Jordan's ad in the various business magazines had brought in a raft of applicants who said they were loyal, hard-working, wanted to travel, and could type. Jordan looked through the glass door, of his office at the eight or nine women sitting outside waiting to be called, in his mind, he dismissed most of them as either too old or too young, one he classed as nothing more than a preening bimbo despite her impressive well-displayed rack. One stood out from the rest though, she sat apart from the others looking cool and calm as though this was nothing out of the ordinary,
she was also quite a beauty, one that he would enjoy seeing every day and possibly waking up with every morning. He buzzed his temporary secretary and told her to send in that young woman and send the rest home as the position had been filled.
When she was shown in, he brusquely asked,
"When can you start Miss.......?"

When she was shown in, he brusquely asked,
"When can you start Miss.......?"
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