"the lowest level of optimism ever measured"


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
When President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, 27 percent of Americans said today's children would be better off than their parents. But now, when he is seeking re-election, only 14 percent are hopeful, "the lowest level of optimism ever measured," a new Rasmussen poll says.

"Just 14 percent believe that today's children will be better off than their parents," according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey results released on Sunday.

- the rest of this encouraging news here:


14 friggin' %...
Maybe it's time for a re-evaluation of what "better" means. More stuff? Was never sustainable.
You mean dumb-down "better" so it fits the recessed economic times we live in?

No I really don't. The concept of 'better' is too broad for a useful survey, but when your article breaks some of it down into specific expectations, it makes a little more sense.
Maybe it's time for a re-evaluation of what "better" means. More stuff? Was never sustainable.

Wish our government understood that 'more stuff', (like ObamaCare and an endless litany of entitlement spending), is just that, unsustainable!