The Last Thing You Thought...

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RIGHT! I know there's some Sherlock lovers around here...he's gonna be in the next Star Trek movie...

OK, that's more writing with guys who are more emotional than me... glares and pouts

RIGHT! I know there's some Sherlock lovers around here...he's gonna be in the next Star Trek movie...


OK, that's more writing with guys who are more emotional than me... glares and pouts

Speaking of which...kind of...did you ever get that secret agent thread idea launched? I'd be interested in following along, if you did.
Speaking of which...kind of...did you ever get that secret agent thread idea launched? I'd be interested in following along, if you did.

Not yet, I'm working out some kinks :)

And by kinks I mean speed, not the kinky kinks...though, those would be a pleasure to work out too...
starts giggling at the thought

Oh my goodness... just thinking about that makes me giggle because I'm extremely ticklish...

wouldn't last 10 seconds with a backrub

But thank you!!! :rose: :)

I give really good ones. They don't tickle.

They work. *smiles*
Hmmmm.. OK! *gets ready*


*Softly touches fingertips along the neck, pressure slowly pulling away and across the shoulders. Then thumbs pushing on either end of the spine, and gently pushing up, and rolling down. Smoothing the spine. hands and palms gently rolling adding slight pressure all along the neck and shoulders.*

Feel good?
That's it folks, I've done all the damage I can do here for one day. Tomorrow is Friday, thank god!

Good night, sexy Litizens.
RIGHT! I know there's some Sherlock lovers around here...he's gonna be in the next Star Trek movie...


I knoooooooow :D
Saw some photos from the set a while back...looks good! ;)

ETA: LT ~ Friday! Friday, Friday, FRIDAY!! :D
Black tea is kind of like black coffee ... then again so is green tea. Strong and on the bitter side. Mmm... love them.

I don't usually have the after taste with the green tea, though. Then again, I use more honey in the green tea and this is the first time I've had this black tea....
meh. mints solved the problem.
Green tea shouldn't really be bitter. You're probably brewing it too hot or too long if it is.

Of course, if you like it that way then keep brewing it the way you are!

But I'm not a fan of the tannins in black tea. Milk in mine, please.
I don't usually have the after taste with the green tea, though. Then again, I use more honey in the green tea and this is the first time I've had this black tea....
meh. mints solved the problem.

Black tea is strong, but if you used honey it shouldn't have been too bad.

Green tea shouldn't really be bitter. You're probably brewing it too hot or too long if it is.

Of course, if you like it that way then keep brewing it the way you are!

But I'm not a fan of the tannins in black tea. Milk in mine, please.

I like my green tea bitter. :)

I generally like strong bold flavors.
Black tea is strong, but if you used honey it shouldn't have been too bad.

I like my green tea bitter. :)

I generally like strong bold flavors.
Aye. I did and it was pretty smooth flavored but the aftertaste got to me. The honey didn't cover that.
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