The Last Thing You Thought...

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"Elana, you are still full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Lorna. Simply lovely."

"Man, I'm lucky."
Ahhh... why do you have to be such a stubborn fuck!

You have CHF, coughing blood...

Go to the damned hospital!

Yes I'll stay on the damned phone.

Yeah, i'm going to sleep right now... Not.

Breathe, twin

"Elana, you are still full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Lorna. Simply lovely."

"Man, I'm lucky."

:eek: I was gonna check and see if you needed me to fix anything...but I knew what we discussed and felt it would fit.

*offers a warm hug*
NO!!!! Please don't quit.

Unless it's smoking, or some other life threatening pastime.

I just meant I quit Lit...

only not Lit...just the Lounge cept for Hell and my Haven and few other places that feel like home...

I have too many other things to deal with right now with out adding uncontrollable rage to it...
"Elana, you are still full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Lorna. Simply lovely."

"Man, I'm lucky."

Mate, when you write with people of that calibre, lucky only begins to describe it. But, yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
Okay. Commenting on my pictures is nice.

Don't comment saying I'm pretty....for a DARK-SKINNED GIRL! And don't have the audacity to say if I was lighter I'd be a freaking model! How DARE you?

This is why I loath being dark sometimes.
I just meant I quit Lit...

only not Lit...just the Lounge cept for Hell and my Haven and few other places that feel like home...

I have too many other things to deal with right now with out adding uncontrollable rage to it...

Spins a Luna around, before laying her down on a suitable flat surface on her belly. Flexes fingers a bit before working on Luna's back, from her shoulders down to her buttocks, massaging every inch and eliminating every know that I find.

Luna, each knot that goes takes away some of the rage you feel building within you. After the rage has gone, let the stress of the other events follow and leave you as well.

Remember, Luna, you can't control anyone else but you. If whatever you're thinking is not giving you want you want or need, let the thought slide by and wave to it as it passes.

Relax, and not let the world get to you.
Okay. Commenting on my pictures is nice.

Don't comment saying I'm pretty....for a DARK-SKINNED GIRL! And don't have the audacity to say if I was lighter I'd be a freaking model! How DARE you?

This is why I loath being dark sometimes.

Who ever said it, fuck 'em - and not in the nice way either.

So what if you're dark skinned? That is a part of who you are. There are pretty women of all skin colours and heritages. There are even stunning woman who aren't white!

If people can't see past the colour of your skin, then they aren't worth the time or effort getting pissed off with them. Ignore the ignorant person, and hang around with us enlightened folk who like the dark skinned, olive skinned, 'yellow' skinned and all the other variants about the place.

Gives CK a warm hug
Who ever said it, fuck 'em - and not in the nice way either.

So what if you're dark skinned? That is a part of who you are. There are pretty women of all skin colours and heritages. There are even stunning woman who aren't white!

If people can't see past the colour of your skin, then they aren't worth the time or effort getting pissed off with them. Ignore the ignorant person, and hang around with us enlightened folk who like the dark skinned, olive skinned, 'yellow' skinned and all the other variants about the place.

Gives CK a warm hug

The fuck?

My thought exactly!

Who ever said it, fuck 'em - and not in the nice way either.

So what if you're dark skinned? That is a part of who you are. There are pretty women of all skin colours and heritages. There are even stunning woman who aren't white!

If people can't see past the colour of your skin, then they aren't worth the time or effort getting pissed off with them. Ignore the ignorant person, and hang around with us enlightened folk who like the dark skinned, olive skinned, 'yellow' skinned and all the other variants about the place.

Gives CK a warm hug


Yeah. You would be surprised how many times I get that. It never fails. Just some random guy on Instagram saying I was cute in my dance outfit and blah, blah blah.

I know. It just gets to me, ya know? It's something that's happened all my life. I used to hate my skin tone.

Thanks guys. I'm alright. Just irritates me. You'd be amazed at the stuff about how dark I was.

Huggles, M13.
I know.

I also know that you are stressing and driving yourself batshit...

so second...

and breathe.

then pace.


You got my tummy in knots.

I'm sitting and just talking with him.

Yes, i have brand new stress knots in my shoulders...

we went through this just over a year ago.

He was stubborn then too...

Got him to take all his meds though.

really, NOW your' going to tell me you havnt been following your diet or takin your meds. If i could reach you i'd beat you all the way to the ER.
It fit perfectly. :D :kiss:


I'm sitting and just talking with him.

Yes, i have brand new stress knots in my shoulders...

we went through this just over a year ago.

He was stubborn then too...

Got him to take all his meds though.

really, NOW your' going to tell me you havnt been following your diet or takin your meds. If i could reach you i'd beat you all the way to the ER.

*head shake*

sometimes you just have out stubborn the stubborn is all.


Gonna bounce.

Am done with this place for tonight...
"Yeah, so...after the holidays, definitely need to hit the gym. Until then, sleeping in will be glorious."

"I kinda want to do a reading of that bit from Viv's Challenge submission..."

"Ok, time for bed..."
"Yeah, so...after the holidays, definitely need to hit the gym. Until then, sleeping in will be glorious."

"I kinda want to do a reading of that bit from Viv's Challenge submission..."

"Ok, time for bed..."

A reading? Like to us? Ooooh.... I support this plan.

And kisses and hugs all, I'm out for tonight. Adore you all.
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