The Naked Party Thread

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Dog to vet . . . check.
Trip to Hazmat Site . . . check
Make up cut list for son who knows how to use CNC panel saw . . . check
Go with son to sheetstock supply warehouse and buy $260 worth of various types . . . check
Put sheet stock in garage . . . check
Continue laundry . . . check
dishes . . . partial check
cold cider followed by nap . . . oh yeah!
And I still have to go grocery shopping and pick the terrorier up from the vet. I was going to cook. Maybe we'll go out . . .
Well, as the hands of my clock creep past midnight here in the UK, let me be the first on here to wish my American friends a

very happy fourth of July!!
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It won't officially be the 4th until my idiot hillbilly neighbors have their own fireworks display in their front yard and in the street. Luckily it's been raining frequently and the underbrush is at least damp. They set a fire in a vacant wooded lot 2 years ago with bottle rockets. They ran, of course, and were never caught.

It's fun to watch tho. :D
Around here, everything is so dry (except for people's watered lawns) that anything like bottle rockets are completely illegal. So? Mexico is close. Idiot offspring of morons and imbeciles just choagie on down thataway and load up. We haven't had any serious fires locally for years but one year some fool set fire to the powerline right of way! Excitement like that should only happen to other people.
Fireworks here too, although it just got dark. The kids are crazy, but bless em' that's what they're here for; to remind us to enjoy the little things - even bottle rockets launched for no apparent reason in some random direction. (Can you imagine we were once that stupid? :) )

Hope all is well where it is the Fourth. Enjoy! :)
Fireworks here too, although it just got dark. The kids are crazy, but bless em' that's what they're here for; to remind us to enjoy the little things - even bottle rockets launched for no apparent reason in some random direction. (Can you imagine we were once that stupid? :) )

Hope all is well where it is the Fourth. Enjoy! :)

Welcome to the Naked Party Thread, pen. :D

Things are usually more lively around here, so stop by often.

I certainly was that stupid. Coke bottles (glass) were excellent bottle rocket launching pads...also pieces of lead pipe. Now, PVC pipe works just fine. :p
Can you believe, that once in seventh grade my friend and I cut firecrackers (it took us hours), filled paint small paint bottles, (100 firecrackers per bottle!), would thread the lid on with a hole drilled in, light, and launch them off a cliff! Damn, that's dumb.

Yet, to this day, I can't believe the houses around the cliff didn't call the cops. It was like a stick of dynamite going off! :)
Can you believe, that once in seventh grade my friend and I cut firecrackers (it took us hours), filled paint small paint bottles, (100 firecrackers per bottle!), would thread the lid on with a hole drilled in, light, and launch them off a cliff! Damn, that's dumb.

Yet, to this day, I can't believe the houses around the cliff didn't call the cops. It was like a stick of dynamite going off! :)

I had to wait until I was grown to get heavily into BOOM. When I was 53 or thereabouts, I had my 'smith build the first .450 Rigby Rimless Magnum on the Left Coast. Shoots a 500 gr. solid at 2300 fps. That results in just about three foot tons of muzzle energy. Definitely gives a grouchy old buff such a crick inna neck. ;)
I don't even know aht all of that means, but damn, it sounds powerful! :) Hopefully, it lets the blood flow and the smile perch.
Can you believe, that once in seventh grade my friend and I cut firecrackers (it took us hours), filled paint small paint bottles, (100 firecrackers per bottle!), would thread the lid on with a hole drilled in, light, and launch them off a cliff! Damn, that's dumb.

Yet, to this day, I can't believe the houses around the cliff didn't call the cops. It was like a stick of dynamite going off! :)

I can believe it. :D We used M-80's and Cherry Bombs to wreak destruction and havoc when I was that age...blow coffee cans high in the air...soda bottles...our model airplanes and siblings toys. We once flushed lit M-80's down the public toilets in the city park and ruptured a sewer line. :D
I think I'll go to bed.

I can believe it. :D We used M-80's and Cherry Bombs to wreak destruction and havoc when I was that age...blow coffee cans high in the air...soda bottles...our model airplanes and siblings toys. We once flushed lit M-80's down the public toilets in the city park and ruptured a sewer line. :D

One of my greatest fuck-ups as a teenager was to rig my Millennium Falcon model with a bunch of firecrackers and launch it off the top of a building over some trees. Helluva explosion, but when we saw the burning, melted mess later . . . I remember thinking how stupid I was.

Stuffing firecrackers inside empty soda bottles and watching them fly was pretty fun, tho. :p
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