The likes and dislikes of the Iraq war Thread


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002
List your likes and dislikes of this war and your reasons why?


- The look on the Bush administrations faces when Iraq got hold of those POW's

- The about face of US officials in trying to convince everyone they always knew this wasn't going to be an easy war

- The fact they have created a humanitarian disaster and now seem to be stating how the UN are now important and needed to carry out the objectives of making sure the people they are going to liberate don't end up perishing from disease, famine and the chaos brewing from their invasion

- How desperate they are for any snippet of a possible uprising over there. Next thing you know they will be sending US forces to dress with towels on their heads and act as though they are uprising just to make themselves think the 100 million leaflets they printed out were worth the effort

Dislikes -

- Visions of the innocent suffering from allied bombings

- What happened to North Korea?

- Patriot missles do work. They knock out British planes.

- The constant fucking repeating of the words Operation Iraqi freedom

- Never knew Iraq had well over 10,000 military installations and command centres in the capital Baghdad. Surely they must have knocked everything out by now.
