The Monkey God's 10 Commandments


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
1. Thou shalt not have any Monkey before me
2. Thou shalt not forget the camera in the bedroom
3. Thou shalt not scream the name of monkey unless in lust
4. Thou shalt remember pay day
5. Thou shalt honor the big monkey daddy
6. Thou shalt not suffer a murderer to live, and will brink monkey death to him
7. Thou shalt not shag the monkey's woman
8. Thou shalt not gank the monkey's stash
9. Thou shalt not like about the monkey
10. Thou shalt not want other monkeys nanas
I knew those apes weren't very smart. Now they've discovered religion.:eek: :rolleyes:
Unregistered said:
so you admit that your a monkey
That has to be the single stupidest unregistered post on this board. hell half my comments that I reffer to myself I either say Im a shaved ape/monkey or neanderthal.
sexyguy2 said:
I knew those apes weren't very smart. Now they've discovered religion.:eek: :rolleyes:
Not to putcha down but Monkeys and Apes are different ;)
So monkeys smart yes.
Apes smart no.