The Living Barbie Doll


Literotica Guru
Jun 11, 2004
So, over the weekend, I was perusing the latest issue of The Week magazine (best news magazine in the planet IMO), and they had a bit on Valeria Lukyanova, the woman who through plastic surgery and severe dieting has turned herself into a living Barbie doll:


Yes, that's an actual, flesh-and-blood person. And it gets even better; according to the article she's "considered a spiritual leader by millions of online fans".

There has GOT to be a story in this.
I want to see her move. She looks kind of off, hot but off. I'm curious if it's the pic or not.
What's disturbing is what she looks like is one of those custom made "real dolls" the ones you custom order for exact appearance and cost like five grand.

All kidding aside I would like to know what she feels like. I'm not even talking sex, I am just curious what the hell her skin feels like.
I have a story about a living Barbie Doll and what she teaches her owner about sex and love. Check out link in my sig if you are interested.
You know, I've seen pictures on the news about her and I can't help but say that even though she is very beautiful, she sorta creeps me out. The earlier post about the "living dolls" that one could purchase is accurate I'd say.

I know it's not the same impression for a story that most people would get, but seeing as I find her a bit eerie, my favorite genre comes to mind. This would make for great inspiration for a horror story, dare I say erotic horror?

Sorry, just thinking of the way things that aren't SUPPOSED to move, or you don't expect to move, can really be disturbing when they do...