The Mean Thread

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
The Literotica Playground is a tea party with your Grandmother and her Church group who are all dead but still manage to show up for Wednesday Night Bingo smelling of toilet water and leaves.
In the following I'll consider sets of positive real numbers a1, ..., aN, N a positive integer. Arithmetic mean of the given numbers is defined as

(a1+ ...+aN)/N

whereas their geometric mean is given by

(a1· ... ·aN)1/N

The two quantities are always related in the following way

(a1 + ... + aN)/N(a1· ... ·aN)1/N

Here I am not going to prove the well known inequality but just emphasize a fact that was used by Cauchy in his proof. Namely, if the inequality holds for all N = 2n then it holds for all N 1. This would afford another example of a general proposition implied by its special case.

Thus, assume the inequality holds for all N = 2n and let N = 2n+m, where 0<m<2n and n>0. For i = N+1, ..., 2n+1, define the "missing" a's as

ai = (a1 + ... + aN)/N

Since the inequality holds for N = 2n+1 we have

(a1 + ... + a2n+1)/2n+1(a1· ... ·a2n+1)1/2n+1

Substituting ai=(a1 + ... + aN)/N for i=N+1, ..., 2n+1 results in

(a1 + ... + aN + (2n+1-N)(a1+ ... + aN))/N)/2n+1 (a1· ... ·aN)1/2n+1((a1 + ... + aN)/N)(2n+1-N)/2n+1

Adding similar terms on the left we get

(N+2n+1-N)(a1 + ... + aN)/(N·2n+1)= (a1 + ... + aN)/N

which actually says that the arithmetic mean has not been changed by addition of new terms.

(a1 + ... + aN)/N (a1· ... ·aN)1/2n+1((a1 + ... + aN)/N)(2n+1-N)/2n+1

Dividing by the rightmost term and with one more step to go

((a1 + ... + aN)/N)(1-(2n+1-N)/2n+1) (a1· ... ·aN)1/2n+1

((a1 + ... + aN)/N)(N/2n+1) (a1· ... ·aN)1/2n+1

Now raising both sides to the power of 2n+1/N we finally get

(a1 + ... + aN)/N (a1· ... ·aN)1/N
I saw a woman in her car with what looked like a rat on her lap, but it turned out it was a breed of dog that nautral selection should have relegated to cougar-food a long time ago. I'm telling you, these useless rich women and their rat-pets are fucking with Evolution.
You have all seen them. The cars on the side of the road, up on a jack. Someone is either changing the tire, or doing some sort of doodly shit underneath.

I am the asshole who wants to drive up really fast and knock the jack out from under the car.

Forgive me, my antidepressants have run out.
Lasher said:
Now raising both sides to the power of 2n+1/N we finally get

(a1 + ... + aN)/N (a1· ... ·aN)1/N

holy freaking headache, batman!
This thread has it all, mean spritied attacks, statistical math, insults

Anyone who puts "Evil Dead 2" or "Beaches" on their List of the 10 Best Films of All Time should be "clockwork oranged" by Fellini.
I just love when it rains in SoCAL. The distant sound of screetching tires, crunching metal and breaking glass.......
bluemuse said:
I just love when it rains in SoCAL. The distant sound of screetching tires, crunching metal and breaking glass.......

Ah, memories.........
So I was probably the only one turned on by Lasher's post right?

I seriously need to seek help.
sunstruck said:
So I was probably the only one turned on by Lasher's post right?

I seriously need to seek help.

I've been trying to tell you that...
every person in every one of my classes, excluding me of course, is a complete idiot and a total waste of space.
The guy running the drive-up at Arby's tonight should be used for medical experimentation, specifically in the area of human pain tolerance.
If I have to read one more indulgent, illiterate sour-grapes inspired screenplay about a couple of 30-something screenwriters in Hollywood chasing their pure cinematic dreams while fighting against the cold cruel Hollywood system, I'm going to firebomb the Writer's Guild.