The Last Thing You Thought...

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Mmmm. Waffles and bacon


CT & VT: Illicit is yummy Keep up the good work.

FLT~ Can hardly wait for M to make good on his promises. :devil:
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Last thing I thought? Uhhhhh....... Right, nothing!!! I stopped thinking a long time ago :D
sends telepathic messages whilst waving hands in a 'hypnotic manner'

You were about to tell me how fabulous I am :D

Well, you know, I've always thought that actions spoke much louder than words.

Grins and leans in to give her a sweet kiss.
Well, you know, I've always thought that actions spoke much louder than words.

Grins and leans in to give her a sweet kiss.

A very good way of thinking to my mind...

Sighs happily and returns the kiss, adding a warm hug

...always lovely to bump into you....
I don't care what I am there for, I am not a damn electrician. GET YOUR POWER FIXED! Then I'll come back!
Oh, it's the UPS what a big package you have!

cracks up laughing
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