The last hand went wrong(Closed)


Bisexual Guru
Dec 11, 2012
The hand was dealt, Tom spreading his hand out in his hand three aces and two kings, a full house, he had this won. He looked over at his pot close to two grand in chips laid to his side, but his sole counterpart had much more, even with the gold wedding ring he wouldn’t be able to match the pot, but then he had an idea. He has heard about this woman, Alysa Newport, She was a playgirl and loved well toned women. His wife was gorgeous, curvy and was very athletically toned. He looked over at Alysa and pushes all of the tokens into the pot, took off his ring and tossed it into the pot. “I call all in.” he said nervously. Alysa counted and took only a few stacks and tossed them in, “I match your call and I raise you another five thousand. “ Alysa smiled as she tossed in a green chip token.

Tom knew this lady was bluffing and since he was called, he couldn’t back out now because if he folded he would lose that ring and he couldn’t lose that ring, his wife worked to hard to pay for it. In fact, she has been working a lot of overtime just to help pay all the bills. He had to win; the money would allow her to take a much needed break. “I don’t have that much.” Tom replied thinking hard about his wife and this woman’s female interests. He knew he had this won. “I have a proposition for you.” He pulled a picture of his wife out and handed it to her, “My wife, if you will accept her service to match your call?” Tom’s gambling addiction overcoming his thinking process if he lost this hand.

Alysa looked at the picture and smiled. His wife was very attractive and innocent looking from the realm that she would take this beauty. Some of the images that her mind showed her started to heat her up within only seconds of playing the erotic images.

Tom smiled and placed his cards down, “Full house aces’ high.” His smile was almost ear to ear. But then the expression upon Alysa’s face worried him. He stared at the man as he began to nod.

“Not bad, Tom… If I may call you Tom.” She shifted in her seat a little, picked the picture up of his wife again for a few seconds looking at the image of the woman her in different outfits and positions. Finally she spoke up after selecting one she thought would be the best to start the evening with then replying “But Tom, not good enough.” she placed her cards down, “Royal Flush diamonds, Ace High” she smiled as she raked in the pot. “OH here you can keep the ring. I want you wife not totally pissed off at you.” she chuckled. “I want you wife at this address this evening at 8pm sharp. She is to wear an upper see through dress of a light blue color. Do not think for one moment of backing out of this deal for it would be very bad for you and your wife!” She licked hers lips, thinking of the sex she was going to get tonight from his wife. She motioned for one of her men to take the tokens and exchange them. “Now go on home and tell your wife she has a date tonight.” Alysa smiled at him and walked away.

Tom lowered his head shaking it side to side wondering how he was going to tell his wife what has happened. He placed his head within his hands. “Shit.” He leaned back in the chair and realized it was 5pm he had to get home and tell her.

He pulled into the drive and her car was already there. He let out a sigh and walked inside. “Hon.” he called out to her…


Having just gotten home from work about twenty minutes ago, Astrid was upstairs changing clothes when she heard her husband's car pull into the driveway. She was a little surprised that he was home already, considering he normally worked late, or at least claimed to work late. Wearing just her silk cami and matching panties, the petite brunette made her way down the spiral staircase to the first floor.

"Hey, I didn't expect you home so early," Astrid said as she saw Tom heading toward her. "Everything okay?"
Tom’s dangling eyes rose up to met his wife’s greetings and lowered when asked about his conduction. He shook his head slightly before bring his hands up, covering his face taking a deep breath. He fought for the words to tell her that he had lost everything and has lost her to another for services required. He at first thought it was for maid service till Alysa informed him of what his wife was to be wearing when she arrived.

“Hon, I was at Jake’s casino umm trying to get us some extra cash for you have been working all those long hours at the plant and I wanted to give you a break.” He let out a long sigh and took a seat on the stairs, placing his face into the palms of his hands. “God what have I done?” he whispered through his the spacing of his hands before looking up at her. While looking at her he could see the clock. It was six thirty now she only had till eight pm to be there at her estate.

“Hon I have lost everything to this player. There was over fifty thousand dollars in this pot and I had to win it for us. I have a great hand a hand that could one be beaten by one thing. So I put everything in, well they did too and raised the pot, I couldn’t fold or not match his raise, so I umm I put your services into the pot which they accepted. I knew I was going to win, but when they put their hand down, they had the only thing that could have beaten me.” He looked into her eyes pleading for her forgiveness. “I’m sorry, they expect you to be at their estate at eight pm tonight.” He reached for her hand, “They had a couple of men standing along side of them as we played, I fear it was someone whom may be connected to organized crime. They gave me a warning that if we try to back out, it would be very bad for us both.” he looked at her with sorrowed eyes..
Astrid knew something was wrong with Tom the moment she saw his face, and as soon as she heard the word 'casino', she knew what was wrong. This wasn't the first time that he had screwed up and allowed his gambling to get out of control. The last time she had nearly left him. This time it was far, far worse. Stunned by his initial confession, the brunette only grew more surprised and more livid with each new piece of information.

He had lost all the money they had. He had actually gambled his wife and lost. And just to top it all off, he had possibly lost to someone involved in organized crime.

She was sure it couldn't get any worse until Tom revealed that she only had about an hour before she was supposed to report to this guy's house dressed in some skimpy dress. An hour. That wasn't even enough time to process this whole ridiculous nightmare.

"Who the hell was this guy, Tom?" Astrid asked.

"Actually, it was a woman," her husband answered after he finally stopped sobbing into his hands. "Maybe it won't be so bad, right? I mean, it's better that it's not a man right?"

"Better for who, Tom, you? God, I can't believe you," she said, the anger finally winning out over the shock. "I'm not doing this. Are you fucking kidding me. This is your fucked up shit. You go whore yourself out."

"Don't you think if I had any other choice I would take it? Astrid, I love you. I don't want you to do this, but we have to," he said, pleading with his eyes.

"There's no we in this," the brunette said, her voice cold as she turned away from her pathetic husband and started up the stairs.

Just over an hour later, Astrid was pulling up in front of the house that she had been instructed to go to. As instructed, she was dressed in a light blue dress, the upper half of which was sheer. That had been the hard part, finding something that fit the request. Eventually she had found something suitable, though she felt silly wearing it as she stepped out of her car and started up the steps to the front door.

With a sigh, Astrid rang the doorbell.
Soon the door opened given a look at a tall, athletically built body of a male. His short blond hair was straight cut and offset his dark blue eyes; his wear was common a white tank top and blue jean shorts. He smiled, “Nice, just how I pictured you to look like. Come in” he moved to the side of the door and hand gestured for her to come in. Shutting the door behind her before he began to walk around her, his eyes taking in every curve her body had. His gaze stopped at perfect tits. “Mmmm, Your beautiful.” her gorgeous face obviously catching his eye as he continued to absorb her beauty, his manhood began to feel the burn.

“My name if Duke, I believe your husband said your name was Astrid, if I’m not mistaken.” he moves to her left looking up and down gawking at her curves. He continued to walk slowly around her gazing up and down and stopping once more in front of her. Duke’s eyes hard like his cock is and its thickness showing out from the tight fitting denim jeans. “Mmmm, yes… Now I want those nipples hard, I want you to start pulling and twisting them.” He allowed his gaze to move on down, slowly licking his lips.” So, I think you husband is a lucky man, well until earlier this evening when he lost you pussy to me.”

“Do not stop pulling those nipples until I tell you to.” He tossed into the wind as he walked behind Astrid one more time. He stops in the back of her and breathes down her neck. “Mmmm, look at those hard nipples; I can see they are begging for me to suck on them. First, I want you to drop this dress down. It covers too much of you. Then I want you pulling and twisting those nipples again.” He barked into her ear as he stood behind her, his hands lightly touching her waist, slowly he steps into her pushing his hard member against her ass. “Tell me how you like the fell of my cock pressed against you.” He whispers into her ear.
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When the door opened, Astrid was surprised to see a man standing in front of her, a tall, handsome man. Under normal circumstances she would have been happy to see a man like this one, but she had mentally prepared herself to meet with a woman, and seeing the muscular man threw her off. She had convinced herself that she could deal with some undersexed lesbian for one afternoon. It wasn't like she hadn't experimented in high school and college with other girls. But this definitely wasn't a woman, she thought as she brushed past him and into the house.

As Astrid stood waiting while Duke examined her like a piece of meat, she wondered if she should bring up the fact that Tom had said she was meeting a woman. She decided to hold her tongue for the moment, and see what happened. She'd originally thought having sex with some strange woman was preferable to having sex with a strange man, but now that she was looking at the handsome blonde circling her, she wasn't so sure. She could definitely see herself fucking Duke. It certainly would be better than fucking her spineless husband.

As instructed by the stranger, Astrid had begun to play with her nipples through the sheer fabric of her dress. As always, her nipples and breasts were extremely sensitive, which meant that they were hard and swollen almost instantly. She continued to rub them as Duke watched, wondering just how kinky this day might get. Then he was behind her, his hands on her waist, talking to her, telling her to pull her dress down. She reached back and loosened the catch behind her neck and then peeled the dress down to her waist, exposing her breasts even more than the sheer dress had. As she started to resume her teasing and fondling of her nipples per Duke's instructions, she felt him move tighter against her body, a thick bulge in the front of his pants pushing suggestively against her ass.

"It feels so big," Astrid said, her voice barely a whisper. "And so hard."
A small smile formed over the angular face of Duke for he has distracted her enough to make his move. When he felt how wonderful Astrid’s ass felt against his growing hard cock, as he was instructed to do, he was having second thoughts about giving her untainted to Alysa. He knew the two men waited for him to bring her outside of them to transport her to the Estate, but she was already making an impression upon him that he couldn’t shake, until his gaze fell upon one of the goons whom was waiting in the passage way. He had exactly a half hour to break her into the basic knowledge that she was now a slave.

Without hesitation, he pulled the blindfold out along with the choker chain. He hurriedly shot his arms over her shoulders grasping the ties of the blindfold and pulling it tight over her eyes, hastily tying it tight, and bringing complete darkness to her. Quickly he slides the choker chain down over her head and then pulled it tight across her throat showing her that she was now under his control. “Now, don’t move unless I tell you to, do not speak unless you ask me to speak, for if you do speak without asking punishment will occur. He pulled hard on the choker chain, “This is just a mild example of many punishments I can bring upon you.” He waited until she grabbed at the chain before letting it slowly to loosen up. “Now remove all of your clothing. Then I want you to drop down to your knees. Lean forward and place your forehead upon the floor and raise your ass in the air.” he again pulled the chain hard, squeezing her throat once more. “Do no more, no less than what I have told you or else the punishment will commence upon you.” His voice was hot against her ear as he issued the commands and put forth the threat of non-compliance before releasing the tautness of the choker chain.

He let go of the chain and took a few steps back and to the right of her he opened up a armoire that was filled with chains, cuffs, toys of varies sizes and shapes, Crops, whips, sprays, gels, lubricants, everything that a master would need to deal with a slave. He pulled wrist cuffs, long guidance chain, Nipple/clit clamp necklace, riding crop, and an icicles fringe whip out, and hooked these items to a waist belt before sliding it around his own waist.

He turned back toward her to see if she complied with his command..
Astrid already felt nervous, her stomach twisted with anxiety at the helplessness of her situation, but when Duke tied the blindfold around her head, plunging her into utter darkness the feeling was amplified a hundred fold. Now she was not only in a strange place, with a strange man, but she could no longer see what he was doing. A dozen men could enter the room with her and she wouldn't know. The thought sent a shudder down her spine.

She was about to object to the loss of her sight when she felt something else being slipped over her head, then down to her neck. It felt like metal...a necklace maybe, a collar...then as Duke began to speak she realized what it was and what its purpose was. He pulled it tight enough to make it uncomfortable, and for a moment Astrid felt like she couldn't catch a breath. Her heart began to race inside her chest and her hands were shaking. She forced herself to relax and take a slow breath.

“Now remove all of your clothing. Then I want you to drop down to your knees. Lean forward and place your forehead upon the floor and raise your ass in the air.”

The brunette hesitated for a moment before reaching up and taking hold of her dress. She shimmied it down over her hips and let it fall to the floor revealing the small, blue lace panties she was wearing underneath. Those too landed softly on the floor around her ankles. Now completely naked except for the choker and the blindfold, Astrid stepped out of her clothes and slowly knelt down onto the floor, awkward without the ability to see her surroundings.

Once she was on her knees, Astrid leaned forward onto her hands then lowered her upped body down to the floor, pressing her forehead against the plush rug. Finally she arched her back slightly and raised her ass up into the air. Let's get this over with!!!
The crop disrupted the airflow around its shaft, letting off a whistling noise as the keeper found the soft globe of her ass cheek. “Do not speak before getting permission to speak. Do I make myself clear?” Again, the crop’s shaft whistles in the air, the keeper striking her other soft ass cheek with a snap!

He watched how she reacted to the sting of the keeper. His eyes glued to the way her ass moved from the sting. “Mmmm, I’m going to enjoy shoving my cock deep in that tight hole of yours. What do you think? Would you like to feel a big cock head pushing into that tiny hole? You may speak.” he spoke through his laughter.

He moved away from her so that she had no idea where he was. His hand finding the handle of the whip knowing she was going to spat at him and he was going to issue the punishment for it once she began. His dark blue orbs locked upon her swaying tits and humped up ass. His minds eyes watching images of her in different positions sent waves of desire coursing through body setting afire to his balls and cock as it grew under his shorts.

He licked his lips from the anticipation as he began to wonder how her wet mouth and slippery tongue would feel gliding up and down his hard shaft, licking the precum from the hole of his mushroom spaded head. His hand slide down under his shorts and pulled his crimped shaft up. Its long length extended past his waistband as the tip touched his navel. “I’m going fuck you so hard you will never want to be with another man.” He chuckled as he waited for her smart-ass remarks…
Holy shit! Astrid thought to herself as she felt the sting of the whip against her bare, unprotected ass. She'd had her ass spanked before but never with an actual whip. The stinging sensation actually got worse seconds after the leather left her cheeks. Unfortunately, the asshole holding the whip wasn't keen on giving her time to adjust to the pain, smacking the whip against her ass several more times as she squirmed and fought to keep from screaming out.

“Mmmm, I’m going to enjoy shoving my cock deep in that tight hole of yours. What do you think? Would you like to feel a big cock head pushing into that tiny hole? You may speak.”

"What do I think? I think you're a prick who gets off on taking advantage of women and then hurting them, that's what I think," Astrid said, venom in her voice. "And I think if you could get it up, you would already have your little dick inside of me."

Okay, probably not the best way to get him to go easy on you, the dark haired beauty thought to herself as she tried to get a grip on her temper.

A moment later the man announced that he was going to fuck her so hard she'd never want another man. Astrid let out a soft sigh and realized that she was in way over her head. Nervously she decided to try a different tactic, "Y-yes, Master.." he lips trembled as she said the words and waited for his reaction.
Her venom words set a flame deep inside of him that he was going to make this bitch pay for. He gripped the crop handle tightly and was about to rear back and let her have it when came her second response of calling him master. He stared at her for a few moments, the whip still in the backward stroke threatening to bring more pain. Laughing out loud he lowered the whip, “That is much better.” He pushed the leather tip down the crack of her ass and then pivoted it upwards to stroke the length of her pussy where he continued to stroke it allowing the tip to bump over her clit.

His cock was jerking, throbbing with the intense wanting to feel what the whip tip was feeling right now as he watched the keeper roaming between her folds. He lowered himself behind her, still using the keeper to massage her pussy he reached over and slowly pushed his non-lubed thumb into her tight opening of her ass. Slowly he thumb fucked her, watching the way her body responded. “Push back against me and fuck my thumb slut.” He barked while flipping the handle of the crop forcing the leather keeper to start slapping her sensitive pussy. The taps were light but gaining strength with each hit. “Let me hear your voice bitch. I want to know what your feeling and if you fuck up and say something I don’t like you will pay for it.” He slapped the keeper harder against her pussy folds.
Feeling the whip being rubbed between her legs, Astrid breathed a short sigh of relief, deciding she'd rather have her pussy stroked with it than have her ass spanked with it, at least, based on those first few smacks. And better the whip between her legs than the jackass' cock, though she doubted it would be long before he decided to take her. She was just beginning to think about what it would be like to be fucked by a complete stranger, someone her husband had lost her to, when she felt his hand on her ass...

Whoa, there! she thought as she felt one of his, a thumb, push into her asshole. Fuck! She was a petite girl and had only had anal sex a couple of times in her life, both when she was really drunk, and both with guys who were nowhere nearly as well endowed as the man behind her. Let's hope he sticks to just his thumb, she thought, but again she cautioned herself not to get her hopes up.

To help herself relax and adjust to the slow, steady penetration of her ass, Astrid tried her best to focus on the feel of the whip against her pussy. It was rubbing against her clit now, which was helping, and the short slaps were more arousing than painful. She began to rock her hips back, forcing herself onto his thumb but also rubbing her pussy against the crop, her body tense but slowly beginning to relax a little.

“Let me hear your voice bitch. I want to know what your feeling and if you fuck up and say something I don’t like you will pay for it.”

God, now he wants me to talk dirty to him? What the fuck am I supposed to say? she wondered. "Hmmmm, I feel my master using my ass like the little sex slave that I pussy is getting wet..." It was true, as surprised as Astrid was to admit it, she was getting wet.
Duke liked the way this women responded to his thumb buried deep into her ass. The way she pressed back against him spoke louder to him than her words. She wanted something bigger in her ass than his thumb, a fact that he obviously would take care of. “Don’t worry baby, You will get something much bigger than my thumb soon. Just warming you up a little.” He chuckled as his mind pictured him shoving the seven inch butt plug deep into her ass brought a smile to him.

He put the crop down and moved more behind her. His hand now moving up her outer thigh, Squeezing her flesh with his thick fingers. He could smell the perfume of her body as he moved closer to her. His cock raged with wanting as his hand continued to feel her thighs slowly making it’s way around her hip and down into the v of her thighs. His thumb brushing over her folds as he stroked her.

His other hand continued to fuck her with his thumb. He sped up it fucking of her while his gaze fastened upon her movements of pushing back into him. He wanted so much as so shove his cock deep into her but it wasn’t allowed. This angered him even more as his own temperature was escalating to a higher level. His eyes shot up at the red-haired female sitting in the next room watching him closely.

“That’s it baby fuck my thump.” He plunged his thumb in and out fucking her harder with it. While now pushing his stroking thumb harder against her pussy. His lust obvious to her by his rapid breathing and quickening hand movements. He pulled back on her hips while pushing his hips forward pushing his thickness against her ass.. “Meet Dicky, he wants to meet your ass!” He slowly chuckled as he lowered down and began to lick the soft skin of Astrid’s back.