The Morning After...

i didn't but don't care snuggled and now i have a rotten cold :(

so i need snuggling
Just wondering. Were you in that position of your avatar when you did? I think I have seen more of you than I ever thought I would...;)

And no, I didn't, but thanks for bringing it up..
No, I didn't. But thanks for reminding me....and for rubbing it in. ;)

wait...what the hell am I smiling for?? I didn't get laid!
Whew glad to see I'm not the only one that didn't get it.........:(

Bratty it's not nice to BRAG you know.......:p
*bratcat* said: do love me. I feel so special. :kiss:

Oh...and it takes one to know one...:p Why do you think we get along so well??

Because you pay me well?:p

I openly admit to being an ass.. sometimes. Most of the time. Pretty much all the time. I would show you, but I suffer from the disease called "A back with a crack".. :D
posted by *bratcat*:

The Morning After...

Did you get laid the night before thread??

Twice last night, once this morning, probably twice more today. From all indications this is going to be an exhausting weekend! Who said past 50 the sex is gone? Not here, that's for sure!

*bratcat* said:
Did you get laid the night before thread??

Just to start things off...I did.

Okasay the answer is YES, not only the night before, but before I went to work last night.
