The Man with the Iron Fists


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
The Man with the Iron Fists probably comes as close as possible to replicating one of the old-school Chinese kung-fu movies that director Robert Diggs loved as a kid. Diggs grew up to become the RZA, leader of the Wu-Tang Clan, the celebrated rap collective, whose name was itself derived from one of those old chop-socky flicks. He also became an actor, and has now directed his first film, scripted in collaboration with his pal Eli Roth, creator of the Hostel movies, among many other genre delights. The resulting picture, shot in China, is packed with bloody action and magical implausibilities—which is to say, it drips authenticity.


This narrative foundation undergirds the movie's main draw, which is way-over-the-top action—flying chunks of flesh, endless geysers of blood, and much high-flying wire work. Casual viewers may be put off by close-ups of a man's arms being hacked down to stumps, but kung-fu adepts will surely be warmed by the classical familiarity of it all (and by the depredations inflicted by Brass Body, a towering brute, played by pro wrestler David Bautista, who can turn himself into metal whenever an assault impends).

The movie isn't much more than a lovingly done tribute to the kung-fu form—you can imagine the spirits of the Shaw brothers and other Hong Kong chop-socky specialists hovering appreciatively over the proceedings. And while RZA isn't really a lively enough actor to fully animate his lead character, Crowe and Liu and the amusingly bouffant-haired Byron Mann take up a lot of slack. In any event, the target audience for this film, tipped off by the trailer, will know who they are.
Kurt Loder,

Now the real question: Do you know who you are? :D

Just tying in the OP question to the response.

This [the trailer] ought to attract just the sort [of Lords] we are looking for!

Splendid idea Sire!

Is it???
I used to love digging through the cheap bin at WalMart, but they got rid of it...

Now it is not all magic and discovery.