The Looney Family


Lech Master
May 19, 2006
I once had an idea for a period piece about a Southeast Texas redneck family called the Looneys. They all have pun names and are smarter than you might think.

Major Fleming Looney is the patriarch (Flaming is British slang for extreme). He fights for the Confederacy during the Civil War after he gets drafted and does some seriously crazy stuff to survive Gettysburg and the Bull Run battles. He’s just trying to survive, not being a bad guy. Then he almost gets killed in battle but a black soldier fighting for the Union spares him, so he turns on the Confederacy and becomes a secret conductor for the Underground Railroad when he inherits his father’s plantation (Fleming Sr. died of a heart ailment while Fleming Jr. was at the front).

His wife is Ima and she was a secret abolitionist worker in the South long before her husband was, like her mother in law before her. Tragically she dies when jerks who can’t give up being jerks burn the Looney family home during Reconstruction. Fleming takes the rest of the family to Victorian England to escape such violence and persecution from others who keep up the misconceptions that he supported the Confederacy’s idiocy or that he should have (lots of that sort of thing happened after the Civil War).

Their two children are Liv and Frank who both end up living as pansexuals in Victorian England, supported by their supposedly crazy father who is smarter than his name implies. There are some cousins also, but I never really detailed them. Never really detailed the grandparents either.

The piece was originally an attempt to rewrite the video game Assassin’s Creed Syndicate with a better plot that also incorporated Highlander, Buffy, and the Potterverse among other elements- the Looneys Fleming Jr, Liv, & Frank were prominent members of Assassin Jacob & Evie Frye’s Rooks gang and the Frye twins had failed relationships with Frank & Liv- but in retrospect the fanfic can be optional. I will admit I scrapped the story because the crossover stuff got out of control.

Anyone wants to help me pick this idea up again, please let me know your thoughts.

Before anyone asks, there’s no incest in the Looney family. They ain’t that kind of Looney. Well, maybe some of the cousins are, but not the core four characters I’ve detailed, who don’t talk much about their cousins. ;)

And yes, they’re named after the Looney Tunes. Bugs can be a drunk uncle and Daphne the frustrated wife of Fleming Sr. who is sleeping with both brothers and manipulating them to educate the plantation charges before sending them north- a course of action she is pleased she doesn’t have to repeat with her son. Maybe not Bugs and Fleming Sr. either if they can be redeemed somehow.
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Probably better as Canadian, Australian or some other UK colony.
Probably better as Canadian, Australian or some other UK colony.
America was a UK colony once. Lest people forget. And I’m not familiar enough with the history of other British colonies to incorporate a similar important war. I get that people are nervous about certain cultural conflicts these days, but they’re kinda important to the themes.
Wow. That's some serious back-storying.
I'm struggling to see where the erotica fits in. Could do an interracial story after they start working with the Underground railroad, but that's sort of dicey during the time of slavery. It calls up the question of consent. Once they get to England, the family could fuck their way into the aristocracy or something. The daughter could be married to a black man, who accompanies them and he immediately starts getting attention from the poorly served wives of their neighbors.

It's a lot more than I'd take on.
Yeah, I gotta admit the UR thing and war inclusion are for redemption purposes. I’m of similar descent as the family and my ancestors’ pasts weren’t as great. The original story just concentrated on Liv’s affair with Evie Frye and I never really got beyond that as far as erotic stuff. There were also no black characters, I avoided them for obvious reasons and AC Syndicate was a disappointment as far as non-white characters apart from the one canon Indian guy with whom Evie ended up and I never could get him right. But if I can get some perspective to help me portray such characters appropriately… I’m intrigued by interracial relationships but have limited experience with them. Probably not the only man of WASP descent to say the same thing. And obviously I’d want to avoid the dubious consent stuff if I did get into such things. This family is _not_ that kind of loony.
If anyone is curious- I have written a bit about interracial relationships. “Beijing Streakers” has black, white, and Asian characters engaged in sexual relations. There’s a prominent black male character in Passion 4 who gets with two of the three white female leads onscreen and the third offscreen. Passion 2 and Desert Angel have white on Hispanic MF action. Debrief has black male on Arab female. Compensation is Asian male on white female, Snakes in Taipei the opposite. There’s white on Asian FF action in Closer than Six Degrees and Beijing Streakers too. Mutant on human FF and MF action in the X-Men story, human on Orion FF action in the Star Trek story. I’m about to publish a human on Twi’lek MF and FF encounter on another site, can’t publish it here due to consensual Jedi mind probing from a copyrighted character. Never mind that it makes sense in context for the story. I have characters of other races and species in other stories too, I just have yet to feature them in sexual encounters onscreen.

It’s the dubious consent issues that bother me with the main idea discussed in this thread, as it should be. There are some places I never want to go. Maybe I should approach the idea with a my “we ain’t that kind of Looney” running gag. And make clear that the core members of the family are definitely not that kind. If I can’t do it, another worthy author has my blessing. Just don’t be surprised if I give you a bad review, should I come across your story and you get things wrong.
Too me it just has way too much going on. In the writing world this is called "the kitchen sink kind of story", whereas even the kitchen sink is thrown in. For a reader, it is too complex to juggle everything as they read it.

We all have done this mistake, especially early in our writings, but it is better if a writer takes a few key elements and makes it a great story. The other aspects of a writer's life that they want to write about; there will be other stories after this one. Include them then, and in that way have several GREAT stories instead of an overly complex, crappy single one.
I'd go from another angle. And since the OP does exclusively the celeb/fanfics we'll call it "the Bundy's Down South.
Instead of an apartment, it's in a double-wide, in a trailer park. Kelly is in college and Bud is a senior in high school.
Our hero, Al Bundy, the peaked-in-high school sort, has always been a bit of a disappointment in providing for the family, but Peg loves him. Peg has been making sure he didn't lose his job by fucking his boss every Monday and Friday afternoon. Kelly is running her own little escort service to keep her in Prada, and Bud is keeping the neighbor ladies satisfied. I'd avoid the Southern hillbilly incest trope, but I'd sort of tease the idea where sex is very open in the household. "So what did you do at school today, Kelly?"
"Well Mom, I had to suck off Dean Peters again today so he wouldn't send me home for my short skirt." And this would be right in front of Al and Bud. Al praises his daughter's problem-solving skills while Bud heads next door to fuck Marcy in front of her cuckold husband.

Work the Looney idea into it as needed, but I'd take it to a modern day. The Bundys would be a great idea to work from though. I might do it myself.
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Your decision whether to pursue your idea. I’m done with this conversation until and unless someone else brings me back in. Not doing tv sitcom shaming either. I have laughed at it on rare occasions but overall I can’t enjoy it- the laugh track prompting upsets me and so do some performers who carry their work in the genre into their lives outside the specific show. It’s just not my thing.

And for the record, you have my work completely wrong. I’m not exclusive with my work at all when it comes to categories. I’m just forced to be so by the nature of this site. And I’ve still been able to step outside Celebs multiple times even with that. I have more original content lined up for future releases too. If you’re interested, follow my work here.

I do have a modern day Southern Belle original character who’s from Houston and exaggerates her accent to correct a speech impediment. She’s also an epic level unorthodox psychotherapist (example- she treats her own sex addiction and others’ with careful regulation to make sure sex encounters don’t go bad) with friends among all races and religions. I think I’ll make her descended from the Looneys and leave it at that until my interests change.
The descendant's of the Loony's is a unique angle that should be applauded, and something I have not seen done in erotica stories before.

I do this with all my novels. I wrote a historical thriller based on the American/British/Japanese vs Russian war of 1919, with the main character being from Siberia. Few readers would ever know this, but every novel comes from that maternal Siberian line. For instance in a trilogy based in modern day 2023, a newly married couple from the USA adopts triplets from Siberia. Why? Because she is of Siberian decent.

Kind of like how Walt Disney always had the lineage of his cartoon characters spelled out in a family tree, I do the same thing with my novels. With Walt Disney you see this with the Donald Duck lineage. It is kind of interesting, and challenging to keep it all working from novel to novel, story to story, or cartoon to cartoon, but kind of neat too. Kind of like having a "secret" that can be deciphered, but only if the readers are really in tune to your writing of various stories.

Here is an example of Walt Disney's Duck lineage:
I’ve done similar things with my stories already. When you’re shipping celebrities with each other, it helps to know what movies they share and do the Six Degrees thing. I have yet to do a story directly featuring Kevin Bacon, but might someday. At least one of my celebs is connected to him for sure. I also have recurring original characters. Anytime you see a weasel faced blonde reporter or a freckle faced brunette lady spy in my work, it’s always Gary Parker and Jodi Lee Nichols. For example.
@AchtungNight That is interesting that you kind of specialize in erotic celebrity stories. I always find it fascinating on how and why writers specialize in what they do. Good for you in really focusing your writing and making that sub-genre of erotica compelling.

I have only done one celebrity story, and based on a premise where on the man's birthday, a female celebrity gives her bodyguard a blowjob since they are putting their life on the line for theirs. Except in my story, the celebrity had just gotten married and halfway through with her bodyguard's annual birthday blowjob, had to stop as she felt guilty. It was more about the conflicting feelings of having a spouse who had been granted vows, and a person who literally was standing in the way of violence against them.
In my fanfic, the husband of that celebrity would have been ok with her straying like that. In most cases. In at least one, the husband would take note to please his wife more in the bedroom per perceived signals. :) In the case of my avatar character, he’d make sure to ask his wife if she’s vetting another potential MFM partner. And hoping for a positive response.

Yeah, I have to do positive shameless things with my work. Hope that’s not a problem. Besides, negative jealousy is so cliche…
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