The King and his Thief (Closed for cnuvenu)


..lost in my reality
Feb 1, 2004
The King and the Thief.

Her Father had been one of the old King's Knights. Yet, some seven years back when she was barely twelve he'd died under the King's banner elsewhere in the Kingdom. Had the girl had a Mother at home, perhaps things would have gone better. Instead in time that house had been requisitioned back for inability to pay the taxes two years after he died. Due to her looks, she was snapped up by one of the crews in the Castle and wider town about its gangs. A pick-pocket for many years. Learning more and more of the trade. Those fleeting memories of her Father and his practice times served her well in transitioning into a middling smuggler, and sneak thief and in the right circles they knew asking her to rob someone noble, she'd do it.

Now at 18, at an age which had most women married with their own budding families. Emmaline found herself gearing up. Then scaling to the top of the battlements. Then scaling the side of the Castle in shaded moonlight and darkness. In through the open window and into her King's private rooms. She knew due to friends who worked as maids in the Castle he retired in the night and didn't seek to return here till morning.

Sneaking on worn-down boots, her leathers well cared for and mended to offer light padding. Daggers strapped to both thighs and her hips. With a mirage of tools hidden about her person. She stayed silent moving to the closet and opening it. Rifling through quickly, but quietly. One ear poised listening. Her cowl was still over her head hiding red curls of auburn, while dark eyes were glimpsed.

It was then the King's cat rubbed against her knees, and she nudged it with her foot. The fat much-loved tabby jumped up then and knocked over something that held one of the new King's deceased Mother's bracelets. It bounced and separated, thus then 8 thin bracelets tinking against the stone floor and scattering against it. She.. froze. Looking up at the fowl thing in front of her, and scooped it up into her arms and put it onto the floor.

The best thing she liked about her armour was if she bound her breasts, she looked more like a young male thief. Not a woman. Emma held her breath hoping the King didn't hear it. She'd heard he had thieves in his Castle strung up, drawn and quartered.
It was late as King Will iam sat at his desk going the crop yields from the farms surrounding the castle. In the 8 months since the crown passed to him he found there was much to like about being King but this part was not one of them. It always put him in a foul mood so he tended to save it for the evenings when he was alone and didn't risk taking out his frustration on the people around him.

He exhaled deeply and stretched as the faint sound of metal tinking across the floor broke the silence of the room. Quietly he stood from his chair and reached for his sword. The metal whispered quietly against the sheath as he withdrew it then crept silently towards the door. He was virtually certain it was the stupid cat knocking something over but he was trained not to be careless from a young age so even the remotest chance called upon his lifetime of combat training.

Turning the knob quietly he pressed his shoulder to the door. When he was sure the latch was clear of the door frame he rammed his shoulder against it flinging it open as he darted to the center of the room scanning for threats. A quick motion caught his eyes and his head snapped toward the thief in leathers and a cowl standing frozen by the closet. The thief was likely working on an escape plan but finding every option led him within range of the King's sword so the thief remained frozen while William advanced on him with his sword poised to strike. "What are you doing here?" he asked rhetorically in a low questioning tone. William obviously knew what the thief was doing there. The real question in his mind was why any thief would be so bold as to try to rob him. Surely there were easier, less lethal marks.

When he'd closed the ground between him and the thief he placed his sword at the thief's throat as he circled behind the frozen thief taking an arm and wrenching it behind his back. "I asked a question!" William growled into the thief's ear. turning the them towards the wall William released the thief's arm then grasped the back of the cowl as he shoved the thief into the wall. As the body flung forward flowing red locks fanned out behind him before crashing into the wall then sliding down to the floor. William moved quickly to replace his blade at the neck of the thief as her dark eyes turned up to his.

He was mesmerized for a moment as he looked into those dark eyes. A woman? he thought to himself as his eyes traveled over her stunning face then to her auburn hair cascading over the black leathers. She was perhaps the most gorgeous thing woman he'd ever seen. Her eyes captivated him. "Weapons... toss them to me!" he commanded. She began pulling the daggers from their sheaths strapped to her thighs and tossing them at his feet one by one. Resigned to her likely fate of being drawn and quartered. When she was done he ordered her to stand. Her back slid against the wall as she lifted herself from the floor with his sword still poised at her throat.

William ran through his options quickly in his mind. Calling the guards to take her away to be dealt with later was the obvious choice but something prevented him from calling out. Something about her cast a spell on him making him want to keep her for his own. He led her a few paces to the side allowing him to reach into a drawer and retrieve the gold chain his father had given him that, once applied could not be removed and bound the wearer to him irrevocably. Grabbing one end he slung the chain at the thief's waist wrapping around and meeting the end in his hand immediately binding to it then solidifying around her waist into a single ring.

Knowing the thief should be compliant know he lowered his sword from her neck as he began to circle her running his fingers across her leathers as he did. "What's your name?"
Emmaline felt her shoulder straining as it was wrenched up behind her back. But she shut her lips firmly to keep from making a sound even as she felt herself thrown hard enough to send her stumbling and then colliding into the wall. In the process she felt that cowl be knocked down revealing her lush auburn hair which streamed in curls behind her, spilling over her dark leathers and the stone floor under her much the same.

Forced to look up, he got to see her face. Pale, yet with mesmerisingly dark eyes. Eyes framed by long feminine lashes. A dainty nose, which thankfully was from her Mother's side. Likewise her soft captivating mouth with a dimple to the left side. That sword tip close but not touching her throat, she felt herself swallowing. Hard. A lump there. Daggers were removed from her thighs and from elsewhere about her. It included a garrote, which she'd never actually used except as a trap, setting it up as trip wire. Each one in turn slid across the floor away from her delicate yet calloused in certain places hands.

Emma found herself led by the sword to his armoire. She was certain any moment he was going to call out to those guards. That she'd be dead come morning light. What in the world had possessed her to take this contract? Survival. As he slung a golden chain about her waist, she blinked a little, eyeing the action with clear confusion. What hope did he... her thoughts cut off as she felt a wash of magic, powerful, old magic rush through her.

A magic item? What did it do? She found out the answer soon enough as she thought about moving and found herself staying right there. A hand dropped to touch the chain which was draped about her hips, loose, yet seamless as she discovered. A single strand of golden chain. This is what he'd put on her? Why? Then he touched her leathers which conformed in more boyish ways over a body that should have looked feminine, yet due to her conforming wrapping did not. That bust squished flat. She heard his question, determined to not answer yet she felt the pull of that magic running through her: "Emmaline Swansong." Her Father had been Richard Swansong, First Knight to his Father. The House of Swan had fallen far it would seem.

Even as he walked about her, Emma didn't look up. Refusing to meet the gaze of the King who was but a handful of years older than her.
William was familiar with the name Swansong from his youth. One of his father's most trusted knights. He remembered him bringing his daughter around for social occasions suitable for families. "Could this be her?" William thought to himself. He'd not known what happened to her after her father's death but thinking back, he couldn't imagine it was good.

As he circled behind her he grabbed a fistful of her hair and jerked her head back toward him. "And what are you doing here Emma Swansong? Who sent you?" His voice menacing as he growled into her ear yet again. Perhaps forgetting that, due to the band, he didn't need to be forceful with her anymore.
Thankfully Emma was shorter, and quick on her feet. Those reflexes just barely stopped her from over-balancing and colliding with him. Yet that slender throat was taut with the way he held her head from movement with his fist coiled into her hair. "Very well dressed, black jacket, black trousers. Fine garments, well made. Black boots, shined. Neat beard and grey splashes here and there. I don't have a name."

Her voice while pleasing to listen to, told of her dislike that she'd been unable to hold back that information. Is that what the magic did? Forced her to tell the truth? Could she fight it? Then because she'd completed a task he'd asked her. Supplying information to him, there was a swift build of pleasure that came over her, lips parting as she shook, knees threatening to buckle as an orgasm rolled through her, thus he heard her softer moan of pleasure.

As for her description, he had several people close to him, advisors, financial advisors, and war advisors. Who all matched that description of a well-dressed male. Now whether his Father had told him about the reward and punishment that the chain would supply was another thing, there was perhaps some note on it in the drawer he'd taken it from.
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He pieced together the image of the man she described but it wasn't enough to identify him. Clearly, it sounded like he had someone in his inner circle working at odds with him. But what was he after?

He heard the soft moan coming from her lips causing him to recall the pleasure the band was meant to supply for compliance. He led her from the outer room back into his bedroom where candles still flickered in the sconces on the walls causing the light to dance about the room.

In the brighter lighting her features became more clear. He circled her allowing his eyes to travel over her body snug in her leathers. He decided to test the power of the band. "Take them off... the leathers." he demanded.
As it wasn't the same quality of task as the previous one. The chain is fussy that way. She followed him into that other room, having little choice since he still held her by the hair.

Her frame was taut, and she began trying to undo them. Straps and clips and things melting under the expertise of her hand, have her tossing it all in a neat pile one by one. It left her there in plain cotton white bloomers that weren't all that flattering, and with a wrap of fabric tight about her upper body and pinned there.

Her expression was annoyed, because he still held her hair there tightly in his fist, with her head pulled back enough she was looking almost to the ceiling. Those boots were still on her feet.
William noted the wrap across her chest. Releasing her hair he stepped in front of her and noted the pins holding it tight around her. She recoiled slightly as he removed the pins one by one until the end of the wrap fell then slowly the rest uncoiled from around her leaving her breasts bare in front of him. He licked his lips as he eyed their perfect teardrop form and her pink nipples. His cock stirred as is eyes were drawn to her full lips as he decided on her punishment for breaking into the castle.

"On your knees" he commanded as he unbuttoned his already untucked shirt then shoved his trousers down. As she made it to her knees he stepped forward, placed his hand on the back of her head and pulling her lips toward his still mostly soft cock.
Emma recoiled because she wasn't sure what he wasn't going to do. As he unwrapped her, she told herself it was typical. Then he seemed to take in the sight of those c cup breasts. She watched his eyes going from her breasts to her face.

No. Not her face her mouth. A mouth she'd been told was sensual. Apparently her King thought that to As he demanded she get to her knees.

Emma fought it struggling before she felt like her veins were burning through her hands. Biting back a scream she lowered to her knees.

Auburn hair framing her pale face, her eyes level with his soft cock. It wasn't the first she'd seen, but he likely didn't know this. But given he only told her to get to her knees she didn't lean in or seek to touch it.
He could feel her breath pass over his cock causing it to twitch slightly and begin to engorge. "Suck it!" he commanded as he found he needed to be more explicit with his commands.
Emma watched that cock twitch, beginning to rise, lengthen and show his arousal. It was still hardening as he told her to suck it. Lips parting as she take it in her mouth, suckling it. Feeling that way it began to press deeper in her mouth. Emma felt it brush the back of her throat then, and went to ease back some. Still suckling firmly on his cock.
"Mmmm, that's nice." he cooed as she worked his cock into her mouth. He pulled his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and discarded it beside her as her mouth glided over him. Bringing him to full hardness. A few more moments of her mouth working him and he was ready.

"Now bend over on the bed." he commanded. She rose to her feet and did as told walking to the edge of the bed then lowering her upper body down onto it as her feet remained on the floor. William followed her and as her cheek hit the sheets pulled her bloomers down before forcefully shoving his cock into her. He gripped her hips tightly as he quickly took on a rapid pace thrusting into her.
It might surprise him to realise as he pulled those bloomers down, the fabric pooling about her ankles check to the bed.

Emma was wet. Hot soaking wet. His cock bottomed out in her pussy and there was a subtle moan. A slight rise up in her toes on his next thrust, and his rapid pace has those hands grip the sheets. Unwilling her body was so into it that she would come that moment he finished within her.
He was surprised to find how wet she was as he rammed into her. His usual bed wenches might get a little wet but not like this. His cock glided into her easily. He wasn’t prone to caring much either way up until now but her arousal brought him to new heights of pleasure. Her moans drove him to pound her harder. His hips loudly slapping against that tight little ass of hers until with a loud grunt he began to release into her continuing his thrusts as he twitched out spurts into her.

Finished he pulled out and wiped is cock on her ass cleaning their juices from it.
It was his orgasm into her that set Emma off. However he missed feeling her release, he did not miss hearing her moan, or seeing her shudder there. Still lent over. She did however realise the chain was allowing her to pull those bloomers up. Question was. Did he let her or was he sudden curious given she was orgasming. Had his other females even done this?
As he stepped back she began to writhe and moan in front of him then her body began to shudder. He watched with wrapped attention as he could see her pussy quiver as if somehow being pleasured by a ghost that he could not see. The muscles in her ass tightened as she began to expel not only the seed he’d left in her but a healthy amount of her own juices as well.

His curiosity piqued he reached down and stroked her wetness.
Her hands had gone back to grip those bloomers, and then she felt his fingers touching her outer lower lips, which only made her quiver again, breathing coming still in shorter breathy gasps. A slight movement of her hips. Those fingers felt the twitching, and such forth.
He plunged his fingers into her causing her hips to wriggle and low throaty moans to come from deep within her. The fact that her body reacted this way only after he took her was quite a curiosity to William. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all at the moment.

He withdrew his fingers and stepped away as she reached down and pulled her bloomers up, lifted herself from the bed and backed to the wall behind her. “It’s late and I’m tired.” He said gruffly. “You can sleep on the sofa and I’ll figure out what to do with you in the morning.” He continued as he snuffed the sconces on the surrounding walls. “If you’re not tired you can finish tallying my crop yields” he scoffed at the thought she’d be able to but the idea that he could go to sleep and they’d be done in the morning pleased him to no end.

He left only the candle over the desk to provide enough light to navigate the room then climbed into bed without another word.
Orgasm fading and his fingers withdrawn. Yet the pleasure writhed through her still. With those bloomers pulled up, and her back against the cold wall of the castle, she listened to him wandering about, noting the way he killed all candles but the one on his desk.

As he went to bed, she slowly walked from the wall and moved to gradually cross to the desk. One hand dipping to collect those loose pieces of paper there. Arithmetic. That wasn't hard. With a soundless sigh, she seeks to settle onto his chair and lift the quill dipping it, and in neat handwriting she began noting the numbers and alphabetically listing to each crop and the details to amount withheld by each farmer for personal use, and the numbers sent to be sold, and those donated into the crown's holdings for it's own use, and redistribution when hard times might strike. It took her about an hour to neatly do it all.

With it done and a look about she found herself shivering. Yet she walked to that loveseat couch, and curled up on it, on her side. Legs drawn up. The pillow lifted from behind her to be cuddled into her chest. As such she then went to sleep the temperature plummeting within that room to leave her in a dreamless sleep, yet with the occasional chitter of her teeth. Not enough to wake him unless he was a very light sleeper. The candle providing dim light until it guttered out on it's own.
William woke in the morning and climbed out of bed noting the half nude Emma curled up tightly on the sofa still sleeping.

He made his way to his desk and noted the tally sheet neatly prepared and resting on top of the reports. He stood there dumbstruck as he stared at it. “Did she?” He thought as he lifted the pages. Picking a few lines he double checked the work and it was indeed right. She’d even corrected a mistake of his before she’d interrupted him.

“She could be useful indeed.” He thought as he nudged her awake. “I see you were busy last night.” He said motioning to the desk. “Write down your address and I’ll have your things sent for.” He continued as he retrieved one of his night shirts from his armoire and tossed it to her. “You’ll be staying here.”

He sat on the edge of the bed and studied her as she slipped the oversized nightshirt over her head.
Nudged awake she jerks upright and the pillow falls from where it had been leaning against her. Light goosebumps peppered her skin even as she drew an arm up to cover her breasts with it pushed against them. Hiding the nipples. With a nightshirt thrown at her, it was pulled on easily. Yet it hit her knees as she stood then. Glancing from him to the desk and back.

A quiet demeander, and slow steps to pad over to desk as she wrote down not an address exactly, but in-depth directions. That in the end would lead whoever was picking up her things. Going into the attic above one of the more prominent taverns that doubled as a brothel. She'd apparently been living in the attic of it, without the owner being away.

"Yes," she said finally after moving back to sit on that couch, those dark eyes watching him. Her expression is more unreadable. " I allowed water?" She didn't ask for food, despite the fact she dearly wanted something to eat. But water, she knew without doubt she couldn't survive without it.
William huffed then motioned for her to follow. Exiting the bedroom they entered the sitting room to find a hearty breakfast arranged on a table complete with water and juices. A footman stood to the side quietly as they entered. William handed him the piece of paper ordering all the things from this location to be collected and brought here. “If there is any doubt as to the owner, take it” He instructed before the footman disappeared through the door.

As they sat to eat he asked. “So this person, how were you to deliver what you took?”
As he sat, she stood some places away from the table. Since he'd only huffed at her, it really had not been an answer for her about the water and no motion to say she should sit.

But his question was important,it carried weight. "I was to take it to the back alley of The Grey Mare. Where someone would be waiting." As she successfully supplied information, her eyes widened as she found herself hit with a burst of pleasure, that made her knees buckle and with a thud she was kneeling softly shuddering through that orgasm.
William sat there confused for a moment. He was sure she was sitting with him to eat when he’d asked her but he now found her paces away from the table kneeling and breathing heavily.

“Please sit.” He insists. He waited for her to sit before he continued.

“I’d like you to make that meeting and find out who this person is and what his intentions are. You need to get me as much information as you can whatever it takes. “. He paused for a moment. “What were you instructed to take from me?”
Getting to her feet she sat down limply to a chair. Taking a moment to breathe. She then spoke softly. "I .. was told to find the wedding ring your father wore, to wrap it in a cloth. And bring it with me. That i should not under any circumstance touch the emerald on it."

Those dark eyes met his face. "It was to be just as twilight fell this eve."