The Last Thing You Thought...

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*hugs you tightly and presses a soft kiss to your pointed ear*

And yes, yes you did.

I am trying to convince someone to bring me some, since I will be working all damned day!!
shivers at her kiss...

"You're a tease... even if you're not trying to be."

yes I hope someone brings you something that really sucks you have to work, hugs
this has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

I'm just talking to you.

I've described my disabilities to a lot of people. Years ago I stopped. I talk about it in general terms 95% of the time now because most people, frankly, dont care.

But I will say this. I finally have a blind person to say this too.

My favorite way of putting it to people is like this:

"Asking me to do what I know is beyond my scope of capabilities is like telling a blind man that he should just look at things in a better light."

:heart:'s muchly

Sorry, my brain shut down imagining plump luna ass.

*hysterical giggling*
this has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

I'm just talking to you.

I've described my disabilities to a lot of people. Years ago I stopped. I talk about it in general terms 95% of the time now because most people, frankly, dont care.

But I will say this. I finally have a blind person to say this too.

My favorite way of putting it to people is like this:

"Asking me to do what I know is beyond my scope of capabilities is like telling a blind man that he should just look at things in a better light."
LT: Blue hurricanes are pretty good.

A reward for Fr33k? Hmm...

They need to hurry up with the food.
ok.. this whole.. not talking and not hearing thing. fucking sucks.

Anyway. more random thoughts because my brain wont shut the fuck up:

Ive had to apologize once in a while for the shit I say.

For instance I once counter propositioned a mute quadriplegic and scared the fuck out of him.

Apparently he didn't read any of my information ive posted anywhere.
You have clearly passed all negotiations when someone blocks you for saying :You darling are the perfect play victim. I don't have to tie you down or gag you because you cant move or say anything anyway. I really could play with you, do anything i wanted to you forever and ever, and there's not a fucking think you could do about it.

-shrugs- lesson learned. You should talk to someone before offering yourself up on a platter. You could get eaten.
Walks in. Looks down at the line in the sand. Shrugs

LT- I'm waiting for Godwin's Law to kick in. When do we get to that part?
Good food, good company, good drinks.

Now to get out of these nylons and write.

Pulls Nylons down with his teeth. Licking skin

All better?

Walks in. Looks down at the line in the sand. Shrugs

LT- I'm waiting for Godwin's Law to kick in. When do we get to that part?

I think you just enacted it... abstractly.

Buncha fuckin' Nazis, all of you

Starts licking the rest then stops at Vail.

I've seen the terrible wrath of adorable bunnies.

...Hi Vail.
I'z a poor unedumacated redneck. Please explain; what is Godwin's Law? :confused:

"Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is an argument made by Mike Godwin in 1990 (non-primary source needed] that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches." In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler and the Nazis."
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