The Missing 100 Pages From Iraq Report

Don K Dyck

Devilish Don Downunder
Jun 29, 2002
So why was the U$ so keen to get hold of the Iraq Report to the UN Security Council, that massive pile of documents, and control the dissemination to other "equal" members of the UN Security Council??

Perhaps it was because there was further evidence that the U$ government and security agencies and corporations as well as other European corporations would be implicated as aiding the build-up of the Iraqi war capability??

Well, wouldn't you know it . . . the Germans have blown the whistle . . . Die Tageszeitung (Berlin newspaper) has a story for 21 December 2002 reporting a list of U$ corporations that allegedly supplied Iraq with WMD PRIOR to 1991.

Similarly, there is a report in The Independent (UK newspaper) 18 December 2002 reporting 150 corporations from France, Germany (80), Britain and the U$ (24) that supported the Iraqi WMD programme, some unitl last year (2001). The report by Tony Paterson is headed

Leaked report Says German and U$ Firms Supplied Arms to Saddam.

I only have a hard copy without a link, but from that, the alleged corporations and U$ GOVERNMENT AGENCIES include

Honeywell missiles, chemical
Spektra Physics chemical
Semetex missiles
TI Coating nuclear, chemical
UNISYS nuclear, chemical
Sperry Corp missiles, chemical
Tektronix nuclear, missiles
Rockwell chemical
Leybold Vacuum Systems nuclear
Finnigan - MAT - US nuclear
Hewlett Packard nucllear, misslies, chemical
Dupont nuclear
Eastman Kodak misslies
American Type Culture Collection biological
Alcolac International chemical
Consarc nuclear
Carl Zeiss - US chemical
Cerberus (LTD) nuclear
Electronic Associates misslies
Bechtel chemical
EZ Logic Data Systems Inc missiles
Canberra Industries Inc nuclear
Axel Electronics Inc nuclear

U$ Nuclear Weapons Laboratories at Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia are designated as supplying nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and missiles.

Ministries (?presumably British?) of Defense, Trade, Agriculture and Energy.

This evidence confirms the Export Administration Review of 1994 (?) when the CIA admitted supplying Iraq until 1991 with everything they needed for their WMD programme.

A new book, War Plan Iraq by Milan Rai is reviewed at ZNet on this link


This is the data I mentioned elsewhere, TB. :)
As an aside, the book you link to has a Forward penned by Noam Chomsky, which automatically validates the dude with me.

Ho Ho Ho

Purrde Flower said:
Can we go one day without this? Not that I read the other threads about it anyway very much.

If your bliss is ignorance, move along....nothing to see here!

Merry Christmas!

Purrde Flower said:
Can we go one day without this? Not that I read the other threads about it anyway very much.

Yeah, I just checked, the thread title is 'The Missing 100 Pages From Iraq Report'...

So what's your problem?

And the proof that the U.S. stole 100 pages is . . . ?

And the proof that said evidence, such as it is, is on those 100 pages, is . . . ?

Even then, this report is meaningless unless it says which companies contributed until when. If all the American companies stopped after the sanctions, then that leaves the Europeans with some 'splainin' to do.

teddybear4play said:
And the proof that the U.S. stole 100 pages is . . . ?

And the proof that said evidence, such as it is, is on those 100 pages, is . . . ?

Even then, this report is meaningless unless it says which companies contributed until when. If all the American companies stopped after the sanctions, then that leaves the Europeans with some 'splainin' to do.


Well we know the US stole the report from New York and flew it down to Washington so that they could be in charge of copying and distribution...

And as America has a third world reputation when it comes to manipulating events to suit her own purpose...

It's an odds on bet she doctored the report.

Proof is not necessary when a track record is as bad as yours...

Ask Saadam.

teddybear4play said:
And the proof that the U.S. stole 100 pages is . . . ?

And the proof that said evidence, such as it is, is on those 100 pages, is . . . ?

Even then, this report is meaningless unless it says which companies contributed until when. If all the American companies stopped after the sanctions, then that leaves the Europeans with some 'splainin' to do.


Anyone who thinks that the G8 countries are not responsible for Iraq's military buildup is naive or stupid.

It really is that simple.

The only real points of interest in any of this crap is in tracking all the different ways those very same people demonize Iraq on one front while selling him the shit on another.

Same thing with OBL...the Bush family do business with the Bin Laden family out of one side of their mouth while vilifying them out of the other.

If anyone's palaces should be bombed, it's those of the Bush Dictatorship.
So much bullshit, even on Christmas.

The list of companies is an example of someone's creative writing skills. Eight of the companies on the list aren't even American companies. Some of the companies don't make products that even remotely relate to ANY kind of WMD. Just one example is Carl Zeiss. The list calls them a US company. But anyone knows they are a German company. Also, the US affiliation of Carl Zeiss is EXCLUSIVELY a marketing arm of the German company. They make optical instruments (survey instruments, microscopes, coordintate measurement machines, etc.) How does that relate to "chemical" weapons? I could go down the list and I'm pretty well aware of what is produced by about half the companies on the list. I can only see about 5 companies that are involved in weapons production, or subsystem production.

If this is what passes for news in europe then I understand why England is so well known for the tabloids.

Texan said:
So much bullshit, even on Christmas.

The list of companies is an example of someone's creative writing skills. Eight of the companies on the list aren't even American companies. Some of the companies don't make products that even remotely relate to ANY kind of WMD. Just one example is Carl Zeiss. The list calls them a US company. But anyone knows they are a German company. Also, the US affiliation of Carl Zeiss is EXCLUSIVELY a marketing arm of the German company. They make optical instruments (survey instruments, microscopes, coordintate measurement machines, etc.) How does that relate to "chemical" weapons? I could go down the list and I'm pretty well aware of what is produced by about half the companies on the list. I can only see about 5 companies that are involved in weapons production, or subsystem production.

If this is what passes for news in europe then I understand why England is so well known for the tabloids.


You're fighting a losing battle here Texan.

Whatever you say in support of Bush and any 'proof' he may have about Iraq is going to be met with a very large pinch of salt by the rest of the world precisely because America has shit on her own doorstep too many times in the past...

Telling outright lies to justify some questionable action of hers on the world stage.

Unfortunately, as a Bush supporter, your own posts are tarred with the same brush...

"Iraq's Bomb, Chip by Chip

by Gary Milhollin and Diana Edensword

The New York Times
April 24, 1992, p. A35.

The U.S. Commerce Department licensed the following strategic American exports for Saddam Hussein's atomic weapon programs between 1985 and 1990. Virtually all of the items were shipped to Iraq; all are useful for making atomic bombs or long-range missiles. United Nations inspectors in Iraq are still trying to find most of them. The list is based on Commerce Department export licensing records; the dollar amount of each transaction is as claimed by the exporting company. It was compiled by Gary Milhollin, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin and director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, and Diana Edensword, a research analyst at the project.

Atomic Bomb and Missile Builders

Sales to: Ministry of Industry and Military Industrialization, which ran the atomic bomb, missile and chemical weapon factories; Nassr state enterprise, where equipment for enriching atomic bomb fuel was made; Salah Al Din site, where electronic equipment for missiles and atomic bombs was made; Ministry of Defense, which oversaw missile and atomic bomb development.

Carl Zeiss: microcomputers for mapping"

As you work for an international company you should know that a subsidiary can often work autonomously from its parent company. Thus Carl Zeiss (US) can deal with Iraq if it so wishes and has the complicity of the US Government...

It's a shame. For a while I thought the board was finally free of the Fucktard Nervosa epidemic.

Looks like the same paranoid buffoons have suffered a relapse.

They are becoming caricatures of themselves.
p_p_man said:

Carl Zeiss: microcomputers for mapping"

As you work for an international company you should know that a subsidiary can often work autonomously from its parent company. Thus Carl Zeiss (US) can deal with Iraq if it so wishes and has the complicity of the US Government...


I used the Carl Zeiss company for an example because I know that company VERY well. Carl Zeiss makes land survey instruments and systems. Those might include "microcomputers for mapping." However, that would be for laying out buildings and roads, NOT the kind of mapping that would relate to shooting missles to some other country.

What the author of your little story has done (or the sources of his information) is to take sales to Iraq before the Gulf War and then automatically characterize them as sales of products for WMD. The link is NOT there, but that doesn't matter to anti-American fanatics like you and a lot of others.

Merry Christmas, ppman.
Past Experience Suggests . . .

Lancecastor said:
Anyone who thinks that the G8 countries are not responsible for Iraq's military buildup is naive or stupid.

It really is that simple.

The only real points of interest in any of this crap is in tracking all the different ways those very same people demonize Iraq on one front while selling him the shit on another.

Same thing with OBL...the Bush family do business with the Bin Laden family out of one side of their mouth while vilifying them out of the other.

If anyone's palaces should be bombed, it's those of the Bush Dictatorship.

I think many people share your sentiments, Lance.

Again, as ppman notes, the U$ track record is what makes everybody immediately suspicious when transparency is lost for any reason . . . the question immediately becomes "What is the U$ up to NOW?"

Texan, one part of the report has Seimens selling Baghdad "lithotripters", an ultrasound machine to destroy kidney stones. These machines have an electronic switch that may also be used to detonate an atomic bomb, "According to U$ experts". The delivery of the machines and 120 extra switches as "spare parts" was approved by the European Commission because sanctions do not apply to medical equipment.

Perhaps Seimens, with a hard won reputation as arguably the best optics corporation in the world, have useful components in some of their equipment.

But why does mapping terrain have to be any different to ampping civil engineering structures? . . . To the uninitiated, a "mapping with microcomputers" suggests a land surface mapping capability possibly for a missile guidance system. And yes it has happened before. In the mid-80s Ferranti missile guidance computer chips were used to drive their range of civilian PCs.
Texan said:
The link is NOT there, but that doesn't matter to anti-American fanatics like you and a lot of others.

Merry Christmas, ppman.

OK if you insist:

Iraq's Bomb - Chip by Chip

"Iraq's Bomb, Chip by Chip

by Gary Milhollin and Diana Edensword

The New York Times
April 24, 1992, p. A35.

The U.S. Commerce Department licensed the following strategic American exports for Saddam Hussein's atomic weapon programs between 1985 and 1990. Virtually all of the items were shipped to Iraq; all are useful for making atomic bombs or long-range missiles. United Nations inspectors in Iraq are still trying to find most of them. The list is based on Commerce Department export licensing records; the dollar amount of each transaction is as claimed by the exporting company. It was compiled by Gary Milhollin, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin and director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, and Diana Edensword, a research analyst at the project."

And don't forget this is only one link on the same subject ie Carl Zeiss's selling components to Iraq which will help to make an atomic bomb. Although the link is old there are many more up-to-date ones on the net - just type in 'Carl Zeiss Iraq'.

As Iraq cannot go shopping for the complete item then she has to buy the components piecemeal...

And to base an argument that the US is clean in one area because the company concerned is German shows a remarkable lack of knowledge about globalisation which I wouldn't have expected from you...

From the kids on Lit, yes, but not from you...

Unless you're letting your unswerving support for Bush and Bush's America get in the way of your natural logic...

And a Happy New Year to you...


The US goverment is just damn arrogant. No respect at all for international law,conventions,norms.
What gets me here guys is the BOTH of you have been automatically discounting every shred of evidence that Saddam (and Arafat for p_p_) is up to no good. Now, you offer us the factual equivalent of Shroud of Turin and cry victory. Well gents, to you I say cry, cry, cry havoc and let slip loose those dogs of appeasement!

The cause of Iraq's buildup..........

Rests soley with Sodamn Insane, a "leader" that will go to any length to terrorize the entire Gulf with the threat of destruction by his hands. He bought the instruments, material, and gave the go ahead to develop this WMD shit. This sounds like the same crowd that blames the firearm manufacturers when a criminal shoots someone. You won't quit yelping this same song until one of your cities are cooked by this nut. Even then, you'll spread your buttcheeks to appease them to avoid having to grow any balls to fight! Baaah baaahh! :D
Blame the hostile, threatening, oil-stealing Kuwaitis then for Saddam's buildup! I don't know who to blame for the piles...
In fact if it weren't for our insane, insatiable, internal-combustion way of life in the U.S. then Kuwait wouldn't have to steal oil for profit, Saddam wouldn't have to build up, and we would have an idyllic, perfect life in the countryside where all women are gorgeous and all men well-hung...

And Saddam would be selling velvet Elvii on the road to Mecca.
SINthysist said:
In fact if it weren't for our insane, insatiable, internal-combustion way of life in the U.S. then Kuwait wouldn't have to steal oil for profit, Saddam wouldn't have to build up, and we would have an idyllic, perfect life in the countryside where all women are gorgeous and all men well-hung...

And Saddam would be selling velvet Elvii on the road to Mecca.

geez, SIN . . . you really are backing a loser in the White House . . . U$ multinational corporations sell ordnance and munitions to Saddam Hussein, in fact, the CIA actually gives every encessary assistance . . . and STILL you're trying to defend the U$-Iraq War for Control of Undeveloped Middle East Oil Reserves as "controlling the threat of WMD proliferation" when it is obvious that the entire campaign is aimed at comandeering the Undeveloped Oil Reserves and intimidating the Central Asian nations of that Undeveloped Oil Reserves to toe the U$ line rather than deal with the Europeans or PR China . . .

And, North Korea has started up the nuclear reactors because . . . wait for it . . . the U$ Dubyah Shrub Administration has reneged on their side of the alternative fuel supply deal. But that's OK 'cos the U$ will fight wars anywhere for profit of the NE military-industrial complex.

I saw The Two Towers today, fantasic movie . . . and couldn't help but notice that it was as relevant today as when written in 1938 before WWII . . . except now we are dealing with the Fourth Reich of AmeriKKKa. :)
SINthysist said:
What gets me here guys is the BOTH of you have been automatically discounting every shred of evidence that Saddam (and Arafat for p_p_) is up to no good. Now, you offer us the factual equivalent of Shroud of Turin and cry victory. Well gents, to you I say cry, cry, cry havoc and let slip loose those dogs of appeasement!


Can't speak for Don but as far as I'm concerned I'm not discounting Saadam's motives whatever they are...

Do you know?

But I do discount the evidence of whatever those motives may be because I haven't seen any yet...

A lot of hot air from Bush and Blair but no hard and fast proof about anything.

Now if I and others can see that, why can't you and others?

I've asked this question several times and never received one reply:

What would you consider to be solid evidence that Iraq has WMD's, and what kind of action should be taken against them?

This is directed at pp_man, Donkey, Coolville, etc.
I was reading a book written by Richard Nixon in 1991 last's upstairs, the name eludes me just now... the section of the book on with dealing with the Muslim world was quite interesting.

He justifies, for example, the US selling weapons to both Iraq and Iran as tactical to keep one from defeating the other in their seven year war.

The mistake, he points out, was in the US selling too many arms to Iraq and too many other technologies that could be used in nuclear and WMD programs, thus requiring the need to take them back.

When I see guys like Texan, Ishmael & Miles clinging to the farsical notion that if they call you enough names and make up enough fake "facts", your argument will in some way be weakened...I am reminded of why I don't participate in these schoolboy "my missiles are bigger than yours" debates very often.

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