The Kept Dude(s)


Dec 31, 2009
Suppose there is a company or media outlet that hires women based on appearance.

But they have needs to keep them relaxed enough to do their jobs well and reduce stress. There is a section of the office where a guy (or guys) is/are kept available for their use.
so like football sideline reporters, or weather presenters?
This could go right along with a matriarchal society idea. Imagine bringing coffee into a board meeting made up of a dozen women and after the coffee is served, you'll be spending the next two hours under the table.
Let’s see:

Wrestlers: promotion where their women’s division has become a major draw. The women do storylines with the male wrestlers but to keep any messy work relationships from happening, the promotion bans employee relationships. So they hire some guys the women can use to blow off steam while they’re on the road but can also be discreet so the fans don’t run up on them.

Athletes: same as above though I could especially see it with Olympic sports: maybe there’s even an agency of men who specifically cater to athletes.

Models: models are expected to party but their agency doesn’t want them to have too much fun in public, so they keep guys for the girls to use back at their hotels.

Superheroes: teams hire guys who can keep secrets and be tracked to satisfy superheroines who don’t have time for a relationship or need to blow off some stress