The Left now claiming to be dominant hand of more than 10% of Americans

Each year, disproportionately FAR more righties die than lefties. Soon, they will all be gone.

I pray for my country.
Those imperialist douchebags are also annoying to play in tennis.
Each year, disproportionately FAR more righties die than lefties. Soon, they will all be gone.

I pray for my country.

Then, we'll have nothing but the sound of one hand clapping.
Lefties now have their own scissors, joysticks, and desks. Just another example of the few controlling the agenda of the many.
Lefties now have their own scissors, joysticks, and desks. Just another example of the few controlling the agenda of the many.

I saw a funny bumper sticker the other day..."it isn't right and left, it's retarded and left"
This is the world you wanted! Look at what happened when you voted with your left hand, I hope you're happy.
Right! And monkeys are flying out of your ass too, I suppose.

It isn't retarded and left afterall. It's winged kiss is retarded.

And this is part of the reason why I had didn't want you to engage me, you're clearly a fucking idiot and you have proven it all on your own.
And this is part of the reason why I had didn't want you to engage me, you're clearly a fucking idiot and you have proven it all on your own.

How about I dip my ball sack in Scope mouth wash and let you gargle them for awhile? It will feel good for me and you will have fresh breath for the first time in months. Sound good?
It is time for the left to rise...or the left to grasp the carry on.
