The Literotica Dictionary


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
We tend to make up words around here. I think we need a guide.

Entry #1

Fucktard: adjective. A description of someone so completely fucking stoopid, they were too far gone for the short bus.

Poontangerific: adjective. Something/one so amazing, only pussy sex even compares to them.

Pussymullet: Noun. A stlye of pubic hair design in which the hair is cut to be shorn short on the mound, and left long and jungle like betwixt the thighs.

Of course I didn't make these words up, so the wordsmiths may feel feel to adjust or completely change these definitions.

Do add to the dictionary. It's for the literary good of all.
Diclicious Adjective. A description of a male Lit member who brings to mind oral sex.
And the word that covers a melange of circustances on Lit:

sunstruck said:
We tend to make up words around here. I think we need a guide.

Do add to the dictionary. It's for the literary good of all.
Superstitiation Pressing the same set of keys on this d****d machine in the hope that it will do something different this time, like what I wanted in the first place.
Benting: verb

A combination of venting and babbling by the poster "Bent" as evidenced by her tirades which are often poorly thought out.
sunstruck said:
We tend to make up words around here. I think we need a guide.

Entry #1

sunstruck: adjective. A description of someone so completely fucking stoopid, they were too far gone for the short bus.
job boom: once considered any industry doing more than 200,000 jobs a year, now downgraded to 70,000 because of Islandman's Rule.
hotlezsex: hot lesbian sex *shrug*

boobage: fine cleavage/breasts/boobs. nipplage just the nipples.
sunstruck said:
Pussymullet: Noun. A stlye of pubic hair design in which the hair is cut to be shorn short on the mound, and left long and jungle like betwixt the thighs.

that is a thoroughly nauseating image
LovingTongue said:
job boom: once considered any industry doing more than 200,000 jobs a year, now downgraded to 70,000 because of Islandman's Rule.

You're bitter when you get shown up. It's really not a good look for you.
Stuponfusion: The state of being a non-gay/bisexual/virgin/sex machine.
Ishmaelstrom : A massive storm of links and factoids designed to make it appear that the poster knows something about an issue when he is, in fact, simply spitting back Rush Limbaugh's scat.
Ignore-amos : Someone who claims to have you on ignore, yet responds to everything you post.