The Mafia Princess (open rp)


Literotica Guru
May 27, 2012
Name: Laurie Simmons
Age: 23
Description: blonde long hair, green eyes, 110lbs,30 C boobs,tanned and cute ass.

Laurie was sat in her office she was the only girl who was taken seriously in her family's business they were in the business of crime and Laurie was the daughter of the boss. She was in a black short skirt, see through white blouse and white high heels. She was waiting for her business meeting to start she was waiting for Craig Overment he was known for being a ruthless criminal but also a player. She sat tapping her long acrylic nails on the desk she wasn't a very patience girl.
Craig Overment was a 30 year old who had seen some hard knocks, but who still retained a swagger and handsomeness that made most women swoon after him. He didn't always acknowledge this wooing, but when the right woman came around he didn't hesitate to subtlely bring her into his fold.
She was getting more annoyed by the minute she hated waiting and most guys knew they should never keep her waiting. She had a nice and a not so nice side. Her not so nice side was starting to come out. She wasn't a girl who waited around for a guy so this guy wasn't to get an ear full when he eventual arrived.
"Laurie....where have you been? I've been over at The Tratt and you were a no show. There's nothing worse that having to wait. Thankfully Stella told me she'd seen you here or we'd have never met." He walks over to her and reaches out to give her a kiss.
"What are you on about the meeting was scheduled to be here you kept me waiting. I personal hate waiting so don't do it to me again." She kisses his cheeks. She shook his hand. "Now do you want a drink or can we get down to business." She poured herself a glass of water looking at him.
"Scotch...neat, please." he says pulling out a chair and turning it around. He waits for her to pour his drink, and then gets down to business. "So what was the rush to get this deal going so soon anyway?"
She poured his drink looking at him as she sat down passing him his drink. "Well we are opening a strip club so the drugs are needed for the extra bit of pleasure. You should come check the club out when its open. Sure a girl would give you a free fuck in the back room." She smirked at him.
"Okay I got the amount you usually ask for. But instead of cash I want something different. A fuck would be nice. has to be with you...for TWO nights, or it's no deal." He pauses and gives a serious stare to be sure she realized this was not just a joke. "So? What do you say?"
"What why do you want to fuck me you could fuck any girl and you want me." She looked at him. "Well what do you want from me in those two nights and when does it start."
"I have my reasons. It'll start tonight at my place...then right after I deliver the goods at your place. I'd say first night we keep it simple. Pure man on woman and nothing extra. At your place I say I'll leave that up to you to plan. Deal?
"I want to know your reasons before I commit to any deal." She looked at him she felt a bit shy which wasn't like her she was normally so confident.
"That's between me and my maker. The deal is as is...either take it, or you'll have to find the same quantity someplace else...and I can assure you there's no other person within miles who can get you that quantity in time for your big opening. So...we have a deal?"
He had confused her she looked at him trying to figure out what he meant she shook her head she wasn't going to figure it out. "Well okay deal you know where I live don't you?" She asked blushing nervously.
"Yes, I do, and you know where I live...right? Meet me at my place at 10pm sharp. Don't be late or the deal's off. And dress in layers...I love a lingering strip tease before a good fuck. See you at 10 babe!" He waves and starts to head out, walking slowly wondering if she'd have to have the last word.
"Fine see you then." She watched him walk away. "You know I don't layer up right I'm known for my short dresses and skirts that are easily taken off what do you suggest I wear."
He smiles, keeps walking, waves backhanded to her, opens the door, and leaves.
He walks up to the door dressed in a black silk sute and tie, and a bit of a masculine colonge. He stops at the door...shakes his self to settle in...waves his hands through his hair, and opens the door. Without thinking he wolf whistles. "Wow! Okay, so the layered look is out...hope you know how to make this strip tease linger. Come on in." He waves his arm guiding her inward where she sees a candlit room and two sherry glasses upon the coffee table, a crackling fire in front. "Hope this meets with your approval."
"Well I don't expect anything romantic this is sex that's what you want sex not a date." She looked at him she was shocked about how much effort he made. She kissed his cheek. "Its very sweet though." She smiled at him
"Yes, there will be sex, but I like to woo, and be wooed. And of course I want you to have a good time because if you aren't having a good time, I'm not having a good time. Care for some sherry?"
"Sure I would love some sherry. Well seeing as you want me to enjoy it I suppose you accept the way I dress cause its the way I like to dress." She sat down smiling at him.
He pours a glass for her and hands it to her, and then pours another for himself. " an exciting evening. I hope you do enjoy yourself this evening. If there is something I can add that will make it better for you do let me know."
"Your very sweet seeing as this is a deal. Even when sex hasn't been a deal no guys treated me like this." She sipped on her sherry
"I'm glad you appreciate how this is happening. That means a lot to me. I've always admired you, but business always seemed to become the priority when the two of us met. I thought it was time I find a way to get together and when you said you needed the drugs right away I thought it was the perfect opportuity to do business AND get to know you better. Hope you don't mind too much that I pushed your buttons like this, but couldn't think of a way to get you here to experience the real me otherwise."
"Well its sweet even though I'm hearing to sleep with you its all still nice." She got up and kissed him she stroked his chest. She looked in his eyes. She carried on kissing him passionately she was happy to be there with him.