The Last Thing You Thought...

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Bah.. the sands of time do tend to white out somethings huh..

Someone around here should really learn Muse CPR..
that would come in so damned handy.

We need hardier muses....

...the sands of time of time for me have become dunes, with tumbleweeds blowing past... hey - I'm not that old
Oh hell yes! A Jedi light saver ap for my phone!

*does some goofy starwars Jedi moves to the sound of her phone*
Waiting for an editor to get back to you is like waiting for an EFTPOS transaction to be approved.
Only much longer.

I don't know where this attitude has come from, but it doesn't phase me very much at all.
If you have that much of a problem with me I'd be happy to discuss it and come to an agreement.
If not just drop it and we don't have to cross paths again.
Got it?
I don't know where this attitude has come from, but it doesn't phase me very much at all.
If you have that much of a problem with me I'd be happy to discuss it and come to an agreement.
If not just drop it and we don't have to cross paths again.
Got it?

Everything here isn't about you. I never addressed you. I don't know you. You don't know me. I don't give a fuck what you do or think.
Everything here isn't about you. I never addressed you. I don't know you. You don't know me. I don't give a fuck what you do or think.

Oh big lad with his swearing and all.
It'll do you well to use the quote button and not be so sarcastic with your responses.
If you really weren't talking to me I do apologise, but you have to admit, it did seem like you were.
Oh big lad with his swearing and all.
It'll do you well to use the quote button and not be so sarcastic with your responses.
If you really weren't talking to me I do apologise, but you have to admit, it did seem like you were.

You didn't understand the first time I said No. So don't tell me how I should respond. Trust me, I'm being nice and polite.
You didn't understand the first time I said No. So don't tell me how I should respond. Trust me, I'm being nice and polite.

I'm not telling you how to respond, I'm just telling you why I thought that.
Sarcastic initial response, overly defensive second response.
Doesn't look very polite.
I'm not telling you how to respond, I'm just telling you why I thought that.
Sarcastic initial response, overly defensive second response.
Doesn't look very polite.

Try dealing with little boys...or should i say girls like yourself on lit for 10+ years, be nice to them, and then come back and tell me how you feel. Then, we'll talk. If you've grown up by then, that is.

Now, i'm being sarcastic and mean.

Did you get enough attention for the day, Professor Freud? :)
Try dealing with little boys...or should i say girls like yourself on lit for 10+ years, be nice to them, and then come back and tell me how you feel. Then, we'll talk. If you've grown up by then, that is.

Now, i'm being sarcastic and mean.

Did you get enough attention for the day, Professor Freud? :)

Petty insults? Oh now you're just being ridiculous.
Tell me if you're initial "Bullshit" Comment wasn't directed at me, then who was it directed at?
Really, who is being the more childish, you and your swearing and petty insults, or me, simply trying to discuss things like gentlemen.
Not once have I insulted you nor sworn at you and you'll do well to cease it, if your self assurance that you're the "Bigger Man" is to continue.
I just don't understand why people take stupid little things so personally.:confused:
Petty insults? Oh now you're just being ridiculous.
Tell me if you're initial "Bullshit" Comment wasn't directed at me, then who was it directed at?
Really, who is being the more childish, you and your swearing and petty insults, or me, simply trying to discuss things like gentlemen.
Not once have I insulted you nor sworn at you and you'll do well to cease it, if your self assurance that you're the "Bigger Man" is to continue.

You don't get it, do you?

It is none of your business who it was directed at. You brought the insults upon yourself. I'll say this again and then keep quiet...

Everything here is not about you. Remember that for the future if you want to.
You don't get it, do you?

It is none of your business who it was directed at. You brought the insults upon yourself. I'll say this again and then keep quiet...

Everything here is not about you. Remember that for the future if you want to.

Right well, if you insist.
Just saying it looked like it was directed at me, your response looked sarcastic.
And now you look like a bit of a tool.
Of course not everything is directed at me, but that certainly looked like it was.
So go harass someone else for the pettiest of reasons.
Just in case your Freudian desire to feel big about yourself isn't satisfied.
Good day.

Ok, so, it's of course none of my business but I'm putting my two cents in. Jimmy, if Mav had been directing it at you he'd have quoted you. You are the one looking silly being all dramatic over a post he made that he told you wasn't about you. You kept dragging it out and making it more than it was so of course it would get irritating to most that you did that. Calm down and don't be so quick to jump on someone, especially if you don't even know them in the first place. Mav is a good guy and I consider him and his lady, friends so I don't like seeing nonsense started over nothing that was even about you in the first place. And just so you know, you accused him of not seeming polite when you sure didn't seem polite either. Silly...

/end rant
Quite easy, just post the last phrase/idea/whatever that ran through your head.

"Wh.... what did I do?"

Thie above is just a small reminder.

Each post is a separate entity unless you quote and reply to a specific person, in which case that is called hijacking the thread I do believe. Which is done all the time but usually in fun. :rose:

I often post thoughts not even remotely connected with Lit at all more often they concerned with my real world or state of mind in that moment.

The last thing I thought .......I need to get back to work my break is over :(

Edit: As Cherry said Mav is one of the good guys.
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