The Myth of Male Domestic Violence.


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
A couple of threads I saw today got me thinking about "Domestic Violence". In almost all cases of domestic violence it's assumed that the initiator/perpetrator is the man and that the victim is always the woman. It just isn’t so.

In 1998, the latest year that all the figures are available for, the FBI reported that there were 2.1 million arrests made nationwide for ‘Domestic Violence’. 1.3 million of the victims were women. Leaving 800+ thousand of the victims being men. The FBI further reports that in follow up interviews with the victims, a full 20% of those claims made be the woman were false. The percentage for the men was less than 1%.

In 1993 when the “Violence Against Women” act was passed by congress it was hailed as a threshold event by all of the women’s groups nationwide. Finally the violent oppression of women by their partners would end. But low and behold, there was an unexpected consequence. More and more women were beginning to be arrested on ‘Domestic Violence’ charges.

The women’s groups went back to the state legislatures with cries that “They were only defending themselves”, or that “He provoked me into it” (long the cry of men that found themselves in the same position). So many of the state legislatures passed “initiator” laws. Basically laws in which the officer on the scene would ask certain questions and perform certain tests to determine who the initiator was. Regardless of who was the most injured. Once again, the arrests of women have kept rising. The women’s groups are still crying foul, even though it is now routine to have a female officer on the scene of ‘domestic violence’ calls.

According to the CDC, Mental Health Unit, 75% of all persons diagnosed with “Borderline Personality Disorders” are female. There is still some debate in the mental health community as to what BPD really is, but all seem to agree that it is a precursor to more serious mental stability problems.

It is also disingenuous to think that women are not subject to the same emotions and drives that motivate men? If they aren’t then that pulls the rug out from under the ‘equality’ argument.

Regardless, ‘Domestic Violence’ is an equal opportunity event. The only difference being that women are more likely to lie about it’s occurrence than men.


I am not going to be tacky on this thread.
I am not going to be tacky on this thread.
I am not going to be tacky on this thread.

[/end chant]
In some aspects Ish, I have to agree with you on this.

I personally witnessed a woman kick her husband's ass with some plastic candy canes. (No joke it was the Christmas decorations).

He got worked something awful. As I muffled my laugh to break it up of course.
lavender said:

I am not going to be tacky on this thread.
I am not going to be tacky on this thread.
I am not going to be tacky on this thread.

[/end chant]

Good girl. :D

Have lots of links for you. :)

I dated a woman once who had some serious emotional/ rage/ violence issues. Arguments would routinely end with her throwing/breaking things and once hitting me upside the head. I never hit her back and got out of the relationship pretty quick.

I have no doubts that if I'd stuck around things would have gotten worse; probably ending with her really trying to hurt me. And I would have had to defend myself. Besides getting out, what else can a guy do?
Men are more likely to be pursued by law enforcement (raging male family members) if they strike a woman. Women are also more likely to leave a man that wears a dirty, stretched-out wife beater. Progress.
70/30 said:
Men are more likely to be pursued by law enforcement (raging male family members) if they strike a woman. Women are also more likely to leave a man that wears a dirty, stretched-out wife beater. Progress.

You really know how to pick up on a subject and run with it, don't you?

Ishmael said:
In 1998, the latest year that all the figures are available for, the FBI reported that there were 2.1 million arrests made nationwide for ‘Domestic Violence’. 1.3 million of the victims were women. Leaving 800+ thousand of the victims being men. The FBI further reports that in follow up interviews with the victims, a full 20% of those claims made be the woman were false. The percentage for the men was less than 1%.

Ish, I'm not disputing the numbers but I'd like a point of clarification, please. You say that of the 2.1 million arrests made for domestic violence, 1.3 million of the victims were women. You go on to say that the 800+ thousand remaining victims were men.

Where in all these numbers are the children?
Re: Re: The Myth of Male Domestic Violence.

sigh said:

Where in all these numbers are the children?

It's not considered a domestic then. it's child abuse or endangerment
Ishmael said:
The FBI further reports that in follow up interviews with the victims, a full 20% of those claims made be the woman were false. The percentage for the men was less than 1%.


This statistic seems to completely defy logic. I can find no explanation for such a wide range.
Re: Re: The Myth of Male Domestic Violence.

sigh said:
Ish, I'm not disputing the numbers but I'd like a point of clarification, please. You say that of the 2.1 million arrests made for domestic violence, 1.3 million of the victims were women. You go on to say that the 800+ thousand remaining victims were men.

Where in all these numbers are the children?

There are no children in those numbers. Children fall under the 'Child Abuse' laws. These numbers only tabulate the arrests attributable to the 1993 "Violence Against Women" act.

I've beaten the everlasting shit out of several guys bigger than me. It's not the size of the prize, but the motion of the ocean.

I hit hard.

It can happen.
KillerMuffin said:
I've beaten the everlasting shit out of several guys bigger than me. It's not the size of the prize, but the motion of the ocean.

I hit hard.

It can happen.

Are ya freakishly strong like Monica [Friends]?


Re: Re: The Myth of Male Domestic Violence.

70/30 said:
This statistic seems to completely defy logic. I can find no explanation for such a wide range.

Not really. It seems that men are VERY reluctant to report to the police (or their friends as well) that their wife or SO beat the shit out of them. Domestic violence against men is probably more under reported than that against women. (The men don't report out of pride, the women out of fear.)

Regardless, these interviews where conducted by forensic psychologists.

Re: Re: Re: The Myth of Male Domestic Violence.

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Ishmael said:
The women's groups are still crying foul, even though it is now routine to have a female officer on the scene of 'domestic violence' calls.

According to the CDC, Mental Health Unit, 75% of all persons diagnosed with 'Borderline Personality Disorders' are female. There is still some debate in the mental health community as to what BPD really is, but all seem to agree that it is a precursor to more serious mental stability problems...

Regardless, 'Domestic Violence' is an equal opportunity event. The only difference being that women are more likely to lie about it's occurrence than men.
Not all women's groups are calling foul - perhaps you're only listening to the ones that are doing all the yelling? You should try listening to what some of the other women's groups are saying too - never hurts to broaden one's horizons a little ;)

To paraphrase the analysts regarding BPD - "we don't agree on what it is, we can't even agree if it really exists; but we don't understand women, so we know there's gotta be something wrong with 'em!"

And there is one other important difference you seem to have over looked: women are vastly more likely to be seriously injured in domestic violence, regardless of who started the fight. Sucks to be the big kids doesn't it? Responsibility's a bitch :D (And the article you cited does not dispute this - I checked - so I don't know where this "Men are more likely to face serious physical injury when attacked by a woman" stuff is coming from)
Ishmael said:

According to the CDC, Mental Health Unit, 75% of all persons diagnosed with “Borderline Personality Disorders” are female. There is still some debate in the mental health community as to what BPD really is, but all seem to agree that it is a precursor to more serious mental stability problems.


BPD leads to violence and beer leads to heroine.
Ishmael: A man with a consistent pattern of threads suggesting women "lie" about domestic violence...

3 Examples :

1. April 16, 2002 11:32 pm

"Sex, Equality and Kidding Ourselves"*

Ishmael said:
And the backlash is coming. I see it in the new generation of men that are being raised.

And exactly what happens when men just don't give a shit anymore? When the "priveledge without responsibility" carpet has worn thin?

FACT: As a child you are twice as likely to
be murdered by your mother as your father.

FACT: According to the FBI's UCR for the year 1998, there 2.1 million cases of domestic violence filed in the US. 1.3 million of these 'victims' were women. Guess who the other .8 million victims were.

FACT: Not one dollar of federal dollars are spent on the research of woman vs man violence, or programs related to same. All of the money is spent on man vs woman violence.

FACT: In follow up interviews by the FBI investigators, 20% of all domestic violence complaints made by women were fabricated. Less than 1% of those made by men were.

Yep, we guys are spreading this info via the internet. As a business owner it will color my judgement on any future hirings. As a thinking individual, it colors my perception of any woman that I may want to date or form a more lasting realtionship with. It has colored the information that I've shared with my sons.

Only takes a few bad apples to make the whole barrel suspect.


2. June 2, 2002 12:53 pm

Thread : "Battered Woman Syndrome" violence&pagenumber=1

Ishmael said:
BWS, or more properly BPS, probably is an identifiiable disoder. However a great deal of research should be put into the effects on men also.

According to the FBI's UCR (Unified Crime Report) for the year 1997 there were 2.1 million reported cases of domestic violence in the United States. Of these, 1.3 million of the victims were women. The other 800,000 were men. Also in the report were statics on follow up interviews with the victims. According to FBI experts, fully 20% of the claims made by the female victims were bogus. The act never occured. No figures were given for the male victims. If we deduct the 20% from the 1.3 million we end up with just over a million and more in line with the 50/50 ratio that you would expect. This also falls in line with what lisalovesit stated earlier.

Anyway, if it's there it's an equal opportunity syndrome.


PS, the FBI web site and the UCR's are public domain stuff.

3. December 30, 2002 1:44 am

Thread: Ishmael, regarding women who accuse men of rape, other sneaky crap...*

Ishmael said:
According to follow up interviews by te FBI and reported each year in the FBI UCR (Unified Crime Report). 20% of all rapes are bogus. That does not excuse the 80% that are indeed legiitmate. But we have a big number here to deal with.

Further, 20% of all domestic violence reports filed by women are bogus as well. In 1999 there were 2,100,000 cases of domestic violence arrests.

Of those 1,300,000 were filed against the male. Guess who the other 800,000 were filed against? If 20% of the 1,300,000 figure are really bogus, then we are down to a 50/50 proposition. Little bit closer to demographics I would say.

Just go to the FBI site to look this up. If someone wants further links, I'll provide them.


Ishmael wants you to believe that women attack men as frequently as men attack women...and that women lie about being attacked.

Here are the actual figures:

Intimate Partner Violence
Provides information on violence by intimates (current or former spouses, girlfriends, or boyfriends) since the redesign of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The redesigned survey has new questions about violence by intimates. The report covers trends in intimate violence, characteristics of victims (race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, and whether the victims live in urban, suburban, or rural areas), type of crime (physical assault, verbal threats), and trends for reporting to police. Intimate victimizations measured include rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. Data on murder by intimates are also given. The data for this report came from the NCVS and the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports.

Highlights include the following:

Intimate partners committed fewer murders in each of the 3 years 1996, 1997, and 1998 than in any other year since 1976.
Between 1976 and 1998, the number of male victims of intimate partner homicide fell an average 4% per year and the number of female victims fell an average 1%.

The number of female victims of intimate violence declined from 1993 to 1998. In 1998 women experienced an estimated 876,340 violent offenses at the hands of an intimate, down from 1.1 million in 1993.

In both 1993 and 1998, men were victims of about 160,000 violent crimes by an intimate partner.

Actual FBI UCR Source Data:


Why does Ishmael keep repeating, almost verbatim, an argument that women attack men and lie about it....when the *actual* stats.....versus the ones he quotes without giving links....say otherwise?

