The joy of text


Deviant but Romantic
Mar 2, 2022
So my usual minimum work output for my stories is about 300 words per day during the working week, perhaps less at the weekends depending how busy I am.

But today it was like I couldn’t stop writing. Well over a thousand words and closing in on the end of part one of THE PROCESS.

Anyone else in that rich seam of gold in them thar hills at the minute?
It is delightful when that happens, especially when you emerge suddenly from the doldrums at high speed. I often have times where I feel like nothing works story-wise, followed by times of quick progress.
My latest story (link below) posted Saturday night in Loving Wives. And the response has been encouraging.

Two comments pondered what was going to happen to the couple after the husband's quid-pro-quo weekend with his old girlfriend. One snarky comment suggested these two needed therapy. And another said the husband is a borderline psycho.

Soooo, .... with this inspiration for a sequel, I'm now at 1600 words in a day and a half.

EDIT: One comment:
lovemesomephilly2 days ago
I've read all your stories involving these two and this one seemed to really highlight how dysfunctional this relationship is. Alot of their issues go unresolved because of how Jan is and how accepting the husband is of her behavior. Going off and having sex with Brenda evened things up but resolved nothing. The way these characters have been written, a chapter with them getting therapy both individually and as a couple would be pretty fitting.

"He tasks me! HE TASKS ME!" And now, I'm driven to write.
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When I hit a block, I reread what I have and wait at least a day. Usually, the solution comes to me and the words flow.
And still it’s not switching off…finished my Ogg bit at just under a thousand words and got roughly another thousand words done. I imagine there’ll be another two thousand done this weekend and part one of THE PROCESS should be complete.

At this rate it’ll only take six months.

I just outlined, wrote, edited and submitted a 10k word story in 5 days, so yeah there was definitely a rush there.

Now that it's done I'm sure I'll have a dry spell again lol
I go in spurts. Some days I can crank out some good paragraphs (hobby, not a lifestyle) others I can barely expand or correct a couple of ideas. I'm more of a "seat of the pants I'm not wearing" kind of writer.

I've actually been tweaking a story I thought was done and already delivered to the inspiration.