"The Lady of Harrow Hill"


Really Really Experienced
May 25, 2016
"The Lady of Harrow Hill"

Please note:

All characters are 18+ years of age,
except for those listed as "Children",
who of course are not role played sexually.
(I will add ages as I work on profiles
and post IC replies.)​

The story begins at Post #23.

Current Population of Harrow Hill: 26

Lady Tamara and those in her service:
  • Terrance, the Captain of the Guard; #32, single
  • Roland, a Guardsman -- #22; sexually involved with Carmen (see Carmen).
  • Rebecca, Tamara's Lady Maid; #36, widowed.
    • Carmen -- 20; sexually involved with Roland (see more below):
      • Rebecca's daughter and Tamara's Housemaid.
      • She became pregnant just before leaving for Harrow Hill by an anonymous Noble from the Capital.
      • Fearing she was pregnant -- she'd known it was a bad time to be getting fucked -- she began fucking Roland to ensure that her child had a father.
  • Gregor, the Keep's Steward; #44, married (2nd time).
    • Valerie, the Cook; #34, married to Gregor.
    • Kirsten, a Domestic * and Gregor's daughter by his first wife; #26, recently widowed; skilled with a bow.
    • Alexander, the Steward's Helper and Gregor's son (his mother died in childbirth); 23, single but infatuated with his younger step-sister, Hanna (see her).
    • Hanna, a Domestic (who also likes working with the animals) and Valerie's daughter; 21, single but involved in a lesbian relationship with Lilly and contemplating a threesome relation with Lilly and Henry and being pursued by her step-brother, Alexander.
    • Marjorie, a Domestic/Cook and Gregor and Valerie's daughter; 19, single and innocent but sexually intrigued.
  • Peter, the Smithy; #26, single.
    • Quinn, the Smithy's Apprentice and Ward; 20, single and innocent.
  • William, the Carpenter; #38, married.
    • Beverly, the Shepherd; #34, married to William; skilled with a bow.
    • Lilly, an Animal Handler and William and Beverly's daughter; 18 and single, but involved in a lesbian relationship with Hanna which may become a threesome relationship involving Henry, the Farm Boss.
  • Vance, the Stone Mason; #39, widowed.
  • Henry, the Stableman (though now with no horses, he is more of a General Animal Handler); #39, single (and horny).
  • Katherine, a Domestic; 24, single.
  • Tricia, a Domestic; 23, single.
  • Glory, a Domestic; #27, abandoned by husband (who wouldn't come to Harrow Hill)
    • Polly, Glory's #12 year old daughter, who likes working with the animals. (NO sexual RP, obviously.)
  • Kendall, the Farm Boss; #29, single but about to become involved in a threesome relationship with Hanna and Lilly.
    • Steven, Farm Child **; #12, child (NO sexual RP, obviously).
  • Lewis, a Farm Hand; #27, single.
  • Austin, a Laborer; #21, single.

* -- Domestic is defined as a woman who performs general labor often regarded as women's work: laundry, cleaning, childcare, etc.

** -- "Farm Child" essentially means a child who helps with the animals and other farm/ranch duties. NO sexual RP, obviously.
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Lady Tamara of Harrow Hill

Physical description:
  • 24 years of age
  • 5'4", petite.
  • Light brunette hair, hazel eyes, fair skin.

  • Confident, bold, strong.
  • Generous, benevolent, fair.
  • Sexually innocent; virgin.

  • Daughter of King Joseph (who is now deceased; executed).
  • After her father was deposed and executed, Tamara was given the opportunity to marry the son of the Lord (now new King) who had conquered the realm. She refused.
  • She spent the winter locked in her room, then in a dungeon cell, as an encouragement to change her mind. She didn't.
  • The new King decided to exile her instead of execute her.

More profile information coming.
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Terrance, the Captain of the Guard

First Post by him

Physical Description
  • 32 years of age
  • 6'2", 200#; muscular, with a warrior's frame
  • Graying, dark brunette hair, worn short; brown eyes
  • Various scars from battle (to be described later)

  • Courageous, loyal, intelligent.
  • Dedicated to the protection of Lady Tamara and her subjects.
  • Willing to act as Executioner if asked.
  • Knowing that his duty comes before anything else, he is committed to remaining single and fathering no children. That doesn't mean he doesn't dip his pole in welcoming waters, though. (He prefers whores to non-professionals, knowing that he would never be called upon to care for a bastard child born in a brothel.)

  • Orphaned at 5 years of age.
  • Raised by a strict former soldier who taught Terrance respect for authority.
  • Joined the King's Army at 11, first as non- combatant supportand later as an infantryman.
  • He consistently impressed one Officer after another, quickly rising through the Army's ranks to Lieutenant Colonel.
  • After winning the swordsman event at a Tournament and impressing the King, Terrance was assigned to the Castle Guard, then the King's Bodyguard, and finally the Lady Tamara's Bodyguard. He spent 2, 3, and 2 years in each position, respectively.
  • He was, of course, protecting Tamara when the Castle fell. He'd wanted her to escape to the countryside, but he Father had been convinced the Castle was the safest place for his daughter and insisted that she stay.
  • He sat in a dungeon cell after Tamara was taken into custody.
  • He didn't hesitate to remain with Tamara after hearing she was too be exiled.

More profile coming
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Carmen -- Tamara's Housemaid (and daughter of Rebecca, Tamara's Lady Maid)

Physical Description:
  • 20 years old (not #)
  • 5'5"; shapely body with C-cup breasts.
  • Brunette hair, worn long, typically in thick braids; hazel-brown eyes.

  • Quiet but not shy.
  • Obedient to her mother; loyal to her Lady.
  • Innocent (a virgin), but eager for sensual/sexual interaction.
  • Her physical desires could easily land her in bed with another female.

  • Carmen's father was an Officer in the King's Army but was killed when she was little.
  • Because of her father's position and sacrifice, Carmen's mother, Rebecca, more easily rose through the ranks of Lady Tamara's household to become Lady Maid.
  • Carmen was well liked by Lady Tamara and, thusly, was allowed to spend a lot of time in Tamara's presence.
  • At 10, Carmen was given a job as Housemaid.
  • When Tamara learned she was to be exiled, Carmen begged her mother -- who had taken another position in another House -- for the two of them to go with Tamara. Rebecca agreed without hesitation.
  • Carmen has reached that age where her body is screaming for sexual interaction.
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Valerie, the Keep's Cook (and wife of Gregor)

Profile coming
Kirsten, a Domestic (and Gregor and Valerie's daughter)

Profile coming
Lilly, the Shepherd's helper (and daughter to William and Beverly)

Profile coming
Kendall, the Farm Boss

Profile coming
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Tamara awoke to realize that the jostling of the coach in which she was riding had ceased. The ever present sound of 16 hooves and the metal-on-wood frame wheels had ceased, too.

She sat up slowly, stiffly, and stretched out her arms and legs. She smoothed out her dress, sending up a cloud of dust; even though the windows of the coach had been covered from the outside for the entirety of the 28 day journey, the dust of the road had continued to waft inside and settle upon everything, including Tamara.

Beyond the coach's blacked out windows, Tamara could still hear horses and men moving about. There was just enough light sneaking in to tell her that it was still daytime. She assumed that, as had happened two or three times a day over the past Moon, the Train of horses and wagons accompanying the coach had stopped for a rest break again.

But after several minutes, the sound of the horses and men began to fade without the Guard Captain coming to the coach to let Tamara out for a relaxing walk or a rinse of her face and hands in the latest creek at which they'd stopped. Soon, the only sound outside was that of a light wind, a small flock of chirping song birds, and the bleating of half a dozen goats.

"Captain?" Tamara called out. When no one responded, Tamara called out a second time, then a third, before knocking on the inner wall of the coach and calling yet a fourth time, "Captain! May I come out for some fresh air, please?"

Still, there was no response. Tamara reached for the coach's door handle and was surprised to find it unlocked. She hesitated, then unlatched the handle and pushed the door open. The sun was bright and blinded her for a moment. Leaning her head cautiously out, Tamara found no sign of the Guard Captain or the 12 Guardsmen who had been under his command.

She stepped out of the coach and searched her surroundings. And what she found shocked her: the Guard was gone. Simply gone! Tamara moved about, away from the coach, to get a better view. She finally found the Guard, a couple of miles away traveling away on the road she presumed brought her here. They were in two-by-two formation with the coach's horses being led behind them.

They weren't coming back.

They'd abandoned Tamara here.

But, where was here?

Tamara had known that she was being taken into exile, but she'd never been told exactly to where she was being taken. She would learn soon enough that this particular, raise location on which she was standing was called Harrow Hill and the land surrounding it was the Valley of Harrow Hill, simply enough.

She was standing upon a small rocky butte upon which stood an old, squat, round tower. It would come to be called Harrow Hill Keep in the days to come. While the stonework of the tower itself was structural sound for the most part, the building that had been attached to it had long ago crumbled.

The bare knob of a hill upon which the Keep stood was in the middle of a narrow, north-south running valley that was perhaps 3 miles across at its widest. There were groves of evergreen and deciduous trees growing here and there, but the majority of the mostly flat valley floor was covered in by wild growing grasses and shrubs.

Just to the south of the hill, within an easy walk of the Keep, was a roughly squarish patch of trees that Tamara imagined had once been a productive fruit orchard. The trees had been growing wild for quite sometime without any care, and some wild-sown and still young evergreens had popped up here and there amongst them.

Mountain ranges, modest in size and thick with forest, flanked and paralleled the valley to the west and east. There was a hint of snow on the mountains to the west, while the slightly taller peaks to the east were still very much white on their tops. Tamara knew that with the Spring rapidly approaching, the whiteness would disappear and be replaced by the new season's explosion of color.

To the south, perhaps 3 miles away, a grouping of hills blocked off the view of any lands beyond them. The same was true to the north of the butte upon which Tamara was walking, with the available view reaching to perhaps 4 miles instead.

A river that was likely modest during the summer was currently fat with the Spring runoff. It meandered through the valley from south to north, passing within 100 yards to the Keep's west. Tamara would discover in the days to come that several tributaries fed the river from the south, as did a number of creeks and springs from the mountain ranges in the west and east.

After spending a long moment taking in the view and contemplating her situation, Tamara turned again and walked down the hill. While her coach had been pulled to the top of the butte and left there with its brakes set after the horses were taken away, the other wagons in the Train had been left at the bottom of the 100 foot or so high butte.

"I'm coming!" Tamara called out as she neared a canvas covered wagon from which she was hearing many voices. She struggled to loose a pair of latches, dropping the rear gate of the wagon. "Step out, everyone. Please, take care, step out."

She helped the children initially, then stepped back as a pair of men began helping the others out of the wagon. As Tamara had been closed into her own coach for the past Moon, the people the two enclosed wagons had also been blinded to the outside world for the entirety of their trek. In contrast to Tamara, though, they had only been allowed out of the wagon when it stopped for the night.

"I think we're here," Tamara said as some of the others began making inquiries. She explained that the Guard had left, taking the horses that had driven the wagons with them. "I believe this is home."

"Harrow Hill?" someone asked. When Tamara asked about that name, another person acknowledged, "I heard two of the soldiers talking about it. They said we were heading to Harrow Hill."

The group spent the next many minutes just surveying their situation and dealing with the important things (like sneaking off to a nearby group of trees to take a badly needed shit). They uncovered one of the other wagons to find barrels of water and food and set about making a meal, the first of this day.

The conversation that followed concluded that this was indeed Harrow Hill and that it was indeed going to be home to the group. Tamara ascended a little rocky outcrop that put her a height above the others as they ate to talk to them. She told them how much she appreciated their decision to follow her into exile. She also told them, "It's going to be a hard life in the beginning. We have what we have and likely nothing more."

She gestured to the three wagons that were filled with everything they'd been allowed to bring with them. "We have what we need to build a new community. We have skilled workers. We have heart. We can do this."

Tamara didn't know exactly what to say to them. She was young and had never been in a position of authority over anyone more than her personal servants. Now, suddenly, she was the Lady of Harrow Hill.
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Terrance's introduction and a description of the Keep

Terrance had been in the King's Army before he'd joined the King's Bodyguard and later Lady Tamara's Bodyguard. His greatest fear during his Army days hadn't been that he would be killed but that he would be captured and jailed. He'd heard stories of what life in a dungeon -- or even worse, a battle field prison camp -- was like, and he would have preferred death over experiencing that horror.

The last month in the back of an enclosed wagon hadn't been a prison camp or dungeon, but it hadn't been much better. Each morning, 10 people would be crammed into the back of one or the other of two canvas-covered wagons that were already crowded with everything from bags of grain to metal working tools to goats, chickens, and hogs.

The men had the added inconvenience of having their ankles shackled to ensure that when night came and they were let out, they didn't chance running off. Of course, none of them -- men, women, or children -- were going to do that; they'd each chosen to accompany their Lady into exile.

"I'm coming!" Tamara called from outside the wagon, surprising Terrance. He heard the tail gate being unlatched, and a moment later, his Lady was telling them all, "Step out, everyone. Please, take care, step out."

Terrance was, unfortunately, at the front of the wagon's bed and was one of the last to exit. Roland, the only other official Guardsman had found a key to the shackles hanging from a hook on the wagon, and he was unlocking the other men as fast as he could.

"I think we're here," Tamara said as Terrance was surveying the same surroundings she had. "I believe this is home."

The others wasted no time getting to work unloading the wagons, setting up the three tents in which they'd been sleeping for a Moon, and preparing a hot meal. But Terrance's concern was on the group's safety. He was disappointed to find that all of the horses had been taken by the departing Guard Company.

"We need to surveil the perimeter, m'lady," Terrance suggested to Tamara. "I could take a man with me south and send two others--"

"Tomorrow, Captain," Tamara told him. When Terrance tried to respectfully argue that an immediate search of the area was needed, she told him, "Tomorrow, Captain. We all need rest. Tomorrow."

He didn't like it at all, but he was in service to Lady Tamara. While he'd been disappointed about the horses, Terrance was excited to find that the weapons they'd requested to bring along were still in the bottom of one of the supply wagons, buried under bags of grain, seed, and processed flour. He armed Roland and some of the other men.

Terrance then climbed the butte to the Keep to inspect it. He was disappointed when he reached its base and looked upward through one of the window openings: he could see bright bly sky where he had hoped to see nothing but darkness from the floor of the level above him.

With Roland and a rope aiding him, Terrance climbed up to the door 2nd level door that once upon a time had been served by a wooden walkway that, he presumed, was retractable to keep out the unwanted. Inside, he found that the wooden floors and roof had collapsed over the decades that it seemed the Keep had been unoccupied. It was repairable, of course, but it would take weeks of labor, possibly months seeing how they didn't have a mill to cut lumber. Axes and handsaws would get this job done.

Terrance hoisted Roland up, and the pair of them worked their way safely to the highest reaches of the stone Keep. From here, the view of the countryside was only a bit more informative. From here, they could see that there had once been a small structure with a waterwheel on the river bank, perhaps a grain mill. Other than that, they'd pretty much seen all the valley had to offer.

"Tomorrow, we begin training," Terrance told Roland. The younger Guardsman had been in Tamara's service only a few months before the war came to the Capital. He had a great deal to learn, as did the other men who would become their backup in regards to the Lady's protection. "That girl, what's her name ... the one with the bow. She will train, too."

"A girl?" Roland asked.

"A girl, yes," Terrance told him, gesturing for him to begin the descent. "Anyone who can handle a sword or bow will train to do so. We are too few to allow gender to get in the way of our Lady's safety."
Kendall the Farm Boss's Introduction

Kendall ascended the Butte to look out upon the land surrounding it. He very quickly found himself happy with what he saw.

There were hundreds of acres of arable land near to the elevation of the river. Water-thirsty plants could be easily irrigated via flood trenches. They would need to lift the water a few feet, by a wheel or bucket system. Of course, such a thing was very labor intensive. A wind or water driven wheel would be necessary since they didn't have an ox or mule and the departing Guardsmen hadn't left them even one horse.

The more elevated land or gently rolling acres would be perfect for the wheat, barley, and other grains of which they had several burlap bags each. And on the land they didn't leave for pastures of native grasses, they'd plant wine grapes, fruit and nut trees, and climbing berries.

Of course, they had to get root stock or seed for many of the crops Kendall would like to see growing around the Butte and across the valley, and Roland had no idea from where they would come.

They had another problem, too: equipment and tools. The community had been limited to just four wagons full of people, food, drink, clothing, tents, bedding, small stock animals, tools, and other equipment. They'd had to worry about both the weight of it all and the space it occupied.

As a result, they'd only brought one steel bladed, horse drawn plow. Of course, that plow was now going to be human drawn if it was drawn at all. They were limited in heavy hand-held farm tools as well, but Kendall had used his common sense in regards to them. He had instructed that the wooden handles be removed and left behind, knowing that they could be remade here in Harrow Hill from locally cut timber.

Tomorrow, with his Farm Hand, Lewis, Kendall would begin surveying the land and planning out this year's plantings. But for now, there was other more pressing work to be done.
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