The Meek Can Kiss My Ass


Literotica Guru
Nov 13, 2002
OOC: This here's a post-apocalyptic roleplaying game set in the wasteland of Texas and Mexico, 100 years after a third World War devestates the earth. Things have gone truly fuedal: small encampments have risen far from the ruins of the irradiated cities; defending petrol plants and sources of pure water from gangs of bandits and cannibals. Only the strong or knowledgable survive in this land. This is Mad Max not Fallout or Postman; no lasers, mutants, huge armies, etc. (not yet anyway) Below there will be a cast, feel free to use any of the characters there or make your own.


Cody: The young deputy sheriff of Alpine, he is brash and confident. He was reared and trained by Zeke to fight with his fists and how to use a knife and bow properly. He's the second best boxer in Alpine and a shoe-in for next sheriff.

Omar: Mexican rogue and cardshark, Omar picked up a bounty in Progresso and has fled all the way to Alpine. He's slick and a real ladies man. He's not much of a fighter but give him a staff or cane and he can defend himself in a pinch.

Kelly: People always said Kelly's grandma was an Amazon. She's 6'3" and impressivly built. She's the manager and bouncer at Alpine's largest bar: Acres of Suede. She's the local arm wrestling champ and right handy with the guitar.

Muldoon: There are five working cars in Alpine and Muldoon'll be dammed if he don't own at least two of them. The owner of Acres of Suede and an impressive still, Muldoon is the richest man in Alpine. He's not much of a fighter but he's good with numbers and handy with some tools. There's something not quite right with this one though, a little to feminine.

Becky: One of the fine upstanding ladies of Alpine, she's the town beauty and a half-decent doctor. Her grandfather had been a dentist during the war and he passed along some of his knowledge. She's smug and confident in her skills, something of a haughty bitch.

Lobo: Lobo isn't allowed in Alpine, he's a dirty bandit. He leads the gang Boiling Iron on raids around the wasteland. Lobo is a rough and tumble fighter who's keen on blades and his one treasure a sawed off 12 guage in working condition. He does have a soft spot for children and dogs though.

Pox: This diseased freak has chewed on one too many stalks of loco weed. He's a trained chemist no doubt, though where he got his education is a mystery. He specializes in making bombs out of materials like manure and vulcanized rubber. He lives outside of town.

Chapter One- To all things sane and good, an end.

Sheriff Zeke clapped the dust off his hands after he slammed the door shut. Another bandit in the hole, awaiting a proper trial and a right decent hanging.

"Hell, you can hear that jeep roaring around somewhere out there. Don't matter none, those sonsofbitches try anything I'll whup 'em dead. I eat people like them for breakfast on my days off from kicking ass. Cody! Wake up, get off that girl, and git your gun; you're on duty. I'm off to the bar."

The walk to the bar was nothing much, saw some of the same people minding their own business. Just outside Acres of Suede that scamp Muldoon was underneath one of his cars, fixing some nonsence or another. Zeke walked in the bar and took his usual seat, taking note of the oddly dressed strangers who must have just blown into town.
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OOC: Blonde hair, blue eyes. If there were still high schools about she would have been a cheerleader. She has the body and the look about her. Someone you can hate just as much as you love.

IC: Becky tied the banaged tight and heard the man grunt in pain. She wasn't as sympathetic as you would think. The idiot had gotten his arm shot in a bet with his buddies. He had lost. Damn fool.

With a sigh she picked up her bag of supplies and went to leave the hut which was the only thing you could aptly describe it as. On her way out the man stopped her with a shout.

"Hey, doc! Ain't you gonna give me somethin' for the pain?" He said his eyes pleading.

Becky turned to give him a hard stare. "Yeah, some advice," She said in clipped tones,"Stupidity and firearms don't mix."

Pushing open the door she strode out into the town street, squinting against the glare. As she paused she saw Zeke, the sherriff go into the bar. Too much of that rot gut and he was going to become a frequent patient was her thoughts as she headed to her place in town to see what other residents she had to see. As if living wasn't hard enough, people had to go and see how much more miserable they could make their lives without actually killing themselves.
Way to go SecretDesires! Love your post, I think you'll do Becky some justice. Hoping other people will join, made up the cast so people who had trouble coming up with a character could take one of them. Even worked in an opportunity for people who want to make their own people up ("...taking note of the oddly dressed strangers..."). I was thinking of Cody, Becky, and Omar as the main characters, so the other two are still open for others.
Sheriff Zeke

Zeke was drinking some of Muldoon's Best from his usual bottle; it was a dammed inspired idea to outlaw breaking glass in Alpine, meant people could drink out of the bottles like civilized folk.

He thought he briefly saw Becky making her rounds, he never could understand why she didn't give him the time of day. He was old enough to be her father, just. But he had always considered himself one fine specimen.

Oh well, she'll come around one of these days...

"Oh lord, Zeke! Why didn't you tell me you didn't get your coffee this week. I forgot all about that!"

Bridget, bless that girl's heart. Zeke's favorite waitress always made sure he got his week's ration of coffee; just another perk of being Sheriff.

"Only reason I come here, the hootch stinks. Doughnuts are worse. Well coffee and the pleasure of your company."

Bridget laughed and shook her head as she fetched the coffee. She returned it just as the jeep outside town roared again.

"What's with that beastly sound Zeke?"

"Bandits, not Lobo's gang though; this group actually attacked one of our caravans. Lobo leaves us alone, that, and he ain't got no jeep last I heard. I'm worried that they might attack Pox."

"That old man? Hell, you know he's got his land rigged to explode like the war."

"Yeah well I didn't say I was worried about Pox..."
OOC: Thank you very much. Looks like it could be a fun thread at that.

IC: Becky looked over her list of patients she had seen during the day. Her house on the edge of town which also served as her office was quiet for the moment and she didn't have anyone sending a messenger to fetch her for some fool idiot who tried to slice his foot off with a knife or who made the mistake of thinking his buddy was a barmaid and slapping his ass all because they were drinking that octaine that Muldoon called liquer.

"Lets see," She said as she scanned her list. "The Peterson baby was seen for an infected ear. God, why do people even have kids in this blasted hell hole? Jacobs trying to say he threw his back out working and needed some pain pills. Would be believable if the old codger worked. Hensley needed some stitches and bandaging after he sliced his hand on his own saw while he was cutting down a tree on his property for firewood..." More scratches, scrapes and the usual victums of a fist fight but not any worse than usual.

Finally she put it down and rubbed her eyes. She didn't even know why she bothered keeping tabs on her 'patients'. No one cared about it and there was certaintly no call for records to be kept for other doctors as there had been in the old days. But her grandfather had taught her how to keep strict records of patients and she guessed old habits died hard.

Then she thought. "To hell with keeping records. Why do I bother to fix these people up at all? It just gives them more reason to go out and try an even stupider stunt that might just get them killed."

Shrugging and without an answer for any of her own questions she got up, stretched and made to leave her house. Word had gotten around that Zeke had put another bandit in jail and it was her job to make sure that he was healthy enough for a trial. She wondered why it mattered as they would probably just hang him but it was something that needed doing and she was the only one who could do it.

Heading down the street toward the Sherriff's office she was startled to hear the sounds of a motor closer to town. She had a feeling it was not a good sign and that it probably meant more work for her.