The Lord and the Maid (closed to Othermoose)


Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2011
An uncommonly cold breeze stirred dying leaves across the cobblestone paths of the village. Windows and doors normally open were shut to keep out the chill. Although it was only early in the evening, many people were already home, near their warm fire places. This quiet scene was only disturbed by a young beautiful woman wrapped in her cloak striding across the bridge and heading towards the local village tavern.

“As cold as a freeze spell” Adnil thought, who usually enjoyed this time of day when the village of Oar's Rest was quiet and peaceful beneath the imposing edifice of the Lord’s Castle. But she did not enjoy anything when it was this cold! Of course, soon she would be inside the nice warm tavern working for the inn keep.

The young girl groaned with anticipation. “I hope there is no vomit … or fighting … or pinching! ... I hope it is warm!” She pulled open the door to The Polite Seagull Pub and Inn and slipped inside. Walking softly and quietly along the wall trying not to be noticed, she headed for behind the bar. Once there she took off her cloak and hung it on the hook in as unassuming a manner as possible. It was her defensive way to ward off unwanted comments and problems. She turned to face the customers at the bar and begin work.

As the drunken patrons at the bar faced her, their eyes slowly followed up her body from Adnil’s fur covered boots, up her bare legs, to her knees, then the expanse of tanned, thigh … and bottom of her short barmaid's skirt, across her flat stomach, only partially covered by the end of her corset, their eyes followed the rest of the garment, which was struggling to contain her large breasts.

Adnil was well endowed up top. It was part of why her tips were so good at the tavern. Their eyes watched as the two soft wobbling mounds – each of which must have weighed ten or twelve pounds – swelled at the top of the corset. It took some time … but finally their eyes reached her face, there was a smile on it and her oh so kissable lips as she asked them.

“Anyone, need another beer?” She received no answer.

“Hello … Anyone, need another beer?” she asked again shaking the men out of their daze. Her shimmering blue eyes looked out from underneath her beautiful blonde hair.

One customer, Kendell, snorted “Yes … another beer and how about a blow job with it!!” He asked. The other men at the bar all laughed. Adnil laughed too as she turned to get him another beer, she loved joking with customers … and she actually loved blow jobs, but not at work, she could get fired.

“Here is your beer, Kendell” she said as she handed him his beer and then adding in her most royal sounding voice, “No blow job … sorry I’m saving myself for the Lord of the castle!”

“His lordship … HA … he has no interest in the likes of you!” Kendell grunted. “The man is very selective. How many royal women have visited his castle and gone away still single?” Kendell ask one of his buddies.

“I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count that high.” The buddy answered.

“A girl can dream you know …” Adnil answered.

What Adnil did not know was her life would be changing very soon. A group of 5 gnolls walked into the bar. The hyena looking humanoids were between seven and eight feet tall, weighing around 250 to 320 pounds, each of them wore an assortment of odd armor made of horn, metal, or leather. Each had a different colored of fur; one with reddish-brown fur, another black, another with white and black spots, the last two were grey and brown. Their eyes are either yellow or black and but regardless of the color all those eyes looked mean and were asking for trouble.
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"Come on Markus! I'm bored!" Said the young lord to his best friend/bodyguard. "My lord, I'm afraid that we cannot leave the castle to go "bar hopping" you have a meeting with Lord Farrow, and his daughter soon." Aron groaned at his companion. "I don't want anything to do with that fat swine. Farrow's daughter is as wide as a wall and about as interesting as a one too!" Aron huffed. "I'm going out and you can either come with me or stay up here and collect dust!" The young lord declared strapping on his sword belt. "As you say, Lord Rendth." Markus replied with a loud sigh.

Aron always loved going through his village. It always seemed more real than his castle, more genuine. The common folk always spoke there minds especially in the presence of strangers. No one would recognize Aron as Lord Rendth tonight. He wore plain brown trousers tucked into simple black boots, and a simple green traveling cloak over his black tunic. The only thing that could give away his status was the castle forged steel sword he wore at his belt.

Aron continued to walk through the village when he spied a tavern with a bowing seagull painted on the sign. Aron and Markus made their way to the tavern and walked inside. Aron looked around with a wide smile on his face as he observed all of the drunk patrons. "These are my kind of people!" Aron thought as he walked to the bar past a group of angry looking gnoll warriors. A beautiful bar maid approached Aron and he couldn't help but gasp at the sight of her. "If one of the noble's daughters was half as sexy as her I'd never leave my bed" Aron thought. When the bar maid asked for Aron's order he gave her a wide smile and shouted: "a pint of your best beer for everyone! I'm paying!" Aron's smile grew wider as the tavern erupted into loud cheers from his declaration.
Beer and mean Gnolls don’t mix!

Adnil had never seen the two strange men in the Polite Seagull before. But the one in charge was very handsome. Her knees had gone weak as she looked at him. He was just her type and she made a special effort to greet him at the door and wait on his table. The fact that he was also kind and generous; buying everyone a drink in the bar was an added bonus.

The beer also seemed to settle down the Gnolls … at least for a little while. They took an empty table next to the two strangers and ordered more drinks. This was a problem with Gnolls, the dog-human creatures did not know when to stop and soon they were drunk. Adnil co-worker, Maiden Isabella became the object of their attention.

“Human Bitch … my dog bone needs some loving.” The grey one said to Isabella.

“Yes … let’s do it doggy style” another Gnoll added.

Adnil was bringing the two strange men another round as the Gnolls started to become more aggressive, pawing at Isabella.

“Looks like trouble is coming” Adnil said more to herself than the two men. But both of them already knew this was not going to end well.

“Thank you for stating the obvious, maiden” The man named Markus, Adnil had figured out, said to her. There was something in the way the man had said his comment that made Adnil upset. There was an assumption she had no skill in dealing with trouble makers in a bar and there was a small “royal” like tone to his voice. The man, Markus, had probably meant nothing by it … but it cause Adnil to act stupidly.

“Let’s go throw some rocks at the wasp’s nests, shall we?” She said easily, casting the two men a coy glance and a knowing wink before she yelled to the gnolls

“Hey mutts,” Adnil barked, her smile drifting into a wide and dangerous grin. Her serving tray in one hand at her side, ready for action, as she peered up towards the gnolls with little regard for their impressive height difference and builds. “Why not sleep it off and not start something you’ll regret.” Adnil finished.

All five gnolls just laughed at Adnil. Then one said to the whole bar, “Let gang fuck the one with the big tits …”

Adnil felt the presents of the other two men, Markus and Aron standing behind her. The speaking gnoll however miss read their intention and said to Adnil “Don’t look now Bitch … but we have reinforcements behind you!! Come on dogs … let’s start fucking these women!” He yelled

One of the gnolls grabbed Isabella, as the barmaiden gasped. He ripped off her top causing her breasts to bounce free. Another two gnolls moved to attack Adnil. Adnil simply stood with a smirk of a smile upon her face, her gaze drifted between the two attacking gnolls.

Then suddenly there was a dramatic change, as her blue eyes flared with a surprising glee. Her plush lips parted and a yell of joy resounded from her. She threw up her serving tray to block the first gnoll’s grabbing hands. As her free hand formed a fist to meet the other approaching gnoll with a fierce swing. Due to the height difference she had to launch herself into the punch, rising off the floor as the upward swing of her fist landed into the jaw of the gnoll with a deafening crack of bones. The gnoll stumbled back from the sheer force of the blow, its senses reeling and perhaps its jaw was broken. Yet Adnil’s feet barely touched the wooden floorboards before she was darting towards the gnoll she had blocked with her serving tray. Her thick soled boot snapped out against the second gnoll’s knee, smashed into the bend backwards limb with enough force to collapse him part way to the floor.

Adnil wasn’t done with him, she spun on the balls of her feet and used her momentum to bring another foot squarely into the crotch of the mangy beast. With a whimper the gnoll collapsed fully to the floor and clutched itself pitifully. The blonde haired beauty was ready for more as adrenaline pumped into her system. She turned to see how the two men were fairing with the three other remaining gnolls.
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Aron watched in shock (and maybe a bit of arousal) as the blonde barmaid attacked the gnolls. She didn't seem fazed by the fact that she was unarmed and outnumbered. She took to the fight fearlessly. Aron cursed, drawing his sword, an one of the gnolls approached him swinging a spiked mace. He needed to defeat this opponent quickly so he could return his attention to the bar maid, purely so he could assist her if she needed it, of course.

As the gnoll with the mace swung downward at Aron, the lord stepped aside watching the heavy mace smash into a table. Aron felt his hundreds of hours of weapons training kick in as he kicked aside the table, disarming the gnoll. He swung his sword upwards, angling the tip to that it would slash across the gnoll's eye. The dog-man howled in pain as Aron's sword half blinded it. The gnoll fell to the ground clutching his bleeding face as Aron turned to face his next enemy.

A gnoll armed with two wicked looking curved blades approaced him, it's face contorted in a vicious snarl as it swung its right blade at the young lord. Aron jumped back as the blade narrowly missed his stomach and watched as the gnoll continued its swing surprised that its target had moved so quickly. Aron jumped forward and plunged his sword into the gnolls exposed side, killing the great beast.

Aron turned looking for the next gnoll, but saw that Markus had finished it off with his war-axe. Aron turned back to the beautiful barmaid with a wide smile on his face. "I lovd a good fight, and you were very impressive my lady. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Aron asked. He loved a woman who could protect herself and join in on the action, and Aron knew his excitement showed. Markus, however, wasn't as appreciative of female combatants and asked in a slightly snobby tone: "yes, where does a woman learn to fight? Wouldn't you do better in a kitchen?" "Markus that's enough!" Aron shouted angrily. "As you say, my lord." Markus replied, his tone even. "Forgive my friend, he's not used to someone as beautiful as yourself being a fighter. My name is Aron, what is yours?"
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“My Lord!!”

Eddie was the owner of The Polite Seagull Pub and Inn. Eddie was a gnome. Most gnomes are artisans, magic users or inventors of miscellaneous knick-knacks. Their abilities to invent devices that dazzle the other races are the stuff of legends. Some gnome illusion magic continued to amaze people even today. The northern lights are a good example. Gnome soldiers compensates for their small stature with technical ingenuity and tactical planning. Gnomes were a proud and amazing race of people. Eddie, however, was not your typical Gnome. Eddie was a greedy, cheep, slightly dishonest, cowardly merchant. As soon as the fighting broke out, Eddie took cover under the bar. His only thought was how long it would take to hire replacements for Isabella and Adnil. Particularly, Adnil, as tits like hers were hard to find.

Eddie had one other skill, sucking up. When he heard that the fight was over and Markus said the words “As you say, my lord." His quick mind put everything together. The two strange men … were Markus best friend/bodyguard, assistant and adviser to Lord Aron Rendth. The Lord of Oar’s Rest, was in his bar right now!!

Eddie came racing out from behind the bar. He was a pot belly gnome, but you would not have known it based upon his speed. As he approached Lord Rendth, he quickly pulled off his dirty apron, tossing it over his head.

“Sire, excuse my lack of attention, my lord. I will have a glass of our best elven late harvest lankenberry wine bought out at once!” Eddie declared. He motioned to Isabella, who was trying to pull her dress back over her exposed breasts. Isabella, grunted and headed over to the bar to get the wine.

Adnil eyes grew wider as she realized what Eddie had just said. The man that had made her knees weak was Lord Rendth. The Lord, who had been looking at her, was now looking at Eddie. She also saw a slight wince in Lord Rendth’s eyes when the gnome had ordered the lankenberry wine. Rumor was that all the royals loved the stuff, but Adnil had tried it once and it was very sour. She decided she needed to correct Eddie’s mistake.

“Eddie, Lord Rendth prefers our Dwarven Stout with its bold and sexy taste” Adnil stated as she walked over to Eddie and Lord Rendth her heavy breasts shifting in her barmaid’s outfit. The exposed tops of her soft wobbling mounds bounced up and down with each stride she took. His Lordship eyes were now back on her and seemed to be comparing her entire figure, waist, chest and sexy long legs to her description of the beer as “bold and sexy”.

“My Lord, my name is Adnil and I grew up in a household full of brothers. Learning to fight was out of necessity!” Adnil answered Lord Rendth earlier questions. The answer caused everyone to burst out laughing, even Markus, who had also grown up battling his own brothers.

“Truer words have not been spoken” Markus said and added “I hope some of them survived your beatings!”

Adnil simply bowed to him humbly “You give me too much credit.” She answered.

Eddie seemed to notice the mess in his pub all of a sudden with Gnolls all sprawled out over the place. “Staff … get this place cleaned up right away!” He barked. But the order was not directed to Adnil. “Adnil … please continue to serve his lordship do whatever he wishes.” Eddie said to her and the Gnome returned to behind the bar to watch things unfold.
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Aron tried to be polite but he already didn't like this sleazy gnome. "I'm afraid Adnil was right my friend. I've never had much taste for wine. It's so bitter. I've always been a man who enjoys a drink that is..." He paused and winked at Adnil. "Bold and sexy."

Aron noticed Isabella still struggling to hide her exposed chest and he quickly walked to her and wrapped his cloak around her. "I'm sorry about the trouble my lady, but if I could make one small request of you I'd be forever grateful." Isabella blushed and smiled at the handsome lord. "Anything my lord." She said breathlessly. "It would be very kind of you to allow Adnil a short break after her duel with those terrible dog men. I'm sure she's quite tired." He paused and added: "I know I am." So Adnil knew he meant no insult.

As Isabella scampered off to serve drinks and food to the patrons of the bar, Aron returned to Adnil. "My lady, you would make me a very happy man if you'd join me for dinner." He said pulling a chair out for Adnil. She sat down with a smile. Aron sat down across from her feeling excitement. "Finally! A real interesting woman!" He thought. "I thought I'd end up with one of those horrible noble lap dogs." Aron was happy to note that Markus had gone to the other end of the room and sat at an unoccupied table.

Isabella hurried over to the table bringing two pints of beer for Aron and Adnil. Aron smiled at her and said: "my dear, if you wouldn't mind could you bring me and Adnil something to dine on. I'd love some roast chicken." Aron waited as Adnil placed her order. As Isabella ran off to get their food Aron smiled at the woman sitting across from him. "So my lady, how is it that we haven't had the pleasure of meeting? I host a feast at least once a month that's open to all, and I'm certain I would have noticed you before, if you'd attended."
Adnil had ordered the same meal as Lord Rendth. The gorgeous blonde was absolutely mesmerized by the handsome lord. She really had no interest in eating, she was just happy to sit at the same table as him. But that would be weird if he was going to eat. So she ordered a meal too.

"So my lady, how is it that we haven't had the pleasure of meeting? I host a feast at least once a month that's open to all, and I'm certain I would have noticed you before, if you'd attended." He asked her.

She looked back at him not really sure what to say. It was true she had never gone. She had always been cautioned to keep a low profile. Particularly, never interact with royal families. If her past were ever to catch up to her it would be fatal, she had been warned. Her real mother and father had been important and for that the whole family had all been killed. However, the assassin could not come to terms with killing an innocent child. So Adnil had been spared. The assassin carried her to a monastery up in the mountains. Adnil was raised by the priests and learned the martial arts. Her fellow students had been her “brothers” so her story about learning to fight with them was true. Once she was grown and skilled in fighting she decided to leave the monastery. She traveled as far away as possible finally ending up at Oar’s Rest about a year ago. She had been content to be a simple barmaid and live out her life. Although secretly, she wondered who her family had been and maybe someday she could seek vengeance for what happened.

Her mind came back to the present as Lord Rendth looked at her waiting for her answer.

“My Lord … I’m no lady. Please just call me Adnil” She said with a smile.

Lord Rendth placed his hand on top of hers and said firmly “Then you need to call me Aron”

She smiled and nodded “Aron … I was told you were the ugliest man in the kingdom. You had warts, no hair, bugling eyes and breath so foul that it could kill a centaur. You were so ugly in fact, that the monthly feast was the only way your subjects would come to visit you. Thus, I avoid the feasts. I guess the stories about you were a bit embellished.” Adnil answer with a small naughty smile playing across her lips.

“A bit embellished?” Aron asked going along with her little joke.

“Yes … I do not think your breath could kill a centaur, a small donkey perhaps, but not a full grown centaur.” Adnil said smiling broadly.

“Well, I must be slipping then. I hope the roasted chicken arrives with extra garlic. That should make my breath more potent!” Aron declared.

Adnil giggled “I’m glad you can take a joke, Aron. I can’t tell you how nervous and delighted I am to be sitting with you.”

"Don’t be nervous and I'm delighted to be sitting with you too!" he said to her with a smile. They traded small talk for a while, talking about the unusual cold spell, when the food arrived. It had been specially prepared in the kitchen and was delicious. Adnil noticed that Isabella, their waitress was replaced. Eddie was serving the food to them. Isabella was sitting with Markus and keeping him company. Eddie was in his best attire and the prefect waiter during the meal.

The night grew late, as both Aron and Adnil, had a great time. All too soon, however Markus came over to their table.

“Sire … May I remind you, Lord Farrow and his daughter will be arriving soon. They have traveled a long way. Perhaps you can invite Miss Adnil back to the castle, greet the Lord as is customary, excuse yourself and continue your conversation with Miss Adnil in your private study?” He suggested
"I suppose we will have to deal with that boring old man." Aron said with a sigh. "But the evening at the castle would be saved by your presence Adnil. Would you mind mind accompanying us?" Aron asked standing up and offering his arm to the beautiful woman." "Of course I will!" She replied happily, standing and taking Aron's arm.

"Markus, maybe you could invite Isabella back to the castle too? You seemed to be getting along quite well." Aron said wiggling his eyebrows. "I was hoping you'd suggest that, my lord." Markus said as he went to find Isabella.

Aron escorted Adnil out of the bar feeling very happy about how his night was turning out. He turned to Adnil a smile on his face. "We'll have to deal with Lord Farrow and his cow of a daughter, but after we greet him and listen to what I suspect to be a very long and very boring account of his travels, I'll be able to give you the grand tour of my castle. Especially my bed chambers." Aron said with a wink.

Aron walked with Adnil in a comfortable silence for a few moments before she asked him: "why does Markus call you "My Lord"? Aren't you two best friends?" Aron gave a small chuckle before replying: "That's just how Markus is. One of those rigid milatary types, you know? Don't get me wrong, I can be rigid at the right times..." He winked to Adnil when he said this. "But I also know how to relax. A skill I'm afraid that Markus doesn't possess."

Aron and Adnil continued their journey to the castle, flirting and joking the entire way. When they reached the castle gates Aron knew both guards by name and thanked them both for protecting his home before introducing them to Adnil. After a brief conversation with the guards, Markus and Isabella caught up to Aron and Adnil, and the four of them entered the castle.

Aron guided Adnil through the main hall and into the throne room, smiling coyly as he watched Markus disappear with Isabella, promising to return after he showed her the barracks. "Well maybe he can relax." Aron chuckled to Adnil. "You know, we could start our tour now. My bedroom is particularly impressive. Or I could show you the throne room. I've know many women to be impressed by it as well." Aron said with a joking smile. "I'll leave it up to you." He said winking at Adnil.
Adnil was having a great time and agreed to join Aron for a tour of his castle without hesitation. It had been a special, almost magical night so far. She realized once she settled down and talked to Aron like a normal man. The evening had flowed like a tranquil river. Aron was a very interesting and charming man.

She had chosen the throne room as Adnil entered the room she was in awe. Everything inside the chamber was beautifully crafted and made of expensive material such as marble, silver, gold and she even saw a some gems. There were murals on the wall, which depicted great battles and important events in the kingdom’s history. In the middle of the chamber was a large pool of water which split into two sections. The water in the pool was slowly moving, circulating. Adnil assumed this was done with magic, but that was not the case. It was accomplished with a combination of gravity and pressure from the spring water that fed the pool.

Additionally, there were marble statues of all sorts along the walls. However the most impressive object was the throne. An extra-large chair stood between the two pool sections. Two bridges led to the middle section where the chair stood. There were several passage ways off this main chamber which most likely led to private rooms, kitchen, dormitory, and other areas of the castle.

Aron pulled Adnil across the bridge and took his seat upon the large high throne.

“What do you think?” He asked.

“Wow” is all Adnil said at first. Then a worried look spread over her face as she stared into Aron eyes “… I have forgotten my place … you are a lord and I’m just a barmaid. I should go. I don’t know what I’m doing here” Adnil gasped

Aron gentle grabbed her hand and pulled her closer “Stop … we are two people having a good time, getting to know each other better. Don’t let tradition and rules control you. I’m Aron and you are Adnil. Two people, no titles, no rules.”

Adnil smiled at him “no rules?” she asked. She started to feel better.

“No rules” he repeated.

She leaned in so close to him he could feel the heat radiating from her body. "No rules... ok… I" she whispered. "Would like to kiss …”

Aron wrapped her in his arms and kissing her deeply. Her lips were soft and Aron deeply inhaled the intoxicating scent of her skin as his tongue darted out to clash with Adnil's. One hand moved to the back of her neck to hold her close while the other moved up the length of her body, starting at the bare skin of her thigh before traveling up her side to end at the swell of her heavy breast, squeezing it gently in his hand.

Aron’s kiss had caused a flare of intensity in her. She had not felt this before and she had been with several men. He was a very good kisser … but to have his kisses leave her gasping and tingling, that was special, as special perhaps as the evening had been.

Adnil broke their kiss. She was gasping for air. Her face flush with excitement.

“You did not let me finish” Adnil corrected Aron.

Aron got a confused look on his face “finish?” he asked.

“I would like to kiss … your cock” Adnil finished with her earlier “no rules” request.

Aron simply smiled and spread his legs for her. Adnil could see his cock was straining at the confines of his pants, thick, hard, and pulsing with need. Her hands started to unlace his pants and free her lover’s massive prick. The thing was big she thought.

His hands were busy too. They moved across her sexy body ending up on her gorgeous mammaries. Adnil moaned as he squeezed them. From his clutching embrace he realized her breasts were bigger than he thought. He pulled down the thin white material that attached to her corset. This freed her luscious jugs. The view was amazing. Her pleasingly flat stomach, just made her appear more voluptuous. Her breasts arched away from her ribcage, defining them and delineating them almost as something separate from the rest of her torso. The sight of her harden nipples reinforced Aron’s sense that Adnil was genuine and truly loved fucking.

Adnil gasp when his cock finally came free. The thing was huge and she was impressed. She wrapped her hands around it. Stroked him as he in turn teased her nipples.

“Play with them … it really turns me on” Adnil whispered. As Aron hands squeezed and pinched her nipples making them grow even more erect. Adnil moaned louder.

Adnil dropped to her knees in front of him and Aron's hands finally had to leave her breasts. Adnil's mouth was like magic as she licked on his monstrous cock. She took his cockhead in her mouth and caught her lips on the back of his swollen head as her tongue licked his sensitive head. She licked all the way around the cockhead, and then she pressed the tip of her tongue against the slit in the tip of his cock and licked away a drop of pre-cum. “MMMMMMM” she moaned … her mouth slowly took in his entire dick, inch-by-inch, as if she was a sword swallower. Then she returned to his cockhead and her hand joined in … stroking up and down the length of his shaft, her warm hand and smooth stroke causing his cock to twitch in anticipation.

She started to stroke him faster and faster as her mouth continued to suck on his cock. Aron’s hips began to move forward and back, fucking her mouth. It was not long before Aron started to feel a surge in his balls, as her mouth felt too good.

It had been too long since Aron had been with a woman, and Adnil's mouth was far too skilled, for him to even have a hope of lasting. Aron felt his balls tighten and cum surged out of his cock, firing onto Adnil's tongue and down her throat. Adnil's suction increased even more, coaxing more cum from his balls and stretching his orgasm out for longer. Finally he stopped cumming.

He watched as she deep throated him again and with one long, slow suck, Adnil cleaned his cock of any remaining fluids, her lips made a loud *pop!* as she removed them from his tip. He chuckled as she swallowed his cum with seeming relish, her tongue running over her lips for any remaining traces of his seed.
Aron groaned in pleasure as he watched Adnil lick her lips. "You really are the perfect date" Aron laughed as he stood up. He quickly grabbed Adnil and picked her up before gently placing her on his throne. He got on his knees infront of her and moved aside her dress, happy to see that she wore no panties. Aron leaned forward inhaling the scent of Adnil's arousal before he gently began to tease the lips of her beautiful shaved pussy. Adnil gasped in surprise. "It usually takes men some coaxing to go down." She thought with a smile.

Aron began to gently lap at Adnil's lips, enjoying the sweet taste of her arousal. He stuck his tongue further inside her when he felt Adnil grip his hair. He smiled as she began grinding her hips against his tongue and moaning loudly. Aron slid two fingers into Adnil's tight channel as he moved his mouth up and began to suck on her clit. Aron smiled as Adnil moaned even louder. "She's almost ready." He thought happily. Just as Adnil was about to reach her peak Aron stopped. She opened her eyes in confusion and watched him stand up, a wide grin across his face.

"Why'd you st..." Adnil screamed in ecstasy as Aron moved forward and plunged his hard cock into her waiting pussy. Aron gave a few thrusts and smiled in satisfaction as he felt Adnil cum around his cock. Aron continued to thrust into the barmaid's wet core smiling in pleasure at her moans and squeals. "I love how loud you are!" David said between grunts. "A lot of girls just lie there without making a peep. Quiet girls are no fun." He said leaning down to take Adnil's nipple into his mouth.

Aron began to thrust faster when he felt the familiar feeling in his balls. "I'm close." He grunted between pants. Adnil simply nodded, she felt too good to form a complete sentence. Aron reached down and began to rub Adnil's clit and when he felt her cum around him, he felt his own release begin. He thrust as deep as he could into her and sprayed his seed into her waiting pussy. She screamed in pleasure as they shared a climax.

Aron and Adnil sat in silence catching their breath. Neither moved, both enjoying the feeling of being joined together in such an intense and intimate moment. Aron finally stood up, separating himself from Adnil. "Sorry I didn't pull out..." He said akwardly. "I was just sort of in the moment. Don't worry, there's a woman in the kitchen who knows how to brew moon tea."

Before Aron could hear Adnil's response he heard horns announcing Lord Farrow's arrival. After quickly pulling on their clothes, Aron and Adnil made themselves look presentable. Aron sat down in his throne with Adnil to his side, as the large doors to the throne room were opened to reveal Lord Farrow, and his traveling party. "Here we go." Aron thought, plastering on a fake smile.
It is hard to be proper when there is cum leaking out of your pussy

Adnil could not believe the fucking she had just gotten. Aron was a big stallion stud. She had not cum so hard in her life. She could feel the massive amount of cum he had squirted into her fertile pussy. And there had been no time to clean up. So she just held her legs together to prevent any unsightly drips.

The doors opened and the Royal party arrived. Lord Farrow was a tall man and he was dressed in sharp pressed vest with gold trim, white puff sleeve shirt, and legging with expensive leather shoes. He had a well-kept beard and mustache adorning his face. Although he will deny it, his hairline has been receding for years exposing his forehead. He also has a bald spot on the top of his head … but he was combing his hair straight back in an attempt to cover up this fact.

His daughter, Lady Loramore, was dressed in a red and gold outfit that covered her shoulders entirely and flows down into an elegant square neckline. It had a relaxed fit which covered up her small breasts, but did not do so in an awkward or messy way. Her arms were covered to just above her wrists. The sleeves were tight, but comfortable fit from top to bottom, allowing for enough movement while still looking stylish.

The dress' waist was narrow, but fit well. A small, elegant belt helps accentuate her waist without being too much. Below the waist the dress widens and had a ruffle style from top to bottom. The dress reached to just below her knees and was slightly longer at the sides. She wore simple traveling shoes. To top it all off she had a bow in her hair and large, stylish earrings.

Aron was surprised as Lady Loramore had lost significant weight. She was now a nice looking young lady, but a bit average or plain. Her obvious royal background and wealth made her more than ordinary. She was however no Adnil in terms of beauty and sex appeal.

Aron, as the host, introduced everyone in correct order, using all the proper etiquette. The more important person name was stated first with his title. “Lord Farrow, High Lord of the Dungaway Kingdom, and Lady Loramore, Lady in waiting, I would like to introduce you Miss Adnil Hollythyran, my sparring partner.”

“Most happy to meet you miss” Lord Farrow said to Adnil. The older man’s eye brows did rise up when Aron had stated she was his sparring partner. She was dressed more like a barmaid than a fighter.

“Charmed” Lady Loramore said to Adnil. Acting, as was her station, superior to Adnil. She had done it in as a nice way as possible.

“Shall we retire to the study to discuss news from the kingdoms and your travels?” Aron suggested.

“That is a fine idea … and if I can be so bold to ask … I wish to partake in your excellent Elven Bandy … the best I have ever tasted” Lord Farrow suggested.
"Of course my friend! I'll have a bottle brought up from the cellar. And Lady Loramore, would it be too bold of me to say how lovely you look this evening?" Aron said with forced enthusiasm as he led the group to his study. Aron noticed that Adnil was trying to walk while at the same time keeping her legs tightly closed. He tried not to think of his warm seed dripping down her pale thighs.

Lord Farrow also noticed the odd way that Adnil was walking. "Your... Sparring partner, seems to be walking oddly. Does she need to lie down, My Lord?" The balding man asked. "No, no. She's fine. We just had a particularly spirited session is all. She'll be quit all right." Aron said winking at Adnil.

As the group entered Aron's study and made themselves comfortable, Aron noticed that Lord Farrow was looking at Adnil strangely, almost as if he knew her. Just as Aron was about to comment a servant came in carrying a tray with a bottle of elvish brandy and four silver goblets. The servant poured the drinks and left. Aron took a small sip of his drink and tried not to grimace. He had never grown accustomed to the bitter taste of elven beverages.

Aron sat in bored silence for almost an hour as Lord Farrow droned on and on about his journey. When Lord Farrow paused to take a sip of his brandy and Aron seizes on the chance to escape the boring conversation. "Lord Farrow, I'm sure you're very tired from you long perilous journey. I would be a terrible host if I didn't offer you and your lovely daughter a place to rest." Lord Farrow looked slightly offended as he said: "yes Lord Rendth, it is quite late. I will see you in the morning." Lord Farrow and his daughter said their good nights and left Aron and Adnil alone in the study.

Aron moved his chair directly next to Adnil's before sliding his hand up her skirt. He cupped her mound and pressed a finger into her core smiling as he felt his sticky seed and her arousal. "So Adnil, are you ready for another 'sparring session'?" He asked as he began to slowing thrust his finger in and out of Adnil's wet pussy.
10 minutes later

“Oh please make me cum” Adnil begged as Aron held her hips, as his hand brushed up and down over her clit. He switched to his thumb stroking her clit which caused Adnil too moan louder. His fingers went inside her and probed her inner walls searching for her g-spot. He knew he'd found it when her entire body jumped under him and she moaned louder. Her eyes flew open and her pussy muscles locked around his fingers and shuddered. The rubbing he had started 10 minutes ago … was about to pay off.

He smiled down at her and quickened his pace. Banging into her g-spot as he felt her muscles tremble and flex around him in respond to his movements. He stroked her clit and banged her g-spot again and again which brought out a base instinct in her and forced her to beg louder.

"Please… By The GODS … Please … make me cum!!” Adnil begged imploring her body to cum. She tried to get the Lord to make her shudder in pleasure, she was so close. She needed to cum.

"Please!!!!???" She begged again, her voice as tortured as her throbbing, dripping cunt. Her clit was hard and sensitive after Aron’s earlier stimulation. The man knew he had her now; she gained pleasure from his fingers plunging into her soaking pussy again and again. He increased his pace, which gave her no time to respond, and drove into her and forced her to surrender to her climax. She howled and her body leapt up against his hand, her muscles tightened and released. Her cum flowed down over his hand and out of her body and pooled on the chair underneath her. Her whole body went limp under him which gave way to a shaking pleasure that ran through her.

Adnil sat there for a moment to recover from the massive orgasm. “That was amazing …” she told Aron. The break in their sex gave her a chance to think about Lord Farrow’s visit. Adnil had played the part of “sparring partner” and listen in silence through much of Lord Farrow’s stories. It had been mostly boring … but there had been three times when Aron seemed to pay more attention. These times also caught her interest. Lord Farrow had explained that the trade guilds had opened up an additional trade route to the south via the sea to allow spices and armor to flow again. The normal overland routes had been plagued by bandits and orc attacks, and were unusable. The new route would restore economic health to the kingdom. Adnil knew that route would go through Oar’s Rest, and be good for the town and increase the tax base for Aron.

The second item was the story about town of foxhole seeking a charter to give it the right to become a township. The rich merchants in the area wanted to choose their own mayor and hold their own market. The area was under the control of the township of Elmtree and Archduke Vogrim. Lord Farrow explained that the charter was denied and there had been trouble. Archduke Vogrim had sent in his army and many of the Foxhole leaderships had been killed. The whole story seemed odd. Foxhole, was only 5 days ride north of Oar’s Rest, but she had not heard anything about the conflict.

Finally, Lord Farrow explained that there were criminals plaguing the Vake forest. Some group called Brotherhood of Undead Prophets. There were rumors the group possessed a mighty weapon. What it was … was not known. Some knights went into the forest to find the group and dismantle the weapon … but they have not been heard from again.

Adnil reached over and opened Aron pants and grabbed his massive cock. She stroked it slowly. “My lord … I have thanked you for saving me from the gnolls … but I have not properly thanked the big guy!” she said with a grin and looked down at Aron’s “big” guy.

Her stroking of his cock had the desired effect. The cock grew bigger by the stroke. The turgid thing was only semi-hard but was pointed accusingly at her pretty face. She had not deep throated him yet but now was as good a time as any to try.

Adnil grabbed his balls and rubbed them gentle. “Enjoy” she whispered to his cock. As her face filled with excitement and she got over the big cock. Her big tits point the way, as she opened her mouth and the big throbbing rod started to slide in. Slowly she sucked the huge monster in. Inch-by-inch, the giant cock slid into her mouth and down her throat. Her big tits drew closer to his balls. When her lips reached his scrotum, Lord Aron Rendth groaned deeply.

As a testament to her ability, Adnil pumped herself up and down the tremendous shaft several times, and then raised herself until she only had the cockhead in her mouth. She flicked her tongue across the tip. She licked the shaft and tugged on it. Aron grunted as Adnil moaned with horny excitement for the big cock. She placed her bare breasts around its shaft and slurped and jerked the big member until the cock exploded in an awesome amount of jism. The big rod showered the buxom beauty in cum.

Adnil's hands looked tiny as they stroked the spew from the giant cock. She aimed it at her breasts and when it was done cumming she spanked the big rod against her big soft jugs. Sperm coated her breasts and was spattered across her face and neck. But the cock did not get soft! She gave it an ice cream lick to clean off the cum.
Aron watched in sastifaction as Adnil scooped his cum off of her large breasts and licked it from her hands. He stood up smiling at the eager woman. "You are amazing at giving head Adnil! Did your brothers teach you that too?" He said in a joking manner. Aron helped Adnil to her feet, moving her chair aside, before bending her over the table. Aron flipped the barmaid's short skirt up over her back an marveled at her big firm ass. He ran his hand over Adnil's asscheek before giving it a playful swat. When she moaned at his slap, Aron smiled and spanked her again.

After a few minutes of increasingly hard paddles Aron smiled at the sight of Adnil's now red ass. "Sorry, I may have gotten a bit carried away with that." Aron said rubbing Adnil's ass before kneeling down behind her. Adnil felt The Lord kneel behind her and spread herself open to give Aron better access. He smiled and begin to tease her pussy with the tip of his tongue. After a few moments of teasing, Aron plunged his tongue deep into Adnil's waiting folds.

Aron contined to devour Adnil's wet pussy grinning at the increasing amount of fluids running down his chin and the sound of her loud moans. After another minute of licking Adnil and the adding of a finger Aron laughed as Adnil came again. "I'm good, but you cum like your life depends on it." Aron laughed as he stood up behind the panting barmaid.

Aron licked his lips when he saw that Adnil was still holding her asscheeks open for him. He moved in close to Adnil, rubbing the tip of his cock against her wet folds. He then decided to try something else and raised his cock some so that it was pressed to Adnil's puckered asshole. "Do you mind if I put it in here? I've never had a woman let me before..." Aron said hoping he hadn't misjudged how far the barmaid was willing to go.
Adnil glanced back and saw the hungry look in Aron’s eyes. He was not looking at her swollen dripping pussy he was focused on her asshole. His cock was rubbed between her ass cheeks and was aimed at her asshole.

She nodded her head, giving him permission to continue. He pushed his dick against her tight puckered asshole. He slowly leaned into her ass, feeling her ass slowly giving way. The thick head of his cock entered her as he drove into her tight ass. He groaned at the tight hole that gripped his thick head. Adnil gasped in pleasure as he slowly pushed harder, slowly easing more and more of his cock into her tight ass.

Adnil bit her lower lip, as Aron’s cock was pushed past her sphincter into her ass. “OHHHHH” she gasped as the cock filled her tight passage. It took a second Aron held it there and Adnil thought it felt good. She moaned and pushed back at him. Her motion telling him she liked his cock in her ass. The cock slipped deeper into her. Aron had the green light to start to fuck her ass. He took it. Her ass felt great tighter than her pussy. It felt more confining like a tight warm blanket. Her pussy juice and her excitement allowed him to slide in and out of her stretching her ass for his future use. Adnil reveled in the pleasure. Anal sex was awesome!! She moaned in pleasure. Aron moaned too because he was turned on. He was deflowering Adnil’s wonderfully sexy ass!!

With each gyration of her hips, Aron fucked her harder … with his thick and girthy cock. She was full of cock and she bounced back at him wanting more!! Both of them were soon moaning and becoming breathless. Adnil looked back at Aron as he fucked her ass … “OH THIS FEELS GREAT!!” She told him. Aron could see his cock sliding in and out of her tight hole, as her ass cheeks jiggled… he banged her faster and with more force.

It did not take long, before Aron felt Adnil’s pussy vibrating and twitching as she came. He gasped as those vibrations added to the sensation his cock was already feeling. He had fucked her ass until she came!!
Aron reached down and began to rub Adnil's clit to extend her orgasm. "Don't stop cumming." He groaned still pounding her tight ass. He smiled at the sounds of he pleasured screams. Aron could feel Adnil's ass pulsing around his cock faster as her intense orgasm continued. He couldn't hold back any longer, and Aron grabbed Adnil's wide hips to hold her in place as he came. "Fuck!" Aron groaned loudly as he sprayed his release into Adnil's tight virgin asshole. Aron continued pumping himself into Adnil, groaning in pleasure as he did.

After a few more wonderful moments of being inside of the barmaid Aron pulled out of her with a soft pop. "That was amazing" Aron panted with a wide smile on his face. He reached over and began to finger Adnil's puckered hole, enjoying the way it gripped his finger. He pushed his finger in deeper and felt his warm seed inside of Adnil. He pulled his finger away and watched in aroused fascination as his cum dripped out of her ass.

"That was some of the best sex I've ever had." Aron said "I could use a bath, couldn't you?" Aron watched as Adnil turned over on the table and spread her legs wide giving Aron an amazing view of her still wet pussy. She then stood up and nodded. Aron pointed to the door and watched as Adnil walked towards it. Aron followed behind her, enjoying the sway of her hips and the way her ass bounced as she walked.

After a brief walk through the castle, in which Aron paused several times to finger fuck Adnil's ass and pussy, they made it to the wash rooms. The room was a large cavern dug under the castle to give access to the large underground hot springs. The large cavern was dark, lit only by sparsely placed torches.

Aron slowly stepped into the bubbling blue-green water before helping Adnil into the water. He guided her to one of the natural rock ledges that were on the sides of the pool. Aron sat back, sinking into the water. "This is nice." He groaned as he felt Adnil sit down next to him.

Real love can make amazing things happen. Adnil was in love and as she sat down next to Aron her mind was on one thing. She reached over and grabbed his cock gently.

"Do you think you've got one more left in you?" she asked as her hand slowly began to stroke his shaft up and down.

"I don't know if-Mmm" Aron tried to reply but was cut off as Adnil kissed him deeply. They kissed like this for minute, as Aron's hands squeezed and played with her breasts and as Adnil began to grind her pussy against his leg. They both moaned and gasped as they played with each other until Aron's cock was thick and throbbing and Adnil's cunt was soaked and trembling from desire.

Adnil swung her leg over Aron's hips, sinking down onto his cock as they sat in the warm pool of water, "Yesss..." she groaned. Her hips swiveled, grinding back and forth on Aron with his huge tool inside of her. As his hips began to move, she could feel every ridge and vein as it moved inside of her, and Aron could feel every silky contour as her pussy pulsed tightly around his cock.

Aron had stamina but after those huge orgasms Adnil had her doubts. But real love is amazing and he was so hard so large, she would have thought he had not cum in a month!

She began to work his cock in and out of her cunt. She even pulled his cock out and slapped it against her dangling lips with short quick movements of her hand. She would rub his cock-head up and down the furrow of her pussy and teased her clit with it. Soon her hot juices were flowing like crazy. They were half in the water but Aron could feel how wet she was.

He moved his head closer to her chest and her big melons. The nipples were hard …begged him to suck on them. Inches from his face, and he leaned his head down and gingerly tongued the nipple of her left breast. It stiffened instantly, swelling into a thick knot of tightness. As he hungrily sucked her nipple into his mouth, Adnil moaned deep in her throat. “MMMMMMMMM”

She cradled his head with her free hand, pushed his face hard into her sensitive nipple. He continued to suck on her rigid excited nipple; he gripped her abundant breast-flesh squeezing as Adnil squealed in pleasure.

“FUCK ME” she begged as Aron rammed his huge rod into her. Stretching her tight pussy … “OH SHIT YOUR BIG” she gasped but she took him in all the way up to the hilt in one smooth motion. Aron could not believe the tightness and pleasure of her cunt. He sank deep into her, and he felt her cunt muscles convulse and tighten around him with amazing force.

Adnil had never felt so full of cock before. Aron was an incredible lover. Each powerful stroke rocked her body sending waves of pleasure through her. She was gasped for breath as his massive cock plunge into her. Over and over. She was lost in the intense pleasure.

Who would cum first? This was not a contest her pussy could win. Not against such a mighty cock. Soon her pussy was throbbing and trembling wildly. “OHHH SHIT I’m going to CUMMM” Adnil warned Aron. As she thrust against his cock and held his hips … he was all the way in her …held there. As her pussy tensed up … holding for a second …and then exploded in a powerful orgasm. Quivering and contracting all over his huge throbbing cock. “FUCKKKKKKKKKK” she squealed …as she came long and hard. She did not move against his immense cock …but was just ground on it …as her pussy orgasmed and tried to milk the giant cock.

She could feel his rock hard cock inside of her, pulsing with hot blood. A wet squishing noise came from the water around them. Then after her orgasm, Aron massive cock pumped her full of his seed. It felt like she was riding a fountain, until finally they both kissed as his orgasm was over.

The next morning

The next morning everyone had a wonderful breakfast. This event included Markus and Isabella as well as Lord Farrow and Lady Loramore. Although Lord Farrow continued to tell some boring, long winded stories, nothing seemed to be able to dampen the happy couples (Markus and Isabella, Aron and Adnil) spirits. Adnil knew this was a result of all four of them having had sex the night before.

Lord Farrow and Lady Loramore thanked everyone for the pleasant visit and informed them they would be leaving once they had completed some shopping within the city. Markus and Isabella had volunteered to escort them to the best places. Adnil was a bit surprised as she thought Lady Loramore would have wanted to stay longer and flirt with Aron, the handsome and available Lord of Oar’s Rest. But something had happened last night that had changed Lady Loramore’s attitude. After the royals left later in the day, she asked Aron what had caused the change.

“We were kind of loud last night” Aron said with a grin. “I think they might have overheard us”

“Ohh” Adnil giggled.
Aron smiled at Adnil and kissed her deeply. "I've had a wonderful time with you Adnil, but I think we both need to get back to our jobs. Don't you?" Adnil nodded sadly. "You're right." She said in a slightly bitter voice. Aron smiled and took the woman's hand. "Don't worry. I don't plan on this being a one time thing. I'd love to see you again. If you'll let me?" "Of course I will!" Adnil said kissing the smiling lord. "Perfect! I'll walk you back to the tavern."

Aron and Adnil left the castle, walking hand in hand. They quietly talked and flirted, enjoying each other's company. "Lets go through the market." Aron said leading Adnil towards the market. Aron smiled as he watched his people buy and sell their wares.

Aron walked up to an old woman with a cart full of apples. "Gemma, my dear! You're looking even more beautiful than usual!" He said flashing the woman a smile. "Aron you dog! Flirting with an old woman when you've got a date!" Gemma turned to Adnil. "How are you my dear? I don't believe we've met." Adnil smiled at the woman. "I'm delightful. My name is Adnil. I work at the Polite Seagull." Gemma giggled. "Well that explains it then! I brew my own apple cider, so I don't frequent taverns." "Speaking of your wonderful cider, could you pour the lady and I a mug?" Aron asked. "I'd love to my dear!" Gemma said pouring two mugs of cider and handing the mugs to Aron and Adnil. "No charge for you, my lord." Gemma said with a smile. "You know that's not how it works Gemma." Aron said handing the woman a silver piece. Gemma smiled at the lord and pocketed the coin. "You know I only charge two coppers a mug, right?" Aron laughed. "This cider is worth three gold a mug, at least." Aron said with a laugh. "I'll see you around, Gemma." Aron said walking away from the smiling woman.

Once Aron and Adnil were out of earshot from the woman Aron said: "Gemma's a nice woman. She owns an orchard on the outside of town. Her husband was killed by bandits. I try to help her out. A lot of my villagers need help. That's why I host the feast every month." Aron paused and laughed. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to brag."

Aron and Adnil continued walking, chatting and sipping their cider. They arrived at the Polite Seagull. Aron sighed, "well, I guess this is it." Aron said kissing Adnil softly. "I guess I'll see you around." Aron said as he watched Adnil disappear into the tavern.

1 Month Later

Aron sighed heavily and leaned on his hand. "Ser Avery, I highly doubt a tribe of Bugbears are raiding your homestead. But in any case, I'll send an extra guard unit to patrol your farms until the culprits." "Thank you my lord." The old knight said bowing and leaving the throne room. "Markus, please tell me that's the last meeting I've got today." "It is my lord." Aron stood and stretched. "I'm going to my chamber. Don't disturb me unless its important." Aron said walking towards the exit.
Two week earlier

Lord Farrow sat in his own castle sipping his expensive brandy from his large brandy glass, while he held his pipe in his other hand. The old man had been telling everyone at his dinner party of the trip he had just completed and the various sights he and his daughter had seen. His daughter, Loramore had just added her comments about how handsome Lord Rendth was but that the man was a fool. Lord Rendth did not seem to realize the value of a marriage with the Farrow bloodline and the power such a union would provide. “The Lord is more interested “sparring” with some big chested tart.” She said with a bit of disgust in her voice. This comment had caused the guests to “tsk tsk” in shock at Lord Rendth choice.

For some reason Lord Farrow felt the need to defend Lord Rendth.

“Yes, he is a most interesting man. However, in his defense, his sparring partner was a most unique beauty. She is hard to describe” He paused as he tried to think of someone that look similar to Adnil. That was when it stuck him. Adnil had looked like someone he knew, he suddenly remembered who that was.

“If you remember Queen Elinora before she was assassinated … this girl could easily be her daughter. Lord Rendth is in love with a real beauty … and sometime love and happiness are more important than power.” He stated philosophically.

There were grunts of understanding at Lord Farrow comments. However, one person Archduke Vogrim said nothing. His only response was to form a large frown of concern on his face at Lord Farrow’s comments.

The Present

Adnil had so many thoughts on her mind it was hard to get them all organized. But she needed to try. Her first thought was what a fool she had been to have forgotten to take the moon tea after Aron and her made love. She had not even thought about it until her period had not come on time. The thought of her getting pregnant was just not a possibility. However, a quick trip to the town witch revealed that Adnil was pregnant!

She did not know what to do? Should she tell Aron? Would he freak out? Would he ask her to marry him? What about the warning she had been given never to interact with royals? Marry a royal would clearly be breaking that rule. What about her job at the pub? Eddie would get rid of her as soon as she started to show her pregnancy. She wasn’t ready to be a mother! UGHHHH!!!

With all these thoughts swirling in her head, she sat on Aron’s bed and waited for him. The wait was not long. Aron open the chamber’s doors looking tired. However, when he saw Adnil sitting on the bed, his face filled with joy. Adnil looked up at him; her face had tears streaming down it.

“Aron … I’m … I’m pregnant.” Adnil said … holding her breath for Aron reply.
Aron sighed as he left the throne room. He hated the weekly meetings he held to listen to his people's grievances, but he knew it was necessary. If he didn't do his best to solve the problems of his people, he didn't deserve to rule over them. "It's over for another week." He thought to himself. "Now I can get some rest." Aron thought as he approached his bed chamber door.

Aron opened the door and was happy to see Adnil sitting on his bed. "Adnil! What are you doing here?" Aron asked his weary face breaking into a wide smile. He walked towards Adnil until she turned to him. Aron stopped when he saw the tears streaming down her face. "What's wrong?" Aron asked in concern. "Aron... I'm... I'm pregnant." Adnil said quietly.

Aron sat on the bed in shock. "You're pregnant? Are you sure?" Adnil nodded he face streaming with tears. Aron quickly pulled the crying woman to his chest, wrapping his arms around her. "Don't worry. Our child, and you, will always have a home here. I'll take care of both of you, and raise our child as my own, I promise." Aron said gently rubbing Adnil's back.

As Aron held Adnil he began thinking of the future. He thought of teaching his son how to swing a sword, or his daughter how to ride a horse. And he thought of Adnil. Sharing those moments with him. Suddenly the fear Aron felt about having a child left him.

"Adnil?" Aron said quietly after a few minutes of silence. "I know it's unusual for lords and common people to... Not that I'm trying to be a snob about it... No. Wait. Um... What I'm trying to say is I wouldn't care if people talked." Aron stopped talking for a moment gathering his thoughts.

"Adnil. This is probably the worst proposal in history, but would you like to get married?" Aron asked hoping he didn't sound as idiotic as he felt in that moment.

Aron had said all the right things and had been honorable. He had promised a home for Adnil and the baby and that he would care for them. But then he went further and asked for her hand in marriage. Adnil did not know what to say. Her emotions were all over the place and now Aron was asking her to marry him. Her head was spinning. They had only known each other for a month. It was too soon, or at least that is what her head was telling her. She was an emotional wreck. What of the warning from the monks ... not to interact with royals? Finally, a marriage request must be weighed carefully. Her head was making some good arguments. However, all the other parts of her body screamed for her to say “yes!” Her heart wanted him soo much. She had never loved another man like she loved Aron. He was prefect. Handsome and funny … a great lover and caring! A woman could not ask for more. Adnil was conflicted.

“Aron … I think your proposal was wonderful.” She leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss. Her crying had stopped and her mind had settled. Her mind had won the debate she had decided to ask for more time.

“But I cannot answer you right now. I must think on it.” She requested him as she looked deep into his eyes. She saw the answer in his eyes. He was disappointed but he understood that it was a big decision for her and that he could wait for her to make a decision. It was a tender and wonderful moment.

Assassins will ruin most wonderful moments

Inside the central tower of the castle was Markus. He was looking out a small window and peered into the courtyard below. A team of labors were bringing in two covered cart loads of fish. It seemed odd to Markus as they had gotten their fish deliveries yesterday and there was no need for additional fish for the castle. There were no parties or feasts scheduled … so why were fish being delivered?

Then he noticed one of the cloth covers over the cart move. The fish under the cover were still alive. How could that be? He walked away from the window with purpose. He needed to examine these strange fish and find out who had ordered them. He headed directly toward the kitchen on the ground floor. As he walked down the spiral staircase, he looked through the many arrow slits to make sure the fish carts were headed towards the kitchen. That was when his sharp eyes caught the sight of the black hooded figures jumping out of the carts through the Kitchen window. The black figures quickly killed Gele, one of the kitchen staff.

“ASSISSINS!!! …. TO ARMS … TO ARMS” Markus yelled as loud as he could into the courtyard. “GUARDS … THERE ARE ASSISSINS IN THE KITCHEN!!”

Markus drew his sword and raced back up the staircase heading towards Lord Rendth chambers. The Assassins could have only one target and that was Aron, his best friend!!
OOC: sorry I haven't been posting. I've been sick.

IC: Markus ran forward towards the assassins, still shouting for guards. He dodged a hastily fired arrow and plunged his sword into an assassin's stomach. He ripped the blade free before charging the next attacker. This man was prepared for Markus. He drew his twin daggers and began to duel Markus. Markus took a cut to the arm before he lopped off the assassin's head. He was happy to see guardsmen rushing into the court yard now. He ran forward to take on the next assassin but his legs wouldn't respond. Instead he fell to the ground his sword clattering at his side. "Poison..." He groaned as his vision began to grow dark.


Aron nodded in understanding. He knew it was too soon to propose, but deep down he knew Adnil was the perfect woman for him, regardless of her social status. He was about to say more when someone kicked in his door. It was a man in a black cloak and hood leveling a loaded crossbow at Aron's chest. Before the assassin could fire Aron pushed Adnil to the floor before rolling off the bed himself. The surprised assassin fired as Aron moved but the bolt missed the target. Aron pulled a knife from belt and threw it across the room, watching in satisfaction as it found the assassin's heart. "Adnil, there's a chest over there. I had the blacksmith make some armor that's your size. Put it on. There are also weapons I had made for you. Get equipped, then lets go see what's happening." Aron said as he went to his own trunk and began putting on his armor.
Adnil slipped on the skin tight leather armor pants that hugged her sexy hips perfectly. She then buckled the thick utility belt that held supplies and her weapons. Two very sharp short swords. The belt also highlighted her slim erotic waist. She pulled on the chainmail vest that molded across her large heavy breasts. The top of the vest was not closed, so it showed off her deep cleavage, and the beautiful curves of her breasts. The vest ended before her waist, providing a naked “mid-drift” appearance. Adnil did not know it, but one of the castle servants would see her during the escape from the castle. And a few years later he would write a story based what he saw. The story was titled “chick in chainmail” and became a best seller in the kingdom.

Adnil looked over to Aron with her sparkling blue eyes as she pushed her hand through her long blonde hair.

“Aron … what is going on?” She asked, as she finished tying up her armored boots.

Aron had just finished with his armor too and shrugged his shoulders. “Assassins … trying to kill me I think” he suggested.

“But the crossbow bolt was aimed at me?” Adnil pointed out.

Aron thought about what had happened and she was right. Either the assassin had terrible aim … or the bolt had been fired at her!

“We can’t figure it out here … let’s go!” he said as they both raced out of the bedroom chamber. They entered a castle in total chaos. Black cloaked assassins where everywhere and many of the castle’s guard force was already captured. The guards at the main gate were dead. But the most disheartening thing they saw was Markus was on the ground. He had no major wounds, but he was also not moving. Magic or poison was Adnil thought.

The two snuck over to the western turret, to get a better look at the situation. As they turned the corner they ran face to face into a group of 4 black cloaked men. Aron instantly buried his armored fist into one of their faces and with his free hand put a dagger into the throat of the other. Adnil displaying some lightening quick speed as well, and jumped up and head kicked one of the assassin so hard that she broke his neck … The kick also cause the dead assassin to fall into the other one standing next to him. Off balanced the assassin could not block Adnil’s short sword that removed his head with a clean swipe of her sword. It took only seconds and the assassins were dead. None of them had a chance to call out. But there was blood and 4 dead bodies at the corner that would be found soon.

“Fuckers” Adnil grunted then realized that was not something a royal would say. “Oops, sorry Aron. I’ll watch my language” Adnil apologized.
"I don't care, say what ever you like." Aron said wiping his dagger clean before returning it to his belt. "I think the castle is going to be overrun." Aron said his voice filled with sorrow. "There's a secert tunnel, no one but me knows about it, we can use it to escape. It's located in the same caverns as the hot springs." Aron explained as he and Adnil snuck through back towards court yard, avoiding several patrols of assassins.

As they made their way through the court yard towards a servants' passage that lead to the kitchens Aron stopped. "I can't leave Markus." He said before quickly returning to where his friend laid face down in the dirt. Aron checked his friend for a pulse and was surprised to find one. "He's not dead! He will be soon though, if we don't figure out what poision they use." Aron carried Markus towards the servants' door, pausing to pick up a bloody dagger that was near Markus.

Aron and Adnil snuck through the passage until they made it to the kitchen. Aron placed Markus on a table before examining the knife that had cut him. He tasted the blade before spitting on the floor. "Scarlet bane. These men are well equipped." Aron said thoughtfully as he began to pull herbs from various places in the kitchen. He mixed the herbs together into a poultice and spread it on Markus's wound before wrapping a towel around the unconscious man's arm. Aron poured the rest of the poultice into a small jar and placed it in his pocket. "Alright. Lets go." Aron said lifting Markus onto his shoulder.

Aron and Adnil made their way through the castle, managing to make it to the hot springs without encountering anymore assassins. Aron guided Adnil through the springs until they made it to an old stone door. Aron spoke a phrase quietly and the door slowly slide open. He and Adnil entered the door before it shut behind them. Adnil grabbed a torch from the wall as the walked through the tunnel in silence.

After about twenty minutes Aron stopped. He set Markus down before he sat down his back leaned against the wall. "I need a rest, they won't be able to find us here." Aron said panting slightly. After a moment Aron looked at Adnil, a serious look on his face. "Adnil, what aren't you telling me? Why would that assassin be aiming for you?" He asked, his voice sounding slightly betrayed.
"Aron, I can honestly say that I have no idea why these assassins are after me. Or why they attacked your castle.” Adnil stated confidently and with complete trustworthiness. But then her eyes glanced downward. “However, there are things I have not told you. These things I have not spoken of … were things I was told not to reveal. Why? I have no awareness. But I will reveal them now.” Adnil said with concern in her voice.

“I was raised in a monastery. By the Sitke Monks of the Shrouded Order. Before I left the monastery I was warned by the head of the order not to interact with royals. He did not explain why … just that I was not to do it. I traveled so far away from that place … and met you just a short month ago. My heart told me to ignore the warning. That nothing bad would happen. But that was wrong … what a messy I have created!” Adnil explained and then started to cry softly.