The men that frequent strip clubs

I like lap dances.
I just had my first a few weeks ago. There's something terribly amusing about having your bare nipples smushed against another woman's as she explains she's getting a degree in theology.
I don't like strip clubs. It's like going to a food buffet and they only let you smell it but you aren't allowed to touch any of the food.
I don't like strip clubs. It's like going to a food buffet and they only let you smell it but you aren't allowed to touch any of the food.
The food in a strip club has been touched by so many people I can't imagine it smells too good.
yeah, but at least the strippers will blow you if you give 'em enough money. can heat lamped chicken wings say the same thing?
I just had my first a few weeks ago. There's something terribly amusing about having your bare nipples smushed against another woman's as she explains she's getting a degree in theology.

It's always funny to me that that most strippers are going to school for something. Just once I wanna hear that they are dancing just for the money.
I just had my first a few weeks ago. There's something terribly amusing about having your bare nipples smushed against another woman's as she explains she's getting a degree in theology.

Both of your nipples were bare? All four of them? Nice!

We have got to get another strip club around here!
Iman and Indie.
