The Law and her Ass


Literotica Cunnilinguist
Jan 29, 2011
Closed for DanFS & curious12154

Daniel Black was reviewing the list of applicants for the vacant position at his law firm.

He really needed another Personal Assistant, as the previous one had got herself pregnant and had just left his practice. He would have happily supported her throughout her maternity leave, but she had decided to up-sticks and move to Australia with her boyfriend, to pursue a new life together as Scuba diving instructors, albeit with a baby due in several months.

He looked over the profiles sent by the agency.

He had been quite specific in what he was looking for.

She must be single, attractive, a good typist and able to attend meetings and take minutes and dictation as required.

As he gradually whittled down the short-list, he settled again of this one.

Her name was Alice Matthews, 25, and she looked promising.

Her grades at College in her Secretarial Studies course had been decent, but not exemplary, but her course of further study in business and law, had set her above her competitors in Dan's eyes.

Okay, her grades in all these courses weren't the best, but her fields of study were promising. He could always expand upon her knowledge & experience when she joined, if she chose to.
If she chose to? He thought. She'd be mad not to!

He gazed again, at her profile photo.

Yes, she would be the one. She had an air of confidence and capability.

He would contact the agency and tell them not to send any more profiles.
He wanted to interview her before he made up his mind, but if she was as good as her profile led him to believe, she would do very nicely indeed!
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Sitting alone in her apartment, Alice checked her emails yet again. She had been applying for secretarial posts for the last month since she lost her last job, and she was yet to receive a reply. Each place the agency sent her CV to seemed to ignore that she'd ever contacted them. It was frustrating.

'1 new message', her software told her. Probably spam... she thought; it would either be that or her mother's incoherent attempts with technology. No, it was the agency! Her heart raced - finally she might get out of this place! And yes, it was an interview, with the 'high chance of a job'. Internally, she celebrated, but on the outside, she was calm, writing the date and location in her diary, reading over her CV, researching the company, planning her outfit... (she had to impress, after all!)


The day of her interview arrived sooner than she would have liked. It was at 11am; the perfect time for her to have a leisurely morning preparing herself. She showered, styled her brunette hair in a professional updo, with enough flair to suggest creativity, and stood in front of her wardrobe for what felt like hours, trying on and discarding outfits. Alice wore her favourite underwear, since she always felt more confident in them - it was a pair of black, lacy panties and matching bra, the straps of which were laid in with some pale blue thread, and a pair of black sheer stockings which highlighted her shapely legs. Hands on hips, Alice debated which suit to wear. It really doesn't matter that much! she scolded herself, eventually choosing a black suit skirt and pale blue blouse. Then of course she spent a while deciding how many buttons to leave undone. She checked the appointment again... male interviewer... Alice undid the button to display just enough of her ample cleavage. She may as well maximise her chances!

Checking in with the receptionist a while later, she sat nervously on a sofa outside his office, the details of his company running through her mind.
The young woman, who Dan had hired as a Receptionist / Secretary until he filled the position knocked on his door, and said:
"Excuse me, Sir, there's a Miss Alice Matthews here to see you."

He nodded before replying "Very good, Danielle, show her in, please."

Danielle held the door open, and ushered Alice inside Dan's Office, and he allowed her a moment to take everything in – The meeting table with four chairs, the leather sofa next to the stacked bookshelf of legal volumes and on the lower shelf, box files, with various legal papers inside. Then her eyes settled upon him, sat at his large solid oak desk, in a rich burgundy leather chair.

He smiled and stood to greet her, offering his hand for her to shake.
"I'm Daniel Black, and this is my practice."

"Miss Matthews, please come in – take a seat." He indicated a chair opposite his desk, and regarded her openly.

She had dressed well, in a black suit skirt and pale blue blouse. He noted the top two buttons were undone, showing a hint of a generous cleavage beneath - still professional but a little flirtatious – perfect!
Her brunette hair was styled in an attractive way on top of her head. Her legs were encased in sheer black stockings. God, how he loved stockings on shapely legs, and hers were shapely!

Once she had sat down, he strode across to the coffee machine.
"Coffee?" He asked as he poured some for himself.

He took it black, with a single cube of sugar.
Standing, Alice rearranged her skirt, picked up her bag and took a deep breath before walking confidently into the room. She nodded her thanks to the woman who ushered her in and then looked at her surroundings. It all seemed so grand (pretentious, she thought) and expensive (frivolous, she thought) and the man in the chair so very imposing (no, here, imposing, perhaps commanding was definitely the right word)

After shaking his hand, she took the proffered chair and folded her hands neatly in her lap, thanking him for his interest in her application.
And at the offer of coffee, she naturally began to think too much. It was a classic scenario, like drinking water provided - to take it or not? She eventually decided yes, the caffeine would keep her on her toes - she was yet to decide if this would be a friendly interview as Mr Black had so far suggested, or if he would suddenly turn on her.
'Please, white, two sugars if possible?'
Dan poured Alice her coffee and placed it on his desk in front of her.
He walked back around his desk and sat down, taking a leisurely sip of his coffee, and openly regarding her, before speaking.
"May I call you Alice?"
He paused, for her to reply, before continuing – "I have asked you to interview, as your profile from the Agency seems to suit my needs very well."

He paused for a sip of his coffee before adding "Young Danielle, is a temp, just keeping things ticking over until I find a permanent Personal Assistant. The role is quite demanding, as well as taking dictation & typing correspondence & Court Papers, and can also entail unsociable hours occasionally."

"I have a much envied professional reputation, which has taken much time & effort to cultivate, and I cannot afford for it to be tarnished."
He paused, for effect as much as anything else.
"It will require you to perform some tasks which may seem unusual, but I need to know I can rely on you to play your part to ensure this practice continues to succeed?"
Alice thanked him for the coffee, and tried to hold his gaze as he looked at her.
'Yes, of course, Alice is fine', she smiled at him, preparing to listen to him carefully as he spoke.

'demanding... unsociable hours...unusual tasks...' Some of his words caught her attention, and she wasn't entirely sure she understood what he had meant by them. What kind of unusual tasks? Despite her queries, she kept quiet, nodding as he spoke.
'I understand, Mr. Black. I am ready to do whatever is required of me to help you and your practice succeed. I am a dedicated worker, and I like to be sure that every job is done to the best of my ability; second best is not my best, and therefore I can promise you won't see it.' the last had come from nowhere, it was not a rehearsed statement, and she took a moment to internally congratulate herself for the phrase.

'I am really grateful to you for seeing me. My research has told me there is only one real rival to your practice in the city, and this last year, yours came out on top for cases won and client satisfaction. I want to be able to help you retain that title.' Alice continued, adding, 'Of course, I know I don't need to remind you of those statistics... I am sure you are very much aware.' she lowered her eyes slightly. Her previous comment had been ruined by the rather stupid one she had just produced.

As a way to break the silence, she leaned forward and took a sip of her coffee.
Dan studied Alice as she replied and found her irresistible. When she said she would do whatever was required for the job and followed it by quoting some of his case win statistics, he knew she would be the successful candidate.

He chose to ignore her last comment, putting it down to nerves.

'Now, how to turn this to my advantage to be sure', he thought.

"Alice - occasionally the job is very stressful, and I may need help to unwind. I would like to know I could rely on you to help me, when necessary?"

He was sure of her answer and decided to push her into new territory before he gave her the job.

"Alice, I want you to lift your skirt. I want to see if you are wearing stockings. Show me your stocking tops."
Alice nodded as he spoke his first, a look of slight confusion on her face. She had a bit of a dirty mind, and for a moment she thought he meant sexual favours, but dismissed it. Ridiculous notion.

And then he continued and the idea was not so stupid after all. Surely he was not serious?! The look on his face said that he was serious, and she was flustered for a moment. Not only did his direct order make her nervous, and scare her, but it turned her on. She felt her nipples harden under her bra, the padded fabric restraining them. She couldn't do it, could she?

She folded and unfolded her hands, lightly touching her skirt for a few seconds.

Something compelled her to stand slowly and nervously. Something made her want to do it. She was not so desperate for the job, but she wanted to do it anyway. Why?! Her brain was screaming no to her, but her body said yes. It was only her stocking tops after all...
'Yes... I am wearing stockings.' she said quietly, unable to look him in the eye. Alice stared at the desk where his hands sat, and she began to hitch up her skirt slowly, her hand shaking slightly. The black suit fabric was tight and stiff, and she could bunch it up enough at her hips to show him the lace tops of her stockings. Just enough.

Alice was not a shy woman, but he had turned her into a meek, obedient girl, stripping for him. All he had said was three sentences. Three very short sentences. In her head she could justify her actions - in a moment he would laugh and say that he was glad she would do as she was told, but she needn't worry, he wouldn't be so inappropriate again. He treated his staff very well; Danielle had been smiling as she showed her in. Yes, in one moment, he would laugh and she could put her long legs away.

Her eyes found his. She had no idea how long she should stand there before him, waiting for him to respond.

((OOC: Sorry, I edited this, realised the first reply was pretty pathetic really. Still not happy with this one, but it'll have to do. Its hard to give her inner torment the right words!)
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Alice had done as he told her to - fantastic!
The fact she held his gaze spoke volumes.

"I know what you're thinking, Alice. Yes, I'm pleased you can do as you're told."

He paused to let that sink in before adding:
"Danielle is only here to fill the gap until I found a permanent Personal Assistant. Since you seem well suited to the role - I'd like to offer you the position, as long as you can adopt any other positions I command you to."

He watched her face for a reaction. Perhaps the accusation that he was a pervert (no denying that) who enjoyed exercising dominance over women in his employ. Or maybe just shock at his demand?

"Now, Alice, I want you to come round here and bend over in front of me. Now!"

This was the real test....would she pass?
Alice realised she had been holding her breath, and as soon as she felt sure he was pleased, she released it quickly, her heart catching in her throat.

'as long as you can adopt any other positions I command you to' Yet another comment which both scared and excited her. Part of her wanted to run straight from the room, but a feeling in the pit of her stomach made her want to stay. It was quite erotic, really, to be stood so exposed for him. She breathed out quickly again. Her head shook slowly from side to side,
'I... Mr Black, I can't...' she released her skirt, and it fell almost back to where it was, the stiff fabric catching on her stockings. She looked a state, her cleavage exposed by the buttons she had left open, her legs exposed by her wrinkled skirt, and her hands limply hanging by her sides. She felt humiliated that he would ask her to do these things, and shame in herself that she would consider doing them. Her face was bright red with guilt, and flushed with excitement.

No, she did want this job. And the idea of obeying his commands thrilled her; she could still feel her nipples rock hard under her bra, and she strongly suspected the humiliation was making her panties wet.

After her hesitation, she felt sure there would be consequences as she followed his command and bent over in front of him.
Alice did indeed, walk around his desk, and bend over in front of him.
Dan knew then, she was a 'Keeper'.

"Hold your ankles with your hands Alice. I want you bent and stretched."

He reached out any gently placed a hand upon her slim hip, and dragged it across her firm ass, before flipping her skirt up over her cheeks to expose the skimpy lacy black panties she wore beneath it.

He rested a hand on the warm, firm flesh, before sliding a fingertip down, onto the smooth flawless skin of her thigh and beyond, onto the suspender strap, before sliding it inside the sheer stocking-top.

His other hand now came into play. He slid it beneath the lace underwear and grabbed a handful of her ass.

"When I tell you do something, I expect it done - immediately! Is that understood?"

His hand closed around her rump, causing her shock, more than discomfort he would have thought.
Alice felt relieved she was flexible, and could easily hold her ankles, her fingertips grazing the tops of her patent black heels. Her eyes stared at the cream carpet. Its funny how you don't notice the colour of a carpet until you are staring at it with your ass in the air.

She tried to distance her mind from the wandering hands along her backside, but her breathing slowed as she began to enjoy it. It was gentle and sensuous.

'immediately!' Alice jumped a little as his hand grabbed her, and she released her ankles, standing up a few inches. Quickly, she returned to the position and lowered her head, feeling blood beginning to rush to it.

'Yes, Mr Black, sir' she said meekly.

Perhaps he will spank me... she thought gleefully, but shook it away. Alice would not let herself enjoy this!
In truth, Dan was enjoying the feeling of her firm ass beneath the lacy panties.
Seeing her bent over like that was starting to turn him on.
He slowly peeled her panties off her ass and down her thighs, exposing the smooth creamy skin to his salacious gaze. It was perfect, and ripe for a spanking!

He struck her left cheek with his open bare hand, enjoying the sharp 'crack' it made as met her unsuspecting flesh.

Her protests were lost to him amidst the pleasant sight of a pink hand print appearing on the milky flesh. He then struck the other cheek just as hard. When she flinched, he grabbed behind her neck and without a word repositioned her as before. He delivered six strokes to each cheek before stopping to admire his 'handiwork', including the overlapping pink hand prints.

He left her, bent over, holding her ankles, whilst he drank in the sight of her and reveled in the power he had over her. Then, without warning, he reached up and slid a fingertip along her pussy lips.

"Are you wet for me, Alice?" He asked her, indicating she could stand once more.
This was turning into somewhat of a fantasy for Alice - the boss spanking her and controlling her. Perhaps she was dreaming? She would wake up any moment with a wet pussy and swollen lips, and could touch herself until she came.

But as his hand rained down on her ass, she realised it was all too real. She really was bent over and exposed for her new boss, him spanking her roughly as she had always wanted to be. Involuntary squeaks escaped her as each blow was delivered, but she couldn't deny that she was loving it. Part of the enjoyment was that he continued despite her protests.

Suddenly, he was gone. Alice could feel his eyes on her, and she anticipated his next move. It was not as she had expected, and she sighed as a finger stroked along her wetness.

'Are you wet for me?' She daren't reply how stupid his question seemed to her. She was absolutely soaking, and surely he had just felt that! So she just nodded as she stood and turned to face him. Her black panties were tight around her thighs and she longed to pull them up (or just take them off entirely!) It just felt so vulgar to be half dressed like that, her shaved pussy painfully visible.

How she wished she could be dreaming, and then she could wake and touch herself, play with her hard nipples and cum with screams of ecstasy. Instead, she was stood before this commanding man, waiting for his next order.
She was so compliant! This was incredible - better than he could have hoped for!
Her little squeaks she emitted as he spanked her were just delicious!
Then when he had asked her if she was wet for him, she just nodded. She couldn`t make a sound, or so it seemed.

”Step out of your panties, and hand them to me, Alice.” He commanded her. ”They belong to me now.”

He marvelled as she did so, and stood, with her hairless pussy still on display, for him to enjoy.
He tucked her sodden underwear into his jacket pocket, before saying:

”Well done, Alice. The job is yours. You can start on Monday, after I have told Danielle her services are no longer required, and the agency have reassigned her somewhere else.”

He regarded her for a moment before asking her - ”Do you want to cum, Alice? You are so obviously wet and willing - shall I make you cum - would you like that?”

He rose from his seat and placed his hands upon her shoulders, applying gentle pressure, to make her drop to her knees, her face level with his crotch.

”Unless I am mistaken, you know what to do from here.” He said expectantly.
Alice's eyes widened slightly as he asked for her panties, but she complied. They were soaked anyway. Her heels caught on them briefly and she struggled to untangle them, but after a moments work they were free and she passed them to him with an embarrassed smile.

'The job is yours' Those were the magic words she had been waiting for. After a rather unorthodox (but exciting!) interview, she was pleased.
'Thankyou so much Mr. Black, you won't regret it!' she smiled widely, pulling her skirt down to cover herself. She was almost certain he wouldn't regret it, not if she was expected to 'relieve his stress' any more. Alice wondered how often she might be required to do so. The idea excited her - an office romance - although it seemed it would be more like office slavery if her dominant boss got his way. Strangely, she wasn't sure if she would mind. She wanted to please him.

He spoke again. Would she like to cum? Of course she fucking would! She had been aching in all the right places since she had first bent over before him.
'I would like that very much, Mr Black.' she said meekly as she kneeled before him.

One hand reached gingerly for his belt buckle, her eyes cast upwards to hold his gaze. They were big and blue, and innocent-looking. She wasn't innocent. She expertly released his belt and undid his fly, a look of questioning on her face. This was right wasn't it? It felt right to her as she became aware of his hardness in front of her face.
As Alice knelt before him and unbuckled his trousers and unzipped his fly, he realised he had been holding his breath in anticipation.
His hardness seemed to be drawn to her. She, seemed to study it first, as a boxer would gain the measure of his opponent.
She slowly wrapped the slender fingers of one hand around his shaft and stroked him gently, encouraging even more blood to flow into his turgid length. He let out a short gasp. Her touch felt wonderful, even better than he could have imagined!

As the first drop of pre-cum oozed from his tip, she extended her tongue and just slid it over his tip, flicking the sticky droplet into her warm, wet mouth.
He could have sworn a slight moan escaped her lips, as she opened her mouth wider and took the head inside, with a smooth and gentle suction.
His enjoyment of the sensations as well as the vision before him, caused him to push forward slightly, with the result that he forced more of himself into her mouth, causing her to jump reflexive.
However, she seemed undeterred as she sucked even harder whilst still holding his gaze.

Her steady rhythm up & down his cock was delicious. She was already an accomplished cock sucker, but he would be constantly trying to expand her limits. To that end, he reached down and laced the fingers of both hands behind her head, to steady her, in readiness for what he had in mind.
He slowly slid more of his erection into her mouth, forcing her to take inch after inch.
She had nearly three-quarters of him in her mouth when she started to gag.
Not wanting to scare her so early on, in their association, he withdrew to allow her to regain her composure.
After a few seconds of respite, he plunged forward again, making her take him into her mouth once more. He pushed into her more forcefully this time, and she proved to be a quick learner, as she was able to take a little more of him this time. He grasped her hair tightly now, and see-sawed his length into her mouth, to about three-quarters of his length again, which she seemed able to accommodate comfortably.

'Enough training her mouth.' He thought. Now it was time to make her cum, as he promised. He might be dominant, but he wasn't a sadist.
He took more shallow strokes as his climax approached.
She seemed to sense his orgasm, as she sucked harder again and was ready when he held her head on his cock, as he shot his cum into her hot mouth. She swallowed like a good girl.

He waited for her to regain her breath before lifting her onto his desk and dipping his head between her glistening thighs.