The Last Thing You Thought...

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Worried, excited, potato, potato...

Still makes your blood pump faster, pupils dilate, breath more shallow, skin more sensitive.

Still... fun.

I'd actually prefer him a little worried.



The scent is different with worry. I much prefer it... later than sooner.

You have quite a plane for lines, and kisses.

Three things.

Nina, I think I'd like to let you get your hands on me.

Wicked, it takes quite a lot to worry me.

ILILT...DAYUM! And you say you're not a tease? Yeah right. *smirk*
Daddy, I want your permission to get even with your man crush. He tried to get me into trouble with wicked. Please? With puppy dog eyes?

Permission granted love.

You! *points*

You I will tussle with later. I'll get even with you at some point, I'm sure. I'm not too concerned.

But YOU! You know what. I'm going to come into your room one night and you're gonna regret being such a twat.

Especially to me and Cait!

You really oughtta get even. It might even be worth getting even without permission. I'd heavily consider it. But fear not. I'll get him.

*evil scheming plotting eyes*

I'll get him.

I look forward to it. -Grins- And what is SB doing anyway? I missed it, someone PM me.

NOW that is a movie that keeps my damned attention.

Everyone is greasy, TONS of shit blows up, people beat the fuck out of each other, there's at least one set of great tits.

-is happy-

What movie?

oh and...

-Licks all three of them because they are just that damn hot.-
What movie?

oh and...

-Licks all three of them because they are just that damn hot.-

No idea. It had cars and prison and some dude named frank. -shrugs-
Dont care really, shit blew up pretty during the last bit of it I got to see.

Just got done fixing a fan my dog chewed on a few years back. With my new computer in this small room it was desperately needed to move air.

He chewed the cord apart in 4 places when he was a pup. Silly boy. Good thing I know how to solder.
Just got done fixing a fan my dog chewed on a few years back. With my new computer in this small room it was desperately needed to move air.

He chewed the cord apart in 4 places when he was a pup. Silly boy. Good thing I know how to solder.

I hope he didn't chew on it while it was plugged in.
I say we still add an element of nakedness. Just...ya know...for shits and giggles. :cool:

Too many complaints about bikinis so nekkid it is.

And by the way. Nekko and ilikeit, you are both in the nekkid snowball fight too. Don't think you can get out of it!
Too many complaints about bikinis so nekkid it is.

And by the way. Nekko and ilikeit, you are both in the nekkid snowball fight too. Don't think you can get out of it!

Hey wait a minute...

I draw the line at nekkid. Unless you're gonna keep me warm. Snow is fecking cold!
*wanders in somewhat caught up, arches a brow* What the fuck is this talk about us being naked during the snowball fight??

I protest!
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