only had to work part-time, enough to make sure that things were running smoothly and that he wasn’t being ripped off. He hoped to leave the company to his kids when he went to that other world.

At 55 he was as active as ever and had a very strong libido. Mary never minded that he sized up other women so long as he looked but did not touch. It had been a month since Sam and Mary had sex as she had aserious operation and couldn’t lift anything for another month and she wouldn’t be cleared to have sex for even longer, perhaps two or three months.

Sam loved and took good care of his wife but the lack of sex was driving him nuts. He did his best to migigate the situation with porn and cuddling with Mary but he was still frustrated.

Then one day he saw some new folks moving in down the street. He saw a lady who appeared to be about 10 years younger than him with what appeared to be her adult kids. All of them were hot. The older woman particularly caught his attention with her big breasts and plump backside.

He knew he had to meet these folks but was a bit of an introvert. He was thinking about them as he ran errands.
Helen had made arrangements with her new business venture which meant that whilst she would look in from time to time there would be no firm start for at least a week. She wanted to have a chance to get settled in at home with all the family. She knew that she had to see that Janet and Mike were ok whilst she was aware that there would be things to get right at the new house. Whilst it was in really good order she wanted to start to put her own touches to the place. She had chosen to concentrate her life at home for the first time since she started working all those years ago.

Come the evenings though Helen began to feel a little lonely and with the youngsters finding their feet and beginning to go out and about she surfed the internet and put herself up on an internet dating site. Given her history she had little fear of meeting men in a public place and her plan was to keep herself busy in the hope that at least one guy would prove themselves worthy of some serious dating. The responses to her profile provided her with some food for thought, just who would it be best to concentrate on, just who should she see in person?

It was a nice neighbourhood and Helen looked to get out more and more. The weather was good and Helen always dressed well, if just a little provocatively with her full bosom on display. This had always been her way and she enjoyed the eye of men, she found it amusing and something which gave her a boost. Then one morning in town whilst taking a coffee in town to rest her legs she thought she recognised this guy from her street. Never one to be shy she flashed him a smile and suggested that he take a seat at her table. He did seem a little embarrassed and blushed as he sat, although not without Helen noticing the travel of his eyes. That did not bother her one bit.

'I believe we are neighbours' she said to him as she projected her body forward a little. 'I've seen you making yourself busy around the place. My two kids are really now out of the house a good bit and I am trying to make myself known and settle in. Oh and how rude of me I am Helen by the way.'

She looked directly at the guy, showing interest and hoping she was giving him enough confidence to engage in a little bit of chat to pass the day.
When Sam got back from running his errands Mary asked to speak to him. She told him that she had just gotten off the phone with her sister and Mary thought it would be vest if she went to stay with her for awhile. Her reasoning was that if she stayed she would be afraid that she wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation to defy doctor’s orders and fuck Sam or that Sam would not be able to keep his hands and cock away from her.

This sadly seemed reasonable to Sam as before her operation they had fucked about 10 times a week not to mention other sexy activities. So, reluctantly he packed her suitcase as she instructed him on what to pack. A couple of hours later they kissed goodbye as she left with her sister.

A couple of days later he was feeling depressed so he went to the nearby coffee shop. He did not drink coffee but he really liked the place so he had a soft drink and a pastry. He noticed the lady waving him over and realized that it was his hot new neighbor. He couldn’t help himself and gave her a once over twice. Stammering for a second, “Yes, I saw you all moving in the other day. I think you’ll like the neighborhood as it is very diverse. We have all cultures and everything from the chief of police to a crime lord, so there is no crime to worry about! It is the most welcoming place I've ever lived in.”

Looking into her eyes and then right at her breasts he continued, “Oh, I’m Sam. I’m sorry if I am not much of a talker I just sent my wife off to stay with her sister while she recovers from an operation. But, it is certainly nice to find someone to chat with. I also have two kids who are away at university.”

Now his face really turned red as he shook himself to look back at her face, “I’m sorry for blubbering on, I get a bit nervous when meeting new folks .”
'So you're on your own then Sam, you must come over, yes come over for dinner this evening, why don't you?'

Helen heard Sam's words that he was not much of a talker but wondered from the movement of his eyes as to whether he was much of a performer. He was keen enough to relay to her his domestic situation and surely that was not by chance. He had made it known to her that he was on his own. Not of course that Helen was looking to jump into bed with just anyone and so early after her arrival. She liked them shy though, she liked to have a chance to put herself forward and express herself. Helen had had enough of the brash young guys who were all cock, the mature sure guy was now so much more appealing to her.

'Just come around casually say at around 6, my two are likely to be in and out but they will not trouble us, much anyway. I'll see to that. They're a bit lively but we are quite a casual family and live our own lives. We've had to given all the pressure and me being a single mum and all that.

'Do you have any food likes and dislikes Sam as I do like to please?' I say with a rather mischievous grin 'and yes I do like to tease so you can get strict with me if you want'

Helen wished to make it quite clear to Sam that she wanted to relax and be a 'fun' lady with her neighbour. It would at least give him something to think about and enabled her to be her usual flirtatious self. That was just her way, the way she got things done the way she wanted them. It applied equally to work although she did know that now she was outside the adult entertainment business she might need to be more reserved. It would likely take a bit of time for her to get used to that!
If Sam had been nervous before he was now really nervous as he felt himself trembling slightly. He had the feeling that Helen was hinting at a physical connection. He had never stepped out on Mary as there had been no need as wild as their sex life was as she would submit to him anytime he wanted and once in a while Mary would switch things up on him keeping things fresh.

While shy at first in any non-business arrangement it did not take long for him to show a more self-assured dominant side which is how he and Mary got together. His cock was now starting to make a tent in his trousers as he answered her.

“ I was planning on dropping by anyway to give our new neighbor a big old welcome basket from your new neighborhood. It has some cool stuff in it,” he spoke barely above a whisper.

“So, of course I’ll be there at about 6:00 and I’d love to meet your kids. I’m not much on seafood but anything would be fine; seriously, don’t go to any big trouble on my account.”

There was no way that Sam would do anything but enjoy having a nice dinner with his new neighbor. At least, that is what he kept telling himself after excusing himself and leaving the coffee shop then he strolled home while thinking of Helen’s breasts and her hot behind. He had to get himself together before facing her again but before he even realized what he was doing he was sitting in his easy chair wondering what it would be like to fuck his neighbor as he rubbed himself quickly splattering his stomach with a massive load of spunk.

He gathered the gift basket adding a bottle of wine to it. He almost made it out the door before remembering that there were supposed to be some discount coupons in it as well. Finally, he took a deep breath and went out his door.
Helen couldn't help but see the gentleman's reaction to her. That gave confidence and she knew she was on a 'winner' and that he was worth pursuing.

'I'll serve a lasagne with salad and cheesecake to follow with ice cream' Helen explained to Sam. She was a businesswoman, not a cook and she knew full well that the food items would easily be purchased from a local store and cooked with the minimum of attention. She wanted to concentrate on her guest without any slip ups. Early stages in a relationship were always sensitive and set the tone. She wanted this one to work in her new home.

'That would be sweet of you, I'll look forward to it' Helen said as she spoke with confidence. She knew she had cracked it. The shy guy was coming round and it sounded as if he really wanted to and was looking forward to it. Maybe like her there was more to him than meets the eye. That would be really special, a shy sexy guy, what would there not be to like about that.

There was an extensive wardrobe in Helen's home, to meet every need. It came with her previous line of business and for Sam she decided on all black including lingerie with stockings and suspenders. It made her feel good, it made her feel sexy. Conscious of her new domestic situation she wore gold earrings and a long gold necklace resting down towards her cleavage. She hoped Sam liked 'big'.

There was the kitchen and cooking though to be mastered for the evening. A glass of wine helped calm her mood and an apron protected her dress. She put on some soft rock music, Billy Joel, which she felt was with a bit of character. She checked the house and fortunately the kids were not to be seen. They had not seen her dressed up like this for a long while, she just hoped that they had matured and would approve.
It was a beautiful evening Sam thought as he slowly walked the short distance to Helen’s house. He was dressed casually in tight fitting jeans and a polo shirt which also fit snuggly over his broad chest. He almost turned around to change clothes when he realized that he was getting an erection which would be very obvious in these pants. Furthermore, he thought, the musk aftershave might have been a bad idea. He decided to go ahead thinking if Helen had happened to look out her window at that moment she would wonder what the heck this weird guy was doing. So, taking a deep breath he straightened his 5’ 10” 170 body up and went to her door and rang the bell.

After all, he was just being neighborly, welcoming a new family to the neighborhood and getting a dinner with a nice lady in the process to take his mind off the fact that Mary was 50 miles away.

He gasped as Helen opened the door and a instant bulge formed in his jeans. He decided to ignore the bulge as he knew he could do nothing to calm it down.

“Hi Helen, you look stunning,” his eyes popping out of his head as he followed her necklace down to her ample cleavage hoping she would not notice.

“Here is the basket from the neighborhood and I also brought a bottle of wine to thank you for the invite. It is if you read my mind as Lasagna and cheesecake are two of my very favorite foods,” he quickly shut his mouth as he realized that he was yammering on.

He looked around and was amazed that she had already apparently unpacked everything as he could tell that she had an keen eye for decorating.

“So, where are your kids? I really would love to meet them sometime,” he asked part of him wanting to meet them and the other part hoping that they were away so they could have a nice quiet conversation.
'Well you are my very first guest Sam so I thought I would make a bit of an effort for you and my intuition is that we can get on very well, so why not?'

Helen wanted Sam to feel a little special, she wanted to help him get over his natural nervousness. She wanted to find the man that was underneath. She was good at that, having had many years experience!

'I'll fix you a drink, what is your tipple? I'm drinking a nice white wine but I have a beer in the fridge or there are the usual spirits. I like my alcohol' Helen told him.

'Mmm now then my kids oh yes well there 21 and 19 and pretty self sufficient. They're good and support each other, they've had to over the years. They rather come and go as they please. It is the way we were in my previous set up. We've come here to make a fresh start and hopefully become members of the community, if they will let us or indeed want us. Tell me how do you find things around here, is there anybody it would be best for me to get to know, what is the best place to meet people?'

'I'm sorry I am all questions but I am just keen to know and get on if you get what I mean. I am not a lady who likes to stand still. I am a bit of an all action person' As Helen spoke she absent mindedly adjusted her bra strap causing the flesh of her bosom to move in sympathy. She could see that caught Sam's eye which was good, she wanted to develop his interest.

'Come on, come and sit at the table' said Helen as she turned her back and walked onto the kitchen to serve the main course giving him her rear view.
Sam knew now that he was in over his head as he watched her adjust her bra strap causing her tits to wobble. He figured that the move was intentional. Later, he could not take his eyes off of her plentiful backside as she walked in front of him.

“I’ll join you in some wine,” replying making every effect to look away from her hot body.

“This is probably the most excepting community you could ever hope for. No one judges anyone for their past. What matters is being a good neighbor. Folks help one another out. I, as chair of the neighborhood association, would be happy to introduce you around. Meeting folks is pretty easy either at the park dow the street or for grown-up company there is a little saloon just up the road,” he said as he sat down taking the wine from Helen.

“So, what do you do for a living? As for me I import and manufacture women’s shoes and stockings,” he blushed as he said this as most women and friends thought he made this up. He found it was not all that exciting but was very profitable.

Surreptitiously he adjusted himself hoping that she would not notice as she placed the food on the table, “It looks delicious, smells so good!”

He kept sneaking peaks at her sumptuous lips and chest. He was determined not to give in but also knew, deep down, that it was just a matter of time.
'It sounds very much as if I have come to the right place then Sam and I have found the right person in you' said Helen as she hoped that her body language conveyed a message. 'It would be wonderful if yes we could become friends and you introduce me around. I think it would help if us singletons helped each other out and by the sound of things you are prepared to keep your side of the bargain, which is fabulous Sam, it really is. Although I am usually a confident person, coming to a new area is a daunting experience and just to be with a guy like you, giving out such reassurance lifts a big weight off my shoulders, and they have enough to carry already don't they?'

'There is no need to answer that by the way Sam, it is only me being cheeky, although I sought of have got the idea you might like me being cheeky hey? I know you are quiet but I am right aren't I? You are a guy who is up for things behind that quiet front? I know men Sam, or at least I think I do!!!

'Shoes and stockings hey, well you'll have to show me what you get available, I might just look to have a few lines in my general stores. Yes I bought into a local business and will oversee its general running on a local level. Previously I was in Entertainment, Adult Entertainment but I sold out as it was all getting too much. I feel I am a nice person and well I found out it was no longer for me. I'll tell you more when we know each other and I am loosened up on the wine.'

'Yes let's eat' says Helen. On the one hand she is becoming a hit with Sam but she recognises that her old ways have far from disappeared. Well she is in need and under some stress and she knows that Sam can help her gain a foothold in the local community and bring custom to her business.
With his wife being 50 miles away it might as well been 500 miles as all thoughts of her were quickly fading into the background. He had thought he recognized this sexy woman from somewhere but could not place his finger on it.

“I almost forgot there is a block party tomorrow night in the park I’d be happy to escort you and your kids and introduce you all around. There are a lot of single folks their age,” he took a bite of food and moaned at the taste.”

I’d love to show you my collection. I started with shoes and the plan is to go up the body until I can fully outfit a woman from toe to head in sexy yet tasteful clothes,” he placed a hand on her knee rubbing his fingers over the stockings.

“These are nice stockings but you’ll have to try a pair of my company’s as I think you’d find them more luxurious,” he did not know why but he did not remove his hand as he felt the tension rise.

Now, he was sure where he knew her from as he had watched several of her performances. He debated whether or not to say anything. He decided to wait until they took their empty plates into her kitchen and were relaxing on her sofa as they let their stomachs settle until they were ready for the cheesecake.

His hand found it’s way back onto her knee as he took a deep breath, “Ever since we were at the coffee shop I had this nagging feeling that you looked very familiar to me. I probably have watched every film you’ve ever done.” He took a big gulp of wine, “I’m sure you’ve heard it before but I’ve fantasized about you dozens of times. You seemed to actually enjoy what you were doing and not just going through the motions like most adult stars do and were seemingly willing to let your partner take control sometimes. You were hot and still are.”

He was now blushing crimson but still had not removed his hand, “Oh shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to go on like that.”
'You can certainly escort me Sam but as to my kids I'll have to see what they are up to. It is very kind of you to offer and I'll do my best to persuade them. Maybe they'll come along to try and keep me off the alcohol and behaving. You know, see that I am keeping to my promises to turn over a new leaf'

'mmmm you are wanting to dress me then Sam, how intriguing'

'Well there were not too many Sam, I hope. It is nice to know I had a fan in you but a bit, how shall I put it, disconcerting maybe that you know and have seen all that is under this clothing of mine. You have no surprise to look forward to or are your ambitions greater and do you wish to sample what you know other guys have had? Helen smirks and then smiles wider looking at his body language and wondering if she would get a response. 'I can be wicked I know Sam, but I can be fun too' she continues

'I must say that I had hoped that my past would stay secret. It's just my luck that my cover is blown by the first guy I meet. I was though much more than an actress, I ending up buying a share in the business and sharing the profits. I had involvement in all the business decisions and dealing with the scum that ones gets in that line of work. It was tough though.

'You are kind about my acting but yes. I did actually get turned on by the young guys and the way they kissed me. I loved that and tried to forget where I was and what I was actually doing. I looked for it to be natural. Being the boss lady of course helped in that I could pick and choose and only acted occasionally. I did it particularly when a part suited and we needed the money. We could save on the fee for my part. I was doing it out of devotions to the business really, to help get us started, off the ground.'

'I know it's asking a lot but can you keep it a secret, what I have done in the past I mean, at least for now, until others get to know me, the real me. You have done so much already I know, but I would be very grateful if you did do that one further thing Sam'
“I hope your kids do come along as the younger generation is very fun loving and easy to get along with. I can almost guarantee that they will have a great time and will find new friends and maybe even lovers. As for dressing you I think you deserve to wear the best and I think my products are the best,” his shyness was fading fast as he made no attempt to hide the bulge in his lap.

Sam gave her knee a quick squeeze, First of all, you are much more beautiful in person than you were in those films. Secondly, nothing compares to seeing someone up close and personal so to speak. So, I’m sure that there would be plenty of surprises.”

Absent-mindedly he began running his hand up and down her lower thigh, “I see a very smart business woman when I chat with you, someone who does what is required to be a big success who will not be defined by her past. I admire your strength and determination.”

He pulled his hand away, “I would never tell anyone about your adult film past but everyone will know that you are the success behind your stores. Everyone in this neighborhood, that I know of, cares only about the present as many of us have things in the past that they would rather keep behind them.”

Taking a deep breath he placed his hand back on her thigh and caressed lightly, “Helen, you are so sexy and I’m doing everything I can not to act on my feelings but it is becoming harder and harder by the moment. I’ve been aroused ever since I saw your backside carrying a box into your house.”

A big part of him hoped that she would stop him in his tracks but an even bigger part hoped that she would give the green light and he would let out his inner-animal. His hand crept even higher on her thigh making his intention perfectly clear but being careful not to get too close to her privacy.
Helen shared the guy's embarrassment. It was really good though for him to be like that at his age, he ought to be proud of his manhood, hardening like that and having such desire. He had a bit of patter about him too. Not that it wasn't genuine of course but he did know the words to say. It was also to his credit that he was not seeking to sort of engage in a friendly sort of blackmail with her. In other words not putting it to her, you have sex with me and I won't tell a soul. Reality was of course that others would find out or suspect but from what Sam was saying many had a past. Indeed Sam seemed to be the one to know what that past was, what the dirt was so he was definitely one to keep onside with.

Yes she was finding Sam attractive not only physically but for the fact he seemed to be somebody she could trust and somebody who could really help her build her business. And he was going to dress her too, what was there not to like!!!

'I wondered Sam, given that you have been a little on the playful side since you have arrived my darling. Nothing wrong with that of course, it is wonderful to be appreciated but my bottom, there is a turn up for the book.'

Helen stood and smoothed her clothes down looking at him. 'I guess I am not too old to go over your knee, I think I might actually enjoy it, but how shall we do it Sam. How do you want to spank me?

As far as Helen was concerned this was going to be a light hearted physical encounter to please her new neighbour.
Sam was momentarily speechless after listening to Helen. Then when she stood up his world spun out and he saw stars with the ass he had jerked off to so many times in her films now only inches from his face tenting out her short skirt.

“Oh holy fuck! You’ve got the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen in all of my life! I can’t believe my good fortune to be here with you,” he choked out his words as he leant forward and slid up the skirt and buried his face between her twin panty-covered moons.

After getting a whiff of her womanly aroma he let go and sat back and scooted to the middle of the sofa, “If you’re serious I think that there is room here on the couch now that I’ve moved to the middle. If you are sure you want to do this it is your choice whether or not you pull your panties down or leave them as they are.”

He had thought that if they got physical it would start with something like kissing or some petting but he was not complaining at all. His only problem was keeping himself under control as he did not want to spoil things right off the bat in case she did not like any of his kinks. Moments later Helen was sprawled across the bulge in his pants, her ass centered perfectly.

“I’m such a lucky man,” he lifted up the skirt revealing the full glory of her ass in those very sexy knickers. He ran his hand over the entire expanse of her butt and over her ass crack. He waited to see if she would pull down the underwear. His other hand caressed her back as he intentionally made sure to graze her side boob. His cock had already leaked a small amount of pre-cum. He was surprised that this evening had taken such a turn. He knew as assertive, intelligent, and friendly as she was she would have no trouble fitting into the neighborhood. He wondered if Janet and Mike took after their mother.

When his hand dipped near her crotch he could feel the heat radiating from her center. Not knowing what she had decided about pulling down the undies he gave her bumm a couple of playful swats. He was mesmerized when his hand bounced off her beautiful ass. He told himself that this was just a little playfulness and that there would hopefully be opportunities in time for more serious fun in the very near future.
Helen was happy to be physically playful with Sam, well that had been work in her past life. Kissing and fondling though was something different, that was a show of affection, real affection. She had acted that out for the camera but her wish now was for such intimacies to be with a person she liked and fancied. Of course that could well be Sam, but she was not quite ready for that with him yet. They were only on their first date, it would be nice not to actually be expected to fuck on a first date!!! Her feelings had to develop and grow for it to be honest and real, she did not want to mislead Sam, not now, not in her current life. She wanted proper relationships and not just sexual ones and she hoped that just maybe now she could have some friends, maybe with benefits but where she was appreciated for her personality and intellect as well as her body.

Well Sam was a surprise package and his interest was welcome. It was just now that she had to manage it. She thought the best way was to be playful and hoped that would keep him happy and attentive to her as a person.

Her sizeable body stretched across Sam's provided a notable sight, particularly with her skirt up and her bum cheeks like two large moons

'Of course you can slide my panties down..... if you want' said Helen. 'But please be a little gentle for now and then we can have our cheesecake. My kids are likely to be home in a half hour or so, they text a short while ago, so we'll need to get decent by then. I'll say one thing though I can never remember being on a sofa like this before so you are making this a new experience'

Helen laughed, she was finding this very amusing, her first date with Sam, her bum naked and on display. She hoped that she could fulfil her promise to herself if and when he got to work on it.
Sam had never experienced an evening like this. He hoped that he did not come off like a virginal kid on his first date as he had been so nervous and found himself stammering most of the earlier part of the evening.

When she cleared the way for him to pull down her panties he took a deep breath and slowly worked the garment from her ass. He was careful not to expose anything beyond her cheeks but that was enough as he was totally blown away at the view before him. He thought he saw a little dimple on her left ass cheek but wasn’t going to lean down to get a better view.

He knew that she could feel his erect manhood but did not care. Gently he ran his hands over the now nude surface, “Absolutely magnificent!”

Following her request he kept things rather gentle and playful. He gave her about 10 swats just hard enough that his hand made contact. He tickled her side, “I never thought I’d be looking at, let alone, playing with your sexy ass when I walked in the door tonight.”

He ran both hands over her butt and pulled the cheeks apart only for a moment as he could not resist a peak at her rosebud. He was not disappointed. Quickly he ran the tip of a finger up the length . Getting it back together he gave her rump another few playful swats but knew if he continued things might go to far and he would ruin everything for a possible continuation of their fun; besides he really liked and respected Helen.

“Yeah, I guess we’d better get decent. It would be uncomfortable if your kids found us like this,” he ran his hand over her derriere noticing how soft and supple it was.

“This is fun! If your cheesecake is even half as good as the lasagna I’m in for a real treat,” he whispered afraid to move as he thought he probably had a wet spot in the front of his trousers from the pre-cum so he kept caressing her backside waiting for her to get up. In the back of his mind he did not care if her kids caught them but he already had too much respect for Helen to allow that to happen.
Helen enjoyed her predicament. Stretched across her sofa on the lap of some guy who was pulling her panties down for a view. This guy seemed different from those she had known in recent times. He was respectful, he was good. She felt a hardness of course, but she hoped she would, she knew she was still mightily attractive but it as always good to know that a guy had the hots.

She played along with him, moving her body and twitching her bum and making little cries. She was acting of course but they were having fun. Then he stopped but she noticed his final little caress, which was nice. She felt it displayed a caring considered nature.

'Yes it was nice light-hearted fun and I hope that it was a worthy little introduction for us both as to what might follow. I couldn't help but feel that you were finding it very much fun Sam' said Helen as her eyes moved to his crotch.

'There kids of the world Sam but yes this is a bit early for them to get to see us like this. They would obviously read much more into it than was actually there and see us as being into heavy bdsm. They would obviously exaggerate in their own minds from what they had seen. Mind you I don't mind a bit of bdsm, what about you Sam, are you into that sort of thing?'

Helen felt good that she had found a sort of man who she could talk sense with and also talk sex with and she intended to develop their friendship. That much she had already learnt from tonight.

'Oh yes the cheesecake, I'll just get it. Feel free to use the bathroom as it looks as if you might have had a little spillage there' Helen said pointing to the front of his trousers with a laugh.
“Yes, it was a lot of fun. It was also very sexy and I was delighted to get a peak at your beautiful naked backside. I don’t know that I’m really into hard core BDSN with whips and such but rough play, spanking and perhaps tying up my partner things like that. I guess I am what you call a switch but tend more toward the dominate side of things,” he spluttered out without thinking.

Sam wondered about her comment about the kids and teased feeling ever more comfortable with Helen, “So, it’s too early for your kids to see us like that, huh. Does that mean that they will get to see us like that in the future?”

A million things flashed through his mind including the night a couple of weeks ago when his kids were home for the weekend and he saw them having sex together in the backyard and had thought of joining them as it had already been awhile since he had sex with his wife. Maybe next time they were home he would see about exploring that possibility The thought left his mind as soon as it had come to him as he saw Helen’s naked ass right there.

He got up and gave her butt a playful swat as he walked toward the bathroom and smiling broadly at her joked while blushing bright red, “Maybe you should clean up my spillage! After all, you created the mess.”

He paused watching her pull up her panties and smooth back down her skirt. He could not remember being this turned on in a very long time. In his mind it was a fact that they would have full-fledged sex in the very near future. He went to the bathroom, leaving the door open, and dropped his drawers and grabbed a wad of tissue and began to clean himself, “ cheesecake sounds wonderful as I’ve worked up a bit of an appetite.”
Helen smiled, she had not lost her touch. She was getting Sam to spill the beans of his kinks. He must feel comfortable with me she thought. It also gave her confidence that they could have a relationship with him and that she would be able to have some influence over matters. She knew that a man needed to be a man or at least allowed to believe that he was!

'I quite like the idea of being tied up by my man Sam. I hope that does not shock you but yes, as a part of sex play I would like that. Of course what is good for the goose is good for the gander and I love the thought of tying my man up and teasing him endlessly. That remains largely a fantasy of mine though Sam. I've never had many volunteers. Perhaps they feel I have good too much sex drive to trust me!!!'

'Honey I am a mum in disgrace as far as my kids are concerned. I can't go back there right now, I have to show them that I am a lady of some principle for my own self esteem if anything. I have to let them believe I am a good girl! I am human though and I am sure nature will take its course. They are a curious pair and fully au fait with the ways of the world and its perversions. The truth of it is I am sure they could teach me a thing or two'

'You are a cheeky one then aren't you and there was me thinking you are shy and nervous. Sure I'll use some wet wipes on you if you are incapable! Nice of you to get that way about it, it did actually turn on Helen, she loved to please and to know she had done that with only a minor skirmish was certainly encouraging.

Helen watched Sam for a few seconds and then gave a little titter before going back to the kitchen and preparing the cheesecake with some ice cream. She loved ice cream with it.

'OK Sam, here we are enjoy' she said as she approached with the plates. 'This is some first meeting. You are not quite what I expected, I have to admit. This is not a sleepy little area though is it, not if you are anything to go by!! I am glad you are escorting me though, can we go as far as say we are dating do you think?'
As he finished cleaning up the mess on his cock and balls, “If you were to trust me to tie you up and show you some of my kinks it would be only fair if I allowed you the same opportunity. I can almost picture some of the things we’d get up to like your lovely ass sitting on my face. No worries about your kids I’ll be mostly a gentleman around them until and unless you indicate otherwise.”

He walked to the table and just took a bite when just then his cell phone rang, “Yes Mary I’m over at our new neighbor’s house…yes she is about our age…Sexy, yes I’d say…shit, three more month until sex…Are you sure? It won’t come back on me…You’re sure, all the fun I want.”

Smiling broadly he ran a hand up and down Helen’s thigh, “I didn’t know how to answer your question about dating until just now when my wife called. She reminded me that we’d talked forever about having an open relationship and swinging and she figured that there was no better time for me to try it out but only if sex meant something more than a roll in the hay. “

Taking a deep breath, “Helen, I have felt a deep emotional connection with you almost since the moment we met so I’d be very proud to tell everyone that we are dating. Rest assured our neighbors will not think anything negative of it as there are a number of open marriages around here.”He removed his hand from Helen’s knee as he realized that Mike and Janet could be home anytime. He dug into the dessert, “Fuck, this is delicious! How about I come by and grab you tomorrow evening around 7:00. I really look forward to getting to know you even better and seeing a LOT MORE of you.”

He gave her a wink. He could not believe how bold he was being. He hoped his phone call with Mary did not make a difference to Helen but he really needed both an emotional and sexual outlet and he hoped she would not think he was feeding her a line of crap about his feelings and what his wife had said on the phone.
'Yes 7 tomorrow will be fine and you can escort me and maybe my two to the block party as you promised' Helen said with a smile, wondering if Sam had forgotten his promise. 'Open marriages, wow, this is not quite the community I was expecting at all' continued Helen.

This brought her concern. She knew now that she would likely be recognised by others who would maybe looking for favours.

'It looks like you might be escorting a 'wanted woman' then Sam if this is such a hotbed of sex. Do you mind that, are you the jealous sort?'

'I will dress low key tomorrow, particularly if my kids are about. I'm not tell them about us, not just yet. Let them see you and I together a bit and then it can naturally fall into place. I won't have loads of awkward questions to answer and they will not have their doubts of you. In fact tomorrow would be a great chance for you to get to know them and what they are all about. I have to admit that I have rather neglected them so I really don't know too much of what they get up to. This was one of the reasons for coming down here, so we could get to know each other more as a family. They're 21 and 19 so I guess they have been around a bit. They seem to be pretty self sufficient, I guess I have been a bad mother and left them no choice. This will change though, I am going to be there for them now.

Helen swallowed hard, she knew she was putting temptation before her but it sort of came out. It was something she could not stop herself from saying. In one way it was cowardice yet in another it was.... 'Why don't we got back to your place before the kids get back and you can show me about?' she asked She knew it would keep the evening going and likely bring them closer together and the truth was that she was lonely and loved male company.
Sam was worried that he had given Helen the wrong impression, “Hey, don’t worry about things as while there some open marriages there are a lot more traditional couples. The big thing is that everyone accepts everyone else for who they are and are discrete. I’m betting those who recognize you from your acting career will not bring it up to anyone else and likely not to you unless you’re alone with them. But, I can almost guarantee that they will not try and use it to get into your pink panties. Remember, I said it is a diverse neighborhood as we have a former Nun and now two former porn stars. Let’s see if you recognize the other actor, I won’t tell you if it is a man or woman."
He would not tell her who the porn star was even if she asked maintaining the privacy of the actor.
He continued, “As far as your kids go I’d love to get to know them and I will take my cues from you.”

Sam was surprised when she asked about going back to his place. His cock was now so hard that it hurt, “If you’re sure you want to take your chances in the lion’s den.”

He chuckled, “I’d be happy to show you my place and my shoes, stocking and samples of the panties we are thinking of selling.”

He said this last part hoping that they might not get around to checking that stuff out but providing her a way out of making out with him. He walked with her across the street and unlocked the door letting her in watching the sway of her hips, “Can I get you something to drink?”

Before she could answer his lust took over and he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her belly, pulling her tight against him, and whispering while nibbling on her neck, “I really hope this is what you had in mind coming over here.”

Reluctantly he let go and ran his hands over her sides waiting for her reaction but ready to free her of every stitch of clothing.
'Well that is reassuring' Helen said to Sam as she heard of the discretion within the community to which she has just moved. 'It is also good to know that I have moved into a community where I am likely to fit in. That is great Sam, it really is. I have been so lucky to have bumped into you aren't I? You really are the fountain of all knowledge around here, I am see that and I am so sorry that your domestics seem rather strained. My only guidance would be is to do all you can, that is reasonable, to avoid a break up and if I can do anything to help, I will always be here for you'

Helen felt that Sam had removed a large weight from her shoulders and yes whilst he wished to meet up with her kids, her maternal instinct told her to delay that a little bit. She felt that Sam might have some ambition towards them to at least get to know them and she didn't want him upset by any ruthless and rude put down they might choose to throw his way. She would need to explain him to them first and 'encourage' their better side. She knew that whilst they were both smart they could be dismissive if they were not interested.

Helen smiled as he mentioned 'lion's den'. 'Well I am going to need to at some point and I think it best if we go there now yes.' She didn't mention of course that the real motivation was getting out of her place before he kids arrived back. The evening had gone so well that she didn't want it spoilt by some brattish behaviour from her off spring.

'I will leave the entertainment at your place up to you Sam' Helen said with a mischievous smile knowing that she would be offering up her body for the greater good.

Sam was not slow in coming forward inside his own domain. The confidence seemed to flow through him and it was a rather lustful animal that grabbed and fondled her. It as nice though, it always was to be in a man's arms. This guy though seemed to have some genuine affection for her as well as the desire for her voluptuous body.

'Of course I want you' whispered Helen as she knew what she had to do.