The Maiden and the Dragon (CLOSED)


Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2013

The dragon woke and stretched, sinuous muscles rippling under black-scaled hide, velvet-black wings sweeping wide to span the cavern he called home. Then he snapped its wings shut with a sound like canvas and made his way to the cavern entrance, claws rattling softly on the stone floor. It had to be time... unless he had miscounted the days, though he had never been wrong before...

He was rewarded by the sight of the full moon hanging overhead, casting its eerie radiance upon the valley below. An eager grin crossed his saurian face, revealing shining teeth like daggers. It was time... and if the villagers below had any sense, they would have prepared for this night as well. The lottery would be drawn, the girl selected, and his offering would be being prepared and led out to the altar even now.

A tremor ran through his powerful body, and his loins burned with unmistakable heat. How he loved these nights so...

Voices drifted up from the village below -- some angry, others demanding, a few shrill in their fear and grief. Not all the villagers approved of the ritual -- the offering of one of their maiden daughters every full moon in return for their townsfolk and livestock being left unmolested by their draconian overlord. But with their village too poor and remote to interest a potential dragonslaying knight, they had no choice. The ritual would continue until the end of the town... or until the dragon grew bored with the game and concluded the bargain. Whichever came first.

But for now... for now he enjoyed it very much indeed. Nights spent in pleasure and softness, bringing a reluctant maiden to indulge in decadent passion for a span of days... it made his blood burn in anticipation just to think of it.

Torches lit the area around the altar below, and the dragon could see the townsfolk making ready to tie their offering in place. Perfect. Time to make his grand entrance.

He leaped from the cavern, wings spread to catch the wind, circling overhead like a bird of prey seeking a kill. He was going to enjoy this very much indeed.
When Natalie stepped out the door of her home into the chilly night air, a crowd of townsfolk had already gathered around the altar in a wide circle. For the past hour, a few other women had been preparing her for the sacrifice, by bathing her, brushing her long golden hair until it shone and fitting her into a tight, shoulderless and rather revealing dress, that was perfect for showing off her exceptional curves. It was a custom they had, to make sure the dragon would be as pleased as possible with his sacrifice.

As Natalie slowly began making her way forward to the altar, she remained silent and kept her eyes locked onto the ground, desperately trying not to make eye-contact with anyone, afraid to stumble upon the face of her mother in the crowd, or anyone else close to her. Only now that the moment was approaching, was it really beginning to sink in what was going to happen. A bit of panic bubbled up inside her, which she managed to keep down for now. She had never even seen the dragon up close, only occasionally flying high up in the air, as her mother would always keep her locked inside this day of the month.

After having reached the altar, she stepped up onto it, as a matter of presenting herself as the sacrifice. Two men whose faces weren't quite identifiable in the twilight of the torches stepped out from the crowd to bind each of her wrists to a tall wooden pole, a measure to prevent the maiden from panicking and trying to flee once the dragon actually appears. Natalie remained silent, looking up towards the bright round moon in the sky, waiting for whatever was going to happen, while hearing but not comprehending the whispers of the many villagers around her.
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Ah, there she was. The dragon could barely contain his excitement. She was magnificent, beautiful... one of the best sacrifices in years. And she hadn't had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the altar. Perhaps this was a sign that she wouldn't need coaxing or forcing for the night's pleasure.

He waited only long enough to be sure his prize was secure before folding his wings, diving for the altar. The townsfolk scattered, screaming, before him, clearing the way as he touched down with a thunderclap of folding wings. He was small as dragons went, roughly the size of a horse, but his sinuous tail and magnificent wings gave him the appearance of being much bigger.

He took his time, pacing in a slow circle around the maiden, eyes flashing as he inspected his offering. Oh, he already knew she was perfect, but best to make the villagers squirm a little, making them wonder if their offering hadn't disappointed him in some way... Then he'd cut her free and fly her back to his cave. But first...

His forked tongue flicked out to touch her bare collarbone, just the merest taste. Was this one afraid?
From one moment to the other it happened, the dragon, previously unseen due to its black scales and the dark night sky, dove down and landed right before her, causing the crowd to scatter and flee, many retreating back into their houses before carefully watching the event happen through their windows.

Natalie's heart skipped a beat when he came down, after which it began racing at her first real sight of the creature. It wasn't as big as most dragons were described to be in books, but with its long tail and large wings, it trumped the size of a horse or bear, which were the otherwise largest creatures living around here, and it definitely looked more threatening than any creature she'd seen before, all scales, claws and teeth.

As it was prowling around her, she nervously kept her eyes on the dragon, while simultaneously trying not to make eye-contact with the beast. It took a lot of effort to keep her body from trembling uncontrollably due to the rising fear and panic inside her. That's when the creature's tongue oh-so-swiftly flicked out and licked across her bare skin, a touch that sent shivers down Natalie's spine. Despite the reptilian look of the dragon, its tongue felt warm, at least as warm as that of any mammal. Reflexively she tried to pull backwards, only to tug on the ropes around her wrists and remain in place.
He could taste the fear on her... but she hid it well. Good, very good. She was perfect.

He flung his head back and bellowed his triumph, shaking the windows of the villagers' houses. Then, with a flash of claws, he cut through the girl's bonds. Clamping his talons around the maiden, he pumped his wings and carried her aloft.

The flight was short, but enough to take her at least a day's walk from her village. He lowered himself to the cavern floor, set the maiden down, and then folded his wings, interposing himself between the girl and the exit. No use having to chase his prize down the mountain...

He raised his head and blew a stream of fire at a line of torches along one wall, giving the girl a view of the cavern. Piles of treasure lined the walls -- gold and jewels and trinkets that dazzled the eye and lit the cavern as bright as day. In the center of the cavern, though, was a curious sight -- a nest formed of sweet grasses, with several cloths laid over it. The dragon had learned over time what his prizes found most comfortable, and had planned accordingly.

"Don't run," he rumbled, focusing his catlike eyes upon her. "Don't fight me. And this shall be pleasant for both of us."
A high pitched sound of surprise escaped Natalie's lips when the dragons claws lashed forward. For a moment she thought the beast wasn't pleased with her and that it would maul her to death, however she remained unharmed and was soon being lifted off the ground. At first she instinctively struggled against the talons grasping her, but once a dozen yards of distance had formed between her and the ground, she held still in fear of falling down.

Soon the two of them were high up in the air and Natalie got a view of the valley like she'd never seen before. For a moment, it took her mind off the terrifying height and the fact that she was at the mercy of a dragon, but it was short-lived. Natalie's long blonde hair waved in the wind and her large supple breasts gently bounced up and down with each flap of the broad black wings as the dragon accelerated and the town became smaller and smaller, until the beast reached its hideout.

Once her feet were back on solid ground again, she flinched at the dragon's firebreath, to realize a moment later that it wasn't aimed at her but was used to light several torches along the walls, revealing the many sparkling treasures that filled the cavern. Everyone knew dragons were notorious for their love of gold and gemstones, but she was surprised nonetheless.

Her attention was quickly pulled away from the treasures again when the dragon spoke, something she wasn't sure it was capable of until now. "Uhm- I- I won't." she mumbled obediently in response, feeling too afraid to make any better sentences right now.
The dragon cocked his head at her curiously. Then he nodded, and rose onto his hind legs. Best to use his ability, then...

In the blink of an eye, the dragon changed. Gone was the imposing reptilian monster... in its place was a being that looked almost human, with a muscular, well-formed body and skin that was surprisingly pale, almost gray in color. His hair was long and black, his eyes a fierce amber color, and he had a strong jaw and a crooked sort of smile. He wore only a long black cloak, fastened only at the throat, leaving the rest of his body free for the maiden to view.

"Is this better?" he asked, his voice still low and rough.
Natalie stepped back in surprise when the dragon suddenly morphed its entire body and her bright green eyes grew wide when she observed his new form. The man in front of her was tall, well-built, rather handsome and... naked. Natalie's mouth fell open in shock as her eyes slowly moved down the muscular torso of the first naked man she'd ever seen, eventually locking onto his manhood. It was still hanging flaccidly between his legs, but even in this state it looked long and thick, bigger than she'd always assumed a man's penis would be.

After what could've been anywhere between a second or a minute of staring, she wasn't quite sure, Natalie managed to pull her eyes off of it again, her cheeks having now turned bright red, and redirected to looking at the man's face. In response to his question, she very slowly and timidly nodded her head as a confirmation. However embarrassed she would be to admit it, she was rather enjoying the sight.
The dragon-man grinned. "Good... very good." He stepped closer, closing the gap between them until only a step or two seperated them. "Many maidens have had the honor you are about to receive... and trust me, all of them have found it pleasant. If you cooperate, it can be wonderful. But refuse me and..." He let that sentence trail off. "I would rather you didn't refuse me."

The proximity to the girl, her warmth and scent so near, stirred him all over again, and in response his shaft began to harden and stir. He groaned softly, then chuckled. "See what power the maiden holds over the dragon..."
Natalie's heart was still beating in her chest wildly as it had begun doing when the dragon first appeared, but now for a whole different reason. Inside, her emotions were mixed and confusing. The man's presence made her feel less afraid than she felt like she logically should be, considering the circumstances, and she was having a very hard time keeping her eyes off him, not that she was trying.

Her eyes trailed downwards again when the man's tool began growing before her eyes, slowly pointing less towards the ground and more towards her. On an unexpected impulse, she slowly stuck her arm forward to gently run her fingers along the length of the shaft. For a moment she felt the heat of his manhood on the tips of her fingers, before pulling her hand away in surprise when her touch caused a sudden throb. "I'm- i'm sorry!" she stumbled out, unsure of whether the sudden movement was a good or bad thing.
At her touch the dragon groaned all the louder, almost a growl. "N-no... keep doing that." Ah, she was a bold one... it was taking all his strength not to push her onto the nest and take her here and now. That was so tempting, and some girls liked that... but others were terrified by that and preferred gentleness. It was so hard to tell which was which, though.

Well, time to push the boundaries a bit. He reached up, grasped the front of her dress, and tore it open, exposing her magnificent bosom. Ah, beautiful... He didn't give her time to react to that, but reached up and rested his hands on her breasts, massaging firmly but not roughly. So soft... so warm... the touch made his member harden and throb all the more.
Natalie was shocked but didn't move when the dragon-man suddenly reached forward and tore open the top of her dress like it was made of paper, spilling her big youthful breasts into the cool night air. They were large and supple, but only with the slightest hint of sag when unsupported, adorned by a set of plump pink nipples. Soon the man was eagerly grabbing onto her mounds, each one easily more than a handful, firmly squeezing and kneading the warm doughy flesh. A weak moan of pleasure escaped Natalie's lips as she felt her nipples slowly beginning to stiffen, poking against the palms of his hands.

Feeling a little bolder now, her hand found its way back to the man's shaft, which was now standing up fiercely, almost long enough to close the gap between their bodies. She cautiously wrapped her fingers around its entire girth and gave it a gentle stroke, feeling the skin loosely slide across it, revealing part of the head when she pulled backwards, the only part of him that wasn't as pale but rather reddish in color.
At her touch, the dragon-man growled again, and stepped forward to close the gap between them, pressing his muscled chest against her breasts and his thick shaft against her stomach. He bent down to trap her mouth in his, thrusting his tongue past her lips, hands roaming down her back and to her nicely curved hips and buttocks. He growled again, into her mouth, and pressed her back, seeking to lower her into the nest. He would have her... even if he had to ravish her to get his pleasure. Though given how pliant she had been so far, he doubted she would refuse him...